Holding on to you

Chapter 53: All deals are broker in clubs

A strip club!

He brought me to a strip club. Who the hell brings their wife to a strip club? When he said that he was going into business with a guy who owns a club, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that it would be a freaking STRIP CLUB!

However, I shouldn’t have been surprised because when I first worked up the courage to asked him to help my brother out, I found him inside a strip club. I remember thinking that I must be crazy or out of my ever-loving mind to seek out Killian Black AKA Killer in a freaking strip club.


What the hell am I thinking?!

I wasn’t even sure if he was there, why the hell did I listen to stupid Eric Wittman? I should have known that something was up when he said that Killer hangs out at a very unique, nightclub on Friday nights. Better yet, I should have stayed my ass at home where it was warm and safe, instead of walking around a place that looks like somewhere Hugh Hefner would hang out.

Unique night club my ass, more like a glorified porn palace! I swear every time I turn around some naked girl was throwing herself all over some desperate looking guy.

However, what really threw me, were the girls that were dancing naked on the stage, and the idiots that were throwing money at them and cheering them on. I would never have guessed that things like that happened in real life, I always thought that strip clubs were a little more classy. Instead, all I saw were girls who looked overworked and tired of life in general, and guys who looked like they were about to jump the girls at any moment, definitely nothing classy about that.

I tried to ignore all the naked people and continue my search for Killian, but it was proving harder than I thought. Everyone that I asked if they’ve seen him, either gave me strange looks or send me off in a direction that I had no place being.

It was starting to get on my nerve, and I was tempted to give up, but I kept remembering what my brother said JD guy would do to him if he didn’t come up with the money soon. I wasn’t sure how I was going to convince Killian to help me out when I found him, but I knew that I at least had to try.

I turned back from the fifth wrong direction that I was sent in and started to wander the club for someone who hasn’t been hypnotic by breast. I saw a waitress who was dressed a little more decent than the rest and decided to approach her. She was wearing what I can only guess were shoelaces wrapped around her entire body.

She saw me coming towards her and she smiled, that made me feel a little more confident about talking to her. Wiping my sweaty palms on my dress, I returned her smile with a shaky one of my own.

“What can I do you for hon?”

Her voice was very squeaky and quirky, and I didn’t understand how she could be so upbeat, wearing that death trap that she was.

“Hi, I’m looking for Killer, I was told that I could find him here?”

“Sure thing honey,” She balanced the tray with the empty glasses in her right and checked the watch on her left hand. “You’re in luck, he should be finishing up with Jasmine by now, give it five more minutes and you’ll find him at the bar.”

Okay, I didn’t even want to know what “finishing up with Jasmine” meant, I just thanked her and was about to turn in the direction of the bar to wait for Killian when miss quirky stopped me.

“Now, hold up a minute there, honey. You’re not his girlfriend of anything because the boss doesn’t take too kindly to wives and girlfriends coming into his clubs and taking away his best customers? And Killer would have my head if he found out that I was the one who sent his girlfriend after him.”

My eyes widen and I shook my head, reassuring her that I was in no way or form Killian’s anything.

“God no, I just need him to do me a favour.”

She smirked knowingly at me, “I hear yah honey, won’t we all like for him to do us a favour, but unfortunately, Jasmine is the only girl that he does favours for. Anyway, good luck!”

I got the feeling that my favour and favour were two different things entirely, I didn’t want to stay and analyse it any further, so I thanked her again and started walking over to the bar.

Halfway there, a mean-looking guy in his mid-thirties stepped out in front of me so suddenly, that I almost tripped over. I manage to right myself, but as I tried to sidestep him he blocked my path. I tried again and he did the same thing, I put my hands on my waist and tried to give him an irritated look, but the guy was so drunk on booze and naked girls that he either didn’t see my look or didn’t care.

“Hey there, sexy, you wanna sit on daddy’s lap for a bit, I’ve been told that my fingers can do wonderful things to a woman’s body?”

It took everything in me not to puke all over him, and not to run screaming from the club.

“No thank you, I think I’ll pass.”

I turned him down as politely as possible but he wasn’t having any of it. He stepped closer to me and grabbed me hand forcefully, I cried out from the pain but the music and cheering were so loud that no one heard me.

Frantically I looked around to see if there was anybody that would be able to help me, but everyone seemed too busy with looking at the dancers. My gaze moved back to the bar and I saw Killian looking at me, his eyes were narrowed and his nostrils were flared. I stared at him for a while but broke my gaze when the guy that was holding my hand started to speak.

“You think you’re too good for me, is that it, little girl?”

I shook my head, “No, not at all sir, I just don’t think that my boyfriend would agree to his girlfriend sitting on a strange guy’s lap.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and hope that my lie was convincing enough to let the pervert let me go, but the creep was proving difficult.

“Oh yeah, well, where is this boyfriend of yours, if he cares so much about what happens to you, why did he leave a pretty little thing like you all alone in a place like this?”

I smiled sweetly and pointed in Killian’s direction, “There he is over there.”

The guy turned around and look, I swear I heard him curse before he dropped my hand like it was on fire. When he turned back to look at me his face was a mask of fear and remorse.

“You’re Killer’s girl? Look, I’m sorry I touched you, I’m drunk and an old fool who doesn’t know his place. I’ll just be on my way now; I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.”

He disappeared so fast that I was wondering if he had superpowers, but I never got a chance to let the idea develop because I found myself being grabbed by someone else.

“You’ve better got a good f**king reason for being here, and before you decide to say something stupid, just keep in mind that I’m far more dangerous than any of these weak-minded f**ks in here. So, no one would come to your aid if I decided to drag you into one of the back rooms and find out for myself what is hidden under that sinful little black dress.”

He must have read my mind because I had intended to say something witty, but thought better of it. I could tell by the look on his face that his threats shouldn’t be taken lightly.

In no way did I try to free myself from his grip, for fear of pissing him off, but I did square my shoulders and try not to be intimidated by him. However, I found that I was failing miserably at that too, so I decided to tell him head on why I was in the club and hope that he doesn’t take offence.

“I um, I came t-to find you.”

I congratulated myself for only stuttering once, but my internal celebration ended early when Killian started to laugh.

“Me? Are you sure you can handle me, princess?”

Okay, so maybe I didn’t think this through properly, I knew that it would be hard convincing him that it was in his best interest to help me, but how can I put my game face on if at every turn he keeps rattling my feathers?

I wasn’t sure if ignoring his question was a good idea, but I also knew that taking the bait would throw me into a game that I didn’t have a clue how to play. So, in the end, I decided to act like I didn’t hear his question.

“I have a favour to ask you… please?”

My voice only squeaked a little, but I knew that he was finding my discomfort amusing. He broke out into a sinister smirk, pulling me just a little bit closer to him. leaning down until his lips were at my ear, he spoke, sending shivers down my body.

“Unless the favour is for me to f**k you, which I would happily oblige, you better turn around and leave now because I don’t do favours for anyone.”

He let go of my hand and took a step back, I knew that he was bored with the conversation, but I couldn’t let him walk away without at least trying. I couldn’t let my brother down, he needed me to see this through.

I grabbed his hand when he turned to walk away and immediately regretted it. The look that he gave me could make a fully grown man pee in his pants, but still, I didn’t let go of his hand.

“Please, I’ll do anything if you help me.”

That made him paused, and he looked at me blankly for a while. It was like he was deducing something in his head and when he finally came to a conclusion his face lit up into a terrifying smirk.

“Firstly, let’s take this outside, it’s noisy in here and I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Secondly, I want you to tell me exactly what colour your panties are.”

Say what now?!

He can’t be serious, but from the way he was looking at me expectantly, I knew that he was. I really needed his help, so I decided that there was no harm in answering his question.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.


His face seemed to lit up even more. However, without saying anything he grabbed my hand and worked his way through the crowd, but instead of going through the front, he went straight for the back exit.

I followed mutely, and when we were outside he let go of my hand and pushed me away from him.

“Start talking, Red.”

I was taken aback, there was no way I was letting him call me Red because I told him what colour my panties are.

“Um, m-my name is Lilly.”

His eyes narrowed, “Your name is whatever the f**k I want it to be, so stop wasting my time, and start talking, RED!”

To say that I jumped out of my skin would have been an understatement, I’ve never before in my life been more terrified of anyone, and I was starting to see the error of my ways.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and told him about my brother and the guy JD that he owed money to, and at the end of my reason for needing his help he just stood there staring at me like me and my brother were idiots.

“So, can you help me?” I broke the silence.

His facial expression never changed, “Seems like it’s your brother who needs help not you.”

He was right, but I couldn’t let Brandon’s stupidity get him injured or worse. I had to try and help in some way.

“He’s my little brother, I have to try and help if I can.”

“So, you’re willing to sell your soul to the devil just to help your brother out?”

I thought about his question and then I nodded my head, “Yes, so will you help me?”

His face was void of emotions when he said, “That depends on what you’re offering, Red.”

“Anything!” I said eagerly, daring to hope, “What do you want in return?”


Flashback end


Blinking a few times to clear my mind, I looked at him curiously. I didn’t understand why he was looking at my like I’ve lost my mind.


He sighed then rolled his eyes, “As I was saying, when you meet Big Joe, say as few words as possible. Your parents have a lot of enemies, and although Big Joe is not one of them, he’s no beyond collecting on the bounty that’s on your family’s head.”

I nodded my head, what’s new? It just seems like everywhere I go there’s someone who’s after my parents. But then a thought occurred to me, why haven’t Killian cash in on the payday?

“I understand that a lot of people are after my parents and if they found out that I’m their daughter they’d probably kill me, but you know who I am and my parents did kill your mom, so why haven’t you turned me over to your dad, or take revenge yourself?”

He turned me to face him, his hand that was around my waist moved to grabbed my ass, as he pulled me flat against him. It wasn’t a surprise when my body started reacting to his touch like it always does.

“Don’t for a minute think that I’m not taking my revenge on you, but unlike those who would kill you, I like f**king you more because if you’re dead, I won’t get to see that look of utter submission when I’m inside of you. And what better way to punish your parents than taking their only daughter away from them and throwing you into the life that they tried so hard to run away from.”

He leant closer until his lips were touching mine, “I take my pleasure from knowing that there’s not a damn thing that your parents can do about it, and even if there was you’d never leave me willingly.”

I frowned at him, “You make me sound like some whore who chose a man over her parents.”

His lips captured mine, and I moaned from the contact which caused him to chuckled, satisfied.

“As long as you’re only my whore, I don’t see the problem, and we both know that if it ever comes down to it, you’ll always choose me over them.”

The words were said with such confidence that even if I wanted to, I couldn’t dispute it. I knew that he was right, and I wasn’t the kinda girl to hide from the truth, but what does that say about me?

“Are you two going to stand here and make out all night or are we going to get this deal done and dusted?”

Mik interrupted us just as Killian was about to kiss me again. Killian gave him a pissed off look, but I just giggled. It wasn’t news to anyone that Mik liked messing with Killian every chance he got.

We started moving in the direction of what I presume was a private back room that the club owner used to conduct business. I didn’t know who this Big Joe was or even why Killian would want to go into business with him. I mean, who in their right mind want to part own a freaking strip club!

The guards that were standing at the entrance to the door stepped aside and let us through, but not before looking at Killian and the possessive and protective arm that he had around my waist.

Although we made it past the first door without hassle, the two guys at the second door stopped us. They gave Killian an irritated look before asking, “Who’s the girl, the boss never mention that a chick would be accompanying you?”

Killian scrawled at the guard that was eying me warily and a little to lustfully as well.

“She is of no concern to you, so either you get the hell out of my way or explain to your boss why I walked away from his offer, your choice?”

The guard nodded his head to the other one who disappeared into the room. He never took his eyes off of Killian, and Killian never showed any signs of backing down.

“Why don’t you just make this easy and leave the little lady here, I’ll take very good care of her until you return?”

Mik moved so fast, stepping in front of Killian, putting a stop to whatever he was about to do.

“Shit, man! This is what I was worried about, I told you that you’re unstable when it comes to her.”

Killian shrugged out of Mik’s hold and pulled me even closer to his side, just then the other guy came out of the room and gave us the all-clear.

When entered into a massive room with about ten more heavily armed guards. I stayed close to Killian’s side because I started to get the feeling that whoever Big Joe was, he wasn’t too trusting of Killian.

However, when my eyes landed on Big Joe I couldn’t help my reaction toward him. I broke away from Killian before he could stop me and threw myself at the big guy.

“Uncle Joey!”

He caught me in a surprise hug, “Lilly bear?”

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