Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 56

Lily Pov

I didn’t understand what happened, the last thing I remember is darkness as Layla shoved me out, taking control. Then feeling cold, as if this day couldn’t be any worse, I awoke in none other than Alpha Damien’s arms. How did they get her to stop? Why did she suddenly give me back control? Nothing made sense anymore.

My body completely ruined as I looked down at the blood pooling on the tile floor, Damien had turned on the shower before glancing over at me, I pulled the towel tighter trying to cover my exposed flesh.

Damien only wore a towel around his hips, I could tell he must have shifted when Layla took over.

“Did she do that?” I asked, looking at the huge bite mark that was healing on his arm. He glanced down at it seemingly unfazed.

“No Reid did, the bite on my flank is yours though” He said, turning slightly. It was red and angry but only the outline of my bite left. I wished I healed like that; my wounds would take days to heal not like the rest of the werewolves. Sometimes it truly sucks being the freak.

“Why did Reid attack you?” I asked curiously. He dropped the towel and I quickly averted my eyes, but it was too late. I had already seen him. I heard him chuckle as he stepped under water leaving the door open. I looked at the ceiling. Anything, to not look at him completely naked in front me.

“I blocked him when he went for your neck” He said simply like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Why would you do that?” I was astonished that anyone would try to help me, usually most just attack before they’re attacked.

“I couldn’t handle watching them rip you and your wolf to pieces, so I blocked him,” He said. I looked at him confused. His green eyes watching me, while I was trying to figure out why he would risk his own life for mine. Layla could have hurt him, yet he did it anyway.

“Are you going to hop in or just sit there?” He said.

“I’ll wait,” I said looking back at the ceiling. I opened my towel slightly; I was drenched in blood and mud. My wounds had stopped bleeding but would definitely require stitches to close them till they heal. I cringed at seeing the gaping wound on my hip, the skin barely hanging on. I shifted trying to get a better look at it and it started spilling out with blood. I put pressure on it to stem the bleeding.

“You don’t heal very well” He stated, and I looked up and he was looking at the bite mark on my hip. I quickly shut the towel.

“Jesus do you mind?” I said embarrassed that he just got a glimpse of my lady parts. He raised an eyebrow before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around himself.

“Seriously, what’s your problem?” I asked.

“My problem? If anyone has a problem it’s you. Just get in the shower so we can tend to your wounds” He said angrily.

I stood up but he hadn’t moved. “Can you get out then?” I said, I was not willing to drop the towel in front of him.

“You just saw me completely naked and you’re worried about me seeing you” He said before walking out and closing the door. I dropped the towel and hopped under the water. The floor turned a dark shade of red. My cuts burn and are throbbing as I wash soap over my skin. I quickly rinsed the soap off before stepping out and grabbing the towel, my muscles aching straight away from the loss of warmth the shower provided.

At least I was clean. I opened the door, and on the bed was one of Damien’s shirts. I quickly walked over and dried myself before pulling the shirt over my head just as Alpha Damien walked in with a first aid kit. I went to take it from him when he glared at me.

“Sit” He said through gritted teeth when I growled at him.

“I can do it myself,” I said, snatching the first aid kit from his hand. He snatched it back off me before shoving me backwards making me drop onto the edge of the bed. I quickly pulled his shirt down trying to cover myself before he could see anything.

“You can be such a brat sometimes, just sit and shut up” He said lifting the edge of his shirt up, I slapped his hand away and he growled at me, so did Layla.

“Will you stop, I am just trying to help you for God’s sake. Stop being a bitch” He said pinching the bridge of his nose frustrated.

“I don’t need your help; you just need to leave me alone” I told him.

“Well, that won’t be happening, it’s either I do it or I get your father in here. Choose Lily” I cringed no girl wants their father seeing them naked. I sat quietly.

“Like I thought” He muttered before lifting the shirt exposing me to him. Opening the bag, he grabbed out a surgical stapler.

He pushed my legs apart stapling the inside of my thigh closing the wound, his eyes never drifting from the task at hand. When he was done, he moved to my hip and stapled the skin closed. I flinched hearing the click every time. It wasn’t very painful, it just didn’t sound too pleasant. He pulled the shirt back down before grabbing some gauze and saline before pulling the neck of his shirt down and cleaning the bite mark that was on my neck and shoulder. When he was done, he walked over to his bag and pulled out some track pants before tossing them to me. I quickly stood and slipped them on. I went to walk out when he stopped me.

“You’re staying here tonight, so don’t even think about leaving”

“Excuse me, no I am not”

“Yes, you are. I already spoke to your father and Aria agreed. Tonight, you’re staying here so we can make sure I don’t have to drag you home tonight” He growled before walking over and locking the door and pocketing the key.

“Like fuck I am. I am not staying with you” I spat back at him. I mind linked my father.

“What are you playing at dad? I am not staying here”

I heard him groan annoyed. “Yes, tonight you’re staying with Damien in case your wolf goes berserk again, don’t argue with me Lily after the damage you have caused. Your wolf is calmer around him. Who do you think got you to shift back” I was shocked by his words? What did he mean? I had a feeling there was something they weren’t telling me. I felt Layla go quiet and I knew she was also hiding something.

“Look, I don’t know what else to do with you anymore, how to help you. Damien wants to try so let him” He said his voice shocking me back to him, as his voice boomed in my head.

I cut the mind link.

“Believe me now?” He said. I glared at him. Why did this arsehole have to come in and mess my life up, none of this would have happened if he never stepped foot here? I crossed my arms pissed off. Happy fucking birthday to me, I thought. I knew tomorrow was going to be a disaster already. What a way to wake up on your birthday with a fucking Alpha I wanted nothing to do with.

“How did you do it? How did you get her to stop?” I asked.

“I didn’t do anything Lily”

“Bullshit now my dad thinks you’re gonna save my wolf or some shit, stop meddling in my life. I don’t want to be here with you. Why can’t you see that, just let me leave or I will break down the fucking door Damien”

I watched as he walked over to his bag that was resting on the armchair in the corner of the room. He pulled out a set of handcuffs. He can’t be serious. He dropped them on the bed next to me.

“I know you won’t willingly shift to get out of those, so either you stay, or I will cuff you to the bed” He said, his voice not even wavering as I looked down the silver hand cuffs.

“Who the hell carries handcuffs around with them”

“I don’t, Aria gave them to me, we knew you would carry on when we told you. So, what will it be Lily? The cuffs or are you going to behave?”

I growled lowly in the back of the throat not liking either option. I moved to the bed sitting down on the edge of it, half the day passed already, and the house was starting to quiet down. I heard someone knock on the door. I stood up thinking it was my chance to escape. Zane’s scent hitting my nose as Alpha Damien opened the door before looking at me.

“Sit down Lily. Now” He said, glaring at me, I felt his Alpha voice roll over me and Layla submitting to it right away forcing me to sit. “What are you doing , Layla, we don’t need to submit to him” I growled annoyed at her.

She didn’t answer and just moved to the back of my mind. Zane handed a tray to him and I could smell that it was dinner, my stomach growling embarrassingly. Damien shut the door and placed the tray on the bed, it was steak chips and salad. I was starving but refused to eat. Damien grabbed one of the plates and sat it on my lap.

“Eat you will heal faster” His voice was full of demand as he waited for me to take the knife and fork from him. I glared at him and he raised an eyebrow like he was daring me not to do as I was told.

I snatched the knife and fork from him, we sat and ate quietly watching the TV which was on the news. When we were finished Alpha Damien unlocked the door before walking out, locking it behind him. I got up, now was my chance. I could hear Layla whining in my head as I walked over to the window and opened it.

I jumped from the window, my ankle twisting on impact. “Serves you right” Layla taunted in my head. I growled back at her before running into the trees. My body protested as I forced myself to run. When I heard the howls.

“Why was my father still here?” I thought as I heard his wolf in my head.

“Get back here Lily” He warned. I thought it was odd he actually sounded angry at me, which was unusual for my father, no matter how much I have ticked him off he never growls at me like that. I could hear Aria chasing after me and decided to give up, she would catch me in a heartbeat. I slumped down on a log. I watched as she darted past before backtracking and standing in front of me.

Placing her hand on her hips and staring down at me like I was being a naughty child. Damien walked through the trees, not even bothering to shift. My father’s wolf came up behind me.

“Where do you think you’re going Lily, Damien told you not to leave and as soon as he turns his back you run” I roll my eyes at her.

“I’m an adult, I don’t need permission to leave Aria, I am not one of your kids so don’t talk down to me like that” Hurt shone in her eyes at my words. I knew she always classed me more as a daughter than a sister having raised me, but I was sick of being scolded by everyone.

Aria looked toward my father. “Tell her David for fucking once don’t let her walk all over you, I swear if you go against me on this” She huffed glaring at my father, he dropped his head. I stood up from the log and started walking toward the house. My father fell in step with me as I walked toward the house.

“Lily tomorrow” My father mind linked but stopped.

“Tomorrow what?” I asked.

“Just please remember I am doing this for you, I don’t know how else to help you”

“What are you talking about, it’s my birthday dad not a jail sentence” I asked confused. He didn’t answer. When we got back to the house Ryker came out.

“You in trouble again aunty?” He said. I smiled and tousled his hair before pulling him to me and wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

“Come and watch a movie with me” I nodded before following him into the rec room. He put on Jurassic park, one of his favourite movies. I ignored Damien as he sat on the lounge beside me.

Lana and Ariel came out to see what we were watching but froze upon seeing me and they both took a step back. I went to get up when they ran off. I sighed before slumping back down on the lounge and pulling Ryker closer, cuddling him.

“At least you’re not scared of me,” I whispered into his hair.

“No, I like your wolf, she is scary, but I know she doesn’t mean it,” He said, patting the side of my face. I noticed Damien watching us but not saying anything. After the third Jurassic park movie, I finally fell asleep, I vaguely remember being picked up off the couch and placed on a bed, I knew it was Damien as sparks erupted over my skin as he pressed his back into mine and wrapped an arm around me while I drifted off back to sleep

Damien’s POVBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I waited for her to be completely asleep before moving, I couldn’t risk waking her. Getting up slowly, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Reaching over her, I grabbed a pillow and jammed it behind her back, so she would still think I was laying behind her.

Darian snorted in my head. “Yeah, because that will work, fool” He hissed. He was right if she did wake, she would intuitively know, I wasn’t there. Our body temps ran a lot hotter not to mention my scent wouldn’t be as strong.

“Well let’s hope she doesn’t wake up then” I called back at him. I quickly slipped out of the room making sure to lock the door behind me, not that it would do much but at least it would give us warning if she broke down the door. I walked down the corridor and to the conference room towards the back of the house. Opening the door, I could see Alpha David and Aria in a heated discussion, already arguing over tomorrow. Alpha Reid looked tired as he sat in his chair at the head of the table.

I sat next to him and he glanced in my direction. “Good luck getting a word in with them two” He mumbled, obviously this was a regular occurrence. Alpha’s always fought among themselves, but this was different. I could tell what ever happened in the past between the pair, had them at each other’s throats not willing to bend for the other. The tension in the room was so thick. I could almost taste the bitter taste, on the tip of my tongue.

“What started it?” I asked curious. It was hard to understand what they were talking about when one minute they were talking the next glaring at each other and mind linking. I think it is pretty neat that Aria can mind link anyone she wants because of her Lycan blood.

“David doesn’t agree with you forcibly taking his daughter tomorrow, even if she doesn’t recognise you” He said, obviously tired with this conversation already. It was late, I myself was tired especially after a week of trying to keep up with Lily and her night adventures. I sat back in my chair placing my hands behind my head. It was clear, until they finished no one was getting a word in.

“Want a beer?” Reid whispered. I looked at him with a smile on my face. “Why not,” I told him.

Reid got up and walked over to the bar in the corner before bending down and reaching into the fridge, he pulled out two beers before walking over and handing me one. I popped the cap before taking a sip.

“Is it always like this between those two?”

“Usually, it is worse because Lily is here arguing her side too” He chuckled. We were gonna be stuck here all night, I could tell. Reid and I were onto our fourth beer when Aria pulled off her slipper and lobbed it at him, Reid chuckled, nearly spitting his beer when the Alpha was suddenly hit with a kitty slipper on his head. Alpha David growled annoyed.

“Okay that’s enough, as entertaining as this is to watch, how about you speak so I know what the hell it is, you are throwing shoes at him for” I demanded.

Aria sighed. Before sitting down. Alpha David picked up her slipper and placed it on the table, Aria snatched it before putting it back on and finally looking at Reid and me. She snatched his beer out of his hand and took a swig.

“I don’t agree, she thinks I should let you take Lily even if she doesn’t feel the mate bond” He answered.

“Why is that? She is my mate”

“Yes, but she doesn’t know that, does she?” He said, running a hand over his face.

“I won’t leave without her David; my wolf wouldn’t even entertain the idea” I told him honestly.

“You will do this David. For years you have spent the time trying to be her friend, letting her get away with bloody murder, now is the time to step up and be her father” Aria growled out.

I didn’t understand why she just didn’t demand it; she is an Alpha of Alpha’s. But I had a feeling she didn’t like forcing someone against their will, it wasn’t in her nature.

“I am her father, that’s my little girl Aria, she would never forgive me” He argued back.

“This is the best thing for her, you saw how her wolf reacted to him, he calms her. Let him try and help. I’m not asking you to disown her. I am asking you to stand by me on this and don’t give in to her when she puts on the waterworks. Lily has you wrapped around her finger, you give her everything she wants and asks for just so you don’t upset her”

“I’m her father Aria I don’t want to upset her”

“You are but that’s not why you do it, so don’t pretend. You feel guilty for the past and she knows that and plays on it, you’re just too blind to see it”

Alpha David looked away guiltily. Not meeting her gaze.

“If you can’t do it for her, do it because I asked you too, if it makes you feel better, put the blame on me. Tell her I commanded you. You want to fix the past; I will forgive you for everything. Every goddamn thing if you do this. You owe me this much David. I was the one that raised her. Me. I kept her alive, I copped the beatings. I did that for her, so you can do this for me now. He is the best chance we got. This is it. If this doesn’t work, we may lose her David, I won’t lose my sister. So please don’t make me force your hand, if she knows you’re against this, she won’t go. She needs this, whether she sees it or not. She needs him as much as he needs her”

Reid growled low at the mention of Aria’s past and I could tell Ryder was just below the surface lingering and listening in. I don’t know the full extent of what went on back then, but I knew Alpha David was a cruel man long before he changed for his daughters. Aria may not be his, but he was still technically her stepfather. Aria wiped tears that had fallen. It was clear that Aria may have moved on from her past, but she clearly hadn’t forgotten, I recognised the look on her face, she remembers everything, and I could tell in some ways it still haunts her.

I would recognise that haunted expression anywhere, my own past haunts me, I too moved past it but it’s always there lingering waiting for something to trigger it back to the forefront of my mind. I watched as her mate pulled her on his lap. He pressed a kiss on her cheek, both Reid and Aria instantly relaxing in each other’s embrace.

David hadn’t spoken and I could tell he was at war with his heart and mind. David nodded before looking at Aria.

“Fine I will do it, you’re right. I let her get out of control. I allowed this behaviour which I know made things worse, I will make it right Aria you have my word. I will do it for both of you” He said, hanging his head in shame before getting up and walking out.

I sat back relaxing in my seat. Everything was falling into place, tomorrow I would be taking my mate home with me, whether she liked it or not.

I wasn’t stupid enough, to believe that even if she did recognise me, she would come willingly. But at least I didn’t have to fight her father and Reid when I dragged her away with me. If they agree and she understands she doesn’t have a choice, maybe she won’t be as difficult.

After saying good night to Alpha Reid and Luna, I quickly made my way back into the bedroom, I removed my shirt before climbing in my bed, laying behind her. Lily instantly rolled over to face me. Her hand landed on my chest as she snuggled closer in her sleep. I gently picked up her hand, bringing it to my lips and kissing her fingers softly. She shivered and I knew she could feel the sparks I was feeling. She moved closer, her head moving on to my chest before she relaxed completely.

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