It Comes In Three's

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59



As the evening comes to an end, we bid farewell to Aunt Rinna, thanking her for helping us out with Anna’s birthday,

The weight of the impending confrontation hangs heavy in the air as we make our way back to Del’s place in our cars… Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Jace, Del, and I exchange glances, silently reaffirming our commitment to keeping Lottie safe, as we follow behind the white Audi. We know that these next steps are crucial, and we can’t afford any missteps….

The drive is filled with quiet contemplation, each of us lost in our own thoughts having heard no update from the men as of yet.

Once we arrive back at Del’s place, the girls head up to Anna’s room to watch a movie, as the three of us gather in the living room – thankful again for the needed privacy.

The room suddenly buzzes with a sense of urgency as we go over every detail, making sure we leave no room for error… we need them to accept the

“Samual should be making contact with us soon.” I inform the group, my voice steady despite the underlying tension.

“This wait is killing me! I want to know how it’s going!” Del complains as we all agree–sharing the frustration

“Let’s hope that the silence means they are at the bar and that talks are underway…maybe they are getting them tipsy first… who knows!” Jace adds, as I nod at his truth.

We settle into a restless wait, keeping our eyes on our phones, waiting for any word from Samual

The minutes stretch into what feels like hours, the anticipation and uncertainty growing with each passing moment, as face fetches a bottle of whisky from the cabinet.

We try to distract ourselves with idle conversation, but our minds remain fixated on the mission at hand and our chats continue to fall back to the plan.

Finally, just as the tension becomes almost unbearable, my phone buzzes with an incoming call causing us all to perk up..

We all turn our attention to the device, a mix of hope and apprehension filling the room. I answer the call, my voice steady but laced with urgency.

“Samual, what’s the situation?” I ask, my adrenaline high.

The three bastards could’ve attempted to smash up the bar or anything for all we know!

Samual’s voice crackles through the phone, his words carrying a mix of relief and triumph. “Alex, we’ve done it. They’re in the bar. The plan is in


A wave of relief washes over me, a weight lifted off from my


y were a couple of drinks in…” Samual informs us, as I listen

“They got really fucking antsy when Freddie approached them… but he waited until they intently.

“He then got to talking, and slipped right in with the this is a small town… I always find out who everyone is and why they come here… I heard through the grapevine that three young guys came here looking for sweet little Lottie and I’m guessing that’s you three?” Samual imitates Freddie’s gruff voice, as I snigger slightly at his impersonation.

“What then? Did they freak out?” I ponder, as Samual is heard starting up his car.

“Two of them looked way more nervous than the last… I think Tommy was the name of the most confident one… he seemed to do most of the talking too.” Samual adds, as I grit my teeth in a fury.

“He asked if Freddie knew where she was… even tried to explain that he was an ex boyfriend and wanted to find her to right his wrongs… obviously unaware that Freddie actually knows the truth!” Samual laughs, as I shake my head at the rats false reasoning.

Chapter 50

“Little bastard! I grit, hearing Samual chuckle.

The thought of him pretending to be Lottie’s ex was making me sick..

“Freddie enticed them well… made offers of money but they wouldn’t buy it at first… that is until he claimed to know where Lottie is.” Samual continues to fill us in on the events.

“They grew pissed after that, demanding her whereabouts, but Freddie only laughed. He told them that he was a man of business… only made deals if there was something in it for him… that’s when he made them the deal–fight in his next match and if they win, they get Lottie. Samual continues to explain as we all listen with him on loud speaker.

“They were apprehensive at first, until Freddie began to tease them… you know what he can be like Alex… it was seriously comical to watch? Samual rants, as I laugh in silent agreement.

“He began mocking them by asking why they were scared… he even played on the fact that if Tommy loves and misses

ses her so much he should step up and fight for her! He then made the point that they would have three chances to win against the same guy–not just one! He even told them that you would be tired by the third fight which would give them the upper hand! Samual states, referring to me as Freddie’s fighter, however they don’t know who I am yet.

I want to keep it that way until the fight..

The room erupts in laughter at Freddie’s clever manipulation of the situation. We can almost picture the expressions on Tommy, Jason, and Holden’s faces as they fall into Freddie’s trap.

“Freddie is a genius, Del exclaims between fits of laughter.

“The better term is conman… he’s turning their own desperation against them. They’ll have no choice but to take the deal.” Jace laughs next.

“So what happens next?” I question Samaal, eager to know

“Alex, they’ve pretty much agreed to Freddie’s terms. The fights are scheduled for the end of next week. He took them in the back one by one to do the contracts! Freddie also said you don’t have to worry about the legality. his lawyer has covered his back multiple times for a pretty penny so it will be an illegal match in the underground just what we are used to…” Samual’s excitement is evident through the line, as Del and Jace both cheer in victory of the plan

“Stupid little boys! Walking into the ring with the devil! Fucking humorous!” lace roars with laughter, as I smile wickedly at the thought.

I can’t believe it’s actually worked…

“The guys are still in there, they will be able to update you when the contracts are signed but I’m heading back home to my wife now!” Samual chuckles, as I nod -appreciating his help.

“You’ve done well Samual I can’t thank you enough for this! Say hello to Ada for me! I comment, talking about his wife who I had met twice before, as he thanks me and ends the line.

With the call ended, the room fills with a mix of triumph and anticipation. We exchange glances, knowing that our plan is in motion and that the pieces are falling into place.

“We did it,” Del says, his voice filled with a sense of accomplishment. Those bastards walked right into our trap.”

Jace pours out three whiskeys, handing us each a glass, before he raises it in a toast.

“To Freddie, the master manipulator. He’s given them a false sense of control, but little do they know, it’s all a part of our plan.”

We clink our glasses together smugly and celebrate.

Tomorrow, you better start training.” Jace declares with a laugh.

“I doubt I’ll even need to train for them! But it won’t hurt getting the extra sessions in I suppose!” The sarcasm is laced in my tone as we all laugh and finish our drinks

As the night draws to a close, we head back to our rooms. I find my bed empty, which causes me to grumble, but I respect that Lottie had wanted to


Chapter 50

spend the night with Anna….

I’ll let it slide this time!

I climb into bed, sigh heavily, and mentally prepare for what lies ahead….

It is well and truly game fucking on now!

Chapter Comments

Debra H

ok, I hate to say it, but this is sounding to easy

CJ Kincaid

It’s falling right into place.







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