In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Love Conquers Everything

Mr. Ramirez sits down behind the desk, his eyes fixing on my face. Now I can understand why Mr. Booth shivered like a piece of leaf earlier. This man is fucking intimidating.

“Do you have anything to say?” he asks in an indifferent tone.

Eason is about to say something, but I speak up before him. “Sir, I probably shouldn’t have exposed their schemes and lies in front of everyone downstairs, but I do not regret it. Eason doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. He needs someone to look over for him.”

Eason’s grip on my hand suddenly tightens, as if a strong wave of emotions is surging inside of him. I lock eyes with him for a brief second and notice his eyes filled with nothing but love and gratitude.

Mr. Ramirez taps the desktop with his knuckle and brings out attention back. “So you just decided to step in and take over everything without a word with me first? Natalia, from your perspective, don’t I deserve to know first?”

I bite my lower lip in embarrassment. He right. But how do I tell him that I don’t ful trust him on this? He is a strong and powerful man. With enough benefits, I thin he’ll put the Ramirez’s future before Eason’s personal happiness.

Even till now, I still don’t know where he stands.

“With all due respects Sir…” I begin, carefully weighing every word I say. “I thought you were on board this marriage thing as well. I have to expose Ms. Griswold and Katherine. I couldn’t take any risks…”

“I agree. But you should have told ME about your suspicions and let ME do the rest of the work. Or at least ask about MY opinion before doing anything reckless. I’m his father, his blood. Yet you are only his stepsister. You have no right to decide what’s best for him.”

I can’t even keep my head up in front of his scolding. The original plan was to get him understand our motives and tell him about our relationship while he’s in a good mood. But I pissed him off first. How am I supposed to say that I want to marry his son?

My heart keeps sinking, like dropping into an endless pit. Yet right at this moment, Eason speaks up: “You are wrong father. She does have the right.”

Mr. Ramirez narrows his eyes dangerously at us as my heartrate suddenly accelerates. Based on the way I know him, he’s going to say something bold and reckless! Yet I hardly think this is a good timing!

“Eason-“I try to stop him, but he continues anyway.

“Natalia is the one and only woman I love in this world. Of course, she has the right to decide what’s best for me.” He says in a plain tone, like he’s only saying the obvious. wife. “She’ll be my girlfriend. She will be my

She will be the one who shares my grave

when we pass away. I have no doubt placing my fate and future in her hands.”

The room lapses into a dead silence.

Oh. My. God.

I bet the look my face must be really funny right now, which is full of shock, astonishment and a little part of joy. I love how he’s standing up for me and I love his love confession, but-

This is Mr. Fucking. Ramirez!

The man who can scare people to wetting their pants with a simple look! How dares Eason talking to Mr. Ramirez like that?!

Meanwhile, the look on Mr. Ramirez’s face remains unreadable. His gaze is still sharp, like he wants to piece through our souls with his eyes. Every second is like a living hell for me now.

After what feels like an eternity, Mr. Ramirez finally speaks up, “When were you two back together again?”

“We…we are not back together yet.” I mutter lowly. “I really want to have your blessing this time. I know he’s my stepbrother and this is ethically not OK. I also remember every word you said to me three years ago. But…we’ve tried being apart and it just didn’t work. We can only be together. And there’s no other ways.”

I finish my speech and hold my breath immediately.

How will he react to this?

Eason holds my hands and backs me up with three simple words, “What she said.”

I stare at Mr. Ramirez’s face, waiting for his expression to change. Will it change to rage? Shock? Disgust? Or…

But to my extreme surprise, a faint smile gradually appears on the man’s lips.

“Well said. Both of you.” Mr. Ramirez says smiling. “Now I believe that you’ve really thought this through.”

I can’t hide the surprise on my face. I thought he would yell at us, throw a punch at Eason’s face and ask us to get out of the house now. I’ve prepared for something way worse! But Mr. Ramirez seems very clam right now.

“Y-you don’t disapprove?” I blurt out.

Mr. Ramirez gives me a stern look, “If there’s a way to separate you two, I won’t hesitate to do it. But apparently, there is not. Unless you have a better way to solve the current dilemma?”

“N-no! I don’t. This is terrific! Thank you,

Sir!” I quickly answer. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

A firework explodes in me and it’s full of joy and thrill. I can’t believe it. We have his blessing! Now we can truly be together without being afraid of any other obstacles! Oh, of course we also need to tell my mom. But I think I can handle her easily.

I look towards Eason and notice that he’s smiling too. I want to kiss him so badly right now. And from the look in his eyes, I know he is thinking about the same thing.

Mr. Ramirez leaves his desk and walks to us.

He places a hand on Eason’s shoulder and lets out a long sigh, “I’ve always wanted you to marry someone with a good family background, someone who can be a help to your career. But as it turns out, money doesn’t stand for everything. Natalia is a good girl and has a decent heart, which is more important than money and title. Now that you’ve chosen her as the one, don’t ever let her down.”

I take in a deep breath and nearly sob. Eason nods firmly, “I won’t, ever.”

Then Mr. Ramirez turns to me, a gentle glow hidden deep inside of his dark eyes. He says to me, “Natalia, I did try to break you two apart, but it was nothing against you personally. I’ve always treated you as my child. And now I’m happy to welcome you into this family again, as my daughter and my future daughter-in-law.”

My eyes are filled with tears. I can’t help but step forward and hug the man who’s always been so nice to me and sob. “Thank you… thank you so much Sir, for trusting me and giving me another chance…”

“Still calling me Sir?” Mr. Ramirez pats my back smiling.

“…Thank you, dad.” I murmur sheepishly.

“Maybe it’s in the family blood,” Mr. Ramirez sighs. “I married your mom against everyone’s will years ago. And now the same happens to you and Eason. Maybe love is really more important than money and family honor for us.”

Eason laughs out, “Glad you finally find that out dad.”

Mr. Ramirez releases me and smiles, “Now

You two must have so many things to catch up. Don’t forget you still need to face. your mother later.”

We leave his study together holding hands.

The moment the door closes behind us,

Eason drags me into his arms and catches my lips, eagerly and hungrily. I return his hot kiss with passionately.

We’ve both been waiting for this moment. for so long.

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