His'(Crazy Erotica)



HE’D LOST IT. Chase was sure he lost his senses the moment he realized he had actually kissed Saige.

Chase pulled his hand away from her waist and took it to hers, unwooding her arms away from his neck before he pulled away from the kiss, earning a pout from her.

He stared at Saige’s swollen lips, and his gaze flickered back to hers. Her green eyes didn’t look dead and sad anymore. There was only lust swiveling in them and he was sure if it was Sophia, he would have taken her there and then.

“Dammit” He raked his hands through his hair and turned his back to her, mentally scolding himself for what he did.

He wasn’t meant to care.

He shouldn’t have cared when he saw the sadness in her eyes. It reminded him of the similar ones in Sophia’s eyes. What the fuck was he thinking?

Great. He was thinking of how he couldn’t be responsible for whatever happened to Saige in the future as she threatened. That was why he had agreed to kiss her.

He was changing.

He wasn’t the person he used to be any longer. That nonchalant and indifferent part of him was getting replaced with care. And that had started the moment Sophia waltzed back into his life. He just didn’t think that care would be extended towards Saige.

Saige placed her hand on his shoulder, and he tensed. “Chase,”

“What do you want again, Saige?” He turned to face her, seeing another flash of hurt in her eyes. “I already sealed the promise with a kiss. That’s all,”

“Is that all it was to you?” She asked. “Was that kiss only for sealing a promise? Didn’t you feel anything? Nothing? Not even a spark? An erection?”

His next words were going to hurt her. Chase was fully aware of that, but it was the truth. The sooner she accepted it, the better and less painful it would be for her. “I felt nothing,”

That was all he said before walking away.



That was what she had felt seeing them like that. Seeing Chase kissing Saige without hesitation hurt badly. Did what they both shared mean nothing to him that he had to kiss someone else?

Sophia was definitely forgetting that Saige was his fiancee. She was always the one meant to stand beside him.

Sophia slid down the bathroom door and clutched her dress at the chest side, hoping to just rip off her heart apart from her body to stop her from feeling that type of pain.

She had never felt it before. That was the first time she ever felt like that, and it was killing her, clawing at her heart and causing a painful ache to settle there.

She had a smile when she was going to talk to Chase after she left the table. But her smile had disappeared the moment she stepped into the hallway and sighted Chase with Saige. Saige was tugging on his suit lapels, begging him to do something while tears rushed down her face. Sophia remembered her heart had skipped a bit when she saw Saige brushing their lips together, whispering something to him and she badly wished she could hear what they were saying.

Her heart had shattered into pieces when Chase kissed Saige.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Tears kissed her cheeks as she sat on the bathroom floor, remembering every single thing that she had seen. It hurt badly.

Somewhere at the back of her mind, Sophia knew what she felt. She knew she no longer hated Chase. She didn’t hate him again.

She had started developing feelings for him. For the man who stripped her of every single thing she had.

At this realization, Sophia wiped her tears with the back of her sleeves and stood up. She stared at herself in the mirror, grateful that she hadn’t put on too much makeup else it would have been smudged.

She smiled at herself, pushing back the image of Chase and Saige at the back of her mind. She didn’t care. All she wanted was to tell Chase about how she felt towards him.

Maybe he would stop ignoring her then. He wouldn’t treat her with so much coldness again since that was what he had always wanted from her since, right?


Chase made his way towards Sophia’s table. A frown took over his features when he didn’t find her seated on her seat. “Dov’e Sofia?”

{“Where’s Sophia?”}

Valerie opened her mouth to say something but clamped it shut when she sighted Sophia directly behind Chase with a huge smile on her face.

Chase’s frown deepened when he noticed Valerie’s facial expression and how her eyes stared at something – or rather, someone-behind him, and he turned.

“Boo!” Sophia giggled.

Chase said nothing. He stared at her intensely. Her cheeks looked rosy, and her lashes were somewhat damp. “Were you crying?”

Sophia’s heart skipped, and she peaked up at him, a blush staining her cheeks. “No, I wasn’t,” She lied.

She was lying. Chase was fully aware of that. “You said you wanted to talk,” He ran his eyes over her face.

Sophia nodded and wrapped her palms round his arm. “Yeah,”

Chase placed his hand gently on hers that was on his arm and stared at her into the eye. “Okay then, let’s go,”

Just as they were about to go, a gunshot rang in the hall, and Sophia flinched, her eyes widening in horror. Screams filled the place and people began to scramble away for their dear lives, hiding under their tables and running towards the door. Men in camouflage outfits, covering their faces with clothes continued to shoot around, shooting anyone their guns were pointed at. Chase’s men joined the gun fight, shooting at the men.

“What the fuck?” Chase turned to his cousins who were already shooting at the camouflaged men. “Non potreste organizzare una festa senza alcun pericolo incombente? Dannazione,”

{“Couldn’t you all arrange a party without any looming danger? Dammit”}

One of Chase’s men ran towards them and whispered something in Lucas’ ear.

Lucas paled and stared at Chase. “Questi uomini provengono dall’impero di Azymir. Il loro emiro vuole Sophia,”

{“These men are from Azymir empire. Their emir wants Sophia. “}

Chase froze and turned to Sophia, who was still staring at him, with scared eyes. He then turned to Lucas. “Unisciti agli altri. Non lasciare che nessuno degli uomini di Mirza la lasci viva. I loro corpi devono essere quelli che se ne vanno da qui. Portero subito Sophia in salvo,” He turned to leave with Sophia, clasping her hands in his large ones.

{“Join the rest. Don’t let any of Mirza’s men leave her alive. Their bodies must be the ones leaving here. I’m taking Sophia to safety right away.”}

“Don,” Lucas stopped him. Chase turned. Lucas stared at Sophia, then back at Chase. “Per favore, prenditi cura di lei. Se possibile, non lasciarla sola. Non possiamo perderla,”

{“Please take care of her. If possible, don’t leave her alone. We can’t lose her.”}

Chase nodded and bent down, then picked Sophia in his arms before rushing towards the empty hallway with her.

“Chase,” Sophia asked once he dropped her down on her feet. “What-what is going on? Why are there so many men shooting at everyone?”

Chase cupped her cheeks gently and caressed her skin. “It’s nothing serious. Everything will be alright,” He cooed. “You don’t need to be scared, mm?”

Sophia clutched his suit lapels in her fists and nodded. “Chase,” She stared up at him with her tear – filled eyes. “Please don’t ignore me like you did. It hurts. I-I missed you. I couldn’t sleep without you beside me. Everything was bad. I-I wanted you around me. I wanted you to touch me again. I-I didn’t hate you again,” She shook her head. “I-I’m sorry, please. Don’t leave home. Don’t stay away from me again or else, I won’t ever talk to you. Chase, I I -,”

Before Sophia could say anything again, Chase’s eyes widened as he stared at something – someone – behind her. He was quick to turn her around so the bullet aimed at her would hit him instead.

The time the bullet pierced into his shoulder, he had already shot the man that shot the gun. The man fell dead on the floor. Chase groaned in pain.

“Fuck,” He cradled her cheek, gritting his teeth. “Are you okay?”

“Chase,” Sophia pulled away from him and knelt down on the floor as he did. “I’m okay. Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re in pain,”

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