In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Under the Same Roof

I let him take me home eventually.

I know this is a terrible idea and the wise thing to do is go find a place on my own and stay as far from him as possible. But so many ups and downs in one night, my head has already stopped functioning. So I go for the easy option.

Not surprisingly, he lives in the fanciest place in the Upper East side. His apartment is huge and well- decorated, just like the one he had in Boston.

I carefully step into the foyer, feeling both awkward and nervous. I glance around the spacious living room and notice no sign of trances of a woman.

So he and his girlfriend don’t live together.

“Why are you still standing there?” he turns around and smiles at me. “Come on in.”

I slowly inake my way into the open kitchen, staring at him as he opens the fridge and gets me a bottle of water, and asks, “Are you sure your girlfriend won’t mind?”

He shirugs, “Why should she mind?”

“Because if my boyfriend brought a someone home without asking me first, I would be pretty annoyed, which is how most people would react?” I point out the obvious

He slightly raises his eyebrows, giving no comments on my concern. And again, that makes me even more curious about his relationship with his girlfriend. First he totally ignored her in

the restaurant twice, then lie brought me liome without telling her, which all seem very absurd

“Don’t worry. We just started dating. Nothing serious just yet,” he leans against the kitchen counter, his green eyes fixing on me. “So, speaking of which, how are things going between you and Liam?”

I’m little thrown off by his question, “…Me and Liam?”

His lips curves in a faint smile, “Helad a thing for you three years ago. Did that thing develop into anything serious for you two?” I bite down my bottom lips, feeling very uncomfortable about where this conversation is going

“He’s only my brother,” I quickly answer trying to dodge around the subject

“But did he make any moves?” Yet he is not letting go.

I take in a deep sigli and start to feel frustrated. “Eason, it’s been a long day. Do you really want to stand here and ask me about -” He cuts me off before I finish, “Do you feel uncomfortable talking to me about this?”

He has been polite and gentle since we met, but that seulence reminds me of the old him, the aggressive and condescending version of liim.

I frown and reinine silent.

He stares al me intensely, studying every detail of the look on my face, and then suddenly be smiles, “sorry for crossing the line. But I thought since we’ve both moved on already, it’d be

OK for me to ask.” “Ask something else,” I say gruffly. He chuckles lowly, “OK I will.”

He says nothing else and shows me to the guest room. I take a quick shower and finally lie down on the bed.

A million things happened today, meeting Eason again, losing my job, being kicked out of my apartment and staying at Eason’s… I suddenly remembered that three years ago I also spent a night at his place

after lighting with my parents; he kissed me in front of all his friends, which was the start of our toxic relationship.

Now things seem to circle back to the same spot, except that we both have changed.



The next morning, I wake up at 9. Going into the living room, I find him standing beside the kitchen counter in his gym clothes and sneakers and checking his phone.

“Morning,” he turns around and greets me with a smile. “Coffee?” I walk to him, “Yes please.”

He pours me a cup and asks, “Did you sleep well last night?”

“Yes. Thank you again for letting me stay.”

“No problem. So do you have anything planned out today? Because I -” My phone starts ringing before he finishes. I give him an apologetic smile and turns around to pick up, “Hello? Liam?”

I didn’t notice that Eason’s face quickly drops hearing Liam’s name.

“Natalia! Why didn’t you answer my call yesterday? Did something happen?”

A lot of things happened, but I didn’t want liim to worry. “No! I was just busy with work. So what’s up?”

“Mom mailed me the Christmas sweater and some handmade pastries. But she accidently sent yours to me. So I’m mailing your to you now. Same address?” “Ummm…” I hesitate.

No way I’m letting him know that I’m homeless now. “I moved actually,” I stutter. “You don’t need to send anything to me. You can keep them.”

“Why would I keep a petite size girl’s sweater? And inom would kill me if you don’t get to taste her pastries,” he laughs. “You moved? What’s your new address then?” “My new address – “I take a quick glance at Eason, who is staring at me with his arms crossed, and then says, “-I’ll text you my new address.” “Awesome. Don’t forget to call miom when you have time. She really misses you. Bye, Natalia.” i hang up and Eason immediately demands, “Liam? What does he want?”

I slightly frown at his tone, “Nothing. So where were we…oh right. I’ll go apartment hunting today. Hopefully I can find a place to stay, and I’ll move out as soon as possible. I promise. I

won’t bother you for too long.” His jaw tenses. The look on his face is hardly pleasant. After a short pause, he shrugs and says coldly, “whatever.”

He tums to leave for the bathroom and stops the inidway, “you can give him the address here. It’s not that easy to find a new apartment in a rusli.” I was hoping that he was wrong about the new apartment thing. But after a few days’ trying, I am forced to admit that lie was right.

It’s very hard to find a suitable apartment, especially since I have a very tight budget. My only two options are sharing a small apartinent with four boys with no private bathroom or living in another state, which isn’t that cheap if I count in the traveling expense.

Besides the apartment, I also need a new job. And the worst thing is, my finals are quickly approaching. I must inake time to study if I don’t want to fail my classes.

Every morning when I get up at 6, it is go go go. Calling for job interviews, making appointments with apartment agents, preparing for my finals…I’m so busy that I even forget the last time I stop to take a breath.

Luckily, Eason isn’t home much. He also has schoolwork, and he has business stuffs to manage. We barely see nor speak to each other, which is a good thing because that means don’t need to face his

awkward questions and I get to have the whole apartment to myself

A week has passed. And it is Friday again.

i have made zero process on the apartment thing. I feel exhausted and am desperately in need for a little break. So after school, I made a stop at the grocery store, planning on making mysell a dinner, because gods know when was the last time I sat down for a proper meal.

While I am shopping, Eason calls in

“Hey. What are you doing?”

“Shopping for dinner. Oh, can I use your kitchen?” I ask.

“Of course, you don’t need to ask for my permission,” he says. “Are you just making dinner for yourself?”

“Yeah. It’s not like I have a guest. Unless you are coming home for dinner.”

He pauses for a short moment and then says, “I am coming home for dinner, actually.” Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What?” now it’s my turn to be surprised. His background sounds very buzzing, so I was assuming that he must be at a dinner party or a gala now. And I recalled that he carried a suitcase with him this morning, so I thought he would be out of town tonight. “You are coming home? But – Where are you now?”

“I’m…I’m in another city for a meeting. But I am flying back today and will get back home before 10,” his breathing sounds a bit rushed. “Can you make dinner for two?”

“OK. Not a problem. See you later.”

He sounds weird. If he’s not spending the night in another city, why bothered carrying a suitcase? I purchase all ingredients I need and head back home. Now that I think about it, I haven’t

cooked for him before. So I decide to make him my famous dish, seafood spaghetti with apple pie as desert, as a little thank you for letting me stay at his house.

Time flies back while I am cooking. When I check the time again, it’s already 9:30. He should be home soon. I wipe my hands and decide to call him asking how far away lie is.

And just then, the doorbell buzzes.

“I was just about to call you!” I rush to the door yelling. “Did your forget your ke-” Yet the final word vanishes as soon as I see who is outside of the door. It’s a tall guy with dark hair and dark eyes, dressed in a black coat. He smiles at me and bends down to hug me, but I am too stunned to say anything. “Hey Natalia. Happy to see me?” “L-Liam!” I stammer, totally panicked. “What brought you here?”

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