It Comes In Three's

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

“Lottie’s POV

The next day, I wake up with a thick knot of anxiety in my stomach.

Despite my friends‘ reassurances yesterday, the fear of being followed still lingers in my mind.

Alex, being true to his word, still refuses to let me go to school, insisting that I stay at his office with him today where he thinks I will be a lot safer. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Reluctantly, I agree, knowing that I won’t be able to concentrate on my studies anyway and cheer won’t feel the same today with this deep set feeling in my gut.

Anna was spending the day with Kev, helping him to pick out a new car at the dealership. But she had insisted on coming over to see me later in the day at the office- claiming we could make ourselves

useful and help Alex out somehow.

As I arrive at Alex’s office building, he leads me inside, as I take a moment to digest the numerous

passing staff – all smiling and greeting him as he enters.

There is way more people in here now than there was yesterday…

His grip on my hand remains firm and protective, as I seek comfort in being beside him. He was nothing other than the big scary boss man to most of these people, but to me, he was my sanity.

We head straight to his floor, finding it to be way more quieter than the rest of the building which I am thankful for. We step out, before his assistant hands us both a coffee on arrival… his hot and

mines iced.

Wow, I could get used to this!

“I have a meeting this morning with my men, doll. I would rather you stayed out of it for the sake of

your anxiety. I’ll only be over there in that other room, not far.” Alex insists as he points towards a large glass room to the left as I nod briefly.

I follow him towards his private office next, admiring the bright open space once again as we step inside…

“What’s the meeting about?” I ponder, as he sighs heavily and glances over me in thought.

ir own

“Your safety… I want to make sure we pull out all of the stops to keep you safe doll… it’s for your good. Don’t worry about it too much, I have it under control. He informs me, something he always says when things are serious, as I chew my lip slightly.

“Just stay here in my office, Lottie. He instructs, looking at me with a mix of worry and sternness.


Chapter 98

“Don’t leave this floor at any point! If you need or want something, then you can order it up here from the cafe using the iPad beside you, got it?” He points to the sleek blue iPad to the left of his desk as I move to tak a seat behind his large workspace.

I nod, appreciating his concern for my safety, before he kisses me on the cheek and heads out to greet some of his guys as they step out of the elevator.

I watch through the open door as he leads them across towards the large meeting room next as I sigh in content when I realise that I can, in fact, still see the room from where I am seated.

He isn’t even going far… I have to calm down… although, it is annoying that I can’t see anything in the room due to the fogged glass… great!

I settle into his office chair, finding it to be way comfier than I had expected, before the elevator dings again – revealing four more of his men as they exit and look around.

They seem to not know what to do, finding no sign of Alex, which is when I decide to make myself useful…

I hop off the chair, and rush out of his office, gaining their attention as they smile their faces becoming familiar to me.

I could never remember most of their names, which is something that I mentally scold myself on, but I greet the group regardless.

“He’s in this room guys!” I gesture with my hand for them to follow me, as they smile and do so, thanking me for the help.

1 knock on the door gently, suddenly feeling useful, before I open it – my eyes meeting Alex’a as he sits at the head of the large table.

“What’s wrong doll?” He asks instantly, the other guys eyeing me briefly too, before I step aside and allow the four new comers to enter.

“Ahh great! Thanks Lottie! We won’t be too long, that’s everybody here now.” Alex nods his approval, causing a rush of butterfly’s to fill me,

At least I could help out with something!

I wave slightly, before closing over the door, a sudden longing to be in there with them – doing anything – taking notes, listening, giving ideas…

After all, they are discussing my life…

I sigh, heading back to Alex office, leaving the door open again, before trying to occupy my something to distract myself from the situation.

mind with


Chapter 98

But as time passes, my curiosity gets the better of me. I can’t help but wonder what Alex is discussing with his men regarding my safety. I know he doesn’t want me involved, but I feel like I deserve to know what’s going on.

I glance around the office, before my eyes widen when I notice the ventilation system in the far corner. A daring idea forms in my mind, and I decide to follow through with it, feeling mischievous and incredibly bored…

Moving towards the large vent, I carefully pick at the seals in order to remove the vent cover and climb inside the ducts successfully fitting as I lay on my stomach.

The metal is cold against my palms, but I ignore the discomfort, driven by my need to find out whatever information Alex clearly doesn’t want me to know…

Carefully maneuvering through the vents as quietly as possible, I make my way towards, what I’m hoping is, the meeting room. As I get closer, I can hear muffled voices coming in to reach. I crawl as close as I can get, before I slow down, trying to get a better listen without being noticed or heard.

“Moving on, what do you have for me Zack?” Alex’s voice rings out, strong and commanding.

“I’ve been involved in the team who have been investigating the source of those anonymous letters from Tommy in prison,” He responds, as I recognise him as the voice on the phone when I was in Freddie’s pub.

“I had a guy hack into the prison phone system, but we had to be careful because if we went over our time they would have figured us out… so you can only imagine, it took us a few days, having to connect then disconnect again…” The guy named Zack trails off, as I tense at the mention of Tommy.

“But we eventually managed to hack one of Tommys calls which meant that we could then could trace the number of the person on the receiving end – which I can confirm was a female!” He concludes,

My heart races as I listen in on what they’re talking about. Those letters were terrifying, filled with threats and disturbing messages. I had no idea who was behind them, but now it seems they might have found a lead…

“And?” Alex prompts, sounding impatient with him next.

“We managed to trace the calls back to a Clarissa Woods… I looked into it, and I believe that he’s been

mouth, calling Lottie’s mother.” Zack reveals, as I gasp at the information – slapping a hand over my cursing at the sound that had escaped.

My breath catches in my throat. It can’t be true! My own mother? Sure I know she hates me, but why does she have to get involved with Tommy now?

“Are you sure?‘ Alex’s voice sounds just as stunned as I feel.


Chapter 98

“Yes, boss. We’ve double–checked, and it’s definitely her that he’s been calling.” He confirms again, as my

eyes water at the news.

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. My own mother has been behind those terrifying letters all along.

My hands tremble, and tears spill from my eyes next… why can’t she just quit it? Leave me alone?

“We need to act on this fast.” Alex says, his voice firm and aggravated now. “Find her, follow her, figure out her day to day moves, but don’t approach her yet. I want to know if anybody else is involved in this! We need to figure out the best way to handle this without putting Lottie in danger or upsetting her!”

Alex rages, as I sigh.

Too late with the upset… I shouldn’t have listened in… this was all too much! Alex was right…

I continue listening to the rest of the meeting, scared to make a sound, with my mind racing with fear and confusion as they discuss other things such as the individual who

had chased me.

So far, there wasn’t an update on it yet, but they were waiting for the CCTV footage from a few different. places around town who had agreed to help them.

My mind continuously loops back to the biggest concern – how could my own mother be so twisted and cruel? And what does she want from me now? What is in this for her?

After the meeting draws to an end, I carefully make my way back to Alex’s office, my heart heavy with the weight of this new revelation.

I hear them exiting the room, as I rush out of the vent

Sit in the chair, trying to process everything that I had just learned without Alex knowing that I had went against his commands…

When Alex returns, he finds me lost in thought, my face pale and tear–streaked.

He rushes to my side, concern evident in his eyes, before he asks me – “Lottie, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He questions, kneeling in front of me.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the words to explain, however can’t, as I remain silent and lost for


Alex looks around the room, confused at first as to why I had gotten into this state, before his gaze falls on the corner – pausing to stare at it for some time.

ir still lay on the floor-

I follow his eye, seeing that I had forgotten to place the vent lid back on, as it still lay revealing the hole I had used to climb through.

“You shouldn’t have did that. He grits out slowly next, as I nod, another tear falling from my eyes.

“I know.” Is all I manage to whisper, feeling the weight of the world crash down on me as he works me

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