It Comes In Three's

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

It Comes In Three’s Chapter 96 Alex’s POV I wake up in Anna’s spare room with Lottie tangled up in my arms… After the shit show of yesterday, I was grateful to still have Lottle safe and sound beside me. What had happened to her, was terrible, and I wouldn’t be letting her out of my sight again anytime soon…. As soon as I get my phone, I’ll have a full team investigating who the **k chased her like that! Somebody is getting way too close to her for their own good… and I will stop at nothing to put an end to it. I brush her loose strands of hair back from her forehead with my fingers, before placing a soft kiss on her head, causing her eyes to flutter open.. “Morning… my beautiful doll.” I mumble, as she groans and stirs. Her eyes eventually meet mine, and I can see the mix of emotions swirling in them uncertainty, vulnerability, and a hint of forgiveness (at least I hope). I pull her closer, holding her tightly against me, not wanting to let her go. “Hey,” she whispers, her voice still carrying a hint of sleepiness as I chuckle at her. Her bed at Anna’s place was way smaller than the bed we are now used to sharing in our own home, which only meant that I had spent most of the night trying to not fall off… “I’m sorry for being mad at you yesterday, but I was just so upset and scared. Have you heard anything from Del, is he ok?” She asks all at once, her tone soft as I smile down at her lovingly. “Stop apologising, I’m the one whose sorry for putting you in danger. I’m still so p**d off with myself- I’m never usually that careless!” I grumble out before continuing… “But I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe now, Lottie. I won’t let anything like that happen to you again. I won’t take any chances now.” My tone is firm and determined, as she snuggles into my chest.

“As for Del, we can go see him in the hospital today if you want?” I offer, feeling her nod into my chest, before a gasp leaves her lips in realisation. “I’m supposed to be at school Alex! I’ve completely slept in! Lottie panics, as I hold her tighter, not allowing for her to make another move. “Alex! Quit it! Let me go! I can’t just skip my second day back, that’s ridiculous!” She complains, as I Chapter 96 chuckle down at her weak attempt to escape from my hold. “Anna already called them this morning, she said there was a family emergency. You’re not going there today!” I state firmly, not liking the thought of sending her back there on her own after what had happened yesterday. That person could be anyone… anywhere… I didn’t want to take the chance! I can see the reluctance in her eyes, but she eventually gives in, realizing that I’m not going to budge on this matter. “Okay, fine. But I’ll have to go back tomorrow. It’s important.” She states, attempting to be stern with her words. “I’ll think about it… we don’t know who that person is yet doll… I don’t think I can trust myself to just send you back there after what happened to you.” I speak my thoughts, the worry evident in my tone.. She cuddles closer, if at all possible, finally relaxing in my arms, a small smile playing on her lips. “Yeah I understand… it’s just cheer… I don’t want to miss out on anything, Anna won’t want to either!” She sighs. “Maybe I’ll figure out a way around it, ask me again tonight doll. I can’t help but not want you going back there so soon. You mean the world to me, Lottie,” I admit, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness. Tll always put your safety first, no matter what, even if that means stopping you going to school.” from

As we lay there for a little while, enjoying the comfort of our current embrace, I can’t shake the feeling of guilt about what had happened with Clara and Del too. I know I need to talk to Del about it, but right now, I want to focus on making Lottie feel safe and loved again. I had neglected her yesterday… I should have remembered my phone at least! It was sloppy of me! My attention turns to the door, hearing a soft knock, before the handle is turned revealing Anna as she steps inside. “Up you get sleepy heads! I made you breakfast, it will get cold!” Anna chirps, as Lottie giggles – pushing at my chest as a sign for me to release her. I let her go this time, as she rushes off from the bed and towards the bathroom. “Let me pee and I’ll be there!” Lottie tells Anna, before slamming the bathroom door shut, causing Anna to shake her head before exiting the room. I climb out of bed, deciding that I better get dressed, having no other option but to pull on my same clothes from the previous day.. I didn’t prepare to wind up sleeping over at Anna’s! 2/5 Chapter 96 Lottie exits the bathroom minutes later, as we switch places. I am grateful to find a spare toothbrush at least, as I give my teeth a good scrub followed by using the mouth wash. We head downstairs, greeted by Anna’s pancake breakfast display, as Lottie cheers and sits down grabbing a plate. “What’s the plan?” Anna asks us, as we begin to eat the fluffy breakfast dessert going down a treat. “I have to go home to change quickly, pick up my iPhone from my office, and after that we can go visit Del at the hospital.” I tell them my game plan, as they listen intently, following the instructions. “So… tell me again in detail what actually happened with Del and Clara yesterday?” Anna suddenly questions, as I groan at the question. The sheer memory of what I had witnessed yesterday had me wanting to find Clara and kill her myself… Sure, Del shouldn’t have slapped or choked her, but who can blame him? He finally just snapped!

After weeks of verbal and physical abuse, and after she pretends to be pregnant with his child? I’m surprised he didn’t end her on that alone… I fill Anna in on what had happened, starting from the beginning since she hadn’t actually heard much after leaving myself and Lottie to have some privacy last night. As I recount the events of yesterday, Anna’s expression changes from curiosity to concern and then to anger. “I seriously hated her before, but now? Now is a whole new level! I cannot belleve she did that! Pretending to be pregnant! How deceitful!”Anna gasps, as Lottie nods in agreement. “I know,” I sigh, frustration and worry creeping back into my thoughts. “Del shouldn’t have let himself hit her either, but I can understand why he snapped, let’s just hope that she doesn’t try to cause more trouble for him with it. She’s been tormenting him for weeks, and be finally just reached his breaking point.” I state. I just hope he’s okay. He’s been through so much with her already before yesterdays event. I still can’t wrap my head around Clara hitting him with a d**n hammer though? She has lost her mind!” Lottie adds, before filling her mouth with another forkful of pancake. “She’s a crazy little b**h! But we will be there for Del through this mess regardless of what he’s done. We know who the true evil one is in all of this! I don’t care if he lost his temper more than he should have, she was pushing her luck to begin with!” Anna adds, clearly annoyed. After finishing breakfast, the girls change, before the three of us climb into my car. I quickly drive home, feeling the strong need to shower and change myself, as the girls both wait for me down in the living area. 3/5 Chapter 96 After a quick shower and change of clothes, I join Lottie and Anna downstairs. Lottie looks adorable in one of her oversized hoodies, and Anna has a mischievous grin on her face as she eyes my choice of attire…

“Is that seriously what you’re wearing to your fancy office, Mr. Businessman?” she teases, gesturing to my casual outfit. I grumble, running a hand through my hair. “Well, it’s not like I planned on spending the night away from home. But who cares about fancy suits when I own the f**g place?” I say, confidence seeping from my pores as they laugh. With that, we head to my office – the next stop on the agenda. The office was a sleek, modern space with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a stunning view. Lottie and Anna are impressed as we approach, and I feel a sense of pride showing them the very place that I built. “Wow, this place is amazing Alex, I didn’t realise it would be this big!” Lottie exclaims, looking around in awe as we step out of the car. I lead them inside, before taking the elevator up to my personal floor, where my iPhone is resting neatly on my desk. As I pick it up, I notice the numerous missed calls and text messages from Lottie, Anna and the members of my team- the aftermath of yesterday – as the guilt hits me again like a ton of bricks. Lottie and Anna walk around my floor, admiring the space, as my eyes scan over the texts… Freddie had been texting and calling to tell me that Lottie had shown up and was chased. Zack was also trying to call, along with Anna. I click on to Lottie’s messages next, the guilt eating away at me as my eyes scan over her confused messages wondering where I was and why I hadn’t shown up to get her… “Alex, you ready?” Anna gains my attention, as I sigh and place the phone back in my pocket – nodding and grabbing my keys. “Yeah let’s go and see Del…” I announce, as we all exit and head back down to get the car. Here’s hoping that he’s back to his regular self today…This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

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