Horny Drips Sex Cravings

Chapter 244


I took two plates of sealed cookies from the table, one for Knight and the other for Angel.

Camilo’s comment about my cloth still got me blushing and I thought of how Knight would react when he saw me. I hastened my steps to Angel’s office after I was told he had been there all day, poor guy, he couldn’t afford to run into Thea now that he had made his decision to let her go. I knew he was deliberately delaying the news so that he could have Thea around a little longer.

With a wide smile on my face I got to his office only to be told that he had left a while ago.

I sighed feeling disappointed but went ahead to drop the cookies on his table, I left a note on top of it letting him know I was the one who brought it. Let’s just say I added ‘I love you’ to the the note.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Now I had one more cookie to deliver and my heart was acting up, pounding loud against my ribcage.

I felt my face turn red as well as a blush crept to the surface. My fingers tickled over the round edge of the plate and chills washed over my body.

I smiled shyingly as I proceeded to Knight’s room. I had thought of texting him to know if he was there but I thought against it. I remembered his warning the last time I went up there and I didn’t want him to stop me from coming, I guess I was excited to see him control himself around me. I was just going to drop a cookie anyway….

As I walked, almost getting towards Knight’s room, I felt unsure suddenly and retracted my steps back. I needed to double check my look and make sure that I indeed looked enticing enough.

I hurried back to my room and kept the cookie aside, I moved towards my mirror and sighed deeply once I stood in front of it.

I trailed my eyes from head to toe at my reflection and my lips parted slightly seeing my well defined shape.

I wore a blue bum short allowing my beautiful legs on display, my curves were pronounced as well. I matched the short with a purple crop top which stopped before my abdomen showing slight skin.

I turned to my side admiring my flat tummy, it wasn’t hard to maintain, I just had it naturally. I pushed my breast slightly, sizing it within my palms and it caused me to blush even more.

“Damn Cassandra… You’re fucking beautiful.” I muttered to myself and I knew Knight thought the same because I was being honest to myself. Beauty ran in the family so I guess I was lucky.

I turned again to see my butt which popped out as it should. I tapped it as if giving myself a thumbs up for my natural endowment then I kept my hair in a pony deciding against leaving it to fall behind my back. I nodded to myself feeling satisfied with my appearance then I headed for Knight’s room with the cookie.


I stood before Knight’s door with my lips tucked in as I tried to calm my nerves before landing a knock. I counted to three and then took the bold step of knocking. My heart raced faster after I did that but no answer came, I landed another knock and took a step back waiting for him to answer and after few seconds the door open slowly to reveal a half naked Knight; bulging chest and biceps fully in display, he was a big guy, even bigger without clothes now that I could see most of his muscles. He wore a black pant that made no single effort to hide his cock size. It made my mouth watery.

I froze for some seconds with lips slightly apart then I shut them quickly as I noticed his eyes on me, narrowed as he trailed a dark gaze from my legs up to my chest and then to my face. I gulped a huge lump as I quickly averted his gaze, I reached for my hair to tuck some strands behind my ear only to realize that I wore my hair up.

“Mmm …” I started, clearing my throat while managing to look at him. He was staring intensely at me that I felt so tensed. “I brought you cookies… Made them with Camilo.” I said stretching forth my hands. He looked at the plate in my hands and then back to me. Why was he so damn silent? Just warn me already if that’s what you have in mind. Gosh! This was driving me crazy.

“Oh….” He voiced huskily and it made me shudder. Fuck… Why did I feel so shy around him? I thought making our relationship official would change things.

I moved closer to him bringing the cookies forward.

“Thanks….” He said looking down on my hands that disgracefully shook before him. I pushed my hands down to cover up my embarrassment and I found him chuckle not in an amused manner but in a dark way.

“Are you leaving?” He asked calmly but the rasp in his voice scared me.

“Yes, I just wanted to give them to you and be on my way.” I said and he remained silent for some seconds. I looked up at him and my thoughts got into my mouth.

“Would you like me to stay?”

“Isn’t it obvious.” He answered bluntly sending chills into my body with the way he said it.

“Oh…. okay.” I said and he let his door open completely. I walked carefully to the side trying not to make contact with his body that covered the entire space and once I was in I startled hearing him close the door behind us.

“Feel at home.” He said directing me to sit on his bed. What was this? Why did everything feel different now that we were in his room. It was as if everything in here was warning me just like he did. He took the cookies from me and moved towards his table which he placed it on.

“I’ll taste these later.” He said turning towards me.

“Hmm?” I hummed wondering why he said later. What was to happen if he wasn’t biting on the cookies already?

“I was about taking a shower, I just came back….” He explained, I didn’t need to ask where he had been, it had to do with work obviously and after what happened the other day, seeing them with blood stained clothes, I didn’t want to know details about work so I simply nodded.

Knight moved towards his bathroom and despite how hard I tried, I couldn’t resist the urge to look at him seeing that the door haden’t opened yet.

‘Oh my fucking gosh!’ I said within me with mouth agape and heart drumming faster than it should. I brought my palm to cover my lips instantly as I looked at Knight with his back turned against me while he took off his pant.

I should look away now but I just couldn’t bring myself to do so. I slowly pulled my hands from my lips as I savoured every inch of his naked back, I thought to myself, what if I was looking at his front.

I startled the moment I saw Knight tilt his head to the side, almost like he knew I was watching. The way his cheek moved I could tell he was smiling amusingly and it got me embarrassed knowing that I had been caught.

I quickly looked away and gulped hard, touching my chest as if that would stop my racing heart. I heard the shower running seconds later and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“Oh my goodness! Cassie I think it’s time to leave…. but what if he realizes it’s because I’m embarrassed? Maybe I should pretend and act like I didn’t see a thing.” I kept muttering to myself.

I stayed despite the warnings in my head. After waiting for a while, I began to wonder why it was taking long for him to finish or maybe I was too impatient.

I stood up from the bed bored of waiting and began checking his stuffs, he didn’t have much anyway. From time to time I got tempted to look towards the door untill I couldn’t hold it in and I let my gaze fall on the door that was left open. To think of it, I didn’t hear it close. Was it on purpose?

No, I had to be thinking too much, despite that, I found myself walking towards the door.

Cassie, turn back now! I yelled within me but the other voice in my head kept telling me to have a glimpse of what my boyfriend looked like. Wait, wasn’t that pervert behavior?

I sighed and thought about turning back but the stark naked image of Knight found it’s way into my head and I felt my pussy water with slippery juice. Fuck… I was aroused.

It’s just a glimpse…. I convinced myself and moved in slowly hoping he didn’t hear me come in. Gradually, the shower glass came in view until I saw a glimpse of flesh and then his entire body. My view this time was different from earlier; this time, I was looking at Knight with his front in full view. Shock enveloped me as I froze once again at the very sight of this man, my man.

My lips were rounded and my eyes shamelessly trail over his naked front, I gasped as I got sight of his dick, flacid yet big, just the perfect fit for a body as his. It matched his very muscular size and my thoughts spiralled to us making love.

Was this… Was this what I was to take inside my… Damn Cassandra! You are naught.

I got a grip of myself knowing that he could see me watching and like he could hear my thoughts, I startled the moment he moved his head towards me, I gulped hard then froze as we locked gaze in that moment.

Knight held the hand shower with an amused smile on his face as he let water pour over his chest, he moved the shower lower and showered his dick which shockingly before my very eyes grew hard to a size I couldn’t bare to stare at longer. Out of embarrassment, I quickly turned around and hurried out of the bathroom.

What the fuck did I do back there? Cassie you’re insane!

I hurriedly pulled the door handle running for my dear self. I thought I could handle the tension but damn! I crossed the line.

I went to the kitchen hoping to still find Camilo or just anyone I could have a conversation with and calm my tensed self.

I got to the kitchen and gasped in relieve seeing Florentine there. She seemed to be unloading fresh fruits into the fridge.

“Hey, Cassie!” She waved at me and I moved closer to her.

“Did you have some cookies?” I asked in a haste to start a conversation.

“Oh sure, I had a maid deliver mine instead. It was amazing, Camilo is really talented. She praised and I didn’t bother to feel jealous knowing I was terrible with anything related to cooking.

“Let me help you with that.” I said and she nodded. We began arranging the fruits into the fridge and took some for ourselves after we were done. We sat at the kitchen island and I watched Florentine enjoy her fruit while I just twirled an apple in my hand.

“You seem nervous Cassie, and you keep looking back. Hiding from someone?” She said beaming a smile. I paused wondering how she caught on that.

“No… no I’m not.” I lied despite it being obvious, she gave me a tilt teasing me with a look. “I said no Flor….”

“I think you’re lying otherwise why would he be here?”

She said and I wanted to brush her words off when it registered and I quickly snapped my head in the direction her eyes went. My heart seemed to stop suddenly only to pound rapidly after, I sighed sharply and felt like disappearing as I saw Knight standing at the entrance.

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