It Comes In Three's

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Alex’s POV

I sit in the corner of the managers office, wiping down my gun with a cloth, as Del and Jace wrap up Freddie’s limp body on the floor.

This is it, this is the beginning of the war… I’ll stop at nothing now until they are all ticked off my hit list.




This is the moment that I truly realise, I am my fathers son… he would have done the same to protect my mother…

“Get the guys that do construction over here to tear this whole office out, I want it demolished and built again. There will be no trace left of his DNA in here. I announce, as Del nods – wiping his nose with his sleeve.

He peels off his plastic glove, before grabbing his phone to send a text out to some of our guys.

After they are done refurbishing the office, it will be as though nothing ever even happened in this gym to begin with…

Freddie was easy, probably too easy, he didn’t have any family that cared about him, since I’m pretty sure he had stolen masses of money from them many years ago before moving to this town.

He’s always been a rat…

He would do just about anything for money and what I had heard at the pub just confirmed it…

Freddie had found me and my talent for fighting when I was young. He offered me, what I thought at the time, was a lot of cash to participate in his fights. I thought he was seriously doing me a favour, however I was wrong. It was all just for self gain… to make a quick buck off of my talent.

I always had a soft spot for him, but sitting here now, having just ended his pathetic life, I know now that he only used me.

When I got older, bigger than him and much stronger, he began to fear me. He knew he couldn’t control me like he used to. But he was an idiot to think he could get away with any of this. Did he seriously think he could kill Lottie without me knowing it was him too?!

I head downstairs, into the empty gym, before heading to the showers.

I wash myself down, before I change into the spare clothes I had always kept in my gym locker, thankful to be fresh again after the encounter with Freddie.

Now all that was left would be to spread rumour that he had stolen money from me and had left to head to Mexico where I wouldn’t find him. People would believe it, knowing his current reputation, and therefore it was easy done.

Nobody would ask about him ever again…

But this was only the beginning… I now had three others to deal with. Lottie’s dreadful mother, her dirty cop boyfriend and Sofia, who I recently discovered was actually the one who chased Lottie that day.

I want to know why…

I grab my phone, hitting some buttons to call Rosalind, as it rings a few times before she picks up-

“Hey Alex!” Her voice chimes through, causing me to relax slightly after the situation I had just been in.

“Hi, is there any update yet?” I question, referring to if she had managed to track down Sofia yet.

I had assigned two of our guys to accompany Rosalind as they try to find Sofia. I wanted her brought back to me, for interrogation purposes if you will.

“Not yet Alex, but we only drove out to her town today so we haven’t been here long. We are going to check her work place tonight.” Rosalind explains, as I nod, clearly far too impatient with everything going on.

“I need to know her motive, Rosalind. Find her and bring her to me. I want to know why she targeted Lottie and who else might be involved.” I say firmly, the urgency in my voice evident.

R This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


Chapter 123

“Don’t worry, Alex. We’ll get to the bottom of this, give us some more time.” She assures me, her voice steady and determined.

*Keep me updated, and if you find her, call me immediately.” I instruct, saying a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone.




I head back out to the main gym from the lockers, seeing a few of my men had arrived with their tools. Jace and Del were pointing and directing them, explaining what they wanted them to do, meanwhile I notice Freddie’s body bag laying beside them zipped up on the floor.

Nobody seems to bat an eye at the lifeless figure, as they continue on with their discussion.

“Ethan I’ll leave you a key, lock the doors behind us when we leave and keep anyone from coming in until you guys are done in here. Just rip the whole fucking thing out and destroy the materials afterwards.” I instruct, as the guys nod and I fish through my pocket to retrieve the gym key for him.

Some of the guys get straight to work, as Del opens the back door to poke his head outside. “They are here Alex, let’s get the body in the trunk.” Del gestures with his hand, as myself and Jace lift the weighted bag up from the floor.

We carry him towards the exit, seeing Peters car parked right outside. Peter was in the drivers seat, ready to dash off the moment we were done loading him into the car, whilst Sam was on the street keeping watch for him.

These two were professionals when it came to getting rid of bodies, having had worked for my father for years. These where the guys you called to dispose of a body without getting caught, it was like second nature to them by now.

I hand Peter an envelope through the window, as he takes it and winks at me knowingly.

It was a fat stack of cash for his and Sam’s troubles. I could always count on them to step up, and they knew I needed their help more than ever with this type of business.

We slam the trunk down, as Sam climbs back inside, before they rev off down the road – disappearing to do their work.

“Easy done!” Jace brushes his hands, as I nod, breathing steadily.

We just fucking killed Freddie… as easy as that…

We wave to Ethan, who locks the gym door after us, as myself, Jace and Del head back down the street towards our cars.

I am now fully ready to take on our next targets…

As we drive, I can feel the anger and determination building inside me. No one messes with my family, and I won’t let anyone get away with harming Lottie or my unborn baby for that matter. They all need taken care of, because I’ve had enough of their trouble!

Zack calls me while we’re en route through town, giving us the update on Lottie’s mother’s whereabouts. “She’s currently at the motel, this would be the best time to get in there Alex!” He says, as I press down on the gas to speed up.

“And what about the cop?” I question, wanting to know where he had suddenly gone.

“He’s out getting groceries, we had another of the guys tail him so we can know when he’s on his way back. It’s the perfect time to strike against her mother!” Zack replies confidently, as Jace smirks at me.

“Good. Taking out these two will be tricky, especially the cop, we have to make it look like an accident…” I state, going over our plan.

We end the call with Zack, speeding our way to the outskirts of town towards the motel…

‘Do you think Lottie will be sad about her mothers death? I mean, I know they don’t exactly get along, but maybe she will still feel upset about it?” Del ponders, as my eyes narrow at the thought.

Knowing Lottie, she probably would still feel sad, only because she is a good person though. Lottie would be sad if she heard about a stranger that died never mind her abusive mother… since unlike her mother, Lottie was a genuine human being with a heart!

“At this rate, it’s either her mother who has to die, or else it will be Lottie. I refuse for it to be Lottie!” I grit out, knowing that with the lengths they are seeming to go to, there was no other way!

It doesn’t take us long to get there, as we spend the rest of the short drive discussing exactly how we want this to play out…



Chapter 123



Zack, who is a cousin of one of our loyal men, had been scouted for our group after he had returned back from the army.

He was far more skilled than the rest of our men, and wanted to find work whenever I had it – which brings us here.


Zack wasn’t your typical army cadet, but he was a trained assassin – taking out the toughest of enemies as effortlessly as possible. Rumour has it, when he strikes against his victims, it is like a gust of wind passing in the night.

He was going to help us make their deaths look like an accident!

We arrive outside of the motel, parking around the back beside Zack’s vehicle. I roll down the window, motioning for Zack to do the same, as he grins when seeing my face.

“You ready? The guys just called to say that the cop has now gone in to the casino so we have more time…” Zack states, as I nod steadily.

“How many people are checked in here? What’s the chances of anyone hearing or being witnesses to this?” I ask, knowing that Zack had no doubt worked out all of the details by now.

“Two middle aged truckers are checked in, but they’ve both gone off to the pub. I’m not sure when they will return though so we have to be cautious. There’s also the receptionist over in that building, however I reckon we just send Jace in there to flirt for a while and she won’t be any wiser!” Zack laughs, as I smile at the suggestion.

“Sure, I guess I’ll take one for the team!” Jace rolls his eyes, as I grin.

“Ok Del, you wait back here, ready with the car when we need you to take the body. Zack, you’re coming with me. I announce, as they all nod.

It’s time to take out one of the top dogs in this fight.

Lottie, of course, was a lot softer and more caring than I am, and therefore she would probably show her mother some mercy if she were here.

I, however, believe that there is no hope for her mother. The woman was sheer evil… she needs to go!

Jace saunters across the car park towards the main building, acting as our distraction, whilst myself and Zack walk casually towards Lottie’s mothers


We approach the door, as Zack pulls out a small tool and wastes no time before beginning to pick at the lock.

I watch him, admiring his skill set, as I suddenly grow thankful for the strong team I had supporting me through all of this… we most certainly can get away with anything at this rate!

I can feel the tension in the air as the door lock eventually clicks, allowing us entry. Zack turns the handle slowly, pushing his body into the room as I follow in behind him, my feet light and my movements cautious…

If only Lottie knew I was here, ready to put an official end to her own mother… but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her I guess!

“Aghhhh! What the hell are you two doing in here?!” Lottie’s mother turns and sees us both enter the room, shrieking loudly as she backs up from us.

“Im offended, do you not recognise me?” I mock, placing a hand on my heart as her eyes widen and her face pales.

“A–Alex?! W–What’s going on! We only came to town for a holiday!” The woman yells, panic taking over as I shake my head at the petty excuse.

She had only met me that one time in the court room… but she knew I was Lottie’s protector after that!

“We are here to bring some justice to Lottie, and how you continue to treat her!” I spit at her feet, as she gasps loudly and backs herself up against the far wall.

Zack remains silent from beside me, waiting to strike, as I take control of the situation…

“W–What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything to Lottie! S–Sure we don’t talk anymore, but she’s living her new life and I’m just trying to live mine!” She protests, but her trembling voice betrays her as she attempts to act innocent.

“So you didn’t plan on having her killed then? Your own daughter!” I deadpan, as she blinks profusely, shaking her head in disbelief that I knew about her whole plan already.



“A–Alex… come on now… whatever Freddie has clearly told you, isn’t true!” She continues, earning a loud laugh from me next.

It was humorous how they actually betrayed one another in their desperation… blaming anybody for this ordeal but themselves!

I’ll hold them all responsible for this… each and every one of them will pay if it’s the last thing I do!

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

she abused her too so she should have been locked up with the others


+10% Bonus



✩ 3


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