I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 111

Chapter 111


Chapter 111 Chapter one hundred and eleven

Sydney’s Pov

Scarlet wouldn’t tell me more about how our plan would procede even though Tavon had decided to spare Dylan. I didn’t know if Bella knew about this new update. I’d have asked her but she was not sight as she was busy comforting her man.

Without wasting much time, I got ready and rushed outside the mansion. In truth, I had no idea how I’d get to Dylan’s place. I had no means of communication or means of transport. I stood before the entrance and thought of what to do.

you to My Fortunately, one of Tavon’s men walked up to me. He gestured toward a sleek car with a practiced smile. “The godfather has asked me to take yo

Lucas mansion”

Oh, Goody! “Alright,” I returned his tasteless smile with a bright c

with a bright one. “Thank you,” I told him and hel

eled me to the car.

He drove me to Dylan’s house. It took a few minutes before the gate was opened and the car was allowed to drive in.

There were several of Dylan’s men hanging around the compound, an unusual occurrence because they always seem to be out of sight. But today, I could see them through the car’s tinted

mirror. Some of them deliberately stood guard while some of them idled around, gisting and laughing. I almost palmed my forehead because it was freaking obvious that their idle chat and laughter was forced.

Dylan knew Tavon would find out and he was ready for whatever action he decided to take

it was obvious

At the entrance, Dylan stood with his feet apart and hands dug into his pocket, a bland expression on his face. Two hefty men stood guard behind him

The driver who had also been taking in his surrounding turned to me. This time, he didn’t wear his smile 7 was only asked to drop you and return.” His gaze quickly ticked to the car door by my side, “Td like to leave now.”

“Oh! Ofcourse.”I was already opening the door as I said. “Thank you. Tell godfather I’m grateful and Td be back soon.”

He nodded curtly and watched me step down from the car.

The moment I was a feet away from the car, he reversed the car and drove out of the compound.

I made my way to the entranceway. As I got closer, I noticed the flicker of surprise in Dylan’s eyes as he watched the car drive away.

“Hello?” I stopped before him.

He turned his gaze to me and said with a straight face,” was expecting your dead body.”

I didn’t even need to fake my gasp. “What the hell, Dylan!”

He shrugged and proceeded inside the mansion. His men stepped aside and let me follow him then I heard their footsteps directly behind me.

“Why are you here? Or rather, why has Tavon sent you back?” He finally asked as he ascended the stairs and headed for a room. “Have you been sent here

to murder me in my sleep?”

I scoffed and thought, 1 wished that was what I was here for

He opened the door to the room and nodded to his men Then he stepped in and he allowed me to come in after him.

He trusts me, that’s all could think. And that was all I needed.

“So?” He quipped after he had sat in his chair and stretched his long legs on the desk before him. The room looked like a study; a shelf filled with books occupied one part of the four walls of the room. There was a swivel chair–the one he was currently seated on, a desk filled with files and a cushion chair just on the wall opposite the shelf.

“Tavon has sent for you.” I told him with a smile. “He invited you for dinner.”

Tve done as you said he started, hesitating

“And you’ve done well,” I said slowly, taking steps toward him.

He sighed and let down his guard. “Don’t you think this is a ploy for me to walk into a trap?”

I stopped by his side. He let me hug his head to my bosom and it caressed the side of his face.

“You have nothing to worry about. If Tavon wanted to kill you, he’d have mobilized all the family members in the city to hunt you down and stop at nothing until you’ve dropped dead but he didn’t.

Besides, he said so himself. He said you need not worry that he wouldn’t kill you.”

While I was speaking, I noticed that he had curled his hands around my waist and my lips curled into a sick smile.

“I’m worried,” he said so quietly that I barely heard him. He sounded different, very different from the tough guy that waited at the entranceway with his


It’s expected. I’m worried too but I think our guess was right. I mean, Axel has been dead for hours, right? And you’re still unharmed so our guess was right, you’re the only heir Tavon has left. He can’t kill you”

He said nothing. Just held onto me and listened.

I dug my fingers into his hair and massaged his scalp.

1 have an idea.“I started, “How about we bring a bottle of his favorite wine as we go to him? That way, everyone can tacitly consider Axel’s death as an accident, very unrelated to you”

He was silent for a while then I felt him nod.‘ “Okay, I listen to you”

We both arrived at Tavon’s mansion.

I wanted aside as Dylan got searched, just as he had predicted. I looked into the whiskey bouquet we had prepared for Tavon, my eyes immediately zeroing in on the gun there.

While in the car, before we left Dylan’s mansion, he had said. “I will definitely be searched when I enter the mansion, ide this gun and throw it to me when necessary, okay?”

I nodded then he handed me the gun in his grasp. I took it and watched as he got out of the car and gave instructions to his men.

After Dylan got searched and he was allowed into the mansion, I flashed the security there a smile and passed by. I let out a breath of relief when stopped by Dylan’s side without being searched.

The ambience in the mansion was still heavy with an undecribable air. Everyone still looked solemn as I had left them. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

jun out of the bouquet and hid it in the pocket of my pants then

Dinner was already being served so we went straight to the dinning room. I slipped the gun ‹ dropped it by Dylan’s side and took a seat beside him.

Dylan and I idly chatted–for a long time as we waited for Tavon

A long while later, Tavon announced his arrival, smiling slightly. “My child, you’re here.”

I heard Dylan mutter, finally under his breath as he climbed down the stars, Bella by his side

Tavon’s eyes was filed with fatigue and sadness and his face looked pale.

Dylan nodded and rose to his feet. He picked up the whiskey bouquet and placed it on the table.

“I heard about Axel’s incident, I came to visit you.” He pushed the bouquet forward a little. “Accept my condolences.”

Tavon said nothing. He took his time to descend the stairs. After he was comfortably seated in his seat at the head of the table, he spoke up. Unexpectedly, he sounded firm. “Axel’s incident has saddened me. I had hoped that you and he could lead the family further together, but…”I think I saw his shoulders rose in a small shrug or maybe I was just seeing things. Then he turned his head to

look at Dylan, he regarded him for a while then he said. “Now, the honor and responsibility of the family are all on you”

Dylan seemed shocked hearing that Tavon has accepted him as the heir but he tried his best to hide i

He bowed deeply and said to Taven, “Godfather, I promise you, I will do my best.”

Tavon said nothing and even gave no reaction to Dylan’s words of assurance

By this time, the tables had already been set. All the dishes were ready and everyone was ready to dig in

I raised my eyebrows when one of the staff stepped forward. It was Scarlet

I watched as she grabbed the bottle of whiskey to open it to test for poison, as usual.

Tavon actually gave Dylan an apologetic smile. “Please don’t mind me, my child, there are too many enemies lurking in the dark now, I have to be careful”

Dylan smiled slightly and dismissively waved his hand, 1 understand, godfather.”

We all watched as Scarlet pured a bit of the wine in a flute glass then before we all knew what was happening. Her eyes widened in horror as she gagged and started to crazily beat her chest with her palm.

She staggered back and everyone rose to their feet in panic. Tavon’s guards were quick to gather around him as everyone watched what would unfold.

Scarlet gripped the back of a chair and started to vomit blood, messing up the floor. I rushed to her side, “Are you okay?”

Her body was tingging hot and she was trembling. She looked up at me and even though her face was pale and her eyes held the fatique she must be feeling, I could have sworn that I saw a smile in her eyes.

And then, her hold on me and the chair loosened and she went baneling into the floor, dead

For the briefest moment, the room was dead silent and in the blink of an eye, I heard a scream, Bella who seemed to be in on the plan rushed to Tavon’s side and yelled, “What are you still waiting for?” She faced the guards who formed a wall around she and Tavon. “The wine is poisoned, Lucas wants to kill

the godfatherf

The moment those words were said chaos erupted and everyone rushed at Dylan but he was

was hood in combat as he was hood in lying

Scarlet’s words resounded in my head, 1 love him with mlife.” and became crystal clear what happened. She loved Luigi with her life and she willingly gave her life to falsely accuse Dylan of poisoning Tavon’s favorite whiskey.

e to die

I swallowed and looked down at her dead body with a heavy heart. We could have found another means she didn’t have


I was thrown out of my head and I looked up at the chaos happening around me in the room. Tavon had been able to move to the foot of the staircase without being harmed while several of Tavon’s men circled Dylan. He couldn’t fight all of them at once and that seemed to be their plan

“Give me the gun!”

Tobligingly grabbed the gun and threw it at him. He expertly caught it and I watched him point the gun at the men around him before settling it in Tavon’s


That was my cue to hide

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