It Comes In Three's

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

It Comes In Three’s

Chapter 103

Lottie’s POV

“Check this out Lottie! I almost forgot that we had sent Clara’s ex boyfriends those messages!“Anna blurts out with a laugh, her eyes lighting up as she stares down at her phone screen.

“Two out of four of them said they could call us today! Amy still hasn’t responded yet though…” Anna informs me, as I scoot closer to have a better look.

We both currently sit out in Dels back yard – enjoying the sun. Alex had called a team in today to help remove the graffiti from Dels front walls, so the boys where currently occupied with that.

“Let’s do it!” I giggle at the idea, as Anna pulls open the messages to reply.

She then switches her phone over to loud, meaning that we would hear the phone ring as soon as they call.

As we wait for the calls from Clara’s ex–boyfriends to come in, a mix of excitement and nervousness fills the air. I’m curious to hear what they have to say about their experiences with her, but at the same time, I know this could also add more fuel to the fire.

“I feel like we should totally have a note pad and pen for this!” I announce, causing Anna to laugh loudly at the idea.

Minutes later, Anna’s phone starts ringing loudly from beside us. The first call, from one of Clara’s ex- boyfriends is coming through!

We exchange glances before Anna picks up the phone to answer the call- ensuring that we can both hear it.

“Hello?” Anna says, trying to keep her voice steady.

On the other end of the line, we hear a male voice speak up. “Hey, this is Anna, right? You messaged me earlier? It’s Ben.” He announces, confirming who he is.

Ben was one of the longer relationships that we know of, which meant we had struck gold by having him agree to call us. If anybody knew what Clara was really like, it would be him!

“Yes, that’s right. We were wondering if we could ask you a few personal questions about your ex Clara.” Anna says slowly, trying to sound casual with it.

“Can I ask what this whole thing is for first? Ben questions, his tone steady yet curious.

“Sure! We’ve been having some trouble with her lately ourselves. To be totally honest with you Ben,


Chapter 103

she’s seriously crossed the line with us. We just wanted to find out if she has always been a crazy bitch or if this is a new thing?” Anna concludes, as I cover my mouth to stop the laugh from escaping.

She did not hold back with him on that one…

To our delight, Ben laughs loudly, humoured by the insult before he speaks up. “Sure, that makes sense! What exactly do you want to know?” He responds, as Anna flashes me a wide grin after his


“What was it like dating her? I guess just start from the beginning? If you don’t mind… Anna asks carefully, as we shuffle closer

together in anticipation.

I wonder what his own experience dating Clara was like… surely not any worse than what Del has gone through!

“She was difficult to manage to say the least. It was always her way or the highway right from the very beginning. If I had to describe her in one word, she was just your typical brat! I’met her through a friend, and decided to give it a shot and in total, we dated for only four months. Ben explains, pausing to take a breath before continuing…

“I would say that the relationship was normal for at least a few weeks, before things went totally south. She went total crazy mode on me. Didn’t want me looking or speaking to any other girls despite them being my friends who she had met. She just became suffocating.” Ben begins to explain his past with Clara, as myself and Anna give him the floor to speak freely – eyeing one another knowingly as he spoke.

“I hate to ask this Ben, but did she ever, you know? Get physical with you?” Anna tests, as we hear him sigh on his end.

He pauses, the silence turning unbearable, as we wait for a response. I was almost certain that he was ready to end the call, before his disturbing words finally

come out next-

“I mean I hate to admit it, because I find it really embarrassing, but I’m guessing that you only asked me because you know someone that’s going through the same shit with her right?” Ben questions, as Annal confirms his suspicions.

“I’m a big guy, I work out, I train a lot, but yeah… she used to hit me and shit when she lost her temper. Sometimes, she would even use weapons.” Ben states, before continuing in his rant-

“One time, she even burnt me with her hair curlers whilst I was still asleep because she found a text on

my phone from one of my female friends after she claims she ‘warned me not to talk to them anymore. She’s a crazy bitch!” Ben staggers out, seeming conflicted as he rehashes the memories. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Anna gasps at his admission, as a sick feeling forms in the pit of my stomach hearing that Del, wasn’t the only one she had treated badly….


Chapter 103

“If we asked, would you be willing to make a statement to the cops about this? We won’t push you to if you don’t want to, so please don’t worry too much about it! Our friend Del, who you probably already know, is going through the same shit with her right now. Clara even hit him in the face with a hammer only days ago!” Anna decides to offer some comfort to him, by telling him a little more about our own

situation in return.

Silence forms again, as he drinks in our words before speaking up-

“Shes doing this shit to Del? I didn’t think she would even dare! Sure I would make a statement, gladly! I even have the pictures from the burns to prove it too. Ben agrees, as mine and Anna’s eyes widen at his keenness.

“Thank you! For speaking with me Ben! Del will really appreciate the support too! Save my number, and if we do decide to press charges, we will be in touch!” Anna informs him, handling the situation with

great care.

She seriously would make a great investigator!

After finishing up the call, Anna and I both release breaths that we didn’t know we had been holding. “That was way more helpful than we realised it would be!” I state, as Anna agrees.

“Wait until Del finds out that he’s not the only one!” Anna sighs, as I nod the same sick feeling returning again.

This girl was a piece of work… way worse than what we had originally thought… we just thought she was a typical bitch, but this, this was some serious stuff!

She was getting with big guys, and abusing them, probably because she figured that they might be too embarrassed to speak up about it. Too scared that it could tarnish their bad boy reputation’s…

As we digest the shocking information from Ben’s call, Anna’s phone starts ringing again. Another one of Clara’s ex–boyfriends trying to get through…

We exchange glances, unsure of what to expect this time….

Anna answers the call, and another new voice speaks

1. up. “Hey, it’s Landon. You messaged me earlier? What’s this about?” Landon asks, sounding slightly guarded at first.

“Hey, Landon. Thanks for calling me back. We’re just trying to get some insight into Clara’s past relationships. Would you mind answering a few questions for us?” Anna replies gently, trying to keep the conversation open and non–confrontational.

Landon was one of the guys from the football team. He wasn’t in a serious relationship but had a couple of hook ups with Clara at the start of the year.


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“Sure, I guess. What do you want to know?” Landon responds, sounding a bit more at ease compared to

what he did before.

As Anna begins to ask Landon about his own experiences with Clara, we listen Intently. Landon shares that he slept with Clara a few times at party’s, and during that time, she displayed possessive behavior and a tendency to become aggressive when things did

go her way.

“Yeah, she definitely had some jealousy issues and I knew not to get in too deep with her because of it. One time, she tried to tell me she was pregnant, but she couldn’t prove it. I knew she was a handful and so I cut ties before things got worse.” Landon admits, as we are stunned to hear about the pregnancy dilemma.

Del isn’t the first with that one too….

“Did she ever get physical with you?” Anna asks carefully next.

There’s a moment of hesitation before Landon answers. “One time, she threw a glass at me. Luckily, it didn’t hit me, but it shattered on the wall behind me, she’s fucking mad!” Landon reveals, laughing back

at the encounter.

Lucky for him, he didn’t get into too much trouble with Clara and seemed to have trusted his gut…

Clara’s toxic behavior and violent tendencies were clearly not isolated incidents at this point… this stuff was way bigger.

“What’s this for anyhow? Isn’t she dating Del now?” Landon questions, having known Del through

football when the guys attended school.

“Not anymore… she was a bitch to him… she did the pregnancy stunt on him too. Even hit him on the face with a hammer recently. We might take it to the cops because it’s getting out of hand.” Anna explains to him, as I remain quiet – allowing for her to handle the calls with ease.

Well fuck! I don’t mind sharing my shit with the cops if he wants backup, just let me know?” Landon offers, as we perk up slightly, not having to ask this time for his help..

Anna thanks him, and after the calls are over, we sit in silence, processing the disturbing revelations. It’s chilling to hear how Clara’s pattern of abusive behavior extended to multiple relationships….

“We should probably tell the guys about this?” I suggest quietly, knowing we have to do something about this girl.

Justice has to be served… not just for Dels sake… but for all of the guys she’s tortured and could go on to torture in the future… she won’t stop unless we stop her ourselves!

“You’re right… let’s go and get them…” Anna sighs, standing from the seat as I follow her lead.


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