It Comes In Three's

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Lottie’s POV As we recount the events involving Clara and Del, Alex’s face tightens with evident anger and frustration as he drinks in our words. He listens intently, clenching his jaw as Anna and I fill him in on the disturbing details of Clara’s actions at the hospital. He doesn’t interrupt, but I can see the fire in his eyes growing with every passing word. “Unbelievable!” He mutters after we finish, clearly seething with anger at this point. “She just can’t stay away, can she? I warned her to stay away from Del, but yet she doesn’t seem to get the message. She’s delusional! I’ve had enough!” He concludes loudly, moving to grab his car keys. Anna nods in agreement. “That’s an understatement. Del doesn’t deserve this kind of harassment, especially when he’s already going through so much after what she did.” “I know, and we won’t let her get away with it. I’m done playing nice. She needs to learn her lesson.” Alex fumes, as my mind begins to race with ideas of what he could have in mind… As Alex prepares to leave the office, Anna and I exchange glances, both knowing that whatever he has planned – won’t be good. His determined demeanor tells us that he’s on a mission, as we both gather up our own things and prepare to follow him. “I have a feeling he’s not just going to sit back and let this go, Anna whispers to me, her tone a mix of worry and admiration for Alex’s strength. “Yeah, I think you’re right,” I reply, my own concern evident. “He’s not going to let Clara off the hook this time he’s already warned her.” As Alex heads towards the door, I quickly call out to him. “Wait, Alex! We are coming with you.” He turns back to look at the both of us, surprise flickering across his face as though he had almost. forgotten that we were even still here.

“You don’t have to do that, Lottie. I can handle this on my own. You could both stay here? There’s a TV in the other room with Netflix? I won’t be long.” He tries to say, as I shake my head. Anna steps forward, her determination matching Alex’s. “We’re not letting you deal with this alone. Clara has been targeting all of us in her own way, and we want to support you in whatever you plan to do. Plus, I think Lottie could be doing with some fresh air today!” Anna concludes, before I can say anything myself. 1/5 Chapter 101 Alex hesitates for a moment, clearly torn between wanting to protect us and realizing that we won’t back down. Eventually, he nods in acceptance. Alright, but you both stay close to me and let me handle shit. If things get too intense, you listen to what I say, understood?” Alex’s eyes hold warning, as we both agree and follow him. We both nod, knowing that Alex is just looking out for us. As we head downstairs and out towards the car. I can sense the tension in the air, anxiety and determination filling us as we climb inside. We drive in silence to wherever Alex is set on heading, with the weight of the situation heavy on our minds. What does he have planned for her… When we arrive and Alex parks up the car, I realise that we are at the gym? His gym? We decide to remain silent, following Alex as he clicks his belt and exits the vehicle. We head towards the entrance, admiring the new signs and the automatic doors which had been installed thanks to Alex taking over the space at the start of the year… The gym is buzzing with activity, the equipment all brand new, and even the boxing ring in the far corner was now of the highest quality compared to the old tattered one from before. Alex leads us to a more secluded area in the back, where he often trains for his own fighting. He’s focused, and I can tell he’s in his element as he greets a few familiar faces on the way by. I’m guessing he just came out here to blow off some steam first?

We enter the secluded space, noticing that only the top fighters seem to work back here. There was two other guys and a female – all relentless as they shadow box and breathe heavily with concentration. Alex halts in his steps to watch them train, giving them the space and silence that they need for the task. The woman is someone I have seen before since she trains here regularly and is always friendly whenever she sees us come in. Her name was Rosalind, and she was probably no doubt one of the best fighters in this place. We stand in admiration, watching the session unfold, before they finally come to an end and acknowledge our presence in the room. “Alex dude! Always great to see you! You here for a session today?.I can help you shadow if you want? I might not be up to your standards though!” The taller guy chuckles, as he approaches Alex and shakes his hand. Alex laughs at the compliment, before speaking. “No not today Turner! Maybe tomorrow though I’ll 2/5 Chapter 101 come by if you’ll be here? I’m actually here to see Rosalind today!” Alex Informs them, as Rosalind’s attention is successfully gained. What is he doing… “Of course! Hey guys, how can I help you out?” She greets us, dabbing her towel across her forehead before she smiles at us. Alex clears his throat, seeming to think out his next move first, before turning and gesturing for Rosalind to follow him. “Let’s chat in the office, it’s a long story!” Alex chuckles lightheartedly as we all follow his lead – saying our goodbyes to the other two dudes as we exit. “How have you two been? I’ve been missing you guys coming around here and intimidating all of the men!” Rosalind slows down to walk with myself and Anna, causing us both to chuckle. “We couldn’t intimidate any of the guys in here if we tried! It’s you they should be scared of withAll text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

skills!” I comment, as she grins widely. your “Babe! Being Alex Colts girlfriend is terrifying enough for everyone in here! You have more power than you realise!” Rosalind laughs loudly, before I look ahead to see Alex smirk knowingly over his shoulder. “Stop it! You’ll make his head explode!” Anna snorts, as Alex shakes his head and we all laugh. We head into the small office upstairs that overlooks the gym. Alex excuses the manager to give us some privacy which he instantly does so. If Freddie wasn’t here, then it was the other guy Dolan who would be watching over the place and how it runs. Alex was the true owner and boss around here though… but he didn’t brag about it. We all take a seat, getting comfy, as I enjoy the view from the windows overlooking the bustling environment below as everyone works hard on reaching their own goals. “What can I do you for today? Rosalind’s eyes light up, wondering what the favour could be, as I await Alex’s instruction not yet knowing myself what he was up to either. “We’ve been having problems… with a girl.” Alex begins, choosing his words carefully, as Rosalind’s land on me next. eyes “Bothering Lottie? Or Anna?” Rosalind questions, as we shake our heads and wait for Alex to explain again. “No, not exactly. Although she has been a pain in the a**to us all at one point or another! But it’s more about Del. She’s really f***ed him over, and continues to harass him even although I warned her to back the f**k off!” Alex groans, as Rosalind remains silent, listening to him carefully. 3/5 Chapter 101 “Long story short… he slept with the girl one time, drunk at a party. Now, the girl is completely. obsessed with him. She’s been abusing him for weeks, slapping, burning and most recently, even

pretended to be pregnant with his child so that he wouldn’t leave her.” Alex fills Rosalind in, as her face forms into one of disgust. “Wait?! So she wasn’t even pregnant? She just made the whole thing up? Who the f**k is this b**h?!” Rosalind questions, disbelief taking over. The situation was completely unbelievable and insane. I still couldn’t quite wrap my head around it myself, never mind imaging how Del must have felt! “She was never pregnant! Del of course, wanted to leave her. F**k! Del never really wanted to be official with her to begin with! But the other day, she lost her s**t with him, and hit him in the face with a hammer.” Alex concludes, earning an intense gasp from Rosalind, her eyes widening as she glances at all of our faces – waiting for someone to tell her otherwise. v stunned. “It’s true.” Anna confirms, as Rosalind opens and closes her mouth – completely “I told her myself to never talk to Del again after that. Sure, Del isn’t perfect either, but I don’t blame him for finally losing his **t with her after everything she’s done to him over the past couple of months! He’s been living in hell! He would’ve dumped her sooner if it weren’t for the pregnancy lie – she totally knew what she was doing.” Alex continues to rant, pinching his nose between his finger and thumb. “This girl must be out of her*n mind?! I haven’t heard anything like it! Should we report her to the m**l hospital? I’m not even trying to joke. She sounds insane!” Rosalind speaks out. Maybe she’s right… maybe we should? “Anyway, she turned up to the hospital today whilst Del was practically out of it on drugs after getting his nose reset in surgery. She was about to lose her s**t again before Jace walked in and had her kicked out. She’s gone too far, and she won’t take my threats seriously, which then leads me to you…” Alex trails off, his idea coming to light for the first time. Does he want her to fight Clara? Teach her a lesson? I don’t know… “Just give me a name, Alex! Do you want me to break her face since she broke Dels? Rosalind ponders, no ounce of fear present as she speaks.

This girl could seriously fight… Clara wouldn’t stand a chance against her… maybe it was unfair? Although, Clara has been a total a**ole. Would it be cruel to say she deserves it? “Not just yet… all I want, is for you to ruffle her up a bit… grab her in the street somewhere and threaten her… somewhere she least expects it… maybe then she will realise that I’m not f** kidding about leaving Del alone.” Alex recites his idea, as I commend him on how well thought out the plan is. 4/5 Chapter 101 “If the harassment continues still after that then…?” Rosalind trails off, as Alex nods once in confirmation. “Then you can break her **g face!” Alex states once, as Rosalind smiles in thought. I wouldn’t want this girl to pull me over on the sidewalk… no way! She was terrifying when she wanted to be… despite how nice she is to us. “I’ll obviously pay you for the favour.” Alex adds, meaning his words. “It’s a deal… I’m happy to help… just text me the details of where I can find her and I’ll text you back when it’s done.” Rosalind concludes, as Alex leans forward to shake her hand, an accomplished smile etched across his face. Hopefully this is enough for Clara to come to her senses…

he should of told her to play as dels girlfriend to the ex that would really pi** her off Deb I like your idea. His new girlfriend !

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