Horny Drips Sex Cravings

Chapter 234


To Cassie it might have been just about breaking the bro-code but Angel and I knew it was more than that.

It was Cassie’s father’s wish to see her love a normal person, live a normal life and not get dragged into the dark side of the seemingly perfect life he gave her. Angel had a mission to see that happen. That was one thing he could do for the man who took him in as his son, loved him like his father never did and willed his empire to him and here I was working against that wish.

I knew it was selfish but for Cassandra I would do anything just to have her by my side. Finally, I could breath now that she was mine. The vacuum I felt in my heart was filled the very day she confessed her feelings to me. I waited two years for this day and I wasn’t going to give it up.

I got to Angel’s office and found him filling shots for two. He offered me one and took one for himself.

“Thanks.” I said and downed the content at once. “You wanted to see me.” I said dropping the glass on his desk.

He remained silent for some seconds before speaking.

“What’s going on between you and my sister?” He asked in a serious tone.

I sighed deeply thinking of my first word carefully.

“Do you want me to be honest?” I asked and he gave me a tilt of suspicion.

“Do tell.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“You’re right.” I said and he stopped the glass he held in his hand when it got an inch to his mouth. He pulled his glass down and moved towards me.


“What you think about me and Cassie.” He squinted his eyes at me and I faced him head on. Angel and I had exchanged blows in the past, infact all three of us but that was when we were younger. I just hoped today wouldn’t be a first of our adulthood.

“Are you… Have you been sleeping with Cassandra?” He asked and I could sense the resentment in his voice.

“No.” I said firmly and I could see his roughened face relax.” Man was ready to pounce on me for getting his innocent sister laid. Thankfully, we were new but she wasn’t a kid, she could make her own decisions.

“Then what is it with you two?”

“We are lovers.” I said and saw Angel’s eyes twitch. He seemed to be finding it hard to believe and he looked like he was deciding between punching me in the face or saying some really terrible words to me.

“Sure.” He said stepping away from me. “How long has this been going on?” His voice was rough but slightly better than before. I felt more comfortable to talk to him.

“A while now but we only confessed our feelings to each other recently.” I said and studied his expression to know his next move. He nodded, beaming a smile that didn’t appear happy nor sad. I was confused.

“You know Knight. You’re a bastard.” He said and I immediately felt alert in case he attacked me.

“If I could have avoided it from the start, you know I would. No… I tried but I failed woefully.” I defended. Angel seemed to be paying attention so I went on. “I know she’s your sister and I shouldn’t have thought of her in that way but I swear to you Angel, I couldn’t stop my heart. You of all people should know how difficult it is to stop yourself from craving the one one you shouldn’t.”

“Did it have to be Cassandra though? You knew what the former Don wanted for her. You should have spoken earlier. I would have sent you away for a while to get rid of that feeling while it was still new.” He said and I nodded knowing that would have been an option but the truth was that I didn’t want to stay away from her, at least not that far away.

“I guess I should apologize.”

“You don’t get to apologize because you’re fucked and she’s fucked up as well!” He said raising his voice. “You’re both trapped. Love is the hardest thing to get rid off. It feels like tearing a part of you away.” He voiced with so much pain in his voice. I understood how he felt. He was in a way talking about him and Thea.

“I’m sorry I fell in love with your sister and I’m sorry she fell for me.” I said looking at him keenly. “… That’s what I should say but the truth is I don’t feel sorry for any of it. Cassie makes me the happiest, my happiest memories were with her. I was at my happiest when she was present in my life.” I tried to explain in three ways for his understanding. “For the past one year Angel I’ve lived in guilt and regret for rejecting her love.” I confessed but he just stared at me in disbelieve.

“I love Cassandra and I’m not going to give her up because you say so.” I said challenging him. He looked a bit surprised by my act of defiance but I wasn’t talking to him as my boss but as my bestfriend.

Angel nodded sadly and then laughed.

“Didn’t you see what happened to Thea and I? What if something happens between you and Cassandra? Can you bear the pain of losing her? And how am I supposed to forgive you if you ever hurt her?”

He said and I understood his concerns well. We weren’t certain of the future but we were willing to give it a try.

“I won’t hold a grudge if you take your anger out on me, that is if that day ever dared to exist. This is what Cassie wants, I’ll do my best not to get her involved with our ways. All I’m asking is for your support as her brother.” Angel looked at me for a while. I knew this was difficult for him to do but I needed him to agree to this union. I didn’t want to lose our friendship either.

“You’re like a brother to me Knight and I love you like one, however Cassie is my blood and I’ll choose her over my own life. I don’t want my kid sister to ever experience the kind of pain I feel now and I don’t want her to be put through the kind of heartbreak I put Thea through.” He said but I knew he was pleading with me instead.

“I don’t think you’re wrong for her I’m just scared of things going wrong.”

He said squeezing my shoulder. I nodded getting his point . I would protect her as much if she was my sister.

“You have my word Angel. I’ll give Cassie my all without reserve. I’ll love her with every single drop of my blood. I’ll protect her with my life, so please trust me.” I said and he let out a silent laugh.

“You have to. I will put my faith in you.” He said smiling at me.

“One more thing.” He said and I listened. “Thea wants me to let her go but it would break me if I do but then I can’t stop thinking it’s the right thing to do.”

“You want my opinion?”


“If you really love her then do the famous thing and let her go.” I said to him and he dipped his head looking defeated. He couldn’t keep her here forever, she’d only hate him more. Maybe if they learnt about carl and he gave her her freedom… It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe they needed the distance for Thea to know just how much she loved Angel and if it was enough to want him back in her life.

“I’ll do it.” Angel said and I knew this was a heavy decision for him to make. His eyes were heavy with pain from what he was going through. Angel looked drained, like his pain was sucking the life out of him like a vampire.

This was love but it was the dark side of it.

We exchanged a brotherly hug and soon I left his office heading to my room.

As I approached my doorstep, I saw Cassie curled up and resting her back on my wall. I was surprised to see her waiting.

She heard my footsteps and raised her head to look at me. She gave me the warmest smile and I smiled even more remembering how Angel and I came to an agreement about my relationship with her.

I moved to her and squat to her level. I took her hands in mine and kissed her knuckles. She looked at me a little worried but I beamed a bright smile at her.

I held her hand as we stood up and towered above her.

“What happened?” She asked but I took my time admiring the perfect picture before me. She was incredible. “Talk to me what did Angel say?”

“We have his blessings.” I said and her lips parted in shock.

“Angel really did that?” She asked again to be sure and I nodded affirming.

“He just wants you to be happy.” I said and she sighed feeling excited. I knew she was grateful having expected the opposite. I was grateful too. I pulled her in for a brief hug which extended a little longer than planned because I couldn’t get enough of her.

“Are you free?” I asked her as we broke off the hug. She smiled at me sadly and shook her head which made me disappointed.

“I need to be with Thea. She needs us.”

“Oh… Right. You should go to her.” I urged despite not wanting to let go. She muttered a thank you and tried to leave when I spinned her to me then whispered to her ears.

“I don’t share my woman not with a man and not with a woman. The next time you come to my room, make up your mind because once we’re inside those walls I’m a different man.” I said and she shook under my hold. She whimpered as I trailed my fingers up her arm.

“I’m not a decent man Cassandra. Don’t come here again because you won’t be so lucky.” I said and she let out a sharp breath. She was visibly shaking from my words and it ignited some dark desires inside me. I shut my eyes tightly and opened them afterwards to calm my burning desires for her.

“Are we clear?”

“Yes….” She moaned her words. She couldn’t even look at me. She looked so innocent and it was that innocence that appealed to my dark desires.

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