It Comes In Three's

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Lottie’s POV


As the security footage starts playing, my heart pounds loudly in my chest.

I can hardly bring myself to watch it, afraid of what I might see, however I force myself to look on knowing that I needed this closure.




The tension in the room is palpable as 1 stare at the screen, waiting for the moment that changed everything today and wound me up in this random hotel room alone…

As the scene unfolds, I see Alex in his office, walking around and talking on his phone. He seems focused and absorbed in his task, which helps to calm. my nerves ever so slightly.

But then, a short while after, Sofia enters the frame–seeming to sneak in the door as Alex has his back turned, wearing a seductive smile.

My heart sinks, and anger starts to bubble up within me, feeling hurt and betrayed that she had even gotten in there in the first place…

I clench my fists, unable to tear my eyes away from the screen now…

I watch on as Alex whips around when hearing her presence, looking shocked and somewhat bothered to see her, before Sofia waltzes around the room comfortably as though she has known him for years.

Alex seems to wave her off, as she latches herself onto his arm–making me cringe at the contact – before I watch Alex shake her off for a second time.

She continues in her seduction, even going as far to spread her whorish legs to him, but to my surprise, his face contorts in disgust as he turns his b on her again.

From what I can see, Alex appears uncomfortable throughout the whole encounter, pulling away from all of her advances.


I watch as the desperate female approaches Alex from behind, wrapping her skinny arms around his torso, only a second before myself and Anna enter the room…

So that’s what actually happened?!

This was not what I had expected, and a pang of guilt hits me like a ton of bricks for jumping to conclusions. I should have believed in him more than I did….

“Alex…” I whimper out loud, before watching myself run out of the office on his phone, with Alex following shortly after me, before Anna seems to point and tell Sofia to leave.

My heart softens a bit as I realize that I might have misjudged Alex’s actions…

The scene paints a very different picture to the one I had created in my mind. Compared to the short moment I had saw, this was actually nothing!

As the footage ends, I turn to face Alex, my emotions still raw as I open and close my mouth like a bubbling fool.

“I’m sorry!”

* I choke out, my voice trembling. 1 shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions without hearing your side of the story first! I wouldn’t even speak to Anna either! I’m such a bitch!” 1 cry out, before Alex pulls me into his solid chest seeming to relax immensely with me in his hold.

“Don’t apologise to me Lottie! You have every right to react this way! Sofia should have never even made it inside of my office to begin with! I understand why you would think the worst of me after what you saw, but I promise you, Lottie, I have and never will, cheat on you. I love you, and 1 only want you.” Alex mumbles into my hair, as I grip onto him tightly.

“I love you too, Alex,” I whisper, finally allowing myself to believe him. I just… I’ve never felt that hurt over anything before, I just wanted to run and hide away from it all!” I admit, swallowing the thick lump in my throat.

Meeting Anna, Alex, Jace and Del was the best thing that had ever happened to me… and to think for even a moment that it was all over… was crushing to say the least!

“I would never do anything to hurt you, at least not intentionally, I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy, doll.” Alex comforts me, as I feel

ashamed at how I had reacted.

+10% Bonus

find you 07:01

I pull back from him, as he stares down at me, offering me a half smile. “Anna, Del and Jace are down in the lobby too… we all came to fi admits, as I grow heatedly embarrassed next.

They all had to drive out here, all because I overreacted to something that turned out to be nothing! I’m an idiot!

“Who was that girl Alex?” I find myself whispering, needing to know more about their background together and find out how they all knew her.

I haven’t seen her at school before either…

Alex shifts awkwardly, holding my hands tightly in his before he speaks- I’ll be honest with you Lottie, we dated back when we were sixteen. It wasn’t for long, and it wasn’t anything close to what I have with you now, but we did date. At least until she moved to a new town and blocked us all from talking to her again!” Alex explains the history, as I nod along slowly with his words, sniffling and trying to regain my composure.

So they do have a past

“Are you sure Alex? Is that the whole truth? Because I would rather you tell me everything now before we move forward… and is that the first time you’ve even saw her since back then? My insecurities leak out, having not liked how comfortable the girl seemed around him.

“Honest, doll! It’s the truth! I even told her in the office that she was stupid to come back to town because there was nothing left for her here… but do you want to know what I really think? Alex questions next, his eyes squinting slightly as I nod once for him to go on.

“I personally think, that the bitch seen that I was suddenly successful with my own company, and thought she could come crawling back and get in on the action! But she’s wrong Lottie, I was done

with her the minute she moved to a new town! All I want is you, always you!” Alex leans forward, pressing his forehead to mine as I breathe out steadily.

I’m an idiot! I seriously didn’t believe him! I honestly thought he had a thing with this girl going on behind my back!

With a heavy but hopeful heart, I look up at him. “Okay, Alex. I believe you. I’m sorry about this mess… I didn’t have to overreact and leave town!” I admit, feeling like a complete idiot now,

A small smile forms on his face, as he presses a soft kiss against my head next. I knew that I just had to find you and explain this shit! I didn’t want you to sit alone and think it was anything more than what it was. I’m sorry that it even happened, I’ve fired my shitty security guards at the office now too since they seem to just let anybody in these days fucking idiots! Alex grits out in annoyance, as I sigh..

“From what I’ve seen so far, that Sofia girl probably seduced her way past them! She would’ve done anything to make it up to your flour by the looks of it – even if that meant scaling the damn building from the outside?” I complain loudly, huffing as I allow my jealousy to take over, as Alex laughs and agrees with my comment

I decide to move away from the door now, taking a seat on the small chair in the room as Alex follows behind me – sitting down on the bed.

“Alex?” I suddenly ponder, gaining his full attention as he nods.

“How did you even know I was here? My room number and everything?” I question, watching him shrug and smirk in accomplishment.

“TI always find you doll!” He retorts, as I roll my eyes at his response. “But if you really must know, I checked my credit card transactions and it showed that you had used the card here. I also told the

reception that I was your boyfriend and that you were waiting on me – proved it too since my name was also on the card you had used to check in Alex informs me, as my mouth falls open.

He doesn’t ever miss a trick…

Although, I was glad now that he had found me since I was too stubborn and upset before to hear his side.

This day has been hard enough, ever since the mall…


My eyes widen at the sudden realisation, as Alex straightens up and looks at me with worry: “What? What’s wrong?!” Alex questions, as I shake my head frantically.

I can’t tell him that I’m pregnant? Not here? Not right now!


Chapter 114

“Uhh… n–nothing… it’s nothing!” I ramble, as his brows pull together in concern.

+109 Bonu!

“It’s not nothing. Lottie! Tell me! He demands to know, before another loud knock sounds out against the room door, causing Alex to whip his he 06:5

around in alert..

Saved by the door I suppose…

“Maybe that’s the others… but I told them to wait downstairs until I called!” Alex complains loudly, before my brain catches up with what’s happening as he stands up to open it.

“Oh no! It’s only room service Alex! I almost forgot.” I call out to him, as he pauses, before nodding and opening the door to the small man with the trolly.

I watch as Alex takes the tray filled with my order, thanking him briefly before closing the door. He then turns to me, raising a brow in question, as I can’t help but laugh loudly at the sight….

This looked bad…

“Really? You think I cheated on you so you just order damn nachos and popcorn? I didn’t know you were celebrating!” Alex remarks, staring down at the snacks as I continue to laugh.

This looked terrible! It looked as though I totally didn’t give a shit about what had happened! As if I had just booked a hotel to have a nice night in!

“Stop my sides hurt!” I continue to laugh, as he smiles and places the tray down on the table.

“So are you going to tell me what’s freaking you out so much? Or do I have to bully it out of you doll?!” Alex pushes, having not forgotten about the conversation regardless of being distracted by the room service guy.

What do I even say to him? Where do I start? He has a right to know….

“Alex… I’m…” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

1 freeze, choking on my words, feeling lost and scared for how he would take the news…

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