Holding on to you

Chapter 51: The end of something beautiful

He smiled at me as if what he just did was normal, and that pissed me off even more. I quickly turned to face away from him and put my clothes back in place, when I was facing him again I felt more in control of my emotions.

“Angel, those lips of yours are downright sinful and you’ve got the most sweetest tasting tits that I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. It’s a shame you stopped us so soon; I’d have loved to taste the rest of you.”

I gawked at him, but not in a good way. What the hell was wrong with him, didn’t he know that it was a crime to attack girls in dark corners?

“Are you for real?” I ask in disbelief.

He ran his hand over his completely visible erection that was pushing through his jeans, shamelessly.

“Why don’t you let me f**k you and then you can tell me whether I’m real or not?”

I couldn’t have been anymore flabbergasted even if I tried, it’s like his mouth has no filter. I narrowed my eyes at him, it’s time he knew that if he tried anything like that again I’d kick his ass.

“Never going to happen, Noah, and if you ever touch me like that again without my permission, I’ll cut your dick off and shove it up your ass so you can go f**k yourself.”

Instead of backing down like I thought he would, he laughed like I said something funny. Something about his laugh got to me, but I didn’t know what it was, but I didn’t dwell on it.

“Oh angel, the things you say just turn me on more and more. I can’t wait for when I have you on your hands and knees eating those words, or my dick for that matter.”

I’ve had enough of his perverted behaviour and wanted to know why exactly was he here.

“What are you doing here, Noah?”

“Why, I was invited of course, by that sexy looking little blonde with perfect tits.”

What the hell is wrong with him, does everything that comes out of his mouth has to be sexual?

“I know you were invited, I just meant what are you doing out here in the dark away from the party and the house.”

He took a step closer to me, “Why, following you of course.”

My eyes widen and I looked around frantic. I was such an idiot, I don’t know this guy, I shouldn’t feel comfortable around, for all I know, he could be working for the people that are trying to get me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to act calm, I didn’t have my gun or my knives, so I had to rely on my wits to get myself out of this mess.

“Oh okay, maybe we should go back inside now, I’m sure Kinsley will be glad you came.”

I started to move past him but he caught me around the waist and pulled me flat against his chest. I tried not to let my fears show but I could tell that I was doing a horrible job at it.

“Oh, but I didn’t come here for blondie, I came because we’ve got unfinished business, and from the way you just reacted to my touch, I know that you want me just as bad as I want you.”

I pushed at his chest but I barely got him to move an inch, he was irritating and pissing me off big time. I couldn’t even believe that I felt a connection with him when we first meet, it must have been something I ate.

“I thought you were someone else, so that doesn’t count.”

He chuckled, “Deny it all you want, angel, but you know I wasn’t your man. Just admit that you wanted something different, whatever Mr mean and angry is giving you isn’t working for you anymore, that’s why you practically begged me to f**k you in the store today.”

Okay, this is getting way out of hand, I needed to get away from this psycho and find out where Killian is.

“Um okay, whatever floats your boat Casanova, I just want to get out of this cold because I’m starting to freeze to death.”

I fake a shiver, hoping that he’d feel sorry for me and let me get away from him, but instead of letting me go, he pulled me closer, until his hard-on was resting on my stomach.

“Trust me, Lilly, I can think of many ways to keep your body warm and all of them involve you getting naked.”

He dipped his head as if to kiss me again and I turned my face to the side, no way I’m kissing that filthy mouth of his.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Noah, but I don’t cheat and even if I did, Killian would be the last guy in the world to cheat on, trust me, you do not want to ever meet him.”

He clenched his jaw together for a second, but then he relaxed it so quickly that I thought I imagined it.

His smirk was back in place, “Killian? Is he the guy who is back at the house screaming your name like a junkie needing his next fix?”

That made my heart skip a beat and I shoved at him until he let me go. When I was free, I started walking back to the house, I didn’t care if Noah followed or not, I just wanted to see Killian.

When I got back to the house Kinsley was up and looking around when her eyes landed on me I saw relief set in. She walked over to me and pulled me into a big hug, which I returned.

“My God, Lilly, where the hell have you been?! Killian almost brought the house down looking for you, he and Mik just left thinking that someone took you, I think they’re going to check the cameras first.”

Oh shit!

I didn’t even want to imagine how upset Killian must be and I knew I needed to tell him what I overheard in the kitchen.

“Sorry, Kins, he took so long to come back that I got scared and went looking for him, I’ll go check the camera room.”

She nodded, saying that she’ll come with me, but then her eyes darted to someone behind me, and I saw her eyes widened then narrowed. She sidestepped me and went right to the person.

“Hello Noah, I must say that that colour red you’re wearing doesn’t suit you.”

I frowned because she wasn’t making any sense, Noah wasn’t wearing red, he was wearing blue with white. However, whatever code she was talking in, Noah understood.

“Oh, but I think this red is the perfect colour for me, I’ve had a feel of it and I think it’s the perfect fit.”

What the hell is with the weird code talk that only they understood?

Kinsley stepped a little closer and shoved him none too gently, “If you know what’s good for you, you’d choose a different colour and leave this one to the person it belongs to. I can guarantee you that the owner does not like to share.”

Now I’m confused, what in god’s name are they talking about? Just when I thought I might be able to decipher their code they go and up the challenge. I wanted to stay and demand they let me into their little club, but I need to see Killian more.

“I hate to break you guys up, but Kinsley, we have to go.”

She glared at Noah who just smirked at her then turned away and grabbed my hands, pulling me in the direction of the camera room. When we were almost there Kinsley got a text that made her turn white as a sheet.

“What is it, Kins, you’re starting to scare me?”

I saw the fear and panic in her eyes and I knew that something was horribly wrong.

“Lilly, why was Noah wearing your lipstick?”


I tried to avoid her eyes, looking at the floor instead.

“If you don’t tell me there’s no way I can save you from whatever Killian will do to you when he comes for you.”

My head shot up and that’s when I understood her fears, Killian knew that Noah kissed me, but how? But then it dawned on me,

“The camera.”

She nodded her head to confirm, and I felt myself shake, it still amazed me how afraid of him I still am.

“Believe me Kins, it’s not what you think, it’s just that… it was dark and I couldn’t see, I thought he was Killian but when I realised that he wasn’t I pushed him away.”

God, I feel so stupid; I should have stopped the moment his lips touched mine because deep down in my heart I knew it wasn’t Killian. A part of me kinda knew that it was Noah, but I ignored it and fooled myself into believing a lie.

Kinsley grabbed my hands and started moving back to the party at rapid speed, but I didn’t argue I just followed, knowing that she was trying to hide me from her very angry brother.

We passed Noah in the crowd and I was tempted to tell him to run, but I knew that any slowing down would only mean me getting caught. His eyes followed us and so did his feet, I gave him a, ‘are you serious’ look but the fool just smirked at me.

Just as we made to climb the stairs strong arms grabbed me by the waist, and this time, it was no mistaking whose hands it was.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“I’ll take it from here, Kinsley, I think it’s time I show my little wife exactly what happens when she decides to cheat on me.”

I shivered at the anger in his voice, “Killian, I can exp―.”

The words were cut from my lips by his lips. To others, the kiss might look passionate, but I knew better, I felt the darkness in it and it wanted to consume me.

He placed his hand flat on my stomach then slowly run it up my body until he was squeezing my breast through the fabric. I felt myself shiver had a wave of pain shot through me, it’s been a very long time since Killian has made me feel pain that I didn’t like, hot tears fell from my eyes.

“Shh, don’t cry yet, baby, you’ve only begun to feel the pain I’m going to put your body through tonight.”

I shook my head, I needed him to know what happened, to understand that I would never intentionally cheat on him, that I loved him.

“Killian, please, I love you, I’d never―”

“Save your breath, Red, you’re gonna need it for all the screaming you’re about to do, now get your pretty little ass up those stairs, I think it’s time I get you out of that outfit.”

I refused to move, I knew what moving meant and I refused to do it. Kinsley pleaded with me to obey, but I shook my head from side to side. Killian’s eyes darken and he sneered at me.

“Get the f**K up those stairs before the suit comes off right here in front of everyone since you’re so keen to share what is mine to others I don’t mind helping you out.”

To show that he was serious he broke the hook that was keeping my jumpsuit together around my neck and I had to keep my hands over my breast to prevent the suit from exposing my bare skin.

“Okay, I’m going.”

With careful precision, I held my torn clothes in place and claimed the stairs, with Killian right behind me. He stopped when he was halfway up and called to Kinsley.

“Get everyone out of my house, the party is over.”

When we reached the room, he opened the door and pushed me in. I stumbled, but I right myself. I didn’t dare look at him as I took my time getting out of the jumpsuit.

I waited for him to approach me but he didn’t, and when I couldn’t take the suspense any longer I looked up, only to find him watching with a heartbroken expression. My heart fell and I started to feel lower than dirt for causing that look on his face.

His phone rang and he answered it without taking his eyes off of me, “You found him yet?”

The person on the other line said something that made him frown, causing him to sneer into the phone. “Find him and bring him to me, I want my little wife to watch me cut off every last one of his fingers for touching her and I’m gonna make her be the one to slit his throat.”

He hanged up then threw his phone on the bedside table, I was so on edge that I jumped when the phone landed.

“Come here, baby.”

I slowly walked over to him and stopped when I was standing about two inches away from him. He lifted his hand and trailed it down my face, his hand felt so warm against my cold skin that I almost closed my eyes.

“You’re so f**king beautiful, perfect in every way. So unspoilt.”

His hands found my neck and the look in his eyes changed, it wasn’t long before I found myself being pushed up against the wall. He brought my lips close to me and I squirmed under his scrutiny. My heart picking up speed and my body catching a shaking fit.

“When I’m done with you, the only person who’s gonna think you’re perfect is me. I’m gonna spoil you, Red, strip away every innocent bone in your body and drown you in darkness. The part of me that craved your blood from the first time I laid eyes on you will be cage up no more. I just have one question before I begin your punishment.”

I let the tears flow from my eyes as I let the guilt from my behaviour eat me up inside. I knew he was hurt by what he saw and as much I wanted to explain myself to him, I knew that I deserved his anger, I let my stupid emotion get the better of me and I broke the trust that he had me in.

“Was this your plan all along, to make yourself my reason for living, knowing that as much I as might want to slit your throat for what you did, I can’t?”

I was stunned, how could he think I’d do something like that, I love him, I’d much rather be dead than live without him.

“W-what? Killian, no, I’d never do that, I love you, please believe me.”

The look he gave me broke my heart because it was the first time I saw him question my feelings for him. the doubt in his eyes made me want to endure all of his punishment just to make him look at me the way he did right before Mik came and got him.

He sighed and rest his head against mine, I felt the heaviness in his touch as he pulled me up against him.

“Right now I don’t know whether you’re telling the truth or lying to me, and I want to be angry with you, but I can’t. I can’t even be f**king angry at you! But I can punish you.”

He pushed away from me, and when I looked into his eyes it was like looking into a black void, there was just no emotion there, just a blank, dark space.

“Get the f**k on the bed, Red, and if I ever hear the words ‘I love you’ out of your mouth again, tonight will feel like heaven compared to the things I will do to you.”

I wasted no time, I quickly got on the bed and cursed myself for destroying all of the progress we made in our relationship. His phone rang again and he paused from taking off his clothes to talk.

“What do you mean you can’t find him? Mik, at this point I going to kill the next person who gives me bad news, either you find the f**ker who was trying to f**k my wife, or someone else equally disgusting to kill, or the next bullet that leaves my gun will have your name on it.”

He closed the phone and threw it against the wall, smashing it into tiny pieces and I yelped. After his clothes were off, he came onto the bed and secured my hands and feet. The next thing I know; he was between my thighs with a sadistic look on his face.

“Scream, baby.”

And that’s exactly what I did when I felt the sharp edge of his knife dig into my skin, causing a wave of hot pain to shoot through me.

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