KING MICAH: World Beyond The Ruins

Chapter 27

Lovette’s POV

Hastily, I got up and ran deeper into the forest, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me with the mad woman right on my tail. Her laughs were hauntingly as it rang through the woods.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Run faster little one run!” She taunts with a mocking laugh.

Tears streamed down my face and my breathing become labored. There was a stream up ahead and within moments I got to it. I had no where else to run to and turned around to see the woman just a few feet away from me.

“Please…” I begged her as she took a few steps towards me while I took some backwards. I was surprised to see her features changing into that of a younger woman and gasped when I recognized her.

“It’s-it’s you!” I gasped and moved deeper into the water.

It was the same woman I saw in my dream a few months ago. The one who had the dagger and a red snake around her neck.

“What do you want from me?” I beseeched, wondering why she would hunt me at length when I have never wronged her.

“What do you think?” She asked back, twisting the dagger between her long fingers while she kept on moving closer to me. I had no where else to run when the water was now up to my hips. I looked at each side but there was no escape route. I was going to die.

It’s quite funny how I am now scared of the death I had just wished upon myself a few hours ago. I gulped and ballet my hands into fist. At least if I were to die, I wouldn’t go down without a fight.

The woman threw her arms into the air as she laughed at me. “Are you really going to fight me? How pathetic, the King must be ashamed to have you as his mate”

Her words fueled my anger and with that, I lunged at her. I stumbled when she disappears but quickly turned around and jumped to the left when she tried grabbing me from behind.

She disappeared once more and I turned around trying to locate her. The sun was slowly coming up and what seems to be a chase of a few minutes might have been one for now than two hours.

“Where are you?” I screamed, my voice echoing through a. the woods and chasing away some birds. All I got back with a laugh and I swiftly turned towards the voice but was met with nothing.

A fist full of my hair was grabbed behind me and I was dunked into the water below me. I gasped in shock which made water fill my lungs. I tried twisting and clawing her her hand but she was too strong. Something slimy slowly wrapped itself around my neck, tightly itself on me painfully until I was being choked in water.

My hands that were trying to free my hair from the woman moved to my neck and I began to pull. I was in full panic when I began to lose consciousness and my body began to shake from the lack of oxygen.

I gasped, my body greedily taking in the air that it was deprived of as strong arms pulled me out of the water. He swims us over to shore with my body weakly resting on his.

He dropped my body on the wet sand and I turned over to cough out the water that had filled my lung. I took in deep breaths and panted heavily and when I finally turned back around, I expected to see Micah but the man that kneeing over me was not the King.

I held in my breath and slowly pushed myself backwards with my palm while the man kept staring at me with his cold blue eyes.

“Who are you?” I asked in a breath, quickly pushing a wet red hair away from my eyes and tucking it behind my ears.

“Where is the King?” He asked instead and I quickly looked around but couldn’t find him.

I turned to look at my left again when I heard growling and the king was standing about hundred feet away from us. He was shirtless and had a few scars and blood covering his body.

He walked closer to us and that was when I noticed the veins on his body were now wrapping themselves around his neck. The king stopped walking, physically in pain and he fell to his knees gasping and holding his neck.

I quickly got up and ran over to him with the stranger right behind me. I started to panic when the King’s gray eyes began to turn black and his body began to shake.

“Wha-what’s happening” I cried out, looking over to the man who was now pressing on Micah’s shoulder to keep him on the ground and from moving. “He’s going to die” I said again.

The stranger took a knife from the side of his shoe, aiming it to Micah’s heart and that was when I jumped into action.

I pushed the man to the side, hissing out as the knife cut through the skin on the side of my belly. “Leave him alone!” I shouted, wrapping my hands around his neck and applying pressure.

He swiftly turner us around, with him on top of me and his left hand holding my own above my head and his right hand pressing on my chest that was beating loudly.

“Fuck…” He hissed turning his head to the side in pain when I kneed him on the penis. And with his right hand now cupping his manhood, I tried using the opportunity to free myself and get back to Micah but his grip on my hand tightened and his right hand now came to grab me by the neck.

With clenched jaws, he brought his face closer to mine and tighten his grip around my neck till I could no longer breath properly but the glare on my face remained the same.

“I. am. trying. To. Help. Him!” He spat the last word at my face and I turned my head when he finally let go of me.

He dusted his clothes and walked back to Micah’s body that was now laying still on the ground. I got up and stumbled my way to Micah and kneel down next to his body. I grabbed a fist full of sand in case the man tried anything sneaky. His eyes narrow to my hand and he scoffed before slicing through the skin on his heart.

I watched his every move as he dropped the dagger next to Micah’s head and brought out a purple glowing liquid out of his bag. He looked at me before releasing a sigh and saying “Devina sent me”

I nodded even though his words did nothing to calm me down. He poured the liquid on Micah’s chest and stretched his hands to him. He began to chant and the black veins began to glow purple.

Nothing happened and I began to breath heavily and tears pulled in my eyes. “He’s dead” I said in a low voice and the man next to me just shrugged.

I gasped when blood splashed across my face and the man feel to the ground, holding on to his neck and choking on his blood.

Micah got up, his still dark eyes looking at me as he brought the dagger that was next to his head up with blood dripping from it. He looked to the nameless man who was now laying still and cleaned the blood on his dark hair.

“That is what you get for hurting my mate” Micah said, getting up and tucking the dagger in his waist band. I was still kneeing on the sand, shocked by what had just happened.

Micah turned to me and helped me up but this time, his eyes had turned back to how they were before.


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