Holding on to you

Chapter 49: Feelings complicated


Finally, no more high school, no more walking down the halls with people who only care about looking good than gaining an education, no more weird looks, or vengeful sneers. I’m finally done with high school; life couldn’t get any better.

I sighed, resting my head on the seat of the limo that we were in, Killian was sitting to my side and Jessy and Mik were sitting in front of us. Jessy had her head rested on Mik shoulders while he caressed her hands.

She looked up at me with a smile and I returned it, I could see that she was thinking the same thing as me… free at last!

The limo pulled up in front of this massive house, scratch that, it shouldn’t even be placed in the same category as a house, it looked more like a modern-day castle. There were trees everywhere, the castle was enclosed by it, it looked like something out of my fantasy.

When I exited the car, my mouth hung opened as I took in the view, Killian stood behind me and slipped his hands around my waist, but I was too busy gawking at the beautiful building.

“So, can I assume from the expression on your face that you like it?”

Like it? Anyone who says they only like it should be shot! The only feeling that should be associated with the magnificent beauty before me is love.

“I absolutely love it!”

Killian, pulled me closer, nuzzling my neck, which caused my body to react the way it always does when he touches me. I leaned back into his embrace, feeling myself surrender to his sensual touch.

Someone cleared their throat, breaking the hypnotic bond that was holding me in place. I groaned, irritated with the person ending my bliss, I cast my best friend an evil look, which she ignored.

“What? You can’t expect us to stand here and watch you two practically have sex and not say anything?”

I rolled my eyes, blushing. “We were not practically having sex.”

Deciding not to embarrass myself further, I turned to faced Killian, who was smirking down at me.

“So, whose house is it?”

The amusement on his face was replaced with warmth, he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and then smiled. His smile was so mesmerising that I felt myself basking in it, he’s so god darn beautiful it hurts.


My jaw dropped as I stared at him, there’s just no way he could be serious, right? I turned to look at the house again then back at him, my eyes wide, I couldn’t believe he bought me a house.


That’s all I could manage to get out, I was too busy being flabbergasted. His amusement was back in place, he arched an eyebrow at the utter disbelief in my voice.

“Yes, it’s yours.”

“Ohmygod! Are you serious?!”

I was so thrown off balance that I didn’t know how to react, I turned to look at Jessy and she was looking at me with excitement in her eyes, and that’s when I knew it was real and I wasn’t dreaming.

“OHMYGOD!” I squealed.

Turning, I threw myself into Killian’s arms and hugged him, he laughed, picking me up and spinning me around. When he sat me back on my feet, I turned to gaze at the house, my house.

Without turning away from the castle, I spoke to Killian, “You bought me a house, you didn’t have to buy me a house. I love it, but you didn’t have to get me anything, I’m satisfied with just being with you.”

He wrapped his hands around my waist and I smiled. “I know, but I’d buy you the world if it meant seeing that beautiful smile on your face.”

I wanted to kiss him, I was about to turn and kiss him, but Kinsley interrupted my moment when she came running out of the house looking like a sexy version of Mary Popping. I don’t know where she got the outfit from, but if I were a man I’d want her to be my housekeeper.

“Ohmygod, Lil, don’t you just love it?”

She rushed forward, pulling me away from Killian, I heard him chuckled as his sister proceed to dragged me into the house. However, because I didn’t want to endure Kinsley’s madness alone, I grabbed Jessy’s hand, pulling her along for the ride.

“You have got to see the inside, it’s to die for. There are two separate wings to the house, I swear this place is so big, it’ll take weeks just to see all of it.”

I gasped when I saw the inside, the mixture of golden and red colours gave off the air of royalty. I wanted to stay and stare at it forever, but Kinsley had other ideas. I found myself being dragged from one magnificent room to the next, and when I thought that I couldn’t be any more impressed, she takes me to another room that totally blew my mind. The room she saved for last was the master bedroom on the right-wing.

“This is your room, it’s it absolutely stunning?”

I had to agree with her, it was breathtakingly beautiful, the large open space was filled with a mixture of vintage and modern furniture. The deep gold colours were a great contrast to the splash of purples that were thrown in to give it more of a modern feel. I loved it!

The bed was my favourite thing about the room, it was so big it looked like it could fit an entire football team on it, talk about a California King.

I walked over to the closet which was slightly ajar and pushed the door open further, I gasped when I saw how big it was, and to my surprise, it was filled with all my clothes.

“How did you guys do all this in such a short time?”


I rolled my eyes and turned to survey the rest of the room, a smile lit up my face when the reality of what it all meant hit me, finally I won’t have to worry about bumping into Killian’s ex-bitches at the breakfast table.

When I looked at Kinsley I saw a sad look in her eyes and I started to feel guilty. I knew the only reason Killian stayed in his father’s house was because of her, and I felt horrible for taking her brother away from her.

“Oh, Kins, I’m so sorry, here I am feeling happy to finally have my own place, and you must think I’m a horrible person for taking your brother away from you. If us moving will hurt you in any way, I won’t do it.”

Kinsley looked stunned, “What? No. I’m happy you guys won’t have to deal with all that drama anymore, it’s just… I’m going to miss my mother.”

I looked at her confused for a second before her words sunk in, and then I started squealing. “Ohmygod, you’re moving in with us?”

She laughed, “Yeah, as long as you don’t mind the extra company?”

“Are you kidding? I’d more than love it!”

I couldn’t have been happier, I love Kinsley, she’s like that sister I always wanted.

“Ok, there’ll be enough time tomorrow for us to explore the house further, right now we have to prepare for the party.”


“What party?”

Jessy walked over to me and threw her hand over my shoulder, using her free hand she gestured in front of her like there was a TV screen there.

“Picture it, Lilly, jealous teen bitches and over the top douches all here tonight to celebrate graduating from the prison we call high school. Just imagine the look on their faces when they see you, descending those grand staircases in your, to die for outfit, with the hottest guy in school by your side. Oh, it’s going to be epic.”

I turned and looked at her like she was crazy, there’s just no way that Killian would go for having a party in his house.

“Sorry to crush your dream Jessy, but Killian would shoot every last one of them if they so much as ring the doorbell.”

“Don’t be dramatic, Lilly, and besides, it was Killian’s idea.”

I started laughing, I mean really laughing, like hell, Killian would waste his time inviting those idiots from school to ‘celebrate’ in his house.

“funny Jessy,” I said, but when I saw that neither her nor Kinsley were laughing I sobered up quickly. “Oh my god, you’re serious.”

They both nodded and I frowned, why would Killian do something like that? He confused the hell out of me sometimes, one minute he all ‘I want you to have nothing to do with those idiots’ and the next he’s inviting them to our house to party. I swear to god I don’t get him sometimes.

“Why would he do that? I mean, it’s obvious that he dislikes everyone there, so why invite them over?”

Kinsley was the one who answered, “He wants you to have the full experience of graduating, wild party and all.”

I was confused further, Killian knew that I didn’t need any of that, I was just glad to be done with the horrid place and the vultures that dwelled within. I was about to voice my disapproval, but Jessy spoke first.

“Don’t you dare say you don’t want this, we’re going to have a graduation party even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming down those stairs. So, wipe that frown off of your face and let’s get going, we need to find you that to die for outfit.”

I didn’t get a chance to protest because the next thing I know, I was being bullied out of my graduation dress and into jeans and t-shirt. Then I was dragged out of the house and into Killian’s car with him and Mik in the front and us girls at the back.

The guys dropped us off at the mall with a two-hour shopping window, Jessy and Kinsley protested a bit, arguing that the perfect outfit will take more than two hours to find, but Killian told them that, that’s all the time he’s willing to let me out of his sight.

It took some doing, but after about an hour and a half, we finally found the perfect outfits. I chose a dark green backless jumpsuit that was both sexy and classy, showing just the right amount of skin, Jessy went for a red plunge neckline bodycon dress and Kinsley opted for a classy black crop top with matching leggings.

While I was getting our outfits ready Jessy and Kinsley went off to use the remaining time to find accessories to go with our outfits. I gathered our stuff and waited patiently on one of the sofas in the store for my two best friends to finish their expedition. I was constantly checking the time because I didn’t want to go over the two-hour time limit and also because I was tired and wanted to go home.

I was sat there feeling bored and slightly irritated with Jessy and Kinsley for taking their sweet time. I was so caught up with myself that I didn’t notice that there was someone else sitting next to me until the person spoke.

“You look like you need rescuing.”

I almost jump out of my skin, but instead, I jumped out of my seat which caused the clothes I was holding to go everywhere.

“My bad, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

My nerves finally calmed enough for me to look at the person who nearly scared the life out of me, and I must say in the looks department he could give Killian a run for his money. The hot guy was giving me an amused look and that’s when I realised that I was gawking at him.

I got my wits about me and scold myself, I shouldn’t be drooling at Mr sexy when Killian could walk in and catch me.

“It’s ok, I just didn’t notice you there.”

I bend to retrieve my scattered items with Mr sexy right at my heel, helping me. Every so often I would glance at him and scold myself for my misgivings, but god was he handsome.

When his dark shoulder-length hair fell into his face I badly wanted to run my fingers through it and sweep it out of his face, but I manage to keep myself in check. When all the clothes were picked up, I thanked him for his help and decided to rest them on the seat next to me.

“So, do you have a name or should I keep calling you angel?”

I rolled my eyes at his cheesy pickup line, but it still caused me to blush. “It’s Lilly, and for the record, you never called me angel.”

A radiant smile lit up his beautiful face, which caused my heart to beat just a little bit faster.

“Nice to meet you, Lilly, and it’s what I called you in my head when I first laid eyes on you.”

I couldn’t help the blush that crept up my face, so I turned to look away, not wanting him to see it. Also, I was finding it hard to understand my reaction to him.

Granted he’s very good looking, but I don’t usually react this way to guys I just meet and don’t even know. My feelings were confusing me and I was terrified that someone might see it on my face.

“Oh okay, well, I’ve got to go find my friends, it was nice meeting you.”

I gathered up the clothes and tried to make a hasty getaway, but when I turned I saw Jessy and Kinsley walking towards us with a curious look on their faces. I swallowed the lump in my throat and plaster a bored look on my face. I hoped it cover up my nerves because I sure as hell didn’t want them guessing the true nature of my feelings.

“The name’s Noah, and if you don’t relax your shoulders and loosen your death grip on those clothes, your friends will find out what you’re desperately trying to hide.”

I relaxed as much as I could, but then I turned to glare at Mr sexy know it all Noah.

“And what, pray tell am I desperately trying to hide?”

He stepped a little closer to me, my first instinct was to step back, but I didn’t want him to know how much his closeness was affecting me, so I squared my shoulders and stood my ground.

“That you want me.”

I gasped, almost dropping the clothes in my hands, “I do not!”

He smiled wider at my denial, “Deny it all you want, but I can see it in your eyes, you want me just as much as I want you. You want to feel me moving inside of you as I f**k you, slow and sensual at first then hard and fast to finish off. You want me to strip you right here and have my wicked, wicked way with you.”All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

My mouth fell open, but the heat that took over my body could not be mistaken for anything but desire, raw unadulterated desire for a stranger I just met. However, the shock I felt at my reaction to him, overpowered my desire causing me to gape at him in horror.

“Ohmygod,” I whispered softly and just stared at him, but our staring match was interrupted by my two best friends, and god was I glad to see them.

“Ah, Lilly, what’s going on?”

Kinsley was the one who spoke, and on her face, I could see that she didn’t much like how close Noah and I were standing next to each other. It was then I took a step back and plastered a smile on my face.

“Nothing, this is Noah, we just met. I dropped the clothes and he helped me pick them up. What took you guys so long, it’s over the two-hour mark.”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth I checked the time on my watch and cursed under my breath. My heart started beating faster, and I felt the sudden urge to put as much distance between Noah and I.

“Anyway, it was nice meeting you Noah, thanks for helping me with my clothes.”

“The pleasure is all mine and you’re welcome, angel.”

I started dragging Jessy and Kinsley, but Kinsley pulled away, I could see that she too was captivated by Noah’s extraordinary beauty.

“Hi, I’m Kinsley, it’s nice to meet you, Noah, we’re having a party over at our house, later on, you should definitely come.”


I couldn’t believe that she just invited a stranger over to the house, is she crazy? But try as I might I couldn’t get her to stop giving him the address, and he looked all too keen to come.

“I’d love to; it should be interesting to see how the evening turns out.”

As he said the last part his eyes landed on me, but then he was back looking at Kinsley, who was blushing like a schoolgirl.

I gave up waiting on Kinsley and pulled Jessy over to the till to pay for our items. When we were away from Kinsley and Noah, Jessy confronted me on my strange behaviour.

“Lilly, what the hell was that all about?”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I answer her, I didn’t want her to guess my true feelings.

“It’s nothing, he just made a pass at me, but I turned him down.”

She looked sceptical, “Are you sure that’s all because you looked like you were in a daze when we saw you two standing together.”

I rolled my eyes at her, but my nerve was eating me alive on the inside. “What? No, it’s just that I’ve never really had guys be interested in me before, apart from Jason and Killian. It just took me by surprise that’s all.”

She sighed, understanding dawning, “Oh honey, of course, guys are going to be interested in you, you’re beautiful.”

I smiled at her but felt like crap inside for lying to her. I looked back just in time to see both Kinsley and Noah walking over to us from the right, and Mik and Killian approaching from the left.

Killian reached us first, slipping his hands around my waist, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I leaned into him, and almost rejoice when I felt that familiar heat built up within me, and my heart swelled with an undying love for him.

“God, I missed you.”

I giggled in his arms, “I’ve only been gone for two hours.”

His hands around my waist tightened, and I hugged him back just the same.

“Two hours left more like two years, I’m never letting you out of my sight again”

My laugh turned into a moan when he nuzzled my neck, but the moan died in my throat when I caught Noah looking at us. He smirked at me, the challenge clear in his eyes, quickly I looked away not wanting Killian to catch me looking at him.

Killian grabbed my bags in one hand and my hand in the next and we walked out of the store. When we were halfway out, I realised that I forget my handbag at the counter, so I turned back to get it.

It was right where I left it, so I grabbed it and make my way out. I cast a look around the store but I couldn’t see Noah, I shrugged my shoulders and left. I just put my reaction to him as a one-off and hoped that he didn’t show up to the party.

Killian took us for ice cream then we went home to get ready for the party. When we got to the house, food and drinks were set out and a DJ was setting up, Killian stopped to talk to the people that were getting everything ready and I took my bags up to our room.

I was just about to head into the shower when my phone buzzed, so I took it out of my bag and saw a message from a strange number. I swiped it open and almost dropped it when I saw the message that was displayed on the screen.

N: don’t worry angel, you might be his now, but in time you’ll be mine. Think about me when you’re with him, see you tonight, Lilly.

I quickly deleted the message and stuck my phone back into my bag when I heard the knob on the door turned. I offered Killian a smile which he returned, then his eyes took in my naked state and it lit up with lust. Within two strides he was standing in front of me and his mouth and hands were all over my body.

When he lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried us over to the bed. As he made love to me, no other guy came into my thoughts but him, it was just me and him, and that’s the way it will always be.

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