Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 4

Aria’s POV

The last week and a half, I have been getting this strange feeling that I am being watched. Would Alpha David be sending someone to watch me? I wonder what he is planning. I know the Rogue attacks were getting out of hand and that he had to ask the Blood Moon Pack’s Alpha for help. They have been along the borders. I have run into a few of them in the last week. Their auras are very dominating. I thought our Pack was sinister, but theirs is on an entirely different level. They even make me want to retreat, and that’s saying something because not even Alpha David can make me submit with me being a Hybrid. The only reason I do is because I know I can’t beat him. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I had human blood how much stronger I would be than my Pack. I know that’s the only reason Hybrids are hunted down because we would be the dominant species, but there are so few of us that we don’t stand a chance against a werewolf Pack. Therefore, I will always have to remain hidden and do as David says, because if he leaks what I am out, I will be hunted down like the rest of the Hybrids that have stepped foot into the city. I also know if I drink blood, they will realise straight away that I’m not just a wolf, and I really don’t feel like being attacked by my own Pack. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t realise someone had come into the diner until they grabbed my elbow as I was walking past to clean some tables.

Placing my hand over my heart and jumping back, I looked at the customer.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you. You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said nervously. The diner was extremely quiet today. The man just stared at me; he was quite handsome. He had shoulder-length hair that was pulled into a ponytail at the back of his neck. He was very lean and muscular, and he had green eyes and tanned skin. He was wearing a grey suit, so he looked like he just stepped out of an important meeting.

“That’s fine Hun, I was wondering if I could get some menus.”

“Sure,” I replied, going back to the counter and retrieving one. I passed it to him and waited for him to order. I could tell he was a werewolf by the way he carried himself, plus his scent was a dead giveaway. I wonder what Pack he is from.

“For now, I will just get two coffees black, no sugar please,” he said politely.

I quickly ducked to the kitchen, putting the coffee on. I glanced over to him, which was a mistake as he was staring directly at me, watching what I was doing. Marcus came over standing behind me, “Order?” he asked.

I shook my head, turning to him.

“He hasn’t ordered yet; I think he is waiting for someone,” I said, grabbing two mugs and the jug, walking back over to the booth he is sitting at. I placed the mugs down before pouring the steaming hot coffee in the mugs. As I was about to leave, he stopped me, grabbing my elbow again. I looked down at him.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“A…. Aria,” I stuttered. He was starting to make me uncomfortable. I looked back towards the kitchen where Marcus was watching in case this bloke turned all creep on me.

“Nice to meet you, Aria. My name is Zane,” he said, smiling at me. He had perfectly straight pearly white teeth. Looking down at his hand that still had hold of my elbow, I could feel my face getting hot. I quickly moved out of his reach, stepping back only to turn and walk straight into what felt like a brick wall. But it wasn’t, it was another man. He was about 6. 5 feet tall, had short dark hair, and I could feel his abs through his shirt when I walked into him. I looked up to apologise when his scent hit me. He smelt amazing, he had an earthy aroma like rosewood and sandalwood. I leaned in and inhaled without realising, when I heard someone clear their throat awkwardly. My eyes snapped open, and I stepped back quickly, apologising before taking off back towards the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, I tried to calm my racing heart by taking deep breaths. “What’s wrong with me?” I asked myself, not realising I said it out loud.

“Nothing is wrong with you. If I had to go serve those two hotties, I would be hyperventilating too. Damn girl, they are fine,” said Marcus, coming up behind me.

Straightening out my apron, I followed him back towards the kitchen, stealing glances towards where they sat at the back of the café. I was secretly hoping Zoe would be back from her doctor appointment before I had to serve them.

A few minutes passed before they waved me over. I cautiously walked over making sure to stay a few feet away so I wouldn’t get distracted by his intoxicating scent.

“What can I get you?” I asked, not looking at either one of them.

“What Pack do you belong to? I can tell you’re a wolf, but you smell different from any normal wolf,” asked the new mystery person.

Instead of answering, I just repeated the same question. “What can I get you?” My tone sounded bored.

The man smirked before reaching forward and grabbing my hand. As soon as he touched me, sparks flew through my hand and arm, leaving a tingling sensation. I quickly pulled my hand back as if I had just been burned. Taking a step back, I looked at him. His eyes turned pitch black, even the sclerae. It only lasted a few seconds before going back to their normal silver-grey colour. He smiled at me; I couldn’t bring myself to look away, completely mesmerised by his gaze.

“I’m Reid, Alpha of The Blood Moon Pack. What Pack do you belong to?” he asked, using his Alpha voice.

My heart rate sped up fear consuming me. His Pack was the Pack helping ours, and he had an even scarier reputation then Alpha David. He was known for being cruel and merciless to those that have stood against him. Alpha Reid was also said to have wiped out complete Packs when they wouldn’t agree over territory disputes, but he was also an Alpha no other Alpha could go against. He had the largest Pack with over 500 Pack members, 95 percent of them being Pack warriors. Their Pack has been undefeated, and even if other Packs tried to stand against theirs, it would be a bloodbath. He is also the one responsible for killing off all the Hybrids. He made me want to run away or submit, which no Alphas have that effect on me.

“Ari, you got to go get Lily,” Marcus sang out from behind the counter, distracting me and also saving me from submitting and answering him. I looked in his direction relieved, thanking the Moon Goddess for my escape. I quickly ripped off my apron, chucking it at Marcus, not daring to look behind me as I ran out the door to get Lily from school.

Reid’s POV

I watched her escape the diner. I heard her heart rate spike when I told her my name. She has every right to fear me, but I don’t want to scare her. My wolf wanted her. All of her, and so did I. Never in my life have I wanted something as much as I wanted her to be mine, but what was the most interesting thing about her was the fact that she could fight my Alpha’s voice.

I could tell by the look on her face she wanted to submit, but she was also determined not to reveal anything about herself. Her scent radiated fear. It took all my strength not to chase after her and mark her. The bloke behind the counter came over and introduced himself as Marcus, pulling me out of my thoughts. He smelt human. We gave him our orders before deciding to move over to the table and chairs, where I know the girl Lily always sits after school. Zane raised an eyebrow at me when I moved but followed anyway.

“So, what’s the plan then?” he asked.

“Well, if she won’t talk, maybe her daughter will,” I stated.

Marcus brought our food out, placing it in front of me. I looked down at my food and started eating. It was good. After about half an hour, the door opened to the diner. As predicted, the little girl ran straight for her usual spot directly across from us and started getting her homework out. We finished eating while they were gone, but I flagged Marcus down and ordered more coffee and a hot chocolate and cookies. When he placed the coffee on the table, he went to place the hot chocolate and cookies down. I shook my head and pointed to the girl. He quickly placed them down in front of her and thanked me before placing a kiss on the girl’s forehead and walking away.

I could feel eyes on me. I knew my mate must be watching me carefully to see if I was going to hurt her pup. The girl looked up and smiled before thanking me. She set out to do her work, and after a few minutes, my mate brought her over a sandwich, placing it on the table in front of the girl as she looked at the girl’s work.

“Where is Zoe?” asked the girl.

“She is still at the doctor. That one is incorrect, try again,,” she said, pointing at the page at some math work before walking away to serve some new people who just walked into the diner.

I turned back to Zane. “You should head back to the office; I’m going to stay here for a bit.” Zane nodded before standing up and leaving. I watched Lily struggle with her homework before getting up and sliding into the booth sitting across from her. She looked up at me with her blue eyes and chubby cheeks. She was adorable, her blonde curls hanging down around her face.

She looked up at me. “Hi, thanks for the hot chocolate,,” she said. I just nodded and looked down at her work; she was doing three times tables. Really, they make kinders do times tables now? I then proceeded to grab the little bags of sugar from the jar on the table and set up three lots of three and told her to count them, she looked down and using her fingers, she counted all nine.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nine,” she said happily.

“Then that’s your answer,” I said to her, pointing at her page. She started using the sugar to help work out her math problems while I watched. After a while, I asked her some questions.

“So, what’s your mother’s name?” I asked, pointing at my mate who was standing behind the counter, her eyes glued on me.

“Aria, but she isn’t my mum, she is my sister,,” she said while still looking down at her page.

“So where is your mummy?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

“She died when I was born. Ari looks after me. Has since I was born,” she stated matter of factly.

“What about your dad then?”

Lily got all nervous. Her shoulders slumped, and her heart rate picked up. She was scared. I could smell it on her coming off in waves, so I quickly changed the question.

“How old are you and what grade are you in?”

She immediately relaxed. “I’m six, and I’m in grade one.”

“And your sister?”

“Ari is nineteen.” So, she has been looking after her sister since she was thirteen? What about school, I thought to myself.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“How old do you think I am?” I asked in return. She smiled.

“Old,” she replied. I laughed at her answer. Kids always say the first thing that pops into their minds.

“I’m 28,” I told her.

“So, you are old.” She giggled.

“You won’t think it’s old when you are my age. So, it’s just you and Aria?” Lily looked up. I could tell she was mind linking. Her eyes glazed over before she nodded. I knew her sister would have been listening in our my conversation.

“Aria said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.” I looked over to her, she was talking to the owner who just stepped in. Lily noticed my stare, looked up, and saw Zoe. She squealed before running over and wrapping her arms around the woman’s waist.

I observed my mate. I could tell she was very protective of the pup, but there was something else I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew she was a wolf, but she didn’t seem quite as affected by the mate bond. I knew she felt it when I touched her, and she leaned in, inhaling my scent, but most wolves can’t help but be all over each other like an elastic band that keeps pulling them back together. But for the most part, she seems unaffected unless she is close to me.

“She hasn’t got a wolf,” Ryder spoke up in my head.

“What do you mean she hasn’t got a wolf. She is a werewolf?” I asked him.

“Yeah, she is, but she has no wolf. I have tried talking to her wolf, but it’s like there is a blockage, or maybe her wolf died somehow.” I could feel his sadness spilling into me at the thought of her not having a wolf, so I pushed him to the back of my mind.

Aria came over to clean the table. It was now dark outside. She placed Lily’s stuff in her bag before wiping the table over.

“Aria,” I asked.

Aria’s POV

“Aria,” he asked while I tried to clean the table as fast as possible.

“That’s your name, isn’t it?” he said, reaching out and grabbing my hand before standing up and pulling me into him. He lent forward and ran his nose along my chin to the crook of my neck. The sensation made me shiver. He smelt so good it made my mouth water, made me want to lean in and touch him. I reached up and put my hand on his chest, inhaling his mouth-watering scent. I heard him chuckle softly before he kissed my cheek softly, which sent sparks all through me.

“Why do you smell different than a normal wolf?” he asked, which then snapped me out of my trance. I quickly stepped back. He looked upset for some reason and took a step toward me, I quickly grabbed Lily’s bag and walked fast back behind the counter. He did not leave though. He sat at the front of the diner watching me, and no matter how much I tried to ignore his presence, my eyes would always go back to him. Deciding I should go out the back and check on Lily, I saw Lily was eating her ravioli Zoe had made. I thanked Zoe before walking back out to finish my shift. Only an hour to go.

When I came back out, I made myself a coffee before walking back out to the counter only to find the Alpha now sitting at the counter. I sipped my coffee, looking towards the two truckers that came in earlier, but they were still eating happily. Deciding to get the jug, I refilled the Alpha’s mug. He smiled at me and kept watching me. What the hell is his problem, I thought to myself.

Marcus came out to speak to me, placing his hand on my lower back. I turned to look at him. Over my shoulder, I could hear a low growl coming from Alpha Reid, so low I looked at him wondering if I heard it. He was glaring at Marcus’s hand. Not wanting him to kill my friend, I quickly stepped to the side, which made Marcus drop his hand.

“Lily is falling asleep. She has finished her dinner. Zoe said to knock off early, she can handle it from here. It looks like it’s going to be a quiet night tonight.” I nodded before walking out the back, and sure enough, Lily was fast asleep next to her empty bowl. I quickly grabbed her bag, taking off my apron. I chucked it in the washing machine before putting the washing in from today, along with all the tea towels and napkins then I turned it on. Grabbing my jacket, I put it on.

I picked up Lily and walked out towards the entrance where it was pouring down with rain. Placing Lily’s bowl in the sink, I passed Lily to Marcus before taking my jacket off and draping it over Lily so she wouldn’t get wet. She nestled into me. Marcus followed me, grabbing his keys. Zoe walked out just behind him putting an apron on.

“I’m not letting you walk home when it’s raining.” I nodded, thanking him before saying goodnight to Zoe.

Alpha Reid stood up. “I can take them home.”

I politely declined his offer. He looked disappointed for some reason which made me feel bad. The drive to the Pack house was a lot faster by car. As he went to pull onto the dirt driveway, I stopped him. “It is okay we can walk from here,” I said, opening the door before Marcus could protest. I could feel the Pack members’ eyes on us through the trees, where they were watching. I grabbed Lily from the backseat, unclipping her seat belt before thanking Marcus for the lift home. It was still pouring down with rain by the time we got to the front of the Pack house, and we were both drenched and freezing. As I was about to walk up the porch steps, the Alpha came bursting through the front door growling. He stalked towards me. Quickly placing Lily on the ground, she stood behind me. I motioned her to run inside. I could tell it was me he was after. His eyes hadn’t left mine since he nearly broke the door when he burst through it.

I took a few steps back and to the side of the house. Lily ran behind and up the porch steps and into the house just as he got to my position. He punched me straight in the face, forcing me to stumble. I stood back up when he raised his fist again; it connected with my jaw. I could taste the metallic taste of my blood. The third time he tried to hit me, I blocked him and stepped out of his reach.

“How dare you bring some random person to our lands.”

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