Holding on to you

Chapter 63: Turning up the heat

“What do you mean, she’s gone?”

I’ve never before seen Mik so furious, he was pacing back and forth, wearing a hole into the carpet.

“I finally got that bitch, Simone to crack, but right before I put a bullet between her eyes, she said that Jessica was the one who told them that we’d be raiding the warehouse. At first, I didn’t believe a word she said, but when I tried to get in contact with Jessica, her phone was disabled and her parents say they don’t know where she is.”

F**k! this couldn’t be good.

“Do you think that Simone took her.”

I avoided saying what we both were thinking. If Simone really got that close to Jessy, there’s no way she’d leave her alive. Mik stopped pacing and turned to face me, his eyes narrowed menacingly and he clenched his teeth as he spoke.

“No, I don’t think that because Jessica packed everything she owned and left a note for her parents saying that she’s safe and that they shouldn’t try to find her because she doesn’t want to be found.”

Double f**k!

This changes everything, I knew what Mik intended to do and I couldn’t really blame him because I’d do the same if I was in his position.

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to find her and kill her!”

I wasn’t so sure that he’d be able to carry out his threat, I’ve watched the way he was with Jessy, and killing someone you love comes at a price, that I didn’t think he’d be willing to pay.

“Are you sure you’d be able to pull the trigger after claiming to love her?”

Mik turned and bashed his fist against the wall, rage and fury radiated from him. His hand started bleeding but he ignored it, I on the other hand, just watched him with amusement.

For the many years that I’ve known him, this was the first time that I’ve ever seen him act so irrational and emotional over a woman, and just like myself, he’s had lots of them in his life.

He took his shirt off and wrapped it around his bleeding hand. I chuckled to myself, putting the last of my weapon into my duffle bag. The situation was not a humorous one, but it just solidified my belief that no good can come from loving a woman. As much as I hate to admit it, my father was right in saying that love opens doors for betrayal, hurt and pain.

“After we deal with your father, I’m taking some time off then I’m going to find the love of my life and introduce her to my dark side.”

I lifted the bag, swinging it over my shoulders, then I grabbed my coat that was lined with my knife and gave Mik a sceptical look.

He narrowed his eyes at me and continued talking, “It’s not so much the betrayal, but my SON was in that warehouse! He could have died, if I hadn’t gotten to him when I did, he would have died! For that, I can never forgive her and for that, she needs to die.”

Right before I walked out of the room I asked him, “Aren’t you curious to know why she did it?”

“I don’t give a f**k why she did it, just that she did it!”

I signal to my men to surround the house, and with Mik by my side, I drove the rest of the way up the drive and parked the car. I already told my men to listen out for my signal before they came rushing in.

As usual, when I entered the house it was to find my father and his whore of a wife getting shit face drunk. The bastard’s face tightened when he saw me and he stumbled to his feel.

“You f**king son-of-a-bitch, where the hell have you been these past few months, and where the f**k is your sister?!”

It took everything in me to control the rage that I was feeling, Marco’s words kept replaying in my head, and my hands itched to take my knives out and crave the piece of scum up like a turkey on thanksgiving.

“Where I’ve been, is none of your business and Kinsley is safe from you, once and for all.”

He swore and tried to hit me, but I sidestepped him causing him to fall on the floor. His equally drunk wife stumbled over to him and tried to help him up. I just stood there looking at them both, the entire scene was pathetic.

When they were both sitting back on the sofa, I pulled up a chair in front of them and got right down to why I was there in the first place.

“What the f**k do you want, boy?!”

“Questions first, and depending on if I like the answers, I might let you live.”

My father pushed his chest in the air and tried to look intimidating, but all he did was look like a wasted fool.

“Are you threatening me, you little shit?!”

I laughed, “No dad, I’m stating a fact.”

Deciding not to indulge him anymore, I got right down to business. “You see the thing is, dad, I’ve always wondered how is it you and mum meet. I’m guessing it must have been love at first sight, I mean, there wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t remind me, how loving my mum and losing her tore you apart. So, why don’t you enlighten me by telling me how you came to be with my mother?”

His eyes widened, and it was in that instance that I knew that what Marco said was true. I saw the fear in his eyes, and I saw the moment he realised that I was going to kill him.

“Your mother is dead, what does it matter how we met?!”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Moving very fast, I grabbed the vase that was on the table beside me and smashed it over his head, causing his whore to scream.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, dad… how the f**k did you and mum meet?!”

He spat the blood out of his mouth and wiped at the blood that was running down his face.

“Your mother was nothing but a useless whore, I took her and gave her everything that money could buy, but the stupid bitch never appreciated it!”

I looked at him with disgust, and signal for Mik to make the call. He smiled at me and got his phone out, letting the rest of my men know that it was time to end this.

I turned back to my father, “You’re nothing but a worthless piece of shit who doesn’t deserve be alive for another second, but a quick death will be too good for you.”

It wasn’t long after the words left my mouth that I heard gunshots outside of the house. My father looked at me with a mixture of fear and loathing and I couldn’t help feeling satisfied, knowing that finally, I’ll be the one to end the f**ker’s existence.

A few of my father’s men started piling into the house, but Mik took them out before they could get close. I wasted no time in grabbing my father up, but as I turned to walk away with him, his whore threw herself at me. I managed to push her off, but when she tried again, I pulled my gun on her.

“Wait your turn, bitch!”

She looked taken aback, but then she stared at me with her chin up, “You won’t kill me.”

I chuckled, “And pray tell, why is that?”

She smirked slightly as she answered, “Because Kinsley would never forgive you for killing her mother, and as much as you deny it, you love and care for your sister, you wouldn’t hurt her.”

That pissed me off, the fact that she thought that she knew me sent me right off the deep end. I raised my gun and the bravado that was in her eyes disappeared.

“Make no mistake, lady, I love no one, and Kinsley doesn’t always know what best for her, so that means I have to decide, and I’ve decided that you aren’t best for her.”

Before she could get a word out I pulled the trigger, watching as her face froze in shock and her lifeless body hit the ground.

My father started cursing, and he tried to get out of my grip, but I was sober and stronger than him so all of his attempts were useless.

As I walked through the house with my gun in hand, I shot as many as my father’s men as I could, while Mik took care of the rest. I dragged his struggling body into the kitchen and headed right from the industrial oven, that the cook uses when there’s a big event at the house.

I turned it on, but when I started opening the door, Mik blocked my path. I gave him an irritated look, but he didn’t move.

“F**k, Killian, I know this motherf**ker has done some messed up shit, and f**k knows that he deserves to die… but putting the f**ker alive in the oven is messed up as f**k.”

I didn’t care what he thought, I wanted my father to feel pain and since I had to wait until he dies before he could burn in hell, I just thought that I’d make him get a taste of it before he gets there.

“Mik get the f**k out of my way, or join him.”

Mik raised his hand in surrender, but he moved out of the way. It was a struggle but in the end, I got the bastard in, I ignored all of the screams and locked the door from the outside, putting my handcuff on it.

I used the digital screen on the front to control the temperature, and pull up a chair in front of the oven and watched him through the glass. Mik swore, then went to work scrubbing the place clean of any prints.

As I sat there and listened to him scream, I felt no remorse. Every so often I’d increase the temperature but reduce it again as not to kill him too quickly. I don’t know how long I sat there watching him, but I never moved until I was completely sure that he was dead.

Mik came into the kitchen to tell me that everything was done and the men had all returned back to their homes.

Without taking my eyes off of my dead father, I asked, “What about Natasha and Kaden?”

“They weren’t anywhere in the house.”

I got up and grabbed my gun. I was upset that they weren’t amongst the dead bodies, but that just meant that I’d be able to savour the kill more when I did find them.

I turned and walked out of the kitchen, “Burn it to the ground,” I threw over my shoulder as I passed Mik.

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