In Ruins: A Dark High School Bully Romance (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

In Ruins: Chapter 36

Fox never told me what he wanted to talk to me about. I didn’t want to push it since we all had so much fun at Cole’s. After Ethan and I’s show, we’d gone to Cole’s basement where the guys tried to teach me how to play pool. We ended the evening with me kissing each of the guys goodnight before Fox took me home.

As always, things were hectic for the rest of the weekend. I worked more on my learning lines for the musical audition, opting to commit a monologue from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to memory.

The guys said they had football practice on Sunday, Cole reminding me to take a warm bath to soothe me. He acted like he was teasing, but I knew he meant business.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

And Fox. My text messages beeped around ten Sunday evening.

Fox: Hey, baby. Missed you today.

I snapped back a reply, the butterflies coming to life in my tummy.

Rosalie: I missed you too. All of you.

Fox: I have something for you.

I waited a few moments for his next text. My mouth went dry when I saw what it was. A link to the application for Mayfair.

Fox: I know you’re going to Pendleton, but I also know Mayfair needs you. We need you. Cole and I are going. I know Ethan and Enzo will get in. Please consider applying.

I blew out a breath, my heart in my throat. I wanted to go so badly. It was my dream. Knowing two of my guys were already on their way there only made the yearning deeper.

Rosie: I want to, Fox, but my dad will freak. I can’t afford to pay for college on my own.

Fox: At least apply, baby. If you get in, we’ll figure something out.

I bit my bottom lip for a moment before answering.

Rosie: Promise?

Fox: Yes. Always.

I smiled to myself.

Rosie: OK.

He sent me a kissy emoji that had me grinning as I fired up my laptop and went to the Mayfair site. My cursor hovered over APPLY.

‘Screw it,’ I muttered, clicking the link.

‘GOOD MORNING,’ Fox greeted me Monday morning as I stepped out my front door. He reached out and snagged my backpack off my shoulder.

‘Good morning to you,’ I giggled as he gave me a quick kiss before leading me to his Jeep.

‘So, I guess I’m riding with you today?’

He let out a laugh and opened the passenger door. “How did you know?’

‘Girlfriend intuition,’ I ventured nervously. He tensed, his eyes fixed on me.

‘What did you say?’


He hauled me close to him and planted his lips on mine in a deep kiss. ‘I love the sound of that.’

I blew out a nervous breath and smiled.

‘Officially official?’

‘Absolutely.’ He grinned at me. ‘But I thought you already knew that.’

I shrugged. ‘I had a hunch.’

He laughed and closed me in the Jeep and went to his side and got in.

‘Did you apply to Mayfair?’

I nodded. ‘Yeah, I did.”

He reached out and twined his fingers through mine before bringing our hands to his lips where he pressed a kiss to mine.

‘You’ll get in. If I have to work two jobs to pay for your tuition, you’re going. All of us being there without you next fall won’t work.’

‘How do you even know we’ll all last that long? You and Cole piss me off sometimes,’ I joked.

‘Boyfriend intuition.’ Fox winked at me, causing me to grin wider.

We spent the rest of the ride to school doling out playful banter that just felt right. Everything had changed between us in a good way. All of Mona’s words from the party weeks ago faded in my mind. Even Ian’s threats were left hazy. I knew I had to deal with them soon though. The feeling I may have waited too long weighed heavily on me. If he hurt Jamie. . .

Guilt ate at me. I’d been selfish, ignoring the Ian problem. I deserved for Jamie to hate me. I should have been there for her sooner. What if he already hurt her? What if. . .

‘What’s wrong?’ Fox called out as he parked the Jeep in his spot in the parking lot.


‘You’re a million miles away.’

‘Oh,’ I let out a nervous laugh. ‘I don’t know. I was thinking about Jamie.’

Fox frowned, his eyes raking over my face. ‘She’ll come around. I’ll talk to her if you want me to.’

‘No.’ I shook my head, a tight smile on my face. ‘It’s something I need to do.’

Fox kissed my hand again. ‘If you need me though-“

‘I know.’

The answer seemed good enough for him because he got out and came to my side and helped me out. We walked side by side, not touching until we reached the sidewalk. It was Ethan who reached me first and wound his arm around my waist.

‘Dibs,’ he called out, smirking at Cole who scowled back at him.

‘Not fair. I was texting Colt.’

Ethan shrugged. ‘You snooze, you lose, brother.’

‘Dick,’ Cole shot back.

‘Easy now, boys. There’s plenty of Sunshine to go around,’ Enzo chimed in, casting me a smile. ‘Right?’

‘Yes,’ I answered. Cole’s eyes darkened as they raked over me in my low-slung skinny jeans and black scoop-neck.

‘I can’t wait to put that theory to the test,’ he growled. ‘Are you feeling better?’

‘Only one way to find out,’ I teased. Cole took a step toward me, but Ethan pulled me away.

‘Sorry, Cole. I’ll be taking my girl now.’

‘Asshole,’ Cole called out as Fox and Enzo laughed. When we were away from them, Ethan spoke again.

‘I had fun Saturday with you. You surprised me.’

‘I surprised me, too,’ I admitted. ‘But I wanted it, so I took it.’

‘You have no idea how hot it was.’

We stopped at my locker, and I grabbed my books from inside. ‘I think I have some idea.’

Ethan’s smile widened as he let out an easy laugh.

‘Hey, wait up,’ Enzo called out as we merged with hall traffic. We paused, waiting for him.

He didn’t hesitate to plant a kiss on my lips, not even caring if half the student population saw him do it while Ethan held me.

‘People will start talking,’ I said, glancing around at the students who were already whispering or giving us odd looks. ‘I thought Fox and I would be a couple until things settled down?’

‘Sunshine, where have you been? They’ve been talking for weeks now.’ He snaked his arm around my waist, separating me from Ethan who didn’t fight the intrusion. ‘Anything we do now, we do together. If we’re all with you, then we will be with you in all ways. Get me?’

I nodded, accepting the decision as we rounded a corner to find Ian and Jamie together. I made to avert my eyes, but not fast enough to not see the surprise on Jamie’s face at Enzo’s arm around me or the look of anger that clouded Ian’s face.

‘Hey, Jamie,’ Enzo called out. ‘Looking good.’

‘Fuck you, De Luca,’ Ian snarled as Jamie’s face flamed red.

Enzo let out a soft, dangerous laugh.

‘And fuck your whore too.”

It happened so fast, I barely had time to register it. One moment Enzo was walking with me and Ethan, and the next he was fighting Ian. They exchanged blows, Enzo dodging most of them as Ian fumbled around trying to gain an upper hand.

Jamie cried out as Enzo swung on Ian, knocking him into the locker, a cut over his eye appearing.

Ethan moved me aside and dove into the fray, separating the two.

‘What the fuck is going on?’ Cole growled, stepping past me with Fox in tow.

‘Ian. You little fucking leach, what did we tell you?’ Fox snarled. Ian wiped at his bloody nose and glared at the guys.

‘I think he needs a reminder,’ Cole said, taking another dangerous step forward. Ian’s eyes wavered as he glanced between the guys. A circle had formed around them as students watched.

‘Or maybe you do,’ Ian snapped. ‘I’m not afraid of you.’

Fox’s dark laugh made chills course through me. ‘Try me.’

‘Stop,’ Jamie called out in a shaky voice. She made her way to the center of the circle and blocked what she could of Ian from the guys. ‘You guys are bullies. Ian told me how you beat him up.’

‘You mean his unfortunate ladder incident?’ Cole asked innocently.

‘Did he tell you what he did to make the ladder crash into his face?’ Ethan said.

My heart thrashed wildly in my chest. I dodged forward and gripped Fox’s arm, his muscles tight beneath my hold.

‘Please,’ I whispered urgently to him. ‘Don’t.’

‘You will get what’s coming to you, Hall. You fucked up,’ Enzo snarled, backing away and reclaiming his spot at my side. Ian stared the guys down, but I could see his tremors. Enzo urged me back.

‘It’s over. Back the fuck up,’ Cole called out to the crowd. People began scurrying away.

‘Jamie.’ I made to step forward as she and Ian turned to go. She stopped and stared back at me.

‘Don’t talk to me, Rosalie. Ian’s right. You’ve become their whore. You’re no better than they are.’

My mouth went dry at her words. She turned and followed Ian.

‘Don’t listen to her,’ Ethan said, giving my hand a squeeze.

‘I’d floor her ass too if she wasn’t a chick,’ Cole huffed, glaring after her. ‘No one talks to my girl like that.’

‘It’s OK,’ I choked out, sagging against Enzo. ‘S-she’s just mad.’

‘She’s just a fucking idiot,’ Fox snapped. ‘You can’t help people like her, Rosalie. You need to let it go. We could have outed him right here.’

‘I don’t want anyone to know,’ I whispered, pulling away from Enzo and staring up into Fox’s blue eyes. ‘What if no one believes me? Then I really will be what they say in their eyes.’

‘You will never be what they say,’ Fox hissed, cradling my face in his hands. ‘Do you understand me?’

I swallowed hard. ‘It’s more complicated than that.’

‘Well, I’ll uncomplicate it,’ he grunted, releasing me. ‘I promise you that, Rosie.’

Something about the way he said it, or maybe it was the dark look in his eyes, made a chill rush down my spine.

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