Holding on to you

Chapter 61: It’s showtime

We decided to go through the east entrance because there were only two guards for us to take out. It was done pretty easy, Mik and my dad grabbed them and easily snapped their necks, Killian ushered us into the building that looked like it’s been abandon since the beginning of time.

Once inside, Killian turned to address all of his men, he was completely in his element, he radiated authority and respect. I was fully taken in by him, and that’s when it hit me, this is where he belonged, this is what he was born to do. He was a leader and a killer at heart.


I jumped, I was so engrossed in watching him that I didn’t hear him calling me, or see him glaring at me.

“Yes,” I answered.

“I need you to listen to me carefully, ok baby?”

I nodded my head, not liking where the conversation was going. He continued.

“Your parents and your brothers are going to stay back just in case JD knows I’m coming. He’ll know about me, but he won’t be expecting them.”

He stepped closer to me, “When we go in there and if things get bad, I want you to take the car and go to our sanctuary and I’ll meet you there, do you understand?”

I shook my head. Like hell, I will!

“No, I’m not leaving you, I’m staying with you.”

“We can take her out if it gets bad.” My father offered.

“No!” Both Killian and I said.

He turned back to face me, his face set in stone, but I wasn’t willing to just up and leave him when he might need me.

“Do as I f**king say, Lilly!” He growled softly, but still, I refused to listen, I just didn’t think I could leave him there to die if it came down to it.

“I’m not leaving you here to die, Killian!” I hissed.

I folded my arms and glared at him, and he growled again, his hand shooting out so fast grabbing me by the neck. One minute I was standing facing him and the next I was being pushed up against the wall none too gently.

Pain shot through my shoulders and travelled through me, but I bit my lips to keep from letting it show. My parents and brothers moved to help me, but Killian, Mik and all two dozen of his men pulled their gun on my family.

“Stay the f**k out of this, she doesn’t belong to any of you, she’s mine!”

He turned back to face me, his eyes boring into me, holding no place for arguments.

“Listen to me carefully, Red, because I’m not going to repeat myself. When I tell you to run, you get your sexy ass in my car and drive until you reach our sanctuary.”

I started to shake my head again, but his hands tightened on my throat causing my eyes to widen. I wanted to look at my parents but Killian’s eyes were holding me captive, daring me to defy him.

He leaned in until his lips were touching my ear, his free hand found my hip, pulling me closer to him as he whispered, sending shivers down my body.

“Don’t test me, Lilly, because I’m not opposed to turning you around and spanking that sweet little ass of yours after I f**k your brains out right here in front of everyone.”

When he pulled back I was shaking and he had a satisfied smirk on his arrogant face.

“Now, did I make myself clear? Are you going to be a good girl and follow the rules?”

I nodded my head and he smiled, “That’s my girl.”

He moved to turn away but I held onto his shirt, I was going to follow his rule but I need to know that he’s going to come back to me.

“You’re going to come get me, right?”

He didn’t answer, just stared at me. My heart started beating faster, and panic set in.

“Promise me! Promise me that you’ll come back for me, please Killian?”

He grabbed my face between his palm and kissed me, pulling back he looked into my eyes. His words were soft and filled with so many emotions that I was unable to read.

“I’ll always come back for you, Lilly, always.”

I nodded my head, feeling a bit relief but not too much, there’s still a possibility that things could go horribly wrong.

Killian didn’t pull completely away from me like I expected him too, instead, he slipped his hand around my waist and barked orders.

“We’re going to go in there, and shoot anything that moves, don’t give them a chance to get a shot off. Let get this motherf**ker!”

Everyone nodded, gun in hand ready for the mission ahead of them. Before they all set-off, Killian turned to his men, Mik included.

“Boys, protect your queen at all cost, got it?”

There was a collection of “Yes sir” and “Yes boss” and I just stared at them dumbfounded.

Killian grabbed my hand and started walking forward, I had no other option but to follow. He signalled for his men to spread out, but Mik and two others stayed with us.

When we got to the room a middle-aged man was sitting at the table with a beautiful looking blonde woman and a little boy that looked exactly like Mik. They turned to us as if they were expecting us.

“Ah, Killer, how nice of you to bring our sweet little Lilly to me after all, saved me the effort of coming to get her myself.”

Killian’s hands tightened on me and he pulled me closer. The man whom I guess was JD stood, a glass with something dark was in his hand. He took a sip and continued talking.

“I’ve heard rumour of you marrying the girl, but I never believed it, but looking at you now, I know I was wrong to just discount them.”

He set his glass, a gleam came in his eyes as he eyed me from head to toe.

“I’m saddened that she’s no longer a virgin, she would have gone for a pretty penny, but that’s ok, can you imagine what the wife of Killian Black will go for? Do you know how much people will pay to be between those delicate legs of hers?”

He walked around the table, coming to stand closer to us, I took a step back, I felt dirty just having him look at me, so I didn’t want him any closer to me. Killian stayed silent, his eyes and gun never leaving JD, Mik eyes were on the blonde and the little boy.

JD continued talking, “You know what? I think I’ll keep her, I’ll get a special room just for her, where my clients can come and pay for a good time with the newest Mrs Black.”

His eyes roamed my body and I felt like puking.

“I might even be the first to f**k her.”

He turned and walked back to the table, he took a seat and pick up his glass, putting it to his mouth he took a sip, then said,

“Boys, take care of them and bring the girl to me unharmed.”

Suddenly over thirty men filled the room with their guns aimed at us, I looked around feeling scared for the first time, I didn’t see how we were possible getting out of there alive.

Seven guys rushed over to me and Killian, their guns raised and aimed at Killian’s head. He tried to push me behind him, but I wasn’t budging, realising that I wasn’t moving, he pulled my back flat against his chest.

The blonde smiled at Mik then grabbed the little boy’s hand and exited the room.

“Hand over the guns and the girl, Killer, you’re outnumbered.”

Killian’s hand dug into my skin, but I didn’t care, cause I was holding him just as tight. I knew that there was no way he was handing me over without a fight and I was readying myself to put into play what he taught me.

Just as JD men got close to us, the rest of Killian’s men entered the room. We were still outnumbered but not by much.

Killian growled out to JD, “You want her so bad, come and get her yourself, I dare you.”

That’s when all hell broke loose, they were shots being fired everywhere and no matter what Killian never let go of my hand. The room was huge and there were lots of crates to hide behind, so Killian pulled us behind one of them. A bullet whizzed past my head and I ducked, moving more behind the crate.

“Stay here baby, you’ve got your guns if anyone come behind here shoot to kill, do you hear me.”Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

I nodded, I didn’t want him to leave, but I knew that there was not the time to argue with him, so I let him go, but before he left he kissed me hard on the lips.

I stayed quiet behind the crate, listening to bullets fly, hitting their intended targets. My heart was beating fast as I prayed and hope that none of those fallen was Killian.

Footsteps started to move closer to my hiding place and I help the gun between my hands and aimed, waiting for the person to appear. One of JD’s men step forward and I wasted no time pulling the trigger, I didn’t have time to worry about the fact that I just killed a man because more started to come forward.

I just kept aiming and firing, my heart beating so fast it felt like it was trying to escape my body.

Everything got quiet and no more men step forward, my hands were shaking and I was trying my best not to cry and scream from all the blood and dead bodies around me. I put shaking hand over my mouth when it seemed like a cry was going to escape.

I heard footsteps coming my way again and I aimed my gun, my hands were shaking so bad I didn’t think I’d be able to get a shot, the man stepped forward, but before I could pull the trigger, I felt a gun pressed to the back of my head.

“Don’t do anything stupid, sweetheart, I’d hate to have to kill you.”

I lowered my gun and cried out when I was dragged up by my hair, however, most of it was muffled by the hand over my mouth. I tried to kick and claw my way out of his hold but he wasn’t letting go. Two more other men came over to help him.

They started to drag me out of the room and into another room that was much like the first.

“Get her on the table, I’d like to see what all the fuss over this girl is about.”

I kicked my legs out, hitting one of the men, that earned me a slap to the face which caused me to stop fighting. They got me up on the tablet and held my hands and feet down. My mouth was still covered, so I was unable to scream. JD moved between my thighs, he grabbed hold of the front of my top and ripped it opened, exposing my purple lace bra.

I felt helpless and totally violated, he smirked at me when he saw the scared look in my eyes. His hands reach forward and he groped my breasts, I started to fight again.

He reached for my jeans, working at the zipper, trying to get it off, I started twisting my body from side to side which caused the guy’s hand slip from my mouth and I screamed to the top of my lung.


A scared look came into JD’s eyes before he quickly moved from between my legs and started to bark orders at his men.

“Let’s get her out of here and into the car, stat!”

They dragged me off of the table, and started to lead me through a door that was leading out of the building, I started fighting at first until I saw where exactly we were going.

They were heading to the place where Killian told my parents to wait, and just as they step out of the door they were faced with twelve guns pointed right at them. they knew they were outnumbered, so the let me go and raised their hands in defeat.

I quickly scrambled away from them and run to my mother. My father took one look at my torn top and half-open jeans and filled with rage, he was advancing on JD and his men when Killian and Mik run from the building with the little black hair boy in tow.

Killian’s eyes searched around frantically until it landed on me, relief flooded him before it was replaced with fully blown rage at my condition. His eyes zoned in on the reason for my distress state and he growled.

“You f**king touched her!”

One of the men got scared from the look on Killian’s face and blurted out, “Hey, man, I’m not the one that slapped her, Victor did and JD tried to f**k her.”

I don’t know what he intended to get out of his confession, but the only thing he got was a quick death because Killian pulled his gun and shot him right between the eyes.

He got close to the one call Victor and pulled out his knife that was in the lining of his jacket. He grabbed the man by his neck and swiftly plunged the knife into his stomach four times before he forced him to his knees and held the knife to his throat. He twisted the man’s head so he was looking at me, his almost lifeless eyes stared at me with a pleading look, but I just stood there and watched.

“Look at her, she is the reason you’re dying. Yours could have been a quick death like your friend over there, but you had to lay your filthy hands on her perfect skin, so now you die… slowly.”

He plunged the knife into the man’s neck and sliced, the sound he made was horrible, I wanted to look away but I couldn’t. Killian didn’t kill him fully, though, he dropped him to the ground and I watched as his body twitched, his lifeless eyes still on me.

Leaving him there Killian moved over to JD, he grabbed the older man by his shirt and shoved him over to me.

“You tried to rape her, I think it’s only fair that she gets to beat your ass before I end your miserable existence.”

He pulled JD to his feet and took a step back, my Father and brothers rush forward, but Killian men stop them.

“Are you crazy, can’t you see she’s traumatised!” My father yelled.

Killian smiled, his eyes never leaving mine. “You don’t know your daughter like I do, she’s been through more than this…”

He glanced at my father then back at me.

“… even worse at my hands, Lilly knows what to do with the pain.”

My father flew into a rage and grabbed Killian, “You, son of a bitch!” he yelled and tried to punch him but was held back by Killian’s men.

JD, thinking that that’s his cue to grab me as leverage, made his move, his hands came around my throat and squeezed.

“Just let me go and I’ll let her go.”

Killian laughed, he turned to his men, “Clean this place up of any evidence that we were here then burn it to the ground.”

He turned back to my father, “Watch your daughter at work.”

I stay silent in JD’s arms, I didn’t know why I wasn’t fighting, but I stayed limped waiting for god knows what.

Killian turned back to me and whispered four words and it’s like something broke in me.

“Kick his ass, baby.”

Without thinking, I held onto the hand he had around my neck whiles elbowing him in the gut. His hand around my neck loosen with a grunt and I captured it and twisted it behind his back. He doubled over from the pain and I used my knee to break his nose. He screamed, holding his nose as blood poured from it, I wasted no time kicking his knee out and he fell to the ground, screaming more. When he raised back up, I did the spin kick Killian taught me earlier that day, connecting with his head, he dropped to the floor and stopped moving.

Killian came over and slipped his left hand around my waist, in his right hand was a gun. JD started to moan and left his head, his eyes connected with Killian’s and Killian laughed, raising his gun and aiming.

“You just got your ass handed to you by a girl.”

He turned and smiled at me, “And a beautiful one at that.”

When he turned back to JD it was to pull the trigger, emptying the gun in his head. I watched him reload, then emptied it again.

He turned us to face my family and I could see that they were looking at me like they didn’t know who I was anymore, and they would be right, I’m not the same person as I was before Killian.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” Killian asked, staring at me with admiration then shrugged his jacket off and threw it over me to cover up my torn clothes.


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