It Comes In Three's

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Alex POV

My heart races as I read those words, feeling a chilling sense of dread creep over me. They had managed to find out that Lottie was living at Anna’s place…

I quickly call out to face, alerting him to the situation, as he walks around from the side of the house bags of parcels in hand. He walks over, his eyes widening as he sees the letter in my hand as I hold it up for him to read-

“What the fuck..” face grits, his voice filled with concern and anger. We exchange a look, silently acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

Without wasting another moment, we pack the parcels into the car before doing one last scope around Anna’s house–checking for damages or attempted entry which there seems to be none of- thankfully.

“We need to head back to Dels and tell everyone what’s going on… get someone posted here too incase they come back again… they must be talking to people from school and I want to know who!” I rage, as we head back to the car

I won’t let those three tomments, waltz back into Lottie’s life. They’ve made a deadly mistake coming here and looking for trouble!

As we drive back to Del’s place, my mind races with anger. I can’t believe those bullies have the audacity to come searching for Lottie, playing their dumb games! They have made a grave mistake, underestimating her and her new life here!

Once we arrive back at Dels, ensuring we weren’t followed on the way, we gather everyone in the living room, urgency evident in our voices and expressions.

I share the contents of the letter and inform them about the visit to Anna’s home and what the receptionist at the school had told us. The room fills with a tense silence as everyone takes in the gravity of the situation.

“Oh my god! What if we had gone there to collect my stuff! What if we were both still living there! Anything could have happened!” Anna panics slightly, rightfully so as they now targeted her home, as Lottie’s face remains pale and fearful.

“This will end soon enough!” I growl, my eyes blazing with anger. “No one messes with us and gets away with it.” I add, as Lottie’s head hangs low.

“What was in the letter?“Del questions next, as I open up the contents to reveal the two largely written words


“This is all my fault Anna!” Lottie’s whisper comes next, as Anna gasps loudly at her words and moves to sit by her.

“It is not! Don’t you dare blame yourself for these psychopaths: The main thing is that we are both safe! Anna grats her hands and tells her firmly, as we all agree.

It’s certainly not her fault!

I gesture for Del and Jace to follow me into the other room in order to discuss our next steps. I don’t need Lottie and Anna getting more worked up

about this

In the privacy of the other room, Del, Jace, and I gather around the table.

“They must have sources here, someone who gave them information. We need to find out who.” Del voices his annoyance.

Jace nods in agreement. “We can start by reaching out to our contacts, asking if they’ve heard anything from a Tommy, Jason, or a Holden. If they have connections in this town, or have spoke to anybody that we know, someone might slip up and reveal something” Jace states.

“Good idea,” I say, my mind already racing with possibilities as I take out my phone in order to send a text out.

“We’ll also need to step up security around this place and keep a close watch on Lottie. We can’t take any chances if they found out where Anna lives,” Del adds, making a good point.

As we devise our plan, we assign specific tasks to each member of our gang. Some will focus on being the eyes around town while others will bolster




Chapter 53

security measures and keep a watchful eye on our home. We’ll rotate shifts, ensuring constant vigilance, while keeping on top of the home security

Returning to the living room, we find Lottie and Anna cuddled up together in an embrace, their faces filled with worry. We reassure them both that we have a plan in motion, that we won’t let those

fuckers harm them.

“Come with me doll,” I motion for Lottie to come with me, as she gives Anna one last squeeze before standing and following me up to our room.

As soon as we get there, I pull her into my embrace, having wanted to comfort her earlier…

1 hold Lottie tightly in my arms, feeling the tension in her body gradually melt away. My fingers brush through her hair, and I place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“You’re safe with me, Lottie,” I whisper, my voice filled with sincerity and determination. “We won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

Lottie clings onto me, her voice quivering as she speaks. “Tim Kared, Alex Scared of what they might do, scared of what might happen to us and for my life here!” She sniffles next.

I tighten my grip around her, wanting to shield her from the world’s cruelties. “I understand, Lottie. But we’re stronger together. We have our men helping out, you have great friends nms, and we won’t let them tear us apart. We’ll face this head–on and you’ll be fucking happy I rant, knowing I would do anything it took to give her eternal happiness…

Lottie looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. I believe you, Alex. I’m just scared.” She admits.

A surge of strength fills my heart as I gaze into her eyes. I refuse to let these bastards win. I won’t let them destroy her newfound happiness.

I kiss her softly, pouring all of my feelings and support into that one gesture as she kisses me back…

Teventually pull away, before speaking again, as she stares into my eyes – “Lucky for you doll, you’ve picked the towns biggest psycho to be your boyfriend! I’ll rip their limbs from their bodies just for you – believe me “I chuckle, placing my forehead against hers as she smiles.

“You’re crazy!” Lottle laughs, as 1 flash her a grin….

She doesn’t even know the half of it yet….

“I have a question that I wanted to ask… Lottie the voices, curiosity lacing her tone as she peaks my interest.

“What?” I entice her to continue, as she eyes me warily before beginning

“How do you know all of those scary looking men? I’ve never seen any of them since I’ve been here… and how did you just manage to get them all to show up and help us? Lottie rambles, as I smirk at her innocence.

What do I say…

I ponder, leaving a moment of silence between us as I allow myself time to think. What would be the harm in telling her the truth? It would come to light eventually right?

“My father was…a powerful man Lottie.” I find my words carefully, as she pulls my hand towards the bed for us both to sit down

“Powerful?” She repeats, tucking a blond strand behind her ear as I nod

“He was one of New York’s biggest gangsters during his prime…” I admit, studying her for a reaction as her eyes grow wide like saucers.

“A…A gangster? A real one?” Lottie babbles, as I laugh now.

It sounded ridiculous… so I guess I’ll have to start from the fucking beginning for it all to make sens

“Let me explain…” NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I begin…

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