Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 99

Lily POV

Waking up in the middle of a war zone was something made of nightmares. Wolves running around everywhere tearing each other to pieces, a complete bloodbath. Layla anxiously whining inside my head, at a loss I couldn’t process properly. Aria’s screaming, ripping my eyes away from the battle and in her direction. We were losing and I couldn’t see anyone I recognised from my pack. Layla growled angrily in my head.

“They’re dead!” She screamed, and that’s when I realised how completely empty I felt. The chatter of my pack had gone deadly silent. The mate bond was the worst, I could feel only a void getting bigger and bigger with each breath I took, all-consuming but I shoved it aside. Layla’s anger, pure rage simmering in my veins. She wanted blood, and I gave into the bloodlust, only it felt different as I let her take control of my body. Every fibre in my body, every cell that made me, shattering as an animalistic urge for blood took over.

Kade stalking towards Aria had me running in her direction but just before I get there a blur of black races past me tackling Kade only to be thrown off violently and into the side of the guest house knocking the wolf, I had never seen before unconscious but the agonised scream that left my sister’s lips as she lunged at Kade made my eyes snap to the wolf laying on the ground.

They were forced to shift and I knew before my eyes even landed on him who the beautiful black wolf is, feeling the Alpha Aura radiating out of him strongly. My blood boiling as I see the body of my nephew on the ground. He just saved his mother’s life.

Layla moving swiftly and Aria gasps when she sees me Distracted, she is knocked to the ground before three wolves jump her fallen form. My body is moving faster than ever before and I reach Kade in no time as I jump on his back. What surprises me though, is the bloodlust that takes over when I sink my teeth in his neck. I growl but it’s half between a moan and animal as his blood rushes into my mouth and I feel like I have been jolted by electricity, strengthening everything, and making everything heightened.

Kade gets me off him by dropping on his back, knocking the wind out of me before he jumps to his feet, his shoulder drenched in blood and a look of pure shock on his face when he catches sight of me.

Aria and her pack fight to the death, her pack dropping like flies around us, and I can hear Ryder fighting a group off to the side of us. Most of the rogues stop and watch Kade and I face off as we circle each other, anticipating each other’s first move.

We were completely outnumbered, this was going to end with all our deaths, but I will be making sure I take Kade to hell with me. He lunges and I almost laugh when I see it a second beforehand, like watching in slow motion as I watch his muscles bunch before he springs off his feet at me. Layla growling and I feel my skin rippling, every vein in my body pulsating with hunger and the need to kill.

My claws slipping from my fingers effortlessly and painlessly, but longer than ever before as I feel my body shift, only I remain on two legs, something that has never happened before. I could feel my face shifting as Layla took over and Kade stopped for a second and gasped.

He doesn’t stay frozen for long as we shake out our fur; I have to fight the urge to look at my hands as Layla stalks toward him. Kade looks hesitant but slips his facade back into place and I find myself suddenly surrounded by around twenty wolves. Amber screams in the distance, making my eyes dart to her as she is thrown. Her wolf skidding along the grass. Reid fought his own wolves and I could feel his Alpha aura washing over me, exuding the power behind his blows.

Aria fights with pure determination as she blocks wolves from killing her son and keeping them from the guest house, which I know is where the girls are as I can hear their sobs of fear within those four walls.

Kade has a triumphant grin on his face when I realise there are only around twenty of us and over a hundred of them getting ready to jump into the fray, lined and ready to go like loyal soldiers.

“You didn’t think I would be as unprepared as last time, did you, Layla?”

I laugh and it sounds sadistic, my voice not my own, and that’s when I realise during the shift, we became one. That’s why I feel the power radiating out me so strongly but that’s not all I feel, it is the Lycan blood pulsing through me and the drive and hunger I feel, that’s when I realise, I am no longer a wolf but a hybrid, a wolf Hybrid different from Aria but also the same.

Kade takes a step back and I know it is because I can feel my eyes changing at the realisation, swirling into the pattern of gold and blue. Layla within me and her thoughts become mine as I feel us blend and mould into each other like a powerful muscle.

Kade steps back as four rogues jump me at once, and I feel their teeth sinking into me in different places. Moving, I threw them off only to be jumped again, giving me no rest as Kade paced along the circle watching with eager eyes at the monster he created and a monster I was, I kept tearing them apart anyway I could.

I could feel myself drawing strength from somewhere. As I kept fighting, I could see Aria growing tired and Reid as we all fought endlessly. When Kade suddenly stepped towards me as I threw off the rogue that bit into my side, his punch knocked me down and I watched as he shifted, fur sprouting along his arms as his fangs protruded, we fought, his kicks were harder than the rogues. His punches rained down on me as I tried to block and land my own, all while trying to stop the rogues from attacking me from behind. Amber I could see trying to make her way to me, that’s when I felt them.

Felt the buzz through my body making me shudder. And I freeze. Kade noticing stops and I grin, that’s when the deafening noise of growls echo throughout the night. Everyone stops frozen in place in shock as they emerge from the tree’s, from the streets stalking toward the blood-soaked grounds of the pack house, the most ferocious growl coming from the veranda of the pack house. But that isn’t what made them freeze.

It was the red eyes glinting in the darkness, their voices ringing loudly through the pack link. My pack stalked towards everyone and I could feel their hunger for blood, their need to feed. Using Kade’s distraction. I ran my claws straight through his chest before landing a kick to his face, sending him flying toward the pack house where my mate stood before jumping into the fray.

My pack finally giving rest to the Blood Moon Pack, Reid finally able to make his way through the bodies of rogues towards his mate and kids as they fought alongside each other. Callie’s wolf ripping into wolves with a spring in her step that looked effortless as she took a stand in front of Amber so she could catch her breath. One by one the rogues fell.

Damien tore through them like a knife through butter while we fought Kade, his moves becoming sloppy with desperation as he lunged and fought blindly. But we were faster as we dodged and moved out of his reach and I almost felt like I was playing with him. My pack strengthened me as we fought, feeling their strength bleeding into me as mine bled into them, fuelling them.

Just when I thought it was over, I feel claws rip through my back and a mangled scream leaves my lips, as I feel a rogue’s claw slash down my back, ripping flesh and fur from me. Kade lunges at my throat, his teeth bared and claws out as he throws everything he has at me. I closed my eyes, knowing it was over for me. That his claws were aimed straight at my chest, even Aria screamed my name and I smiled. I didn’t care that I was about to die, because they all survived. The sickening sound of flesh being ripped apart made my eyes snap open, going to Kade’s. Only I couldn’t see him, only the back of my mate. I scream knowing the sound was Damien, feel his pain radiating out of him and into me as he blocks Kade from me and I scream. Pain radiating throughout my body.

My mangled, tortured scream dying out when I feel something drop next to me, Damien dropping to his knees in front of me, Kade’s lifeless body next to him in a bloody crumpled heap, his dead eyes looking up at me in shock. An enormous hole in the centre of his chest where his heart used to be. I clutch onto Damien’s back and he leans into me, tears running down my cheeks as I clutch my mate.

“Stop crying love, I am fine. I will heal” Damien’s pained voice coming to my ears as he turns to look at me and I noticed the pain I felt wasn’t him dying but was actually where Kade had stuck his claws through his shoulder.

“I thought he killed you” I cried in relief. Looking around all the fighting had stopped rogues backing away trying to escape not that many were left. The pack seemed to take care of them and chased a few away. Aria and Reid were next to Ryker, who was now conscious, but a little disorientated. Callie’s wolf walks over and drops her head into my shoulder, sniffing me. I rub her furry head and she whimpers. All the wolves moving closer, their eyes gleaming red under the moonlight.

“What happened to them?” I ask Layla.

“They are like us now” She says, and I could hear how tired she was. It exhausted everyone, as they shifted and lay on the cool blood-soaked grass, their eyes turning back to their original colour.

“Well, seems like you have your own army of Hybrid wolves Lily” Aria says walking over with Arial and Lana in her arms. She sits down, leaning against me.

“How is that possible?” I ask turning to her, Damien turns, and I notice his shoulder has healed already.

“I don’t know, but your packs wolves are like you and Layla, I noticed they smelt a little different”

“But your pack isn’t hybrid” I state, confused.

“The only thing I could think of is, I was born Hybrid before becoming their Luna, so I never changed after my pack bond. You were Luna, which created the pack bond, then changed, affecting your pack. That’s the only thing I can think of” Aria says, stroking her daughter’s curly black locks. Amber walks over, flopping on the ground next to me naked.

“What next?” She says looking at Aria and I. Looking next to Damien, his father’s dead body lay still in the grass.

“We bury our dead” Aria and I say at the same time. Aria’s eyes darting over to Abel’s body. Making me realise he never got up. Before her eyes move to a ball in the distance. I watch as Reid walks over to it with Ryker. Ryker falls to his knees next to it.

“Poppy’s gone dad?” He says looking up at his father and I realise Aria lost her father too. Aria turns her head looking away from them and I can tell she is trying not to cry. Amber gets up, walking over and grabbing some torn clothes from the ground. She then walks over and drops the cloth over Abel’s severed head before picking it and taking it over to his body. Callie, Max and Tatum go to help remove his body, so Aria doesn’t have to see her father like that. I place my hand on her shoulder and feel her chest heave as she holds in her sobs. Damien gets up behind me before taking her girls and picking them up.

“Let’s go make some breakfast,” He tells them, placing them on his hip, heading toward the pack house. I see a couple of wolves from both packs start cleaning up the bodies, placing them beside the house out of view. Natalia heads inside after Damien. Aria and I both lay down, our heads beside each other on the grass.

“What a night?” Aria murmurs.

“I never thought Abel would die” I whisper.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Everything dies eventually, there is always a loophole. I never thought you would be a Hybrid. Funny how the world works. Remind me to never go to war with your Pack. Now your pack’s wolves would be bloodthirsty,” She says, and I chuckle.

“I don’t feel hunger though, when Layla took over, I did”

“I don’t think we will ever know for sure the extent of the mutated genes. This all started with my father and a misunderstanding, I can’t believe it ended with his life though” She says gripping my hand. I squeeze hers back.

“The babies?” I ask. Her hand went to her stomach.

“They are fine, I can feel them moving and hear their heartbeats” She says, and I sit up looking down before placing my hand on her tiny baby bump. It feels hard under my palm.

“Can’t believe Ryker shifted” I tell her before something wriggles under my hand, making my eyes dart to it. I smile, realising it was my nephews.

“Reid will be so foul he still can’t feel it” She says beaming up at me.

Before her smile turns sad. “Ryker thought you were dead, that Brent killed you. I think that’s what caused his wolf to awaken. I thought they would be like me, with no wolf” She says, and I could see the concern behind her eyes for her son.

“He is going to make an excellent Alpha one day” I mutter, staring over at him and Reid who were sitting on the stairs. Reid’s arm draped over his shoulder as Ryker cried against him.

“We will be okay now, Ari, everything will be okay. Just need to keep moving forward,” I tell her, looking down at her. She looked so broken and feeling the loss of her pack, then her father, plus being pregnant. I don’t know how she held back her emotions, but I was glad because seeing her break would break me.

“Come on, we should head inside. There should be some pickles left,” I tell her, making her laugh before I stand, pulling her with me. Heading toward the pack house Ryker looks up and runs to me throwing his arms around me. I squeeze him tight, picking him up, which was pretty difficult considering he has grown so tall.

“I thought you died” He whispers against my neck.

“You should be proud; you saved your mother today” I tell him, and he nods.

“But pop” He whispers. My heart breaking for him, hearing his sad little voice.

“I know, little man but he wouldn’t want you to be upset, he loved you” I tell him, not really knowing what else to say. Reid tugs Aria against him, hugging her tight.

“Where are the girls?” He asks, looking around.

“Damien was making them breakfast,” I tell him, and he looks through the kitchen windows before relaxing. Walking inside, I find Natalia and everyone moving around the house. Natalia hands me some clothes, making me look down. The weird shift tore my clothes to shreds, but I still had them on me. It was going to take some getting used to not running on four legs anymore. Damien’s scent hitting me instantly and he looks up from flipping pancakes. Lana and Arial watching him, making me smile. Reid steps closer to me before leaning down.

“He will make an excellent father Lily” I nudge him, making him chuckle, Damien trying to hide his smirk from creeping up on his face as he heard what Reid whispered to me. Pulling the shirt on, Amber and Callie walk in with Tatum.

“How are Tabitha and Tilly and the rest of the children in the pack?” I ask worried, seeing the effect I had on my pack when I died.

“Tilly is fine, Tabitha passed out and woke to Tilly crying, and the children were reportedly not affected. I think it’s because they haven’t got their wolves yet” Tatum says, Damien nods.

“The pack is fine, Lily. Everyone is fine. It will take a few adjustments to get used to and a lot of retraining, but I am fairly sure the biggest transformation was you. Your Lycan DNA has mainly strengthened us, you haven’t weakened us” Damien says feeling my worry.

“Besides, now we have wicked red eyes in wolf form,” Tatum says, making vampire fangs with his fingers and pulling a strange face. I laugh before slapping his shoulder.

“Can I head home Alpha? I want to see my mates and baby girl. I will come help with clean up when the sun comes up”

“Yes Tatum, and you, Trey and also Max” Says Damien looking at Callie.

“Need to come see me after everything settles down. We still lost a few people and there are some new positions to fill” Damien says, and I realise his Beta and Gamma died. Feel their loss through him. Tatum nods his head before walking out. Damien plates up some pancakes for the girls and Ryker placing them on the table.

“Go have a shower I will sit with them,” Reid says to Aria, and she gets up walking outside to the guest house. Feeling the same way, I kiss Ryker’s head on my way past, heading upstairs to the shower myself. Once in the bathroom, I strip off and turn the shower on. Walking past the mirror, I stop. My eyes were no longer half Blue and half Amber but now a mixture as they swirl into each other.

Layla’s voice in my head when she feels my worry. “Our bond is stronger than ever, Lily. We are one now. We always were, we just didn’t realise,” She says.

“I love you” I whisper to her.

“I have always loved you” She replies before I feel her move to the back of my mind. Feeling hands touch my hips I see Damien step behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist tugging me against him, his lips going to my neck. He stares at our reflexion in the mirror,

“My beautiful Luna” He whispers into my neck.

Turning in his arms, I wrap mine around his neck kissing him; he groans before pulling me tighter against him, his hands roaming down my back to my ass as he squeezes it.

“Shower sex” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

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