Hybrid Aria 1-4

chapter 115

Lana’s POV

Drake borrowed Tate’s car, the drive to Black Creek Pack wasn’t long, only about twenty minutes by car before we hit the border. Once we stepped over the border though Drake became unbelievably tense, his knuckles turning white as he clutched the steering wheel. This Pack and town is vastly different. Everything is sleek and modern, almost industrial like and very black and white. No colour on any of the houses and even the town itself was very plain to look at compared to Tate’s pack which to me looked more friendly and homely with the woods surrounding it and its cottage style houses. This place looked controlled, heavily controlled, nothing out of place, too clean and organised. Barely anyone was on the streets and the place reminded me of a ghost town.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

We pulled up to a mansion in the centre of town. The place was all white, except the entry which had heavy black double doors and black arched windows matching the rest of the town. Yet you could tell it was a house of power, especially with the way it sat in the centre of town like it was trying to grab everyone’s attention. Drake pulls the car over, parking in its horseshoe driveway. A man walks out in a butler’s uniform, but Drake shakes his head at the man who appeared to be in his Forties with greying hair gelled back tight against his head.

“Leave the car, we won’t be staying long” Drakes says, the man nods walking back inside. Drake comes over to me grabbing my hand and walking me to the stairs at the entry, only stopping for a few seconds on the porch looking at the door before turning to me.

“If you want to leave just tell me and we will go” He says, almost like he was hoping I was going to change my mind. It angered me that his father had this kind of effect on him. Father’s are meant to be protectors and love their kids unconditionally but seeing him like this, I realise just how lucky I am to be blessed with the parents I have.

“I will be fine” I tell him, cupping his cheek, pushing down how nervous I truly felt inside. That was short lived though when I walked in. The place was clean, exceptionally clean, not a speck of dust, it didn’t even look lived in, like something from a magazine. The walls are bare, no pictures besides one painting of a man and a woman who I assumed are his mother and father.

As soon as we step in, I am greeted by Chase. I met him briefly the other day, very briefly. He popped his head in the room after Drake stormed out, waved a quick hello and said he was Drake’s brother then chased after him.

“Hi, finally get to meet you properly” He says before stepping forward and hugging me. Chase grips his brother’s shoulder and gives him a look. I couldn’t decipher, was it pity?

Chase then pushes the door open to my left and I follow in after Drake. I was right, the man in the painting was his father. His father was incredibly intimidating to look at. The sort of person who’s resting face was a glare. I didn’t fear him though, my father instilled more fear than this man, no matter his broad size and cruel eyes. I had no doubt this man could be cruel, the way his lips turned up in a smirk as we walked in said enough for me. I didn’t like him and usually I wasn’t one to judge a book by its cover but there was no doubting that this man was used to getting his way, that he demanded respect instantly.

He gets up from his desk and holds his hand out to me. I place mine in his hand when he jerks me forward, sweeping my hair off my neck. Tsk, Tsk he clicks his tongue. Before letting me go and I hear Drake growl at him from behind me.

“I told you to mark her, did you bring her here to openly disrespect me” His father snaps.

“I will not mark her without permission Father”

“You don’t need permission to mark what’s yours, she does belong to you, doesn’t she?” He asks, eyeing me and I bite my lip fighting the urge to tell him no one owned me and to go fuck himself.

Drake doesn’t get a chance to answer though when his father suddenly steps forward and sniffs me. I was shocked by his sudden behaviour.

His father’s fist clench and his body trembled like he was about to explode.

“Is this a fucking joke?” His father snaps, taking a step toward his son. Drake doesn’t move, just glares at his father before taking a step forward and pulling me behind him and toward Chase. Chase’s hand grabs my arm like he was getting ready to remove me from the room.

“First you bring home a fucking man and now you bring home a half breed fucking mutt” His father bellows. Drake growls before I watch horrified as his fist connects with his fathers face, making him stumble back toward the desk.

“She is purer than any of us” He spits at his father.

His father scoffs, straightening up and stepping toe to toe with his son and I feared they were about to fight.

“Finally grown a pair I see son, good for you, good for you” His father mutters. Chase’s grip on my arm tightens and I look down at his hand and he lets go.

“What’s your name girl?” His father asks, and I raise an eyebrow at the word girl.

“My name is Lana and yours” I ask, not even bothering to hide my distaste for the man before me.

“You may call me Alpha” I chuckle is he for real? Fuck does he not realise who my mother is? She would have backhanded him for his disrespect. I was never an angry person, in fact avoided confrontation for the most part but something about this man had me seeing red.

“Something funny?” His father asks.

“Everything about you is fucking hilarious Alpha” I mock. Drake seems startled by my sudden outburst but how dare this man think he can talk to me like that, demand respect where it wasn’t earnt, two can play at this little game of titles.

“Who do you think you are?” He asks, standing up and leaning across the table.

“Not one of your minions, your people may put up with your arrogant ways, but I bow down to nobody especially a lowly Alpha like yourself”

“Lowly Alpha?” He yells, punching the table, but I don’t even budge. Instead holding his gaze steadily. This man thinks he can intimidate me, use his Alpha aura on me? He would piss his pants where he stood if he met my family.

“Control your woman son or I will have her banished”

“Dad,” Chase says, stepping next to me. Drake just stood there shocked that I just challenged his father’s authority. I hoped this wasn’t going to cause problems with us, but I wasn’t going to be spoken to like trash.

“No, I have had enough of this, how dare you come to my pack and challenge me half breed” He screams, his face turning purple with his anger. Drake growls stepping forward at his fathers words, his father’s eyes darting to him for a second before going to me with a cruel smile on his lips.

“Mark her, now. Put her in her place son” I look at Drake horrified by what his father just demanded of him; he would seriously mark someone against their will?

“No!” Drake says, and his father sits back down, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at his son. “Either hand the Pack over or I am gone. I am sick of fighting against you at every turn” His father looks shocked at his son’s words.

“You would leave your own pack for her?” His father questioned.

“No, I would leave for my mates” He says.

“Always back to that faggot” His father growls. I step forward at his disgusting words. Pissed off that he would say such a thing, it pissed me off more than when he called me a half breed. His father smiles at my reaction before using his Alpha aura trying to get me to submit. I smile and for the first time in my life, I use mine. Stepping forward and placing my hands on the desk and leaning over, looking him dead in the eye suddenly feeling overly protective of my mates.

His fathers eyes narrow as he tries to exert his force over me when I hit him with mine, making him gasp. Sweat beads on his forehead as he fought against my silent command before I felt my eyes bleed red, giving the room a red tinge to it. Drake suddenly grabs my arm, sparks rushing over my skin and I stand upright shocked at what I did.

I always saw it as an abuse of power using your Alpha aura, if you were a good Alpha your people wouldn’t question you and you wouldn’t have to force them to do as you please. But this man irritated me and brought out an anger I never knew I kept within me.

His father takes a breath, the sweat rolling down his cheek. “Who are you?” He says frazzled.

“I am Lana Black, Aria and Reid Blacks daughter, you should know my mother because she is your Lycan Queen” I tell him and his face falls, and he pales.

“You’re Aria’s daughter?” He gasps.

“Yes, but by all means Alpha put me in my place” I challenged him. He turns as white as a sheet of paper; I didn’t think it was possible for him to pale anymore then he had already.

“You’re mated to my son?”

“Yes, and Tate”

“What is the meaning of this, you could have said who she is?” His father growls at his son.

“I shouldn’t have to because it shouldn’t matter who my mates are” His father growls but I had enough already. This man was toxic and just being around him was sucking the life out of me and making my bloodlust all the more worse with my building hatred towards him.

“Well, this has been fun, how about we reconvene at another time” Chase says, trying to diffuse the situation and his father actually looked thankful. While I wanted nothing more than to kill the bastard who treats his own flesh and blood like he is beneath him. This man calls himself an Alpha yet he leaves his Pack open to threats because he won’t stand down. There is a reason Alpha’s hand the pack down, each generation is stronger than the last, him not standing down puts his Pack at risk to other Packs where the pack has been handed down to the next Alpha.

Most Alpha’s hand the pack over as soon as the son turns 18 and help from the sidelines like my father is doing with Ryker until he is ready to take it on by himself.

“Yes, I think it’s time to leave Drake” I tell him not wanting to do something I will regret, like kill his horrid father.

We leave his stunned father sitting at his desk as we walk out. I was livid. Drake said nothing as we walked to Tate’s car. Chase following us closely behind. The air is thick with tension. As I open the door his father walks out.

“Drake” His father calls out to him, making me look in his direction.

“What?” Drake asks, turning to look at his father. Drake’s entire body trembled with anger and I wasn’t sure if he was angry at me or his father.

“I hereby banish you from Black Creek Pack indefinitely” His father declares, stripping his own son of his title, a title he was born for. I growl loudly when Drake turns to look at me.

“Get in the car” He snaps at me. I look at him, his face turned up in pain as he shivers and I know it’s because he officially became a rogue. My mother said it isn’t a pleasant feeling but not entirely painful, just unnatural.

“Get in the car Lana” He growls. Guilt floods me, this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t challenge his father. I get in but not before sending a glare to his father. Chase stood there shocked as we pulled out before Drake sped off toward the highway going back to Tate’s Pack.

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