Lies of the CEO’s Wife



“I’m sorry, but I can’t be the person you want me to be . . .” I said those hurtful words to a man, resulting in him turning his back on me and slowly walking away.

Then I was left alone. In the middle of the darkness, I was standing in my place watching the familiar shape of a man fading away into the thin air.

I gasped as I opened my eyes from what seemed to be the longest sleep I made. Mouth half opened, I looked at the bright light shining through the ceiling.

“Did you have a dream, Olivia?” I muttered under my breath and swallowed hard. It did not feel like a dream. It was more like a nightmare– a nightmare wherein Chase had finally discovered my identity and my response to the situation was those hurtful words I recalled before I woke up. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead. I got rid of that nightmare in my head, tried to move my body but all I felt was as if I was put on top of a big ice brick.

The room was neat, walls were painted white as well as the ceiling and it smelled like medicine. It was so cold that I really wanted to eat some noodles or some hot rice porridge to recover from such coldness.

I rose from the bed. The door opened and I saw Mrs. Jones, Chase and the doctor entered the room and rushed towards me with the evident concerns on their faces.

“Why am I here in the hospital?” I asked upon realizing that I was in the hospital based on the medical equipment resting on the side of my bed. “Do I have some serious illness? Am I going to die?”

“Reese!” Mrs. Jones’ voice seemed terrified with my statement.

“M-Mom . . . why am I here? What happened?” I then glanced at Chase. “Chase, how are you? Uncle Ernest-”

Before I could finish the things I wanted to say, Chase pulled me for an embrace. I stiffened at that moment, my mind was clouded with unanswered questions as to why I woke up lying in a freaking hospital bed. Despite the confusion, I managed to hug him back. Mrs. Jones only watched us, who seemed very pleased to see me awakened and alive.

“I am glad that you finally woke up. You made me worry,” Chase uttered, sighing with relief. He then released me and caressed my hair. Our gaze locked and I could see the mild bruises at the corner of his lips. My hand instantly touched it as the memory of how his father beat him to death flashed in my mind vividly.

“Uncle Ernest found out, Chase. He hurt you . . .”

“You do not need to think about it right now, baby. I am alright,” he assured me.

“I am sorry you had to go through such a situation because of me. I cannot remember what happened next after seeing you getting beaten up by your father. I would like to know what happened . . .” I inquired in a low tone of voice, as I was still unable to talk clearly at this point.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You collapsed, Reese. You were unconscious for almost half a day. All of us were worried about you. I am so relieved that you finally woke up,” Chase explained.

According to the doctor, I had suffered from an episode of panic attack after seeing Chase get hurt. He then took my vital signs, which revealed that my heart rate has returned to normal. My breathing appeared to be normal too, which was a good thing as I recalled running out of oxygen before I passed out after the incident that happened between Chase and his father.

The doctor wrote a prescription for certain medicines I had to take for seven days– vitamins and a medication for normal blood circulation as I had low blood pressure. Overall, my doctor informed me that I was already in good condition and that I should be allowed to go home with my family– I did not know why that word gave me chills all over.

They paid the hospital bills, and after a while, Chase told me that we would stay in our new house. I was really taken aback that he had already bought a home for us that fast. When we were already out of the hospital, we stopped in a nearby restaurant for a quick late dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jones before heading back home.

“Thank you for entrusting your daughter to me,” Chase said. I glanced at him who was seated next to me. His eyes were radiating joy and sincerity. I could see that he was too emotional at the moment, based on the expression on his face. Even though this day did not end so well due to the fact that his parents made a commotion at our wedding, he was still thankful that we were able to get married, at last.

“We are the ones who are supposed to thank you, Chase. I understand that this is difficult for you, especially in light of the situation at your wedding,” Mrs. Jones responded, her voice quivering as she continued, “Just please take good care of our daughter, Chase. I am so delighted that you two finally got married, and you are officially part of our family. I could not ask for more, honestly.”

Chase rose from his seat, smiled, and embraced her, as well as Mr. Jones, who was sitting next to Mrs. Jone.

“Please accept this as our wedding gift,” Mr. Jones remarked as he handed some keys to Chase, who thanked him. “These are keys for a family-owned yacht and several luxury automobiles we had.” Mr. Jones chuckled a bit. “I know it is nothing in comparison to what you have but for a minor fraction, it is for us to say thank you for marrying Reese,” he added.

Chase gave me a sideways glance before returning his attention to the keys that were handed to him by Mr. Jones.

“I am sorry but I am afraid I won’t be able to accept these gifts for free . . . I know the situation of your company and I plan to do a lot of things so that everything will be back on track. That includes buying these assets for you to liquidate them,” Chase explained in detail.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones looked at each other, shocked after hearing those words from my husband. After a few seconds, they smiled.

“Thank you so much, Chase!” they said in chorus, their voices heightened with a tone of delight.

“No need to thank me. I will do everything that I can to help you since you are already my family as well,” he explained.

Mr. and Mrs. Jone could not contain their happiness so they embraced Chase. After a couple of seconds, Mrs. Jones went to me and kissed me on my forehead. “Reese, be a great wife to your husband!” she whispered to me.

“Reese, make us proud. From now on, you will be called Mrs. Maxwell!” Mr. Jones added.

We had a moment in the restaurant and after that, we parted ways. Mr. and Mrs. Jones hopped into their car while Chase and I drove the way to our new home.

“So where is our new home located?” I asked curiously during the drive.

“Let me surprise you,” he responded and gave me a wink. I shook my head but still smiled at him.

To be honest, I was not a huge fan of surprises especially if it ended up giving me a total shock rather than a moment of happiness. But seeing Chase who seemed to work hard to surprise his wife, who was I not to go along with his game?

“By the way, I haven’t seen Lara in the hospital before. Was she alright?” I asked as I remembered my best friend.

“She left earlier while you were unconscious. Don’t worry, I had someone drive her to her apartment.”

I took a deep breath and I was glad that my best friend was fine. I did remember that she needed to check up on her son. I had already bothered her too much . . .

“Don’t worry Lara, I repay you for all of your sacrifices,” I mumbled to myself.

“Did you say something?” he questioned when he glanced at me.

I just gave him a sweet smile.

“Nothing Daddy!” I said in a seductive voice that made him grin widely.

“I see that you are getting excited, why? Is it because we are already married? Or is it because your dirty sl*t called you daddy?” I asked and chuckled.

He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, still with a wide grin plastered on his lips.

It was a good thing that his mind had been switched into something. Now, to give an emphasis to my act, I gave him a peck on his cheek that made him blushed a bit.

“You are so cute, Chase. I cannot wait for us to get home,” I said in a soft tone.

I then put my hands on his lap and gently rubbed his thighs. I saw him licking his lips. I then stopped for him to want some more. It was only a teaser for Chase Maxwell. After that, I gave him a wink and I saw how he was trying to keep his cool which made me chuckle a bit. To my surprise, he drove so fast, and the excitement was evident in his eyes.

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