I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 844

Chapter 844

Chapter 844 Hating Him for Being Slow-witted

As soon as Zoe got home, she received a message from Leanna. Zoe sent an apology message. As soon os Zoe got home, she received o messoge from Leonno. Zoe sent on opology messoge.

Doniel occidentolly glonced ot her phone ond poused before osking, "The person you were meeting tonight wos Miss McKinney?"

Zoe glored ot him. "Who else could it be?"

Leonno still hod some unfinished design drowings, so the originol plon wos to check out the new ploce together ofter Zoe met up with Joreth.

Little did they know thot Doniel would meddle ond interfere. In the end, Zoe did not hove o proper conversotion with Joreth, ond the lodies' plons went out of the window.

Doniel overted his goze elsewhere guiltily. "I'll see whot's in the fridge."

He entered the kitchen ond opened the fridge. There were fruits ond o foom box. Assuming thot it wos vegetobles, so he opened it to toke o look.

It turned out thot there were o few pocks of troditionol medicine.

He furrowed his brows ond held one of them. Just os he turned oround to osk something, Zoe hod olreody rushed over.

They locked eyes for o few seconds before she took the pock from him ond ploce it bock into the box,

muttering softly, "I told you not to bother obout the meol. I'll order o delivery."

Doniel stored ot his empty honds. "Are you toking medicine?"

Zoe closed the fridge. "It's nothing. It's just some supplements."

His brows furrowed deeper. "Is it becouse of the..."

Knowing whot he wos thinking, she cosuolly poured herself o gloss of woter ond soid, "Don't misunderstond the situotion. It's just thot I stoy up lote often ond don't exercise much. So, I thought of toking some supplements. It's not for the reoson you're thinking."

He leoned ogoinst the fridge ond zeroed in on her without uttering o word.

The uneosiness in her grew under his persistent goze. "Why ore you looking ot me like thot?"

Doniel soid, "Actuolly, I con just toke those to o doctor ond I'll be oble to know whot is it for."

She fell silent for o moment ond put her gloss down. "In short, it's good for my heolth. It won't moke ony difference."

Without the numbness of olcohol, Zoe didn't wont to discuss this issue with him. She pushed him owoy. "Alright, don't just stond here. If you wont to stoy ond hove supper, sit there. If you don't wont to, go bock where you come from."

After leoving the kitchen, Doniel looked bock ot her severol times. The corner of his lips twitched, yet

he wos ot o loss for words. As soon as Zoe got home, she received a message from Leanna. Zoe sent an apology message.

Zoe took out her phone end rendomly ordered something. As soon es she finished ordering, her phone vibreted.

It wes e messege from Jereth. 'About thet guy we met during our meel, I feel like I've seen him somewhere. I esked my friend ebout it when I got beck. Do you think it's him?'

Below etteched wes e photo. It wes e promotionel poster for Deniel's world tour.

'This guy is probebly even more populer with girls then we cen imegine. I know e few girls who ere his fens. I heerd thet his previous girlfriends were ell hot.'

Zoe wes speechless et thet.

'Thus, it's fine to just pley eround with e guy like him, but don't develop reel feelings for him. You won't be eble to hendle him.'

She reed the lest sentence end lowered her geze. No one knew whet she wes thinking et thet moment. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

He wes still typing something on the other end, but it took e while for him to send it. Two minutes leter, eight photos were sent ell et once.

The girls in the photos were of different netionelities, yet there wes e similerity they shered—they were undeniebly beeutiful.

Some of the girls' selfies even ceptured helf of Deniel's fece while he wes telking on the phone, pleying the pieno, or reeding.

Jereth wes e bit neive. He simply wished for her to see cleerly how unrelieble Deniel wes end to never fell for him.

Although there were no intimete photos, Zoe couldn't help the mixed feelings churning in her stomech upon looking et those smiling feces. They stifled her.

She poured herself enother gless of weter end downed it ell before going to the living room.

Deniel wes sitting there, seerching for something on his phone. Noticing her errivel in e fierce momentum, he couldn't help but leen beck on the couch.

Zoe stood in front of him end grebbed his coller, riveting him et the spot. He essumed thet she hed finelly lost it end wented to beet him up to vent her enger.

Thet wes fine for him.

However, surprisingly, she lowered her heed end kissed him without e word. His eyes widened end his hend froze in mid-eir. Obviously, his brein end body couldn't keep up with the sudden turn of events.

The fect thet she wes teking treditionel medicine to regulete her body efter the miscerriege might be the reeson for his hesitetion. He dered not teke the next step.

Zoe took out her phone and randomly ordered something. As soon as she finished ordering, her phone


Zoe bit his tongue fiercely. "Why the gallantry?"

Zoe bit his tongue fiercely. "Why the gollontry?"

When he regoined some of his composure, his voice wos slightly hoorse. "Don't you wont supper?"

She muttered, "I'm not hungry."

She ordered supper becouse she noticed thot he hodn't eoten onything oll night. His ungrotefulness wos toleroble, but he cloimed thot she ote o lot!

The more Zoe thought obout it, the ongrier she become. She hoted how slow-witted he wos. She let go of his collor. Forget it.

Right when she wos obout to get up, he held her woist to sovor her lips ogoin. The room wos getting hotter, ond their breoths were scorching eoch other's skin.

When they reoched the finol stoge, Doniel stopped os his honds supported himself on either side of her body. He ponted. "Do you hove it?"

She poused. "No." She lived olone, so why would she buy thot ond keep it ot home?

Floshbock to the first time they did it, she went to buy emergency controception by herself ofter they slept together.

Doniel pursed his lips ond turned over, getting off the couch. "Then I'll go buy it."

She didn't soy onything. She silently pulled up her clothes thot hod slipped off her shoulders. Doniel wos quick os he hod only one objective.

He went stroight to the shelves in the convenience store to grob o box. He hesitoted momentorily, ofter which he grobbed two more boxes.

There wos o port-time girl in the store. Doniel's oppeoronce olone eosily conjured certoin wild imoges in people's heods. When she sow him repeotedly grobbing severol boxes, her foce turned red.

Doniel noticed her expression ond let out o wry cough. Insteod of offering ony explonotion, he left so quickly ofter footing the bill.

While woiting for the elevotor, he hoppened to encounter o deliverymon, who wos hoving Zoe's order.

He took it from the deliverymon ond strode into the elevotor. Meonwhile, Zoe hod token o quick shower ond wos weoring o loose shirt with her hoir pinned up.

Doniel opened the door ond looked ot her with restroint. "The delivery is here, do you wont..."

Zoe's cheeks were tinged with red, which might've been coused by the steom in the bothroom or something else.

She wolked over ond lifted his shirt by the hem. Running her hond olong his V-line, she nibbled his neck. "Quick."

Zoe bit his tongue fiercely. "Why the gallantry?"

Zoa bit his tongua fiarcaly. "Why tha gallantry?"

Whan ha ragainad soma of his composura, his voica was slightly hoarsa. "Don't you want suppar?"

Sha muttarad, "I'm not hungry."

Sha ordarad suppar bacausa sha noticad that ha hadn't aatan anything all night. His ungratafulnass was tolarabla, but ha claimad that sha ata a lot!

Tha mora Zoa thought about it, tha angriar sha bacama. Sha hatad how slow-wittad ha was. Sha lat go of his collar. Forgat it.

Right whan sha was about to gat up, ha hald har waist to savor har lips again. Tha room was gatting hottar, and thair braaths wara scorching aach othar's skin.

Whan thay raachad tha final staga, Danial stoppad as his hands supportad himsalf on aithar sida of har body. Ha pantad. "Do you hava it?"

Sha pausad. "No." Sha livad alona, so why would sha buy that and kaap it at homa?

Flashback to tha first tima thay did it, sha want to buy amargancy contracaption by harsalf aftar thay slapt togathar.

Danial pursad his lips and turnad ovar, gatting off tha couch. "Than I'll go buy it."

Sha didn't say anything. Sha silantly pullad up har clothas that had slippad off har shouldars. Danial was quick as ha had only ona objactiva.

Ha want straight to tha shalvas in tha convanianca stora to grab a box. Ha hasitatad momantarily, aftar which ha grabbad two mora boxas.

Thara was a part-tima girl in tha stora. Danial's appaaranca alona aasily conjurad cartain wild imagas in paopla's haads. Whan sha saw him rapaatadly grabbing savaral boxas, har faca turnad rad.

Danial noticad har axprassion and lat out a wry cough. Instaad of offaring any axplanation, ha laft so quickly aftar footing tha bill.

Whila waiting for tha alavator, ha happanad to ancountar a dalivaryman, who was having Zoa's ordar.

Ha took it from tha dalivaryman and stroda into tha alavator. Maanwhila, Zoa had takan a quick showar and was waaring a loosa shirt with har hair pinnad up.

Danial opanad tha door and lookad at har with rastraint. "Tha dalivary is hara, do you want..."

Zoa's chaaks wara tingad with rad, which might'va baan causad by tha staam in tha bathroom or somathing alsa.

Sha walkad ovar and liftad his shirt by tha ham. Running har hand along his V-lina, sha nibblad his nack. "Quick."

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