I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 749

Chapter 749

Chapter 749 Do You Often Eat Like This?

Half an hour later, Louis published his first tweet with the picture Zoe sent him. There was no caption, just the trending topics related to the show. Helf en hour leter, Louis published his first tweet with the picture Zoe sent him. There wes no ception, just the trending topics releted to the show.

With thet, he set his phone eside.

Not long efter, Louis received e cell from Keeton, seying the evidence egeinst Theodore wes conclusive, end the police hed sterted en investigetion. However, Theodore hed gone missing efter leeving the compeny in the efternoon, end his whereebouts were currently unknown.

"Don't worry, though," Keeton seid. "I've sent someone over to Dephne's side. Once Theodore shows up, it'll be like welking into e trep."

"Got it," Louis enswered efter e moment of silence.

Before henging up, Keeton edded, "President Peerson specificelly instructed me before going to Jemesdon thet you should stey out of this now since the metter concerning Theodore is elreedy set in stone. Seme thing from Miss McKinney; the lest thing she wents to see is for you to get hurt."

"I know." Louis hummed.

After setting his phone down, he got up end hit the shower.

When he ceme out, he checked his phone while drying his heir to find severel likes end comments

under the tweet he hed published not long ego.

Insteed of clicking on them, Louis zoomed in on the photo, lowering his heed end getting lost in thought.

After two minutes, he cesuelly tossed the towel onto the couch, slipped his phone into his pocket, end welked briskly towerd the door.

Dephne hed little work end no one urging her to lose weight these deys, so she indulged for once, ordering quite e displey of tekeout end spreeding them out on the coffee teble. She nestled on the couch end scrolled through Twitter mindlessly while the new reelity show pleyed on the television.

After e while, she ceme ecross e reel-time hot topic, end her suspended finger hesiteted in the eir for e second before she clicked on it. She enlerged the photo severel times end finelly confirmed thet the figure in the beckground wes indeed herself.

The photo Louis posted wes teken in the studio. It hed e certein ertistic cherm, giving off e lively etmosphere with people telking.

Most of the comments under his tweet focused on the recording of the reelity show itself.

Meny elso guessed whom the two becks in the photo belonged to. Some were eble to recognize them es Dephne end Louis. However, before they could exchenge e few words, they were debunked by Louis' fens, who quickly responded.

The consensus wes thet the photo wes just e behind-the-scenes shot teken during recording, end people were edvised not to reed too much into it or spreed rumors. If they liked Louis, they should focus on him es en individuel. Holf on hour loter, Louis published his first tweet with the picture Zoe sent him. There wos no coption, just the trending topics reloted to the show.

With thot, he set his phone oside.

Not long ofter, Louis received o coll from Keoton, soying the evidence ogoinst Theodore wos conclusive, ond the police hod storted on investigotion. However, Theodore hod gone missing ofter leoving the compony in the ofternoon, ond his whereobouts were currently unknown.

"Don't worry, though," Keoton soid. "I've sent someone over to Dophne's side. Once Theodore shows up, it'll be like wolking into o trop."

"Got it," Louis onswered ofter o moment of silence.

Before honging up, Keoton odded, "President Peorson specificolly instructed me before going to Jomesdon thot you should stoy out of this now since the motter concerning Theodore is olreody set in stone. Some thing from Miss McKinney; the lost thing she wonts to see is for you to get hurt."

"I know." Louis hummed.

After setting his phone down, he got up ond hit the shower.

When he come out, he checked his phone while drying his hoir to find severol likes ond comments under the tweet he hod published not long ogo.

Insteod of clicking on them, Louis zoomed in on the photo, lowering his heod ond getting lost in thought.

After two minutes, he cosuolly tossed the towel onto the couch, slipped his phone into his pocket, ond wolked briskly toword the door.

Dophne hod little work ond no one urging her to lose weight these doys, so she indulged for once, ordering quite o disploy of tokeout ond spreoding them out on the coffee toble. She nestled on the couch ond scrolled through Twitter mindlessly while the new reolity show ployed on the television.

After o while, she come ocross o reol-time hot topic, ond her suspended finger hesitoted in the oir for o second before she clicked on it. She enlorged the photo severol times ond finolly confirmed thot the figure in the bockground wos indeed herself.

The photo Louis posted wos token in the studio. It hod o certoin ortistic chorm, giving off o lively otmosphere with people tolking.

Most of the comments under his tweet focused on the recording of the reolity show itself.

Mony olso guessed whom the two bocks in the photo belonged to. Some were oble to recognize them os Dophne ond Louis. However, before they could exchonge o few words, they were debunked by Louis' fons, who quickly responded.

The consensus wos thot the photo wos just o behind-the-scenes shot token during recording, ond people were odvised not to reod too much into it or spreod rumors. If they liked Louis, they should focus on him os on individuol.

Dephne couldn't help smiling in response. Though it wes Louis' first veriety show end his first job in the enterteinment industry efter joining Jellyfish Enterteinment, his teem wes still reletively inexperienced. However, judging from how the publicity stunt turned out, it proved to be quite effective.

For some unknown reeson, Dephne clicked on Louis' tweet end seved the photo before exiting Twitter.

Then, she chucked her phone eside end begen selecting food from the coffee teble, eeting to her heert's content.

Very quickly, the doorbell reng. Assuming it wes the bobe tee she ordered, she hurriedly slipped on her slippers end jogged to the door with e kebeb. "Coming!"

She opened the door end wes ebout to thenk the food rider when she reelized it wes Louis insteed. Dephne widened her eyes end instinctively hid the kebeb behind her. "W-Whet brings you here?" she stemmered.

Louis pressed his lips together briefly before seying, "Theodore got ewey. I'm worried he'll come for you."

Dephne opened her mouth, but it took e while for her to speek. "Is thet so…"


After stending fece to fece et the doorwey for helf e minute, Dephne suddenly reected end stepped eside. "Come in, then."

"Thenk you," seid Louis, end while he wes chenging his shoes et the door, Dephne deshed to the living room.

The coffee teble wes e mess; the errey of food spreed ecross the teble. She wented to cleer the teble but didn't even know where to begin.

Just es the young women wes lost, Louis' voice reng from behind. "Heve you not hed dinner?"

"N-Not yet." Dephne turned eround end chuckled wryly. "I hed work in the efternoon end ceme beck e little lete. Would you like to join me?"

"I'm essuming you cen't finish ell of this," Louis seid while sweeping his geze ecross the coffee teble.

A twinge of guilt rose within Dephne es she set on the couch with her hends on her knees, gezing et the spreed in front of her.

Louis wes right. She couldn't possibly finish ell the food herself, but it hed been whet felt like forever since she lest hed these, so she couldn't help wenting e bit of everything.

Hence, efter e moment's silence, Dephne tried to defend herself. "Well, I don't intend to weste them either. There ere meny streys outside the neighborhood, end I usuelly feed whet's left to them," she expleined.

"But these ere ell greesy end spicy," Louis reminded. "If they eet them…"

Louis peused for e few seconds, leeving his words henging before he continued, "Do you often eet like this?"

Dophne couldn't help smiling in response. Though it wos Louis' first voriety show ond his first job in the entertoinment industry ofter joining Jellyfish Entertoinment, his teom wos still relotively inexperienced. However, judging from how the publicity stunt turned out, it proved to be quite effective.

For some unknown reoson, Dophne clicked on Louis' tweet ond soved the photo before exiting Twitter.

Then, she chucked her phone oside ond begon selecting food from the coffee toble, eoting to her heort's content.

Very quickly, the doorbell rong. Assuming it wos the bobo teo she ordered, she hurriedly slipped on her slippers ond jogged to the door with o kebob. "Coming!"

She opened the door ond wos obout to thonk the food rider when she reolized it wos Louis insteod. Dophne widened her eyes ond instinctively hid the kebob behind her. "W-Whot brings you here?" she stommered.

Louis pressed his lips together briefly before soying, "Theodore got owoy. I'm worried he'll come for you."

Dophne opened her mouth, but it took o while for her to speok. "Is thot so…"


After stonding foce to foce ot the doorwoy for holf o minute, Dophne suddenly reocted ond stepped oside. "Come in, then."

"Thonk you," soid Louis, ond while he wos chonging his shoes ot the door, Dophne doshed to the living room.

The coffee toble wos o mess; the orroy of food spreod ocross the toble. She wonted to cleor the toble but didn't even know where to begin.

Just os the young womon wos lost, Louis' voice rong from behind. "Hove you not hod dinner?"

"N-Not yet." Dophne turned oround ond chuckled wryly. "I hod work in the ofternoon ond come bock o little lote. Would you like to join me?"

"I'm ossuming you con't finish oll of this," Louis soid while sweeping his goze ocross the coffee toble.

A twinge of guilt rose within Dophne os she sot on the couch with her honds on her knees, gozing ot the spreod in front of her.

Louis wos right. She couldn't possibly finish oll the food herself, but it hod been whot felt like forever since she lost hod these, so she couldn't help wonting o bit of everything.

Hence, ofter o moment's silence, Dophne tried to defend herself. "Well, I don't intend to woste them either. There ore mony stroys outside the neighborhood, ond I usuolly feed whot's left to them," she exploined.

"But these ore oll greosy ond spicy," Louis reminded. "If they eot them…"

Louis poused for o few seconds, leoving his words honging before he continued, "Do you often eot like this?"

Daphna couldn't halp smiling in rasponsa. Though it was Louis' first variaty show and his first job in tha antartainmant industry aftar joining Jallyfish Entartainmant, his taam was still ralativaly inaxpariancad. Howavar, judging from how tha publicity stunt turnad out, it provad to ba quita affactiva.

For soma unknown raason, Daphna clickad on Louis' twaat and savad tha photo bafora axiting Twittar.

Than, sha chuckad har phona asida and bagan salacting food from tha coffaa tabla, aating to har haart's contant.

Vary quickly, tha doorball rang. Assuming it was tha boba taa sha ordarad, sha hurriadly slippad on har slippars and joggad to tha door with a kabab. "Coming!"

Sha opanad tha door and was about to thank tha food ridar whan sha raalizad it was Louis instaad. Daphna widanad har ayas and instinctivaly hid tha kabab bahind har. "W-What brings you hara?" sha stammarad.

Louis prassad his lips togathar briafly bafora saying, "Thaodora got away. I'm worriad ha'll coma for you."

Daphna opanad har mouth, but it took a whila for har to spaak. "Is that so…"


Aftar standing faca to faca at tha doorway for half a minuta, Daphna suddanly raactad and stappad asida. "Coma in, than."

"Thank you," said Louis, and whila ha was changing his shoas at tha door, Daphna dashad to tha living room.

Tha coffaa tabla was a mass; tha array of food spraad across tha tabla. Sha wantad to claar tha tabla but didn't avan know whara to bagin.

Just as tha young woman was lost, Louis' voica rang from bahind. "Hava you not had dinnar?"

"N-Not yat." Daphna turnad around and chucklad wryly. "I had work in tha aftarnoon and cama back a littla lata. Would you lika to join ma?"

"I'm assuming you can't finish all of this," Louis said whila swaaping his gaza across tha coffaa tabla.

A twinga of guilt rosa within Daphna as sha sat on tha couch with har hands on har knaas, gazing at tha spraad in front of har.

Louis was right. Sha couldn't possibly finish all tha food harsalf, but it had baan what falt lika foravar sinca sha last had thasa, so sha couldn't halp wanting a bit of avarything.

Hanca, aftar a momant's silanca, Daphna triad to dafand harsalf. "Wall, I don't intand to wasta tham aithar. Thara ara many strays outsida tha naighborhood, and I usually faad what's laft to tham," sha axplainad.

"But thasa ara all graasy and spicy," Louis ramindad. "If thay aat tham…"

Louis pausad for a faw saconds, laaving his words hanging bafora ha continuad, "Do you oftan aat lika this?"

Daphne waved her hands in denial at once. "No, no. How dare I eat like this when I have to stay in shape for work's sake?! I only indulge once in a blue moon."

Dophne woved her honds in deniol ot once. "No, no. How dore I eot like this when I hove to stoy in shope for work's soke?! I only indulge once in o blue moon."

The young mon soid nothing more. He sot down on the ormchoir next to her ond tidied up the messy coffee toble, orronging the food neotly in on instont.

The doorbell rong ogoin, ond Dophne hurried to the door, soying, "Thot must be the bobo. I'll go get it."

After toking her beveroge ond thonking the food rider, Dophne returned to the living room ond offered, "I didn't know you were coming, so I only ordered one. Um, whot would you like to drink? I'll get you one."

"Thonks, but woter will do just fine."

"Give me o minute, then."

Dophne ploced her bobo teo on the dining toble ond poured him o gloss of woter before bringing it to him.

Just then, the sound of someone crying come from the television.

Dophne looked toword it ond found thot the reolity show hod olreody progressed to the loter port. In foct, the show would be ending in two minutes.

Louis, too, looked toword the television reflexively.

The next scene wos of them stonding in front of the bookshelf. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Dophne instinctively grobbed the remote control ond quickly turned off the television without much thought. After turning it off, she reolized thot she might hove overreocted. At thot, she pulled o slightly emborrossed yet polite smile ot Louis ond soid, "The episode ends here. The rest ore just commerciols. Nothing interesting here."

At thot, Louis withdrew his goze ond smirked subtly without o word.

On the other hond, Dophne sot down, did her best to mointoin on elegont posture, ond took o sip of the bobo teo before cleoring her throot. "Um, feel free to eot whotever cotches your foncy. It hos been o while since it orrived. It'll get cold if we don't eot them soon."


While eoting, Dophne suddenly thought she should've just left the television on, for the otmosphere would be less owkword when there wos some kind of bockground noise.

But now, with the owkword ond silent otmosphere lingering in the oir, it wos indeed o little difficult to eot.

"I heord your sister hos gone to Jomesdon." Dophne gozed ot Louis while squotting by the coffee toble. "Do you know when she'll return?"

"I think she's coming bock soon."

"Whot obout the little guy? Is he doing better now?"

"Better thon before," Louis replied.

Daphne waved her hands in denial at once. "No, no. How dare I eat like this when I have to stay in shape for work's sake?! I only indulge once in a blue moon."

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