Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


From the confused and terrified look on the face of the new male and the angry look on Lunnae’s face he saw that he’d guessed correctly. This combatant hadn’t seen the previous day’s battle. Lunnae had intentionally kept him in the dark to extend the Challenge another day.

Narelle stood forward. “Combatant, state your name for the record.”


“Take your position Frenn,” Narelle said pointing to the open area.

Lunnae gave him an angry push to move out.

Jack looked at the cameras. “Witness the coward’s use of the males he tricked into signing. Notice how he continues to hide behind them.”

Lunnae’s face was twisted with rage. Frenn looked at him with shock then turned to find Jack facing him two feet away. There was nothing but cold, sick rage in his eyes. Frenn trembled.

“I’m sorry, this isn’t your fault,” Jack whispered to Frenn who nodded.




And Frenn was down, unconscious at Lunnae’s hooves.

Jack looked at the cameras again. His emotions were going out of control. His face was a mask of rage yet tears were flowing down his cheeks. “241 more of THESE before the cowardly male responsible for this must answer for his arrogance?” Jack pointed at Lunnae who was smiling with glee at seeing Jack’s dissolving control.

While eyes were on Lunnae, Jack desperately palmed the herb packet from his pocket and held his hands before his face as if he was praying. He pressed his nose to the package and inhaled deeply three times. He slipped his hands into his pockets while he struggled to rein in his emotions. He felt the herbs calm him and his heartrate dropped. The need lessened and he opened his eyes to see Lunnae staring at him in confusion. While the sight of the male prompted feelings of rage Jack pretended to be mildly amused and walked over to Narelle who was watching him closely.

“When is the next idiocy?” Jack asked calmly.

She turned to Lunnae. “Same time, same place tomorrow?”

He was still staring at Jack in confusion. He nodded absent mindedly.

“So noted. 10AM in the courtyard, this location, for the next combatant,” Narelle said loudly. Lunnae realized he’d once more missed the opportunity to extend Jack’s torture and cursed.

“See you tomorrow, Tinkles!” Jack said loud enough for the cameras to pick up and sauntered away.

“Why does he call me that?” Lunnae screamed at Narelle who looked back at the male with ill-disguised contempt.

Mella, who had been cheering Jack from the front row overheard this and chimed in. “Oh! Jack told me what that word means! To ‘tinkle’ is to release urine in a slow stream. Maybe Jack calls you that because he expects you to tinkle uncontrollably when you have to face him directly.”

Lunnae screamed in rage and fled from the courtyard with no regard to his fallen compatriot. Medics tended to the fallen male.

Inside his office Jack was lying on his couch with his eyes closed as his body shook uncontrollably. Aaros had already informed Kaluna to reschedule the rest of his morning appointments to the following day.

“Jack? Jack can you hear me?” she said leaning over him.

“Aaros… can you rub my horns again? It calms me. It’s just a comfort thing. Please,” he pleaded.

She froze with embarrassment. She thought she’d gotten away with that touch earlier as he’d been asleep. Obviously he’d been awake. Her fingers reached out and stroked his horns. She saw his brow relax and as she continued his shoulders dropped. His hands unclenched and she watched his body relax one muscle group at a time. Soon he was snoring lightly. Remarkable what a gentle touch can do. It soothed the savage beast. She smiled at the thought.

A head poked in the doorway and Aaros walked over to find out what they wanted. It was Denee.

“I heard Jack’s appointments had been rescheduled. I just wanted to make sure that he knew he should be at the Embassy’s main hall at 2PM. The ceremony lasts three hours. Then he should get dressed for the banquet which begins at 6PM and runs until midnight,” she explained.

“We will be there,” Aaros replied.

She closed the office door almost all the way then went back to sit on the chair next to the couch. She watched Jack sleep and kept an eye on the clock.

The ceremony for the signing of the Treaty of Non-Aggression between the Altarians and the Phem Kalos was excruciatingly dull. Jack blessed Aaros for letting him sleep before they had to attend. The reading went on for a very long time and the signing took even longer but eventually it was done and all the pictures the press wanted had been taken. The Queen looked lovely but Jack did his best to keep his eyes directed elsewhere as looking at her triggered his need too much. She picked up on this quickly and stayed clear.

As the Phem Kalos left the hall Prince FennLann caught Jack’s eye and grinned. That young being was excited beyond measure and Jack just had to grin back. The two councillors on the other hand were both very tense and stiff. By this point Jack was positive that they were up to something but he didn’t know what.

Aaros and Jack went back to his office and Jack put on his tuxedo as directed by Walter Fitzhenry. Jack left the collar open on his shirt and let the untied bow tie lay against his lapels. He tucked the white fabric bag of herbs into his outer breast pocket and it looked like a handkerchief.

They walked over to the banquet hall of the Embassy and got some fruit juice while they waited for the Queen and the Phem Kalos to arrive. He recalled there was going to be a special guest from the Phem Kalos.

The Queen arrived and was announced with much fanfare. She was wearing a glittering gown and looked incredible. Jack looked away as he throbbed painfully. It was getting more and more difficult maintaining his calm. Luckily his tuxedo was black and hid his erection quite well.

There was a commotion by the entrance and they watched at the Phem Kalos councillors were introduced. The Prince was then introduced and Jack saw him craning his neck looking for him. Jack held up his hand and the Prince smiled broadly. He stayed on the step and took over the task of introducing as he held out his hand.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

Princess SennLann Du Kess. Jack stood transfixed as a sleek black furred female Phem Kalos darted out of the hallway to cling to FennLann’s side. She acted totally intimidated by her surroundings like she hadn’t been prepared at all. The physical difference between the males and females was dramatic. Where males were all bulky muscles and rigid stances, females were lithe and svelte. She seemed to flow more than move. Definitely feline qualities with the wide Phem Kalos mobile ears except hers were tufted and had more fluidity in their motion as well. Where males had large fangs and jagged teeth females had smaller versions. Large almond shaped gold eyes which were currently darting everywhere as if she’d never been outside of her room which Jack suddenly realized may actually be the case.

“This is the first time a female has been allowed off their planet in centuries! Did they tell you what the occasion was?” Aaros asked him.

“No, there was no explanation at all and the Prince mention it was a last minute inclusion,” Jack said.

“That is exceptionally odd because they are normally so protective of their females,” Aaros replied.

FennLann was walking over to them with his cousin still clinging to his arm but her eyes were still going everywhere. Her nose was a small black button compared to the broad, flat bar of her cousin’s but hers was constantly twitching. As they got closer her gold eyes locked onto Jack and her gaze was so intense it felt like a physical blow.

“Jack!” she blurted, her voice deep and throaty.

Jack’s eyes widened in surprise. He smiled as FennLann grinned at him.

“Princess SennLann Du Kess, it is an honor to meet you,” Jack said.

“You are Jack who faces the Challenge and defeats the Allsa Komanae and loves his babies!” she purred, eyes locked on his.

Jack’s eyebrows raised and FennLann finally let him in on the secret.

“SennLann has been watching the media coverage from her room. You seem to be in it a lot,” the male explained.

Jack nodded to the female. “Yes. I am that Jack. Jack Danner, Altarian Ambassador, Earth’s Trade Representative to Altaria… and consort to the Queen but that last one is under dispute.”

“Are you wed to the Queen?” she asked.

“No, Altarians don’t marry or form long term relationships,” Jack explained.

She flashed Jack a quick smile then her eyes snapped up to his horns. She suddenly reached up and ran her finger pads over their smooth ebony surface. She ran one finger over the silver streak.

“They are beautiful! What is this metal embedded in them?” she asked curiously.

“It’s silver. From a bullet,” Jack said softly, trapped in her gaze.

FennLann’s eyes lit up. “That sounds like a wonderful story-”

Chimes rang announcing dinner was beginning and people should find their seats. FennLann frowned. “We must go to our seats. We will find you afterwards?” the Prince asked as he pulled his cousin away from Jack’s horns.

Jack nodded and Aaros led them to their own seats. There were speeches and more speeches then the food began to actually move into the room. Jack was famished as he’d missed lunch so he was so looking forward to eating something. He noticed a commotion at the head table and FennLann was waving to him to come up. Jack looked at his plate mournfully then got up and walked to the head table. He bowed to the Queen and a rush of spicy heat washed over him as she took in his tuxedo. Jack’s mind swam in the musk until Aaros led him over to the Prince. Jack’s mind cleared though his pants felt exceptionally tight. He saw FennHark De Kurk gesturing angrily at the Prince who was doing his best to ignore his Councillor.

“I have spoken to the Queen regarding a sacred tradition of the Phem Kalos which to date has never been included in a Treaty Signing Ceremony. To make Phem Kalos ceremonies binding we share the meat of the first dish. As you know Altarians cannot abide the ingestion of meat but I understand Human’s do. As an official Altarian representative if you were to share in this tradition with us today’s ceremony would be that much more binding. Perhaps the most binding yet.”

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