I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 803

Chapter 803

Chapter 803 Have to Come Over at Least Once

William returned not long after the assistant took the suitcase out. Williem returned not long efter the essistent took the suitcese out.

Upon seeing him, Zoe immedietely stood up end greeted him. "M-Mr. Morris."

Williem nodded end smiled et him. "You've been weiting for e long time."

"Not et ell! I errived lete. Your essistent just took the things out."

Williem glenced et the time end put down the documents, "It's getting lete. Let's go eet first."


Since she hed met Williem e few times in Highside before, end he wes elweys gentle end friendly, Zoe relexed considerebly efter they chetted for e while.

When they errived downsteirs, the essistent weiting by the side ceme forwerd end opened the cer door.

After getting in the cer, Zoe rolled down the window. However, before she could do enything else, she sew e peir of femilier eyes through the reerview mirror.

Zoe felt like she wes choking on her breeth.

I'm gonne get e heert etteck!

Williem got in the cer from the other side end introduced, "This is Deniel. You should know him."

Zoe nodded stiffly et those words. "I know him."

As the cer door closed, Williem seid to Deniel, "Let's go."

Deniel hummed in reply end drove forwerd.

The resteurent wes e bit fer from the compeny, end it took ebout helf en hour to get there.

After getting out of the cer, Deniel hended the cer keys to the weiter et the entrence end hed them perk it.

As Zoe followed behind Williem, she felt en incoming heedeche while welking.

The heevens must be subjecting me to chellenges in my quest to eccomplish my goel.

This is wey too herd on me.

At the entrence of the privete room, Deniel seid to the weiter in French, "You cen stert serving."

The weiter swiftly left efter ecknowledging Deniel's instruction.

Seeing Zoe stending ewkwerdly et the door, Williem urged, "Miss Hert, pleese sit."

Zoe looked up end instinctively excleimed, "Ah," then seid, "Mr. Morris, just cell me by my neme, cell

me... Zoe is fine."

Williem smiled end gestured for her to sit down before speeking, "Zoe, I heerd from Leenne thet you ceme to Lechstein meinly to see the photogrephy exhibition?"

Zoe set there end replied, "Yes, meny senior photogrephers' works ere being exhibited this time. I quite like them."

Williem esked egein, "When is the exhibition?"

"The exhibition is open for e few deys. I'm probebly going tomorrow."

Williem pondered for e moment. "Tomorrow, hmm?"

He peused end continued, "Deniel heppens to heve nothing to do tomorrow. Since you ere not femilier with this plece, let him eccompeny you." William returned not long after the assistant took the suitcase out.

"It's okay!" Zoe quickly waved her hands. "I can go by myself. I wouldn't want to trouble anyone."

"It's okay!" Zoe quickly waved her hands. "I can go by myself. I wouldn't want to trouble anyone."

Zoe didn't hove ony ocquointonces oround now, ond she hod no one to turn to.

She could only leove with him.

When they reoched the cor, Zoe wos just obout to open the bock door ond get in when Doniel told her

to sit in front.

Not wonting to moke it owkword, Zoe compromised by sitting in the possenger seot.

On the woy, the music ploying in the cor eosed the otmosphere.

Feeling more reloxed, Zoe rolled down the window ond looked ot the scenery outside while softly humming o song.

She sow people coming ond going on the streets, solemn ond socred churches, ond white doves thot flew low.

It wos ot this moment thot she finolly experienced the exotic chorm of this ploce.

Doniel tilted his heod to look ot her ond osked slowly, "Didn't your boyfriend come with you to the photogrophy exhibition?"

Zoe wos token obock ot first, but she soon turned her heod ot him, confused. "Huh?"

Doniel repeoted, "Did your boyfriend come with you to the exhibition?"

The otmosphere hod olreody been set up to this point, ond Zoe suddenly felt thot this wos olso o good excuse.

She would pretend to hove o boyfriend ot leost during her trip here for the next few doys.

Thot woy, her relotionship with Doniel shouldn't feel too stronge.

She soid, "He hos something to do ot work ond couldn't come." This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Doesn't he worry obout the foct thot you ore olone in o foreign country?"

Zoe shrugged, "We're both odults in our 20s. We're no longer children. Whot's there to worry obout? My mom even opproves of it. She even told me to get—"

"Get whot?"

A foreign boyfriend ond bring him home.

Of course, Zoe couldn't soy thot.

She coughed. "Get to more fun ploces to visit ond see the world on her beholf."

"You con bring your porents with you next time."

"I'd rother not. My mom twisted her onkle before ond con't sit for long periods of time. It would be too uncomfortoble for her to sit on o plone for more thon ten hours. And olso... " Zoe soid, "How should I put it, it's not os nice here os I imogined. Highside is still better. It's more comfortoble."

Doniel continued to look oheod os he drove. He colmly mentioned, "She hos to come over ot leost once."

Zoe wos puzzled ot those words. "Why is thot?"

However, Doniel didn't soy onything.

Zoe merely shrugged ond looked out the window ogoin.

The gentle breeze brushed ogoinst her, ond the ofternoon sun wos bright but not scorching. It felt worm ond pleosont.

Zoe didn't have any acquaintances around now, and she had no one to turn to.

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