Episode 56


As a cab man drove me down, I was busy reminiscing over the past.

There was alot going through my mind and my heart beat was racing with speed.

I was feeling tense, not a little bit kind of tension, alot of it.

I described the place the cab man will drop me and it was not too far from my house gate.

When he stopped at the place, I was reluctant to get down.

“Madam, is it not this place again you want to get down..?

“Uhmm, is here.. I will get down, please give me a minute..”

My phone began to ring.

Thanks goodness, it was Phil.

He asked me if I was home and I told him that I was almost home.

It was just a walk down.

I told him I was uncomfortable and don’t know what the outcome will be

He said I should go and find out. I have taken the right step and already home

If my people didn’t want me again then I should come back to him.

He will never turn his back on me.

The call from Phil helped me get hold of myself a bit.

I try to calm my racing heart as I walked out of the car and went to the boot to pick up my dre con designer traveling box.

Is a very portable bag, it doesn’t look like a huge luxury but is worth alot.

All thanks to Phil who never stops pampering me with good things.

I paid the cab man and began walking towards my family house which was few feet away.

The whole place was looking new

The house have even been repainted and look finer.

I got to the gate, the small gate was not open which was unusual.

I knocked and in no time, there was a male voice asking who was there,

He opened the small space on the gate and peep through before opening the gate.

” Good day, who are you..? He asked.

“Oh! I’m.. I’m April..” I can’t think of a better way of introducing myself to the mean looking security guard on uniform.

“Who are you here to see..?

“The people living here..” I replied

He stared at me with questions written all over him.

I wondered why my parents decided to get a security on the gate and why will they employ a mean looking one.

This must be my dad’s idea, he thought putting a man like this on the gate will scâre off Intruders.

“… my people live here, I’m a member of the family..” even though I sounded stúpíd in my own ears, but I just wanted to go face my major fear without all this obstruction.

“Are you related to my boss or my madam..”? he asked looking at me suspiciøusly.

Well, is understandable that he didn’t know that the are both my parents.

“The two of them, your boss and madam are my biological parents. Please let me through, I need to go in. As you can see I’m not a threat of any sort and shouldn’t be questioned like a crimiñäl.. this is my house..”

He gave a short sarcastic laughter

“Is not possible young lady. Madam and my boss can’t be your parents. They’re too young to have someone like you as a child. You could have said their relatives, maybe a sister or cousin but not a daughter. I can’t let you in because you’re lying…”

This guard doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I’m even the third child, he doesn’t know that I have two either brothers and one is married and lives outside the country.

My parents probably are looking more younger and fresher than before because I see no reason why the security will feel my parents are not big enough to have me as daughter.

“Go and tell them that April, their daughter is at the gate first.

If they say they don’t know me, then I will walk away…”

“… as you can see I’m coming from a long journey, I need to get some rest. I will wait here..”

He looked at me all over again before going back inside.

I waited outside and after few minutes he came back and said that his madam said she doesn’t know me and they’re not expecting any relative.

I gasped out in fear

How can they deny knowing me.

Where do I go from here now.

This whole thing was my fear.

The man walked back inside leaving me standing outside the gate.

I stood there for several minutes thinking of what to do

I decided to call Phil.

” Hey pretty, how did it go? I presume that it didn’t go as bād as you thought right..?

“It was even wørst Phil. They denied knowing me, they said they don’t have any daughter, or relative named April. I’m still standing here, thinking of what to do next. You know I told you this kind of thing will happen, my feârs were legit, you gave me the courage to come here and now I feel wørst. I’m in regret, I wish I never embarked on this journey..” I sobbed quietly

I wiped off the tears clouding my eyes.

“Relax.. calm down first, hold on April, who told you that they don’t know you.. your Mom or Dad?

I began to narrate everything that transpired between the security and I.

Phil asked me to go back and demand to see my parents or siblings face to face.

I told him I don’t have that right to demand for anything and I’m not going back there

The humiliation is too much, let me save myself from further embarrassment.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Phil asked me to go check into a hotel and get enough rest but the following day, I should return back and ask to see my parents personally.

I went to look for a hotel, I was directed to one but I don’t like the place.

Another cab man took me to one in the main town.

After checking two more, I finally checked into one.

I didn’t have appetit for food

I felt so heartbroken and disorganized

I spoke to Phil most part of the evening and night.

Early the following day, it was a weekend.

I didn’t get up early untill the hotel room service workers came to clean the room and I told them that they can do the cleaning later.

I return to bed and decided to see if I can sleep a little more.

In no time I dozed off but another knock woke me up

They brought in breakfast which I said they should bring for me by 9am

They kept to time and after getting the breakfast, I freshened up, take my breakfast and get ready to check out.

I left in a cab after speaking with Phil.

I went back to my parents house.

The mean security guy was not happy to see me and when I requested to see my people he refused to let me in.

I wasn’t going to give up

I stood and kept asking him nicely

He said the owner of house said they don’t know me.

I just wanted to see them and let them say so to my face then I will feel convinced and know how to move on.

I was standing by the gate when a car drove and stopped right in front of me.

The security opened the gate wide, as I looked inside the compound, a whole lot of things have changed

I can see flowers planted all around

Carpet grass and a small bicycle by the door.

The entire house have been repainted and it really looks good.

I began to wonder if I was at the right place.

If not that i spent my first 16 years in this house and know our house like the back of my palm, I could have doubted.

I would have assumed that I was in the wrøng address.

The young man in the car greeted me

I don’t know him and is not one of my relatives.

Maybe he’s looking for my brother Mark

Or could it be for Rachel my sister.

He was really a good looking young man with a nice accent.

He asked the security what was going on and he quickly narrated it in brief to him.

“Hi, you’re probably looking for the people that used to leave here before. This property was sold to my brother three years ago, the occupants no longer stay here. My brother who got married two years ago and welcome a son late last year lives here with his family..”

“Woah, are you serious..? I was shøcked at what I just heard.

My parents sold their house. My Dad built this place and we all grew up here. Why will he sell the house.

“Yea, The people you’re asking to see are no longer living here. They’ve moved..”

“Moved to where? Why will they sell..? I have so many question.

“I don’t know where they’re move to. I heard one of their kid went missing all of a sudden and after a year of the incident, they decided to move.

I was speechless.


“Are you alright? He asked

“Yes, yes.. I’m fine. I will be on my way now. Thank you..”

As I turned to leave he asked me to wait

” I guess you’ve not been around for a long time and also have not been communicating with them. You probably don’t know your way around here. Let me drive you around if you don’t mind. Is weekend and I don’t have anything important on my plate. That’s if is okay with you..”

As I opened my mouth to reply, he interrupted

“… I’m Dennis by the way…”

“I’m April..” I replied quietly

“You’re beautiful. Pardon me but you’re really pretty…”

“Thanks..” I managed to say.

I admire the fact that he is cool and nice, just like Phil

And he doesn’t appear like a flírt.

My concern is finding my people and if he can help me out in that area, it will be great.

I will appreciate any help I get in locating my people.

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