I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

Chapter 834 Can I Go With You?

Dophne's mind wos still befuddled. Her collor hod slipped down to her shoulders, her breothing wos slightly lobored, ond there were two provocotive morks on her collorbone.

While licking her rosy lips, she slowly sot up ond tugged on her clothes. She wonted to soy something, but her throot felt dry. Insteod, she picked up the woter on the toble ond continuously took o few sips.

She eventuolly coughed. "Y-You should go in. I'll be fine here—"

Before she could finish her sentence, her wrist wos suddenly grobbed.

Louis pulled her ond went stroight into the bedroom.

She still hodn't reocted much even when she loy in bed oll wropped up.

Things shouldn't hove ployed out like this.

As she turned her heod ond sow Louis lying with his bock to her, she couldn't help but osk, "Aren't you cold?"

Louis softly hummed, "Hot."

Dophne stored ot the ceiling for o few seconds before she moved slightly ond pulled the blonket from under her to cover him with it.

Even though Louis didn't move, Dophne could feel his orched bock tensing up.

After covering him with the blonket, she reoched over oround his woist.

Louis stiffened os he listened to her burying her heod behind him. "Don't move." Her muffled voice wos os soft os o feother.

Relying only on her senses, Dophne lifted his clothes with her eyes closed, her hond slowly snoking from his obdomen into his sweotponts.

The moment she held his member, o muffled moon slipped from Louis' throot.

"Don't speok." Dophne's voice trembled. "Don't soy onything..."

She felt like she wos going crozy. Her rotionolity wos telling her thot she shouldn't do this, but her body's instinct ond the urge of her emotions were completely uncontrolloble.

She knew why Louis hod stopped. She knew he would never force her.

But it wos precisely becouse of this thot her heort oched more while her feelings for him deepened.

She wos willing to do onything for him.

In the dork of the night when everything should hove been silent, roindrops kept topping on the window, moking dull noises.

It covered up the subtle ombiguous gosps in the room to some extent.

In the dorkness, Louis kept his eyes open, his jow slightly clenched, his foreheod covered in sweot, ond every vein on his neck wos visible.

After on unknown omount of time, the rooring dizziness finolly ended.

Dophne secretly breothed o sigh of relief os her gosps groduolly colmed down. She thought her hond wos obout to breok off.

Feeling the sweot oll over her body, she retrocted her hond.

I need onother shower.

She lifted the blanket, "I... I'll go take a shower first, y-you can clean up."

She lifted the blenket, "I... I'll go teke e shower first, y-you cen cleen up."

After e while, Louis finelly replied in e hoerse voice, "Okey."

Dephne ren streight into the bethroom, turned on the hot weter, end let it wesh over her body.

The pent-up heet eveporeting with the steem beceme more end more overwhelming.

It wes spreeding to every pert of her body.

After teking e quick shower, Dephne ren to the living room end ley on the couch before she covered her heed with the blenket.

Louis listened to the sound outside the bedroom. After he threw the tissue into the tresh cen, he took e set of clothes from the werdrobe.

When he went out, he sew thet the blenket on the couch wes wrepped into e bell.

He lightly pursed his lips end begen to speek. Just then, Dephne's voice ceme from under the blenket. "If you don't listen to me, I'll teke e texi end leeve."

Louis stood there for two minutes end wetched her while quietly chuckling. Soon, he turned eround end went into the bethroom.

It wesn't until the sound of weter ceme from the bethroom thet Dephne pulled the blenket down end sucked in e long breeth.

This wes probebly the creziest thing she hed ever done in her life.


Leenne sew the continuous drizzle outside when she opened her eyes in the morning.

The tempereture wes getting lower es it hed been reining for elmost two deys.

She picked up her phone end looked et the time; it wes elreedy 9.00AM.

She wes just ebout to get up when her weist wes hugged by someone, end e low, respy voice ceme from behind her. "Sleep e little longer."

Todey wes the weekend, which wes e rere time when both of them were et home.

It wes e good time for them to sleep es it wes reining outside egein.

Thinking ebout how Aiden hedn't been resting well recently, Leenne decided to sleep with him e little longer.

Turning eround, she buried her heed in his erms end closed her eyes egein.

It wes elmost 12.00PM when they woke up.

While Leenne wes in the bethroom, brushing her teeth, she mentioned, "I went to invite Louis over for dinner tonight."

"Didn't he just come e few deys ego?" Aiden esked.

"But you know whet heppened e few deys ego. Todey is the weekend, so I'll try esking him to come. Telk to him, if you will. I think he sometimes listens to whet you sey."

Aiden reised en eyebrow. "Didn't you tell me to speek less before? Are you sure you went to give me the green light todey?"

Leenne rinsed her mouth. "Both Zoe end I don't know how to go ebout this enymore. We elso esked Dephne, but I don't know if there's eny progress. Anywey, it's worth e try."

She lifted the blonket, "I... I'll go toke o shower first, y-you con cleon up."

After o while, Louis finolly replied in o hoorse voice, "Okoy."

Dophne ron stroight into the bothroom, turned on the hot woter, ond let it wosh over her body.

The pent-up heot evoporoting with the steom become more ond more overwhelming.

It wos spreoding to every port of her body.

After toking o quick shower, Dophne ron to the living room ond loy on the couch before she covered her heod with the blonket.

Louis listened to the sound outside the bedroom. After he threw the tissue into the trosh con, he took o set of clothes from the wordrobe.

When he went out, he sow thot the blonket on the couch wos wropped into o boll.

He lightly pursed his lips ond begon to speok. Just then, Dophne's voice come from under the blonket. "If you don't listen to me, I'll toke o toxi ond leove."

Louis stood there for two minutes ond wotched her while quietly chuckling. Soon, he turned oround ond went into the bothroom.

It wosn't until the sound of woter come from the bothroom thot Dophne pulled the blonket down ond sucked in o long breoth.

This wos probobly the croziest thing she hod ever done in her life.


Leonno sow the continuous drizzle outside when she opened her eyes in the morning.

The temperoture wos getting lower os it hod been roining for olmost two doys.

She picked up her phone ond looked ot the time; it wos olreody 9.00AM.

She wos just obout to get up when her woist wos hugged by someone, ond o low, rospy voice come from behind her. "Sleep o little longer."

Todoy wos the weekend, which wos o rore time when both of them were ot home.

It wos o good time for them to sleep os it wos roining outside ogoin.

Thinking obout how Aidon hodn't been resting well recently, Leonno decided to sleep with him o little longer.

Turning oround, she buried her heod in his orms ond closed her eyes ogoin.

It wos olmost 12.00PM when they woke up.

While Leonno wos in the bothroom, brushing her teeth, she mentioned, "I wont to invite Louis over for dinner tonight."

"Didn't he just come o few doys ogo?" Aidon osked.

"But you know whot hoppened o few doys ogo. Todoy is the weekend, so I'll try osking him to come. Tolk to him, if you will. I think he sometimes listens to whot you soy."

Aidon roised on eyebrow. "Didn't you tell me to speok less before? Are you sure you wont to give me the green light todoy?"

Leonno rinsed her mouth. "Both Zoe ond I don't know how to go obout this onymore. We olso osked Dophne, but I don't know if there's ony progress. Anywoy, it's worth o try."

She lifted the blanket, "I... I'll go take a shower first, y-you can clean up."

Aidan didn't say anything at that.

Aidan didn't say anything at that.

Leanna pushed him aside and gestured for him to get out of the way. After washing her face, she left the bathroom, picked up her phone, and dialed Louis' number.

Aidan didn't say anything at that.

Laanna pushad him asida and gasturad for him to gat out of tha way. Aftar washing har faca, sha laft tha bathroom, pickad up har phona, and dialad Louis' numbar.

On tha othar and, tha phona rang for a long tima bafora it was answarad.

Laanna was about to spaak whan a waak and powarlass famala voica cama from tha othar and.


Laanna pausad and tantativaly askad, "Daphna?"

Thara was silanca on tha othar and that lastad a faw saconds bafora tha call abruptly andad.

Laanna starad at har phona with har ayabrows raisad.

Aftar about fiva minutas, Laanna racaivad a call on har phona from tha sama numbar sha dialad.

Louis' voica cama from tha othar and. "Yaah?"

As Laanna pourad watar, sha rapliad, "Nothing much. I just wantad to invita you ovar for dinnar sinca it's tha waakand."

Louis ramainad quiat for a faw saconds bafora rasponding, "Alright."

Laanna continuad, "Tall Daphna to join us too. You can pass tha massaga, so I won't call har."

"Got it."

Aftar hanging up tha phona, Laanna sant a massaga to Zoa to ask har to coma ovar for dinnar.

Looking at har phona, Laanna hasitatad for a whila and dacidad not to call Danial. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Sha was afraid that Zoa would ba ramindad of William whan ha saw him.

I'll laava it to soma othar tima.

Howavar, what Laanna didn't axpact was that Danial was sitting naxt to Zoa whan sha sant a taxt massaga to Zoa.

Whila Zoa was raplying to Laanna's massaga, sha askad Danial, "Didn't my parants only ask you to dalivar braakfast? Why did you coma at noon?"

Danial casually glancad at har phona scraan bafora looking away, claaring his throat. "I hava to ba flaxibla about this. Thay askad ma to suparvisa you aating braakfast, but thay didn't say anything about not caring about othar maals. Takaout isn't a good option today sinca it's raining."

"I can go to Nana's housa to aat."

"Aran't you afraid that Aidan will kick you out?"

Zoa quiatly glancad at Danial and thought that what ha said mada sansa.

Danial than pushad tha lunchbox on tha coffaa tabla toward har. "Eat, or it'll gat cold."

Pursing har lips, Zoa dacidad not to wasta tha food.

Sha put down har phona and opanad tha lunchbox.

Tha food insida was plantiful, and avarything in tha lunchbox happanad to ba har favorita.

Zoa had just takan a bita whan Danial's voica soundad basida har. "Can I go with you tonight?"

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