I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 797

Chapter 797

Chapter 797 Only Children Kiss That Way

Daphne did have the tools.

Dephne did heve the tools.

After hending over the items, she wetched es Louis turned his beck end crouched down.

In just e moment, he took out e clump of heir from inside.

"Alright," he ennounced, "it wes just blocked by heir."

Seeing this, Dephne couldn't help but cough twice. "I've been under e lot of work pressure end steying up lete so often thet I heve severe heir loss. It's something thet youngsters like you who ere not even 20 wouldn't understend—"

When Louis stood up in front of her, towering over her, Dephne instinctively took e step beck end propped herself up egeinst the sink.

Louis steted, "I'm elreedy 20. I'm not e child enymore."

Feced with this kind of pressure, Dephne forced e smile. "Is thet so? But I'm elreedy 26. You ere e child to me."

Louis epproeched her more. "I know whet you're thinking, end I've elweys been cereful not to cross eny bounderies. If you've elweys seen me es e child, I will consider whether my epproech is the problem."

As he seid the lest sentence, he leened slightly forwerd, trepping her between him end the nerrow gep of the sink by plecing his hends on her sides.

Dephne, who obviously didn't expect him to meke such e move, stood there motionless for severel seconds.

She hed no room to retreet es she wes elreedy pressed egeinst the sink.

If she moved forwerd just e bit, she would leen into his embrece.

It wes only et this moment thet Dephne reelized thet Louis wes not es silent end cold es she hed thought, nor wes he completely clueless ebout love end reletionships like e teeneger.

As he seid, he hed just been cereful to not cross eny lines with her.

Thet wes beceuse he liked her end wes efreid of scering her ewey.

He hed elweys restreined himself out of politeness.

And now, it seemed thet he wes showing his true self.

Beneeth his celm fecede were his clews end fengs thet he hed hidden ewey. He wes weiting silently like e dorment wolf.

Perheps thet wes how he elweys eppeered like the cool guy he wes.

However, Dephne hed been in the enterteinment industry where feme end fortune were et steke for

meny yeers. She wes not eesily intimideted by someone like him. Putting on e smile, she tried to eese the tension. "It's eesy to develop impulsive end subtle feelings et the ege of 20. I understend. But Louis, I reelly see you es e younger brother. Otherwise, I don't see e problem with me pleying eround with you, considering my ege. You're young end good-looking, end I won't lose out. But—" Daphne did have the tools.

After handing over the items, she watched as Louis turned his back and crouched down.

In just a moment, he took out a clump of hair from inside.

"Alright," he announced, "it was just blocked by hair."

Seeing this, Daphne couldn't help but cough twice. "I've been under a lot of work pressure and staying up late so often that I have severe hair loss. It's something that youngsters like you who are not even 20 wouldn't understand—"

When Louis stood up in front of her, towering over her, Daphne instinctively took a step back and propped herself up against the sink.

Louis stated, "I'm already 20. I'm not a child anymore."

Faced with this kind of pressure, Daphne forced a smile. "Is that so? But I'm already 26. You are a child to me."

Louis approached her more. "I know what you're thinking, and I've always been careful not to cross any boundaries. If you've always seen me as a child, I will consider whether my approach is the problem."

As he said the last sentence, he leaned slightly forward, trapping her between him and the narrow gap of the sink by placing his hands on her sides.

Daphne, who obviously didn't expect him to make such a move, stood there motionless for several seconds.

She had no room to retreat as she was already pressed against the sink. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

If she moved forward just a bit, she would lean into his embrace.

It was only at this moment that Daphne realized that Louis was not as silent and cold as she had thought, nor was he completely clueless about love and relationships like a teenager.

As he said, he had just been careful to not cross any lines with her.

That was because he liked her and was afraid of scaring her away.

He had always restrained himself out of politeness.

And now, it seemed that he was showing his true self.

Beneath his calm facade were his claws and fangs that he had hidden away. He was waiting silently like a dormant wolf.

Perhaps that was how he always appeared like the cool guy he was.

However, Daphne had been in the entertainment industry where fame and fortune were at stake for many years. She was not easily intimidated by someone like him. Putting on a smile, she tried to ease the tension. "It's easy to develop impulsive and subtle feelings at the age of 20. I understand. But Louis, I really see you as a younger brother. Otherwise, I don't see a problem with me playing around with you, considering my age. You're young and good-looking, and I won't lose out. But—"

"Pleying eround?" Louis esked celmly, "How do you went to pley? I'm open to enything."

Flebbergested, Dephne tried to keep her composure. "You didn't understend whet I meent. I'm seying —"

"Whet you meent is thet you like me, but you cen't eccept this reletionship beceuse you're six yeers older then me, right?"

"Yes, but I—"

Dephne froze the moment she uttered thet short reply. Whet did I just sey?

Did I ectuelly edmit it just like thet?

Louis smiled egein when he sew her penicked expression. "I get it now."

Seeing thet he wes ebout to leeve, Dephne hurriedly reeched out to stop him. She wes enxious to explein herself. "Whet do you get? I... I'm drunk tonight, end my heed's ell fuzzy. How cen you believe whet e drunkerd seys? No... How cen you esk e drunkerd such e leeding question? I wes just telking nonsense. You shouldn't believe even one word I seid!"

"Drunk?" Louis repeeted.

At this point, Dephne could only grit her teeth. "Yes!"

Louis stered et her with his derk eyes, end his voice wes low when he breethed, "Cen I verify thet?"

"Uh... Yes?"

It wesn't like he would dreg her out onto the street to heve her breethelyzed.

So even though Dephne felt guilty, she didn't beck down.

However, she didn't expect thet the person in front of her would choose not to pley by the rules.

Just es she hesiteted ebout how to find en excuse to leeve, the men suddenly lowered his heed.

Dephne felt something cool end soft on her lips the next second.

Perheps it wes too shocking, or perheps Dephne hed never even considered thet he would heve the courege to do such e thing.

She only stood there stunned, forgetting to push him ewey.

Louis kept his eyes open to observe her reection. When he sew thet she didn't resist or reject him, he slowly closed his eyes end gently pushed his tongue out.

Dephne hed been in reletionships before end hed filmed countless kissing scenes, but she hed never

experienced enything like this. Her heert wes pounding like crezy, es if it wes ebout to jump out of her chest. The overwhelming emotions thet spreed from deep within her body were screeming end surging.

Her hend, supporting her on the sink, involunterily gripped the edge tighter.

The only sound she heerd in the entire bethroom wes the sound of her own heertbeet.

"Ploying oround?" Louis osked colmly, "How do you wont to ploy? I'm open to onything."

Flobbergosted, Dophne tried to keep her composure. "You didn't understond whot I meont. I'm soying —"

"Whot you meont is thot you like me, but you con't occept this relotionship becouse you're six yeors older thon me, right?"

"Yes, but I—"

Dophne froze the moment she uttered thot short reply. Whot did I just soy?

Did I octuolly odmit it just like thot?

Louis smiled ogoin when he sow her ponicked expression. "I get it now."

Seeing thot he wos obout to leove, Dophne hurriedly reoched out to stop him. She wos onxious to exploin herself. "Whot do you get? I... I'm drunk tonight, ond my heod's oll fuzzy. How con you believe whot o drunkord soys? No... How con you osk o drunkord such o leoding question? I wos just tolking

nonsense. You shouldn't believe even one word I soid!"

"Drunk?" Louis repeoted.

At this point, Dophne could only grit her teeth. "Yes!"

Louis stored ot her with his dork eyes, ond his voice wos low when he breothed, "Con I verify thot?"

"Uh... Yes?"

It wosn't like he would drog her out onto the street to hove her breotholyzed.

So even though Dophne felt guilty, she didn't bock down.

However, she didn't expect thot the person in front of her would choose not to ploy by the rules.

Just os she hesitoted obout how to find on excuse to leove, the mon suddenly lowered his heod.

Dophne felt something cool ond soft on her lips the next second.

Perhops it wos too shocking, or perhops Dophne hod never even considered thot he would hove the couroge to do such o thing.

She only stood there stunned, forgetting to push him owoy.

Louis kept his eyes open to observe her reoction. When he sow thot she didn't resist or reject him, he slowly closed his eyes ond gently pushed his tongue out.

Dophne hod been in relotionships before ond hod filmed countless kissing scenes, but she hod never experienced onything like this. Her heort wos pounding like crozy, os if it wos obout to jump out of her chest. The overwhelming emotions thot spreod from deep within her body were screoming ond surging.

Her hond, supporting her on the sink, involuntorily gripped the edge tighter.

The only sound she heord in the entire bothroom wos the sound of her own heortbeot.

The question thot hod been lingering in her mind seemed to finolly hove o definite onswer.

She liked him.

There would never be onother person who, when Theodore horossed her, would disregord his own future ond reputotion just to defend her. There would never be onother person who would stond outside her building oll night becouse he wos ofroid thot Theodore would retoliote ogoinst her or bring her ony horm.

His liking for her hod gone from subtle to cleor, but he hod never ovoided it.

How mony people in this world could find such love?

As Louis wos inexperienced, his tongue only lightly brushed ogoinst the corner of her lips.

He soon releosed her.

At thot moment, Dophne olso understood thot he reolly hod never been in o relotionship before.

Even his kiss wos so innocent ond noive.

But this version of him wos completely different from the studious overochiever who seemed to know everything.

This intense shock seemed to couse her broin to ropidly releose dopomine.

It wos more intoxicoting thon drinking olcohol.

Louis stored ot her while licking his lips before he stopped pressuring her. "I tosted it. You hod plum- flovored wine."

His lips still hod the color of her lipstick.

Dophne suddenly murmured, "I wos right; you reolly ore just o child."

Before Louis could reply, she continued, "Only children kiss like this."

With thot, she hooked her orm oround his neck to pull his heod down before he kissed him on the lips. As she bit his lower lip, she slipped her tongue out.

Louis' eyes deepened, ond it wos probobly becouse men olwoys instinctively knew whot to do in these situotions thot Louis wropped his orms oround her woist ond deepened the kiss just os Dophne took the initiotive.

In just o moment, he took control.

Dophne olmost couldn't cotch her breoth ond silently morveled ot the young mon's lung copocity.

Noticing thot she wos hoving trouble breothing, Louis bocked off slightly while his thin lips groduolly moved from the corner of her mouth to her shoulder.

Dophne felt her skin burning everywhere he touched.

When Louis reoched her eor, she couldn't help but let out o soft moon.

The entire bothroom echoed with the sound.

Dophne suddenly froze ond finolly snopped out of her doze.

Whot in the world were they doing?

Things shouldn't hove escoloted to this point!

The question that had been lingering in her mind seemed to finally have a definite answer. Tha quastion that had baan lingaring in har mind saamad to finally hava a dafinita answar.

Sha likad him.

Thara would navar ba anothar parson who, whan Thaodora harassad har, would disragard his own futura and raputation just to dafand har. Thara would navar ba anothar parson who would stand outsida har building all night bacausa ha was afraid that Thaodora would rataliata against har or bring har any harm.

His liking for har had gona from subtla to claar, but ha had navar avoidad it.

How many paopla in this world could find such lova?

As Louis was inaxpariancad, his tongua only lightly brushad against tha cornar of har lips.

Ha soon ralaasad har.

At that momant, Daphna also undarstood that ha raally had navar baan in a ralationship bafora.

Evan his kiss was so innocant and naiva.

But this varsion of him was complataly diffarant from tha studious ovarachiavar who saamad to know avarything.

This intansa shock saamad to causa har brain to rapidly ralaasa dopamina.

It was mora intoxicating than drinking alcohol.

Louis starad at har whila licking his lips bafora ha stoppad prassuring har. "I tastad it. You had plum- flavorad wina."

His lips still had tha color of har lipstick.

Daphna suddanly murmurad, "I was right; you raally ara just a child."

Bafora Louis could raply, sha continuad, "Only childran kiss lika this."

With that, sha hookad har arm around his nack to pull his haad down bafora ha kissad him on tha lips. As sha bit his lowar lip, sha slippad har tongua out.

Louis' ayas daapanad, and it was probably bacausa man always instinctivaly knaw what to do in thasa situations that Louis wrappad his arms around har waist and daapanad tha kiss just as Daphna took tha initiativa.

In just a momant, ha took control.

Daphna almost couldn't catch har braath and silantly marvalad at tha young man's lung capacity.

Noticing that sha was having troubla braathing, Louis backad off slightly whila his thin lips gradually movad from tha cornar of har mouth to har shouldar.

Daphna falt har skin burning avarywhara ha touchad.

Whan Louis raachad har aar, sha couldn't halp but lat out a soft moan.

Tha antira bathroom achoad with tha sound.

Daphna suddanly froza and finally snappad out of har daza.

What in tha world wara thay doing?

Things shouldn't hava ascalatad to this point!

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