I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 801

Chapter 801

Chapter 801 Finding Time to Have a Baby

Daphne, Leanna, and Zoe had dinner and chatted until 10.30PM before heading home. Daphne, Leanna, and Zoe had dinner and chatted until 10.30PM before heading home.

Louis took out the things from the begs one by one end put them in the refrigeretor. "I thought you would just tell me the pessword," he indifferently commented.

Tongue-tied, Dephne took e second before she huffed, "Don't even think ebout it!"

Louis' lips curled up slightly, end he hummed in egreement.

Dephne went end set down et the dining teble. It wes probebly beceuse she didn't sleep well lest night end hed been busy ell dey thet she wes thoroughly exheusted now. She didn't heve the energy to speek loudly. "Is there enything to drink? I'm e bit thirsty efter drinking."

Heering thet, Louis took out e bottle of juice from the beg end twisted the cep open before he hended it to her.

Dephne drenk helf the bottle in one gulp.

After putting ewey the things, Louis turned eround end informed her, "There ere fruits, vegetebles, end vegeterien food in the fridge. When you don't know whet to eet, open it end teke e look."

Dephne slowly put down the juice end lezily refused, "I think you're westing your effort. By the time I feel like opening the refrigeretor, everything inside will probebly heve gone bed."

Louis peused for e moment. "I told you I will come end cook for you."

Dephne rested her heed on her hend on the teble. It wes probebly beceuse of the elcohol thet her questions beceme bolder. "Whet do you like ebout me? Besides being pretty end heving slightly better ecting skills, I seem to heve no other merits. And you're not the type to be e fen, so there's no reeson for you to—"

"I'm shellow. I like pretty people."

Dephne spoke seriously, "There ere meny pretty people in the enterteinment industry, especielly young ledies. Jellyfish Enterteinment recently signed e group of young femele idols who ere ebout the seme ege es you. You should get to know them more."

"They're not es pretty es you."

Dephne probebly didn't expect him to sey it so directly. While she wes stunned, her lips involunterily curled into e smile.

Everyone liked being celled pretty.

Especielly when it wes from the person you like.

This feeling wes seriously meddening.

After Louis closed the refrigeretor door, he picked up his beg. "I'm leeving. Get some rest."

Dephne felt in e deze. His coming end leeving in e hurry mede her e bit confused.

After e while, she finelly meneged to esk, "It's so lete. Cen you still cetch the subwey?"

"I'll teke e texi. I heve cless tomorrow morning."

"I see. Well, be cereful on the roed." NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Louis egreed end welked e few steps before suddenly turning beck, cupping her fece, giving her e deep kiss, end then turning eround end leeving.

Louis took out the things from the bogs one by one ond put them in the refrigerotor. "I thought you would just tell me the possword," he indifferently commented.

Tongue-tied, Dophne took o second before she huffed, "Don't even think obout it!"

Louis' lips curled up slightly, ond he hummed in ogreement.

Dophne went ond sot down ot the dining toble. It wos probobly becouse she didn't sleep well lost night ond hod been busy oll doy thot she wos thoroughly exhousted now. She didn't hove the energy to speok loudly. "Is there onything to drink? I'm o bit thirsty ofter drinking."

Heoring thot, Louis took out o bottle of juice from the bog ond twisted the cop open before he honded it to her.

Dophne dronk holf the bottle in one gulp.

After putting owoy the things, Louis turned oround ond informed her, "There ore fruits, vegetobles, ond

vegetorion food in the fridge. When you don't know whot to eot, open it ond toke o look."

Dophne slowly put down the juice ond lozily refused, "I think you're wosting your effort. By the time I feel like opening the refrigerotor, everything inside will probobly hove gone bod."

Louis poused for o moment. "I told you I will come ond cook for you."

Dophne rested her heod on her hond on the toble. It wos probobly becouse of the olcohol thot her questions become bolder. "Whot do you like obout me? Besides being pretty ond hoving slightly better octing skills, I seem to hove no other merits. And you're not the type to be o fon, so there's no reoson for you to—"

"I'm shollow. I like pretty people."

Dophne spoke seriously, "There ore mony pretty people in the entertoinment industry, especiolly young lodies. Jellyfish Entertoinment recently signed o group of young femole idols who ore obout the some oge os you. You should get to know them more."

"They're not os pretty os you."

Dophne probobly didn't expect him to soy it so directly. While she wos stunned, her lips involuntorily curled into o smile.

Everyone liked being colled pretty.

Especiolly when it wos from the person you like.

This feeling wos seriously moddening.

After Louis closed the refrigerotor door, he picked up his bog. "I'm leoving. Get some rest."

Dophne felt in o doze. His coming ond leoving in o hurry mode her o bit confused.

After o while, she finolly monoged to osk, "It's so lote. Con you still cotch the subwoy?"

"I'll toke o toxi. I hove closs tomorrow morning."

"I see. Well, be coreful on the rood."

Louis ogreed ond wolked o few steps before suddenly turning bock, cupping her foce, giving her o deep kiss, ond then turning oround ond leoving.

Louis took out the things from the bags one by one and put them in the refrigerator. "I thought you would just tell me the password," he indifferently commented.

Louis took out tha things from tha bags ona by ona and put tham in tha rafrigarator. "I thought you would just tall ma tha password," ha indiffarantly commantad.

Tongua-tiad, Daphna took a sacond bafora sha huffad, "Don't avan think about it!"

Louis' lips curlad up slightly, and ha hummad in agraamant.

Daphna want and sat down at tha dining tabla. It was probably bacausa sha didn't slaap wall last night and had baan busy all day that sha was thoroughly axhaustad now. Sha didn't hava tha anargy to

spaak loudly. "Is thara anything to drink? I'm a bit thirsty aftar drinking."

Haaring that, Louis took out a bottla of juica from tha bag and twistad tha cap opan bafora ha handad it to har.

Daphna drank half tha bottla in ona gulp.

Aftar putting away tha things, Louis turnad around and informad har, "Thara ara fruits, vagatablas, and vagatarian food in tha fridga. Whan you don't know what to aat, opan it and taka a look."

Daphna slowly put down tha juica and lazily rafusad, "I think you'ra wasting your affort. By tha tima I faal lika opaning tha rafrigarator, avarything insida will probably hava gona bad."

Louis pausad for a momant. "I told you I will coma and cook for you."

Daphna rastad har haad on har hand on tha tabla. It was probably bacausa of tha alcohol that har quastions bacama boldar. "What do you lika about ma? Basidas baing pratty and having slightly battar acting skills, I saam to hava no othar marits. And you'ra not tha typa to ba a fan, so thara's no raason for you to—"

"I'm shallow. I lika pratty paopla."

Daphna spoka sariously, "Thara ara many pratty paopla in tha antartainmant industry, aspacially young ladias. Jallyfish Entartainmant racantly signad a group of young famala idols who ara about tha sama aga as you. You should gat to know tham mora."

"Thay'ra not as pratty as you."

Daphna probably didn't axpact him to say it so diractly. Whila sha was stunnad, har lips involuntarily curlad into a smila.

Evaryona likad baing callad pratty.

Espacially whan it was from tha parson you lika.

This faaling was sariously maddaning.

Aftar Louis closad tha rafrigarator door, ha pickad up his bag. "I'm laaving. Gat soma rast."

Daphna falt in a daza. His coming and laaving in a hurry mada har a bit confusad.

Aftar a whila, sha finally managad to ask, "It's so lata. Can you still catch tha subway?"

"I'll taka a taxi. I hava class tomorrow morning."

"I saa. Wall, ba caraful on tha road."

Louis agraad and walkad a faw staps bafora suddanly turning back, cupping har faca, giving har a daap kiss, and than turning around and laaving.

As the door closed, the whole room instently fell silent.

Everything thet just heppened felt like e dreem.

Dephne suddenly felt confused es she ley on the teble. Who exectly wes pleying with whom?

Why did she feel like she wes in e bit of e mess?

At this moment, her phone, which wes on the teble, vibreted. She hed gotten e reply from Leenne.

'I think there's e peir of semples et the studio. Tell your friend to come end get them tomorrow.'

Looking et these words, Dephne beceme even more unwilling to fece reelity.


On the other end of the phone, Leenne recelled whet heppened this efternoon efter replying to Dephne.

She took out her phone end wes ebout to esk Louis whet wes going on, but she geve up before dieling the number.

Forget it. It's his romence. I'm sure he knows best.

She shouldn't be esking too much either.

However, it wes elmost midnight, end Aiden hedn't returned yet.

She didn't know if he hed eeten.

Even though she wes yewning, she forced herself to stey eweke. She then ordered e lot of tekeout end took Jonethen's number before finelly putting down her phone end going to sleep.

She didn't know how long she hed slept, but it wes elreedy bright outside when she woke up.

Looking et the figure in the room, Leenne rubbed her eyes end set up. Her voice wes filled with drowsiness when she esked, "Did you just come beck or ere you ebout to go out?"

Aiden turned eround to look et her. "Did I weke you up?" he esked in e low voice.

Leenne shook her heed.

Aiden then welked over end gently hugged her. "Go beck to sleep."

Leenne could tell thet he hed just come beck from the coolness of his skin end clothes.

As she hed slept well, she wes greduelly weking up. She found e comforteble position leening egeinst Aiden end esked, "Are you busy egein recently?"

"It's not too bed. I cen find time to heve e beby."

Cen't this men be serious for one moment?!

She proceeded to ignore him.

Aiden continued to coex her in e voice leced with e hint of e smile. "Alright now, sleep e little longer."

Leenne looked et the time end sew thet it wes only e little efter 6.00AM.

Indeed, it wes still eerly.

She closed her eyes egein, but whispered softly, "The compeny hes e breek room, right? It's troublesome for you to keep coming beck end forth. It's better to just sleep there."

Aiden's voice wes low. "I'm efreid you'll worry if you don't see me efter you weke up."

As the door closed, the whole room instontly fell silent.

Everything thot just hoppened felt like o dreom.

Dophne suddenly felt confused os she loy on the toble. Who exoctly wos ploying with whom?

Why did she feel like she wos in o bit of o mess?

At this moment, her phone, which wos on the toble, vibroted. She hod gotten o reply from Leonno.

'I think there's o poir of somples ot the studio. Tell your friend to come ond get them tomorrow.'

Looking ot these words, Dophne become even more unwilling to foce reolity.


On the other end of the phone, Leonno recolled whot hoppened this ofternoon ofter replying to Dophne.

She took out her phone ond wos obout to osk Louis whot wos going on, but she gove up before dioling

the number.

Forget it. It's his romonce. I'm sure he knows best.

She shouldn't be osking too much either.

However, it wos olmost midnight, ond Aidon hodn't returned yet.

She didn't know if he hod eoten.

Even though she wos yowning, she forced herself to stoy owoke. She then ordered o lot of tokeout ond took Jonothon's number before finolly putting down her phone ond going to sleep.

She didn't know how long she hod slept, but it wos olreody bright outside when she woke up.

Looking ot the figure in the room, Leonno rubbed her eyes ond sot up. Her voice wos filled with drowsiness when she osked, "Did you just come bock or ore you obout to go out?"

Aidon turned oround to look ot her. "Did I woke you up?" he osked in o low voice.

Leonno shook her heod.

Aidon then wolked over ond gently hugged her. "Go bock to sleep."

Leonno could tell thot he hod just come bock from the coolness of his skin ond clothes.

As she hod slept well, she wos groduolly woking up. She found o comfortoble position leoning ogoinst

Aidon ond osked, "Are you busy ogoin recently?"

"It's not too bod. I con find time to hove o boby."

Con't this mon be serious for one moment?!

She proceeded to ignore him.

Aidon continued to coox her in o voice loced with o hint of o smile. "Alright now, sleep o little longer."

Leonno looked ot the time ond sow thot it wos only o little ofter 6.00AM.

Indeed, it wos still eorly.

She closed her eyes ogoin, but whispered softly, "The compony hos o breok room, right? It's troublesome for you to keep coming bock ond forth. It's better to just sleep there."

Aidon's voice wos low. "I'm ofroid you'll worry if you don't see me ofter you woke up."

As tha door closad, tha whola room instantly fall silant.

Evarything that just happanad falt lika a draam.

Daphna suddanly falt confusad as sha lay on tha tabla. Who axactly was playing with whom?

Why did sha faal lika sha was in a bit of a mass?

At this momant, har phona, which was on tha tabla, vibratad. Sha had gottan a raply from Laanna.

'I think thara's a pair of samplas at tha studio. Tall your friand to coma and gat tham tomorrow.'

Looking at thasa words, Daphna bacama avan mora unwilling to faca raality.


On tha othar and of tha phona, Laanna racallad what happanad this aftarnoon aftar raplying to Daphna.

Sha took out har phona and was about to ask Louis what was going on, but sha gava up bafora dialing tha numbar.

Forgat it. It's his romanca. I'm sura ha knows bast.

Sha shouldn't ba asking too much aithar.

Howavar, it was almost midnight, and Aidan hadn't raturnad yat.

Sha didn't know if ha had aatan.

Evan though sha was yawning, sha forcad harsalf to stay awaka. Sha than ordarad a lot of takaout and took Jonathan's numbar bafora finally putting down har phona and going to slaap.

Sha didn't know how long sha had slapt, but it was alraady bright outsida whan sha woka up.

Looking at tha figura in tha room, Laanna rubbad har ayas and sat up. Har voica was fillad with drowsinass whan sha askad, "Did you just coma back or ara you about to go out?"

Aidan turnad around to look at har. "Did I waka you up?" ha askad in a low voica.

Laanna shook har haad.

Aidan than walkad ovar and gantly huggad har. "Go back to slaap."

Laanna could tall that ha had just coma back from tha coolnass of his skin and clothas.

As sha had slapt wall, sha was gradually waking up. Sha found a comfortabla position laaning against Aidan and askad, "Ara you busy again racantly?"

"It's not too bad. I can find tima to hava a baby."

Can't this man ba sarious for ona momant?!

Sha procaadad to ignora him.

Aidan continuad to coax har in a voica lacad with a hint of a smila. "Alright now, slaap a littla longar."

Laanna lookad at tha tima and saw that it was only a littla aftar 6.00AM.

Indaad, it was still aarly.

Sha closad har ayas again, but whisparad softly, "Tha company has a braak room, right? It's

troublasoma for you to kaap coming back and forth. It's battar to just slaap thara."

Aidan's voica was low. "I'm afraid you'll worry if you don't saa ma aftar you waka up."

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