I Want a Divorce (Abigail and Sean)

Chapter 909 Be Prepared

Chapter 909 Be Prepared

It was evident to her that leaving Kevin downstairs was hardly fair.

Not even five minutes had passed since Sean had been reciting when the soft sound of Abigail's breath filled the air. With utmost care, he rose from his seat and planted a tender kiss on her cheek before silently slipping out of the room.

Back on the first floor, Sean's perplexed gaze fell upon Kevin. "I'm afraid I must abstain from joining you for drinks. After all, she's carrying our child. It wouldn't be wise to indulge in alcohol."

Kevin, his bewilderment mirrored by Sean's, retorted, "Do you lack basic common sense? You shouldn't be drinking even before she conceives."

Sean was unfazed by Kevin's skepticism and quipped, "What if she desires a second child? Preparation is key."

Momentarily rendered speechless, Kevin struggled to formulate a coherent response. "You truly are something else," he managed to articulate finally. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Turning his attention to the coffee table, Sean retrieved a selection of dried meat and arranged it meticulously on a decorative fruit platter. He also opened some peanuts and put them beside it, then asked the maid to bring over a fork and knife.

As Kevin munched on the peanuts, he couldn't help but lament, "It appears that Irene has taken a liking to one of the designers at Abigail's company."

"That's normal, too. There are a few male designers in the company who not only possess good looks but also exude exceptional charm," Sean remarked casually. He had paid a visit once and found himself forming somewhat lasting impressions of a few male designers.

"How do you manage to observe so attentively?" Kevin inquired, his expression reflecting a deep sense of gratitude. "Could it be that you've been observing those individuals with my interests in mind from the very beginning?"

Sean responded in a matter-of-fact tone, "As long as you're pleased."

Originally, he was wary of the designers developing a fondness for Abigail, but since Kevin seemed to prefer this certain narrative as it would make him feel better, he decided not to disclose the truth to him.

"Well, you've been really kind to me... My earlier efforts toward you weren't in vain," Kevin remarked and let out a hearty belch.

The tequila had certainly taken its toll on him. As intoxication set in, his emotions began to overflow.

"What do you think I've done wrong to her? I've put in significant effort to change, and I've refrained from engaging with any other woman. She hasn't afforded me any opportunity at all. I acknowledge that my initial intentions might have been frivolous, but I realize my mistake now," Kevin confessed, his grip on the glass tightening as anguish consumed him.

Sean reflected on the consequences of Kevin's past actions toward those girls and opted to remain silent.

The thought of the agony caused by rejection weighed heavily on Kevin, causing Sean to ponder the extent of suffering experienced by those girls Kevin had heartlessly cast aside.

"Sean, I'm talking to you!" Kevin's voice carried a tone of discontent as he looked to Sean for a response.

Sean's gaze bore into him, his expression a mixture of resignation and empathy. "What do you want me to say?" he sighed helplessly.

Kevin met his gaze with a scrutinizing stare. "Then why remain silent?" he questioned, his tone laced with a hint of frustration.

Sean's response was delivered with remarkable calmness, yet it cut deep. "The pain you're experiencing pales in comparison to the anguish felt by those girls who once loved you," he stated, his words carrying the weight of undeniable truth.

Each word uttered felt like a blow to Kevin's heart, causing him to falter under the weight of his own emotions.

"You're trapped in your own suffering, drowning in self-pity, but have you ever considered the feelings of those who genuinely cared for you?" Sean's voice remained steady as he silently poured another glass of wine.

As Kevin drank in silence, he was forced to confront the harsh reality of his actions. After a prolonged moment of reflection, he finally conceded. "You're right, it's my fault."

Sean's response was gentle yet firm. "I'm not here to assign blame, but I do hope you'll approach relationships with greater sincerity in the future," he said, his words carrying a subtle undercurrent of encouragement.

"Thank you," Kevin replied as a sense of awareness dawned upon him.

As the true sc*undrel he was, he couldn't help but acknowledge that he didn't deserve someone as remarkable as Irene.

When lunchtime approached, Abigail woke up.

Her eyes fluttered open to find Sean seated by her bedside. Relief flooded her senses as she sat up, her gaze meeting his. "Has Kevin left?" she inquired.

Sean was diligently sifting through the stack of documents before him when his focus was abruptly redirected by Abigail's voice. "Hmm, it seems like things won't pose much trouble for us during this period," she observed, her tone carrying a hint of relief.

Deep down, he believed that Kevin had finally seen reason.

"I've always believed that matters of the heart eventually find their resolution as we navigate through them," Abigail remarked, her lips forming a thoughtful pout. "I could use some water," she added as she felt a sudden thirst.

"I'll fetch it for you," Sean offered, already turning to leave.

"No need. I'll just head downstairs to watch some TV." Abigail declined as she felt a tad guilty for the attention she was receiving.

Nevertheless, Sean was quick to assist her to her feet once again.

Downstairs, Abigail indulged in the simple pleasure of watching television while snacking on fruits.

"Should you perhaps eat a bit less? Lunch will be ready soon," Sean gently reminded her, his concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit peckish," Abigail reassured him while marveling at how her appetite had surged since her pregnancy began.

"It's a relief that you're not experiencing morning sickness," Sean remarked, his voice tinged with gratitude and a hint of worry. He had read extensively about the discomfort and potential risks associated with morning sickness, both for the mother and the unborn child.

"Indeed, perhaps I'm just blessed with a resilient body," Abigail pondered aloud.

She didn't have morning sickness but developed a penchant for sour food. Sour-sweet apples, sour- sweet grapes, and so on were her cravings.

"Perhaps that's the case," Sean murmured, his hand gently caressing her growing belly.

"You seem to have a thing for my belly. Are you already looking forward to our little one's arrival?" Abigail couldn't shake the feeling that Sean genuinely adored the idea of having children.

While his suggestion of adoption might have initially been to spare her any discomfort, deep down, she sensed his longing for a child of their own.

"Well, it's because our baby will be the product of our love," he responded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of hope and longing.

In the countless days and nights following their divorce, he had fantasized about what their child would be like if he and Abigail had one together. Yet, amidst these fantasies, he often wondered if such a future was merely a figment of his imagination.

Abigail turned her head to gaze at him for a moment. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and drew him into a warm embrace. "You've always wanted this, haven't you? A child with me?"

"I have," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But more than anything, I want our baby to be born out of the purest form of love between us. Anything less wouldn't do justice to the happiness our child deserves."

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