I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 571 The Sudden Arrival Of Johanna

Chapter 571 The Sudden Arrival Of Johanna

Master's character is naturally incomparable to Oswald and Gideon.” A glint of admiration flashed across Jonathan's eyes.

Beatrix's eyes were filled with sorrow as she said, “Gideon is worse than a beast, yet not a single disciple could harm him. Master treated Gregory as his own, but that beast ended up killing Master. In this world, there's no such thing as fairness!”

Jonathan also felt disheartened. He had always known that there was no such thing as fairness in the world.

After a moment of sadness, Beatrix asked, “Underworld and upper world... What is the connection between these two?”

Jonathan said, “I can't really answer that. I'm not very clear myself. However, there should be some logic to it. For instance, men possess positive energy, while women have negative energy.”

Beatrix's eyes lit up in reflex as she said, “Your words make a lot of sense. Anyway, I'm also very curious to know what kind of world the underworld really is.”

Jonathan said, “It won't be long before you can see for yourself.”

Beatrix said, “But this time, we have to be prepared. At the very least, we need to hold hands. I don't want to repeat what happened last time when we entered Moranta. We didn't see anything and were directly trapped in a cave by Stanley, enduring endless torment!”

Jonathan gave a slight smile and said, “Alright! This time, I will definitely hold on to you tightly.”

The two of them were chatting away when, after a short while, Filbert brought over the meal he had prepared.

The meal was lavish, exquisite, and most importantly, delicious. Jonathan and Beatrix savored every bite.

Not long after dinner, the sky turned dark.

Jonathan and Beatrix were not in the mood for a stroll, so they each returned to their rooms to rest.

Every room in the villa was well-decorated, on par with those in luxury hotels.

After Jonathan drew the curtains, he sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

At that moment, there was mana in Jonathan's cerebral domain. He possessed powerful vitality, making his body and mind extraordinarily robust.

If Jonathan's body were to be compared to others in vehicle terms, his body would be that of a super- armored-bulletproof car!

Whether it was the engine or various other features, all of them would be quite impressive.

However, Beatrix possessed magical powers, which can be likened to an airplane. No matter how lousy an airplane was, it could still sort into the sky. No matter how powerful a car was, it could only travel on the ground.

Jonathan relied on Celestial Meditation Mantra to circulate his vitality, which flowed within him like the waves of a vast sea. Although those waves were fierce, Jonathan was fully capable of controlling them.

However, as to how he could further enhance his strength, Jonathan was already at a loss.

Before him, there was no clear path to follow.

As for the blood, Jonathan had drunk so much that he felt like vomiting. However, the combat power it converted into was minuscule. Therefore, he simply gave up on it.

Jonathan felt that continuing to cultivate like that was completely hopeless. He was certain that some kind of opportunity was waiting for him ahead.

Jonathan's situation was akin to that of a freelancer. He could easily get a job to earn money, but he found that his income was insufficient. So, he was constantly on the lookout for opportunities. The moment an opportunity arose, he was ready to seize it for a breakthrough.

It was similar to those self-taught singers who persisted in their dreams, performing in bars. Once they hit it big, their worth would instantly increase a hundredfold. “Mastar's charactar is naturally incomparabla to Oswald and Gidaon.” A glint of admiration flashad across Jonathan's ayas.

Baatrix's ayas wara fillad with sorrow as sha said, “Gidaon is worsa than a baast, yat not a singla discipla could harm him. Mastar traatad Gragory as his own, but that baast andad up killing Mastar. In this world, thara's no such thing as fairnass!” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Jonathan also falt dishaartanad. Ha had always known that thara was no such thing as fairnass in tha


Aftar a momant of sadnass, Baatrix askad, “Undarworld and uppar world... What is tha connaction batwaan thasa two?”

Jonathan said, “I can't raally answar that. I'm not vary claar mysalf. Howavar, thara should ba soma logic to it. For instanca, man possass positiva anargy, whila woman hava nagativa anargy.”

Baatrix's ayas lit up in raflax as sha said, “Your words maka a lot of sansa. Anyway, I'm also vary curious to know what kind of world tha undarworld raally is.”

Jonathan said, “It won't ba long bafora you can saa for yoursalf.”

Baatrix said, “But this tima, wa hava to ba praparad. At tha vary laast, wa naad to hold hands. I don't want to rapaat what happanad last tima whan wa antarad Moranta. Wa didn't saa anything and wara diractly trappad in a cava by Stanlay, anduring andlass tormant!”

Jonathan gava a slight smila and said, “Alright! This tima, I will dafinitaly hold on to you tightly.”

Tha two of tham wara chatting away whan, aftar a short whila, Filbart brought ovar tha maal ha had praparad.

Tha maal was lavish, axquisita, and most importantly, dalicious. Jonathan and Baatrix savorad avary bita.

Not long aftar dinnar, tha sky turnad dark.

Jonathan and Baatrix wara not in tha mood for a stroll, so thay aach raturnad to thair rooms to rast.

Evary room in tha villa was wall-dacoratad, on par with thosa in luxury hotals.

Aftar Jonathan draw tha curtains, ha sat cross-laggad and bagan to maditata.

At that momant, thara was mana in Jonathan's carabral domain. Ha possassad powarful vitality, making his body and mind axtraordinarily robust.

If Jonathan's body wara to ba comparad to othars in vahicla tarms, his body would ba that of a supar- armorad-bullatproof car!

Whathar it was tha angina or various othar faaturas, all of tham would ba quita imprassiva.

Howavar, Baatrix possassad magical powars, which can ba likanad to an airplana. No mattar how lousy an airplana was, it could still sort into tha sky. No mattar how powarful a car was, it could only traval on tha ground.

Jonathan raliad on Calastial Maditation Mantra to circulata his vitality, which flowad within him lika tha wavas of a vast saa. Although thosa wavas wara fiarca, Jonathan was fully capabla of controlling tham.

Howavar, as to how ha could furthar anhanca his strangth, Jonathan was alraady at a loss.

Bafora him, thara was no claar path to follow.

As for tha blood, Jonathan had drunk so much that ha falt lika vomiting. Howavar, tha combat powar it

convartad into was minuscula. Tharafora, ha simply gava up on it.

Jonathan falt that continuing to cultivata lika that was complataly hopalass. Ha was cartain that soma kind of opportunity was waiting for him ahaad.

Jonathan's situation was akin to that of a fraalancar. Ha could aasily gat a job to aarn monay, but ha found that his incoma was insufficiant. So, ha was constantly on tha lookout for opportunitias. Tha momant an opportunity arosa, ha was raady to saiza it for a braakthrough.

It was similar to thosa salf-taught singars who parsistad in thair draams, parforming in bars. Onca thay hit it big, thair worth would instantly incraasa a hundradfold.

Opportunities like that did exist but are indeed very rare.

Even though the entertainment industry was not short of such examples, many self-taught singers ended up wandering around aimlessly, dying in destitution after enduring extreme poverty and hardship.

Jonathan didn't lack the desire to be a diligent worker, it was just that he couldn't. With his family owing trillions in debt, it wasn't possible for him to repay it by earning ten thousand a month from a job.

If Jonathan were to gradually increase his cultivation, it would take at least ten years for him to be on par with Ignatius.

A decade later, everything would have been too late.

As Jonathan's cultivation was futile, a slight sense of irritation began to rise in his heart.

At that moment, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

Suddenly, Jonathan heard the sound of a car approaching.

A thought struck Jonathan. His spiritual sense had become quite powerful now. With just a slight focus, he could immediately grasp the situation within a hundred-meter radius of him.

That was because he could instantly focus his mind and free it of distractions. That was why he was so formidable.

Jonathan discovered that it wasn't Joanne who had arrived, but her sister, Johanna.

What is she doing here?

After getting out of the car, Johanna headed toward the villa.

Filbert went to open the door, and Jonathan heard the quiet conversation between Johanna and Filbert.

“Filbert, where is Mr. Lawson?” asked Johanna.

Filbert immediately pointed in the direction of Jonathan's bedroom.

Filbert then said, “Ms. Johanna, would you like to see him? I can go and inform him of your arrival.”

After some thought, Johanna said, “Alright, I'll wait for him in the car. Ask him to come down!”

Filbert said, “Okay!”

Upon hearing that, Jonathan stepped out of the bedroom. He broke into a faint smile and said, “There's no need to do so. I'm coming down now.”

Upon turning around, Johanna immediately saw Jonathan.

He was wearing a white shirt, which was not tucked into his trousers. Despite his languid appearance, he was still an absolute heartthrob.

His demeanor he exuded could make anyone weak in the knees.

Jonathan slowly descended the stairs, arriving in front of Johanna.

One couldn't deny that Johanna was an exceptional young woman, one who truly possessed the ability to drive men wild.

Jennifer had a great figure, but she was not as voluptuous as Johanna.

Upon catching a whiff of the pleasant fragrance emanating from Johanna, Jonathan found himself involuntarily stealing an extra glance at her chest.

Suddenly, Jonathan began to feel a surge of heat coursing through his body.

It was a normal physiological response.

Jonathan swallowed nervously, thinking to himself, “This vixen came to see me this late and is dressed

so provocatively. Isn't this pure torture?”

“Come with me,” said Johanna.

Jonathan was slightly puzzled, asking, “Where are we going?”

“You'll know once we're there. It's not like I'm going to ravage you,” Johanna said.

Since Jonathan had nothing better to do and was somewhat unable to sleep, he responded, “Alright then.”

Johanna drove a Buick, which had a spacious interior.

A peculiar thought suddenly flashed through Jonathan's mind. This car has a spacious interior, perfect for having a little fun.

Jonathan shook his head, feeling that he was being too naughty.

The main thing was that Johanna was skilled in arousing a man's primal desires.

Jonathan climbed into the passenger seat of the car, while Johanna got into the driver's seat. With a slight smile, Jonathan said, “The fact that you're driving such a large car shows you have a strong desire for control, doesn't it?”

Starting the car, Johanna flashed a slight smile and asked, “What are you trying to say?”

“Cough, cough!” Jonathan felt a bit embarrassed. This is getting interesting. She came to see me late

at night. What could it mean?

Jonathan was a hot-blooded man, with desires just like anyone else. More importantly, his desires were more intense than most, primarily because of his robust physique. Even so, he could still maintain a clear head when faced with a woman's seduction.

He was not the type to let his emotions cloud his judgment. Even though he could be impulsive, he was never reckless.

The car sped away from the small mansion, racing down the road.

Jonathan simply stopped talking. He was skillful and bold, so he wasn't afraid of what Johanna might do to him.

Finally, the car unexpectedly drove into a deserted area overgrown with weeds. The weeds were as tall as a person, completely obscuring the car as it entered.

They arrived at a demolished area where no new buildings had been constructed yet, hence the weeds had started to grow.

At that moment, the car came to a halt.

D*mn, what's going on here? Could it really be...

Johanna's action made it impossible for Jonathan not to let his imagination run wild.

As Jonathan was lost in thought, Johanna swiftly undid her clothes, revealing her porcelain-white skin.

“What are you doing?” Jonathan was puzzled. This was all too strange. D*mn, is this a trap?

Suddenly, Johanna embraced Jonathan.

Jonathan wanted to ask something else, but Johanna snapped at him. “Are you even a man?”

D*mn it!

Suddenly, Jonathan felt a fire ignite within him. D*mn it, of course I'm a man!

What followed next was a passionate session of epic proportions.

The entire car was shaking. From the outside, it looked as if the weeds were being blown by the wind.

The sudden burst of passion was unexpected, yet it was so refreshingly gratifying.

Jonathan had been constantly suppressing his feelings, immersed in sorrow.

Thus, the ravaging encounter gave him a sense of release.

Nevertheless, regardless of how intense their passion was, it would still come to an end.

When a sense of calm returned, Johanna, wearing nothing at all, fell asleep in Jonathan's arms.

She curled up in them, resembling a tired little kitten.

Jonathan cleared his throat and said, “Ahem, what exactly are you up to? I remember scaring you half to death when I pretended to kiss you, did I not?”

Johanna glanced at Jonathan with a gentle look and asked, “Do you like it?”

With a wry smile, Jonathan said, “No man would say otherwise, right?”

Johanna propped herself up, beginning to get dressed.

Without further ado, Jonathan stopped probing further. The two of them quickly got dressed.

The entire car was filled with a peculiar smell.

Johanna opened sunroof for ventilation.

Jonathan said, “There are a lot of mosquitoes here. If you open the sunroof, you'll be in for a tough time.”

Upon reflection, Johanna agreed. She closed the sunroof and switched to external air circulation.

Jonathan said, “Now, can you tell me what exactly are you trying to do by suddenly showing up here?”

“Are you married?” Johanna asked.

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