Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


“Hold on. It will come out too fast. He needs to suckle.” Jack said and took the bag from Eve. He closed the spout and bit a tiny hole in one of the corners. He squeezed gently and a thin stream spurted out.

“Put this in his mouth and he should be able to suck the food out slow enough for him to swallow. Almost as if he was sucking on his mother’s nipple.” Jack handed it back to Eve who was watching him with wide eyes. He saw the desire in them and he leaned forward and kissed her. She moaned into the kiss and Jack had to pull away when her tongue became a little too demanding. Eve’s face wore a lustful but confused expression. She did as instructed and soon Joseph was sucking his meal from the bag.

That taken care of Jack’s mind was no longer occupied and it turned back to worrying about why he was in this building to begin with.

He paced until Eve asked him to stop. He made a makeshift bed for Joseph from the towels in the bag when he fell asleep in Eve’s arms after his meal. She placed the infant on the towels then dragged Jack onto the bed.

She pushed him down and rubbed her palm over his stiffening member. He moaned and Eve grinned at him as she pushed his tunic up to expose his cock. She glanced up and extended her tongue out to lick its hot surface.

“Oh fuck!” Jack moaned softly.

Emboldened she ran her long tongue up and down its length and smiled at how Jack squirmed under her. When he’d used his tongue on her this was exactly the reaction she’d had so she knew she was doing something right.

She wrapped her tongue around his cock and squeezed it.

“FUCK! OH FUCK YES!” Jack gasped and his hips raised up off the bed. Eve was seriously turned on and wanted him now! She stroked his cock a few times with her tongue, drawing gasps and moans from Jack, then she climbed up his body to rub her wet opening along his stiffness.

Jack took her face in his hands and kissed her hard and she felt her mind drifting away. He suddenly shifted on the bed and pulled her body under his. His weight pressed her down against the mattress and she moaned feeling his hot cock pressed against her wetness. He shifted then he was inside her and it was glorious!

He slammed forward driving his cock deep inside Eve and she cried out and clung to him, her heels crossing behind his ass and pulling him deeper. He pulled back and drove forward again and again as Eve sucked on his tongue until she had to pull back to breathe.

“Harder Jack! Harder!” she whispered in his ear.

A thrill ran down his spine and his hips responded to her plea with increased speed and strength. He was hammering into her and she was whimpering with need as she was getting very close.

Jack’s mind splintered as multiple glass fragments burst into it from many directions. He was too close to his release to stop now but the pain threw him off his pace until he felt Eve’s hands on his ass, urging him to go faster. He threw himself back into the moment and moved his mouth down to Eve’s neck. He wondered if she had the same instinctual reaction to a neck bite as Altarians. Considering her fangs he took the precaution of taking a good grip on the fur at the back of her head before he raked his teeth against her throat and growled deep in his chest.

If he hadn’t taken that hold her fangs would have been in his neck as her body reacted violently. More of a fight reflex then. Noted.

When he pulled his head back to gaze upon her face he saw she was looking at him with wide eyes and she was panting from the adrenaline rush. He lifted her legs up to raise her ass from the mattress and began slow hard pounding strokes that reached spots he hadn’t touched before. Her eyes rolled back and it felt incredible for him as well.

“Jack! Oh Jack! I- I can’t take much more! It’s- It’s happening!”

“Let it happen Eve. Cum for me.” Jack whispered and his gentle words tipped Eve over the top.

“Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh Jaaaaccckkk!!! Yesssssss!”

Her happy cries triggered his release as well and he felt his cock jetting hot cum deep inside her as pleasure washed over his senses. He gave himself over to it.

“Oh Jack! So good!” Eve sighed.

Jack lowered her legs back to the surface of the bed and dipped his face down to kiss Eve tenderly. Her body trembled under him.

He pulled his softening cock from her causing her to sigh and tremble some more. He laid down on the mattress beside her and kissed her lips once more. Then she pressed her face against his chest and began to cry.

“Hey! No tears! There’s no need to cry,” he whispered.

“It’s going to hurt so much when you’re gone,” she gasped against his chest.

He thought about how she’d survived in this horror for so long. She really was incredibly strong. “I don’t plan on going anywhere but you’re right. We’re not exactly in control of our own destinies at the moment. I can’t promise anything except I won’t give up hope. I won’t give up trying to survive. I know in my heart that people out there are looking for me and won’t give up until they’ve found me. People who won’t be deterred by something as minor as the lack of Gates to this world. I won’t leave this world without you. We all go.”

He looked into her grey eyes and saw the beginnings of hope. “I consider myself incredibly lucky to have met you. I treasure the moments we can be together. Sometimes that’s all you get. Moments. They should be happy ones and they should bring you joy when you think of them. I-”

There was a deafening boom from somewhere nearby and they were almost thrown from the bed. Joseph began crying so Eve leapt off the bed, scooped the child and his blankets up in her arms, grabbed the bag of his food and clothing and climbed back onto the bed before Jack even had time to sit up. Her maternal instinct was certainly intact.

They held each other and waited as silence returned. No alarms. No yelling. Just silence. Minutes passed.

Jack was about to get up to check the door when it slid open to show First standing in the entrance.

“Get on your feet!” it yelled. Eve was off the bed in a second, Jack close behind but not fast enough apparently as he found himself on his face, the memory of agony quickly fading. He pushed himself up and glanced at the panicked look in Eve’s eyes. He shook his head minimally to her then kept his eyes down.

First entered the room alone and the door slid shut behind him.

“You’re quite the disappointment to me.”

Jack went still. Had First discovered his little poop sabotage?

“I had hoped to learn the secrets of your discipline collar with the equipment here but you’ve ruined that chance. I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise considering how savage and primitive the Human species is. Your base reflex is violence and destruction and it’s so close to the surface! How your species survived to reach this point is a mystery. Ironically that very thing may be the reason your collar feed is so damn irresistible for us.” First mused.

Jack was back on the floor writhing from a slow burning of his limbs. He sent Eve a warning look to be still and she stood trembling with Joseph in her arms.

“Eighteen dead because of you!” First raged over Jack who was seriously beginning to believe First was losing control if its mind. “All because six disobeyed direct orders not to connect to your collar’s feed!”

Jack screamed in agony as fire poured over his body. First stood above him screaming at him in rage.

Then as quickly as it began it was over.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Jack lay panting on the floor, his limbs trembling with the afterimage of the burning. First stood above him, a faint trembling the only evidence of his previous rage. It turned and left the room. Two Allsa Komanae came in and grabbed Jack’s arms and lifted him but his legs wouldn’t work so they dragged him. Eve quickly followed.

They passed the open wall of the next office, destroyed by the explosion. The carnage inside was horrifying. The next room beyond that was one of the wards where the incoming Allsa Komanae got their rejuvenation treatments. The explosion had spread to this room as well, ripping through the occupants like tissue paper. Jack realized with shock that had the explosion been directed the other way it would have killed Eve, Joseph and himself.

He caught glimpses of the dead Allsa Komanae and realized Eve was right. Their fleshy parts were indescribably horrid. It looked like rot had set in.

When they got outside of the building Jack was thrown into the back of a truck. Eve scrambled into the truck with Joseph tucked in her arm. The doors closed and took the light with them. The vehicle began to move and the journey wasn’t very long thankfully for the air in the back was stuffy and hot.

The doors opened and Jack recognized the doors to their barracks. He pushed himself up and staggered after Eve out of the truck and through the doors. Kekk was immediately there to support him and led him towards the sleeping area. Stella was watching Jack from Eve’s side as they followed, the small female filling her in quietly.

Kekk laid Jack down on the bed and leaned over him. “I hope it was worth this pain.”

“What?” Jack asked in confusion.

“When I last saw you, First punished you for your careless tongue and took you away. Now that you’re back you are in pain once more.”

“This time it punished me for causing the death of eighteen Allsa Komanae. I have no idea how they died but apparently six were linked to my collar as… Eve and I… expressed our desire for each other. Shortly afterwards there was a rather large explosion and the final tally was eighteen dead.”

Kekk grinned in grim joy and Jack froze as Kekk’s mouth of sharp teeth was a daunting sight.

“Apologies Jack. I am simply expressing my appreciation for your… achievements to date.”

“I haven’t done anything. It’s the damn collar they put on me. It’s like a drug to them! They can’t seem to resist connecting then it fucks them up!”

“One can only hope more are drawn to its deadly call.” Kekk chuckled and moved away.

Stella sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Jack with sad eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Eve told me what First did to you. This is not its usual behavior. In the time I have been here it has been the most stable and calm of the Allsa Komanae. I’m worried for your safety,” she whispered.

Eve sat down next to Stella and watched him with a concerned expression.

Jack remembered something and caught her eyes. “Eve, First linked to my collar.” She nodded nervously.

He laid back on the mattress staring at the ceiling and considered how their continued survival now relied upon the good will of a being who might just be mad.

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