She felt him grow hard against her and slid her arm around his waist. “Okay,” she said breathlessly.

“And then maybe we could cook dinner together. And then we can make love again.” Idly, he began to stroke at a rosy nipple and felt it spring into instant life. “And then we can coordinate our diaries.”

Vivian’s hand stopped stroking the skin in the small of his back. “Diaries?” she asked stupidly.

“I want to know when I’m going to see you again.”

“You’ll see me at the office” Vivian replied.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He smiled. “It’s good to know that you’ve decided to come back to work, but I didn’t mean that. I meant, when am I going to see you like this… out on a date, dinner…. In bed… like this.”

“We can figure that out as we go, Scott.” Vivian replied, “and I’m a bit worried about our situation at the office. Everyone knows about us”

“They do?”

Vivian frowned at him. “Of course, they do, Scott. You shouldn’t have kissed me in front of Collins. Did you really expect him not to tell anyone?”

“Not that I care, but I could teach him a lesson… So next time, he minds his business and keeps his damn mouth shut.”

Vivian shook her head. “No please” she said, “Don’t do anything to him. Besides, you’ll only make things worse. You have no idea how much gossip and whispering I’ve had to ignore at the office these past days. Let’s just hope something else to talk about would come up so they can direct their energy somewhere else ”

Scott smiled, then suddenly grabbed her and rolled over so he was on top of her.” Just so you know Vivian “he whispered, “I really don’t care what anyone at the office says. They don’t matter.”


“I still don’t think this is a wise decision.”

Jennifer stared out the rear window of Scott’s Car at the Gold Coast historic mansion lit up with a cheerful glow. A steady stream of people climbed the front stone steps of the place she’d called home for nearly twenty-six years, entering for Bruce and Emily’s engagement party.

“You and Bruce might not be seeing eye to eye right now, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to celebrate his engagement without his sister,” Scott said from beside her.

She glanced at him, irritation and something deeper, sadder pressing against her breastbone like a large boulder. “You won’t pass up an opportunity to turn the screw, will you?”

With his aloof mask firmly in place, he met her gaze, eyes steady and unblinking. “No.”

She faced the window again, that heaviness gaining weight. It’d been weeks since she’d walked out of her childhood home. Two weeks since her and Scott’s truce. A week since she’d held Sara McCall as the woman broke down in her arms and revealed Bruce’s betrayal.

Yes, now Jennifer understood the motives behind Scott’s blackmail. And a part of her couldn’t blame him.

But another part-the part that remembered the man who had chatted with her, given her a place to stay and had been her friend-longed for him to put all of this aside.

For her.

To want her friendship more than revenge. She shut her eyes, making sure to keep her head turned away so he couldn’t glimpse the yearning that she was certain leaked into her expression. In spite of knowing it was the epitome of foolishness, she’d started to care about Scott McCall. And she wanted him to care about her too.

It had started some time ago, at what moment, she couldn’t pinpoint. Maybe when he’d raced to Clara’s house and decided to place her comfort above putting on another episode of the Scott and Jennifer’s Show at the ballet. Maybe when he’d sat at the table with her revealed parts of himself that he didn’t reveal with most people. Not that narrowing down the exact instant mattered.

The truth was she cared for, admired and respected Scott McCall. His fierceness. His heart, which he tried to hide. His passion for his company. His love for his family. Yes, he was a hard man, a merciless man, but never a cruel one.

The door to the car opened, and with a sigh, she climbed out, murmuring a thank-you to the valet who stood next to it. Seconds later, Scott’s body heat warmed her back, and his palm settled at the base of her spine. A spine she straightened.

No time for self-pity now. She had the performance of a lifetime to give.

Because she was walking into the lion’s den knowing her arrival on Scott’s arm would announce her decision to her brother-she’d chosen his enemy over family loyalty. That’s how Bruce would see it.

And she wasn’t naive; there would be consequences to her decision. No job at Bennet Inc. She would most likely have to find a place to live because she couldn’t stay with Clara forever. And, most importantly, Margie Investments and the businesses she’d invested in would be affected. Especially if Bruce followed through on his threat of tampering with the start-ups she’d funded. She had savings, and she could use most of it to provide capital. But the possibility of having to scale back or rebuild her company was very real without her salary. The cost of taking Scott’s side was high. And, God help her, she was willing to pay it.

Scott walked silently beside her, but the tension rolled off him, and it ratcheted higher when they entered her home and handed their coats to a waiting servant. He didn’t tell Jennifer about his trip with Vivian and how Scott had grabbed her and pushed her into the pool. She had enough on her mind at the moment, and this was about him and Bruce… not her.

Jennifer seamlessly fell back into the role of socialite and, pasting on a smile, mingled with the other guests. Many of whom didn’t seem surprised to see her with Scott, so the gossip about them as a couple must’ve made the rounds. Still, they were aware of the enmity between Scott and Bruce as business rivals, and watched her and Scott with an avid, greedy curiosity.

Especially when a path seemed to open, and they stood only feet away from Bruce, Emily and Senator Paul Wesley. Jennifer looked up, and her gaze connected with her brother’s. Though he smiled for the benefit of those around them, fury blazed from his hazel eyes, so like hers. His glare shifted from her to Scott , and a frightening rage hardened his expression before he controlled it.

“Stand tall, Jennifer,” Scott murmured in her ear. “He can’t hurt you.”

Tipping her head back, she said, “That’s debatable. Cutting me off emotionally and financially and targeting my company definitely falls under the ‘hurting me’ category.”

“Correction, then,” he growled. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

That ship had sailed and was a faint glimmer on the horizon. She straightened her shoulders and added a little more wattage to her smile. “We should go greet the happy couple.”

“You mean, get it over with?” he retorted, dark eye-brow arched.

She’d once detested the gesture, but now counted each one. “That’s what I said.”

Scott chuckled. Inhaling a deep breath, she allowed him to guide her over to the trio who stoically watched their approach.

“Bruce, Emily, congratulations.” She leaned forward and stiffly kissed Emily’s cheek. Although she did return the feigned embrace, most likely for those closely observing them, Emily’s rigid posture didn’t relax. Straightening, Jennifer nodded to her brother’s future father-in-law. “Senator.”

“Jennifer,” he murmured coldly.

“Your sister wanted to see you, wish you well,” Scott said to Bruce, his tone frigid, but she detected the undercurrent of anger. Of hatred. “She has a forgiving heart considering you put her out of her own house.”

Oh God.

“She left by her own choice,” Bruce snapped, the fury in his eyes leaking into his face. His lips twisted into an ugly snarl. “But come now, Scott. We both know how trying sisters can be.”

Nausea churned in her belly and raced for the back of Jennifer’s throat. Dark waves of rage poured off Scott, and he moved forward. Terrified, she latched on to his arm, fearful of what he might do to her brother. And she feared for Scott, for the consequences he might suffer for his actions. She harbored no doubt that Bruce would enjoy pressing charges and using it against him.

“Scott, no,” she pleaded softly. “It’s what he wants.”

Bruce sneered. “Jennifer, I need to speak to you. Alone,” he stressed.

“Fine,” she agreed, more to separate Scott from Bruce than to be amenable.

“Scott,” she whispered. When he tore his still-frightening stare from her brother, she squeezed his arm. “I’ll be right back.”

“You don’t have to do this,” he reminded her, just as softly, but the fury still vibrated in his voice.

“Yes, I do,” she returned. Rising onto her toes, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “They’re not worth it.” She waited for his abrupt nod before she turned back to her brother. “In the study, I assume.”

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