It Comes In Three's

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Alex‘ PÓV


I enter her bedroom without a knock, earning a gasp from Lottie as she turns to look at me.

“I’m sorry… I’m just… overwhelmed!” She blunders out, as I clench my fists tightly to help control my temper.

Can she not just say yes? How hard is it! I’ve never been rejected for anything in my life and I don’t plan on starting tonight with her!

“Why can’t you just give me an answer? You complain that I’m acting out when we aren’t even together so I’m telling you to just be my girlfriend!” I defend my actions, as she slumps down onto the edge of the bed staring at the floor.

“I–I can’t.” She replies, as my blood pressure sky rockets and I almost lose my shit.

Did she just attempt to tell me no? Even if she doesn’t want this, she’s practically already claimed as mine. Any guy would be stupid to go near her now after seeing her hanging around with me!

If she hasn’t figured it yet, that’s why not many dudes approach Anna either. They are too fucking scared of her cousin – Jace – and what we would do to them if they messed her around!

“Well you better have a good enough reason at least! Do you seriously not like me? Is that it? Because your actions so far have said otherwise! My hands tremble slightly as I hold myself

together as best I can.

“It’s not that…” Lottie continues, as I close my eyes to breathe steadily.

If I lose my temper with her again, all I’m going to do is scare her off… and that’s the last thing that she needs in her life right now…

“Then what? Tell me?” I grit, as a thick silence falls between us again.


One minute she’s texting me for hours and crying because I kissed Brianna, and then the next second she’s pretending she doesn’t have feelings for me at all? Fuck that excuse!

“I’m just… too messed up to have a boyfriend Alex… you don’t deserve to take on me with all of my trauma. I wouldn’t even know how to be a good girlfriend – I’m the worst!” She finally whispers her reasons, as I barely hear her words that are curtly followed by a small sniffle.

Fuck… I breathe out as a sharp pang of guilt hits my chest. She doesn’t think she’s good enough for me… but the reality is, am I ever going to be good enough for her?

She doesn’t even realise how fucking out of control I am… she’s only seen a glimpse of my dangerous lifestyle and temper… yet she thinks I deserve more than her?

“Stop that!” I state firmly, moving towards her, before taking her hands and pulling her up to stand on her feet.

I place two fingers under her chin, forcing her sad eyes to look up at me as my body relaxes slightly with being closer to her.

I can’t explain it, but the small broken female fully has me roped in without even realising it….

“I want you to be mine. Regardless of everything else. I like being around you, you’re like an addictive fucking drug that I can’t shake off.” I confirm, as her eyes search mine in longing.

“B–But why? Why would you want me? I don’t understand!” Lottie questions, growing frustrated, as our faces remain close – breathing becoming irregular.

“There’s a few reasons doll… to start, I think you’re fucking beautiful! I like being around you! I also want to protect you constantly! You

deserve much more than the shit you’ve been through in the past so just give me a chance and at least let me give you a better life!” I try to express how I felt for her, though struggled to put it into words having never admitted my feelings to anyone before.

All I know deep down, is that I’m a possessive man who is used to getting my own way… and from day one I knew… I liked her and wanted to keep her as mine.

“O–Ok.” She replies, causing a rush of pleasure to course through my body.

“So you’re saying yes?” I tease, as she smiles slightly and nods once.

“I’m saying yes.” She confirms, before I smash my lips onto hers having wanted to kiss her since entering the home but couldn’t without terrifying the poor thing.

Lottie kisses me back, thankfully, as I wrap my strong arms around her waist and crush her closer to me if at all possible.

I won’t let her go, I won’t let anything bad happen to her. Any man that wishes to attempt to take her from me is a dead man walking!

We break apart for air, as Lottie looks flustered which causes me to laugh down at her.

“Quit laughing at me!” She complains, as I laugh more at how disheveled she looked after the kiss.

“Where’s your shirt?” Her eyes dance down my tattooed abdomen before they quickly avert back up to my face causing me to smirk.

“Well after you rudely hung up the phone on me, I lost my shit and drove straight over here… didn’t have time to put one on!” I explain, as she sighs at the memory.

“Y–Yeah I’m sorry about that…” Lottie attempts to say, as I cock a brow at her curiously.

I haven’t forgotten doll…

“So are you going to tell me what happened today that’s been bothering you so much? I know there’s more to it than what you told me on the phone.” I state the obvious, as she pulls away from our close proximity.

I allow her the space as she takes a seat on the bed again – as I follow her lead and sit down.

I know pretty much everything about her at this point (at least I think I do) so why she still feels she can’t tell me shit I don’t know… but we will work on it.

“Everything went well with the cops… I wasn’t lying about that.” Lottie begins, as I nod slightly and wait for the rest.

“But just before they left, the female officer remembered that she had a letter to give to me.” She adds, gaining my interest now.

“A letter?” I state, earning a nod before she sighs.

“A letter from them… back home.” Lottie confirms lowly, as I grit my teeth in a fury.

The fucking cheek of them!

“So do they know where you are?” I ask, as she shakes her head – seeming nervous.

“I don’t think so… the officer said that since they were so worried about me, she had agreed to pass over a letter for them since she couldn’t tell them where I was… she said that way it with the tie of her robe.

was up to me what I wanted to do from there.” She explains, as I watch her fidget

“Show me it now!” I demand, not meaning to sound so harsh, as her eyes widen.

“N–No… You…” Lottie begins to defend, before I stand from the bed and begin to look around.

Where would she keep it? I ponder to myself, as she seems to panic slightly.

“Alex stop it’s ok!” She defends, as I stare at her briefly – ignoring her before continuing to look around.

I pull open a couple of drawers, groaning with the lack of result…

“We are officially together now right?” I stop to ask her, as her eyes grow wide and she nods. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well doll, I’ll go easy on you since you’ve never actually had a boyfriend before, but now that we are together, you can’t keep shit from me! It won’t work like that! I want you to tell me everything so that I can help.” I state, as she stares and struggles to find her words.

“Show me it.” I ask again, folding my arms over my chest in a stubborn manner.

Lottie thinks for a moment, glancing between myself and her nervous hands, before responding-

“F–Fine, but I’m going to shower whilst you read it. She finally caves in before moving to retrieve the letter from the front of her backpack as I feel accomplished.

I take it from her, as she eyes me warily, before she heads off into the bathroom and I waste no time on pulling the pages out.

I glance over the sheets – one being a letter and the other a map of some kind – before my eyes settle on the names signed at the bottom of the page first…

Tommy, Jason and Holden.


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