Episode 67

By Amah’s Heart

I went with s taxi to pick Rachael from the airport.

She was jumping in excitement immediately she saw me.

I know I had my fears, I also have doubts about my sister but how worst can it get.

Phil didn’t have any problem with her coming, he was rather happy that he will finally meet my close family member physical rather than on phone.

I silently prayed that her stay won’t bring any unnecessary drama to me.

She has been disturbing me that her bags were packed and she just want to visit for few days that’s all.

“, I was afraid that you will turn me down, you won’t agree to my coming..”

She said immediately we were in the cab going back home.

“Why do you feel that way…” I asked feigning ignorance.

“, you know… we don’t really get along so well like sister do, despite we’ve similar character attribute. And… also you probably have a certain resentment towards me…”

“Why do you think so?..

“… I don’t have issue with you Rachel, I just don’t want you coming over with strange, unnecessary behavior, that won’t sit well with me, I guess you already knows that. My life is finally drama free and I want it to remain that way. Also, we’re in no way shares similar attributes…

She kept staring at my ring finger.

“I totally understand. I will try to be in my best behavior, I promise… So help me God..” She said the last part with a hand on her chest.

I chuckle a little before looking straight a head.

She grabbed my hand, staring intensively at my ring

“… permit me to ask, is this real? Like this is the real diamond. This is expensive rock girl, but are you certain it isn’t fake because… Wow, this cost a fortune..”

I smile and nodded, which indicates that the diamond ring is real.

“Reminds me again what your Phil does for a living? That your man is damn rich. This is the kind of men that are rear and hardly seen. I don’t know how he landed in your net but he’s a big fish. That’s the kind of man I hope to meet for myself someday..”

“Make it a prayer point and also trash that mentality that is mostly targeted on the size of the man’s pocket and you will come across one..”

“What are you saying April? The targets will always be on the bag, how big his bank account is. Beside, you wouldn’t have agree to marry Phil if he wasn’t contributing financially which is the most important part of relationship..”

“Everything is not arguable Rachel, that’s why I beg to differ whenever you’re generalizing women with such a myopic thinking. Love comes first for me before every other thing and my way of thinking mustn’t align with yours..”

She nodded absently but I didn’t care less. All that matters is that she sensed the seriousness in my voice and kept quiet.

When we finally got home, she was in aww all through as she couldn’t believe how I can have such a spacious, nice apartment all to myself.

She freshened up and we are but she never stopped wondering on so many things she was seeing in my apartment.

I understand that she wasn’t expecting that and I try to make her feel at home.

“Oh my God! April, you’re the real classic Chic and there’s nothing you will tell me about that. This apartment is mennhh! I’m speechless. Phil really got eyes for quality and beautiful things. He carefully hand picked this place especially for you…”

“… I know I wasn’t expecting you to live in trenches but this is wild beyond my imagination. I wasn’t expecting this kind of sweet, serene, ladylike, lovely apartment. Phil is the real MVP…”

I listened as she went talking none stop about the house.

“Phil didn’t secure this place for me. I wasn’t even in good terms with him when I rented this apartment. I won’t deny the fact that it was through him I saved up for this apartment. But I was so desperate and determined to get a place of my own that I became victim of scam. I was duped Rachel, after I paid fully for an apartment, I didn’t realized that the house agents were scâmmers. They collected my money with false pretense of getting me a place and disappeared. I had to start saving again, I was also working and every dime went into renting an apartment and furnishing it. I worked so hard towards it, denying myself so much and I was happy and proud of my achievement…”

“Why weren’t you in good terms with him..? Rachel suddenly asked

” huh..? I replied confused.

“You mentioned that during the time you got this place, you and Phil weren’t good, so.. I want to know why. He was cheating on you? You caught him with another woman pants down..”

I scuffed impatiently at the question and refused answering her.

“Of all the things I said, the only thing that registered in your mind is this?

She nodded in a funny way

I decided to ignore her.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

She followed me as I went about, she was inquisitively anxious, she wasn’t ready to drop the question

I know Rachel won’t give up until she satisfy her curiosity.

” I didn’t catch him cheating, rather is the other way round…”

“Which other way? Oh wait.. he caught you cheating.? You cheated on him..?

“Not exactly Rachel. Well since you Care to know I will tell you..”

“… when I had enough of the maltreatment at home, I couldn’t take the game of favorites anymore, being tossed and turned around like a garbage, everyone condemning and making me feel I wasn’t part of the family, I can’t continue to be treated like a maid anymore in my father’s house..”

I took a deep breath as the emotional anger travels around my heart.

Rachel wish I could stop talking because she must have remembered how she practically frustrated my life back at home.

She will steal money, take food without asking and spoil things in the house and instead of my parents scolding her, I will be blamed and accused for it.

I will work so hard so that I can save up money for school since my parents weren’t taking my education very serious rather Rachel was who they were concerned about.

My hard savings will still be taking from me and given to Rachel to have party with her friends or to solve any personal prøblem she complained off.

I couldn’t talk or complain because I will be blamed at the end for complaining and questions like “we feed you and take care of your bills yet you can’t spare few change from your savings so that your sister can solve some school prøblem and have good time with her friends..”

They prioritized Rachel’s needs above mine, praises her beauty and treated her like she was a princess or the only daughter.

I felt invisible and when I had enough I decided to follow Louise and leave.

I haven’t really said all this out loud before, letting Rachel understand what her childish behavior caused me, makes me feel free.

I saw her bent her head as she tries to avoid my stares.

She said is okay if I don’t feel like talking about it, but I assured her that I have already started and won’t stop until I’m okay.

I took a deep breath and continued.

I narrated how Louise turned out to be another nightmare. How I met Phil and he became my prince charming and I thought he was going to rescue me from Louise but he found out that Louise and I aren’t related like I made him believe

And Louise even tried his blâckmâiling tricks as he tried scamming Phil through me but his plans failed

I lost Phil and ran away from Louise.

I narrated how I arrived at my current state with Phil and so many events that unfolded during my journey.

She had a watery eyes which she tries to hide, I assumed is tears and was a bit surprised that a stone cold Rachel, unrepentant Rachel can shed a tear.

“I’m.. an architect of all this doom that came upon you. Oh April, I’m deeply sorry. I was ignorant and stûpíd too…”

“… I was just jeâlóus because you were mostly admired on how beautiful, hard-working, courageous and homely that you are. Everyone appreciate you more, I have to try anything and everything to atleast get Mom and Dad on my side. I felt satisfied when I take things and I go telling everyone that you took it or you are the spoiler.

“… I never thought of the emotional damage or the wreck on your mental health. I was leading and felt happy with such an achievement..”

“… you made me realize now, fully, that I was not only sélfish but wícked.

“… even as you returned, I saw that you’re still having the best of things and getting most admired, the jeâlóusy came back and I try to compete and do everything to be on the limelight..”

“… April! will you be able to find a place in your heart and forgive me.. someday?

“… I mean you could have died without any us knowing what becomes of you. It was all my fault sis and I’m deeply sorry..”

“… I will try to be in my best behavior moving forward and be the sister I have never been to you. Can you ever forgive me April..?

I heaved sadly, even as tears freely poured down from her eyes as she speaks, I was still not fully convinced.

I was still skeptical about Rachel and all I intend to do is to watch her and see she has truly repented..”

“Sure, I can. atleast it wasn’t totally sad journey, it was through my running away I met Phil, a man who loved me beyond words. Who despite how much I lied or messed up, he still came back and is making my dreams come through. Everything still worked together for my good and the good of the family too..”

Rachel nodded as she came over and gave me a tight hug, I freely reciprocated.

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