His'(Crazy Erotica)



SOPHIA STARED AT the clothes Saige just dumped in her hands, confusion marring her features.

“Why are you staring at the clothes like that?” Saige’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “We don’t have all the time in the world,”

Sophia sighed and stared around them. “I’m scared. Chase’s men are still out there. How will I leave?”

It hadn’t been hard convincing Chase to let them go shopping together but he had only agreed on the condition that they would take his men with. So, there they were in a boutique while Chase’s men waited for them outside. That was the perfect way to stage Sophia’s escape.

Saige sighed. “I have everything ready, Soph. I have a driver that will drive you to the airport. He’s at the back door of this building,”

“What if someone recognizes me somewhere?”

“No one will,” Saige opened her purse, then brought out a passport and an ID. She waved it in front of Sophia. “I have a fake ID and passport ready for you. You’re going to the airport as Armanda Costello and not as Sophia’s Bennett,”

Sophia stared at the photographs in the passport and ID card, then pursed her lips. “The person here has blonde hair and green eyes,” She looked back up at Saige. “I have brown hair and eyes,”

“That’s not a problem, trust me,” Saige said and placed her hands on Sophia’s shoulders. “And please, don’t worry about Chase finding out about me helping you. It’s not difficult to lie that you tricked me or hit me and then ran away,”


“Ci puo essere un altro modo per ottenere il carico oltre a ucciderli, sottocapo,”

{“There can be other way to get the shipment other than killing them, Underboss”}

Chase raised a brow at the man, placing both of his elbows on the desk and resting his chin on his fists. “In quale altro modo -”

{“What other way do you -“}

He was cut short by the vibration of his phone on the desk, and he let out a low groan. He looked down at the phone, and his brows furrowed at the caller ID.


What did she want? Wasn’t she with Sophia?

Chase nodded at his men to continue the meeting while he picked up the call. He stood up and walked to a corner of the meeting room, picking the call. “Faresti meglio ad avere una valida ragione per interrompere il mio incontro, Saige,” He smoothed the space between his brows and let out a disapproving sigh. “Che cazzo vuoi?”

{“You better have a solid reason for interrupting my meeting, Saige”} {“What the fuck do you want?”}

Saige’s panicked breaths filled his ear first before she cried out. “Cha-Don. Soph. I-I can’t find her! She’s missing!”

Chase narrowed his eyes at the wall. “Saige, sappiamo entrambi che non sono un fan degli scherzi. Se questo e uno scherzo, e meglio smetterla. Non finira bene per te,”

{“Saige, we both know I’m not a fan of pranks. If this is a prank, better stop it. It won’t end well for you.”}

Saige sobbed again. “I-I’ll never play such a prank on you, Cha- Don,” another sob. “She-Sophia told me she wanted to use the bathroom. She-all of a sudden, she-”

Saige didn’t finish talking because Chase cut the call immediately, and he bolted out of the meeting room, barking out orders, leaving his men confused.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

The meeting had definitely come to an abrupt end.

In less than five minutes, Chase had all of his men from the tracking team assembled in the living room and their laptops placed on the coffee table along with his three cousins.

He slid his hands in his pants pocket and brought out a cigar and lighter. He lighted the cigar and took a long drag of smoke before puffing it out. That was what kept him calm. He was trying hard not to yell or act on impulse. He badly wanted to search for Sophia in every nook and cranny of the city but it was impossible at the moment. For Sophia, he was ready to burn down the whole city to find her, but he needed to keep his calm.

Whoever had taken Sophia away was going to be a goner the moment he got his hands on them.

“Don,” the head of the tracking team called.

Chase flickered his gaze to the set-up laptops on the coffee table. “Hai tutte le informazioni del chip che mi hai regalato l’altro giorno, vero?”

{“You have all the information of the chip you got for me the other day, yeah?”}

“Si, Don,”

{“Yeah, Don.”}

Chase nodded and returned his cigar back to his lips, narrowing his gaze at the laptops before pulling out the cigar and then blowing out smoke. “Rintracciarne la posizione,”

{“Track down its location”}

The man frowned deeply. “Don, come andra-,”

{“Don, how is that going to -“}

Chase cut him off with a growl and then am angry, frustrated snap. “Ho messo il dispositivo sulla nuca di Sophia, dannazione! Seguilo e smettila di fare domande!”

{“I put the device at the nape of Sophia’s neck, Dammit! Track it and stop asking questions!”}

The man gulped and muttered out. “Si, Don,” He turned his attention back to his laptop, signaling for the others to get to work. In less than five minutes, Sophia’s location was tracked down. He looked up at Chase who was staring at them intensely. “Don, l’ho trovata. E all’aeroporto proprio adesso,”

{“Yeah, Don.”} {Don, I found her location. She’s at the airport right now.”}

No one kidnapped her. She chose to run away. Chase’s eyes narrowed into slits.

Don nodded and turned to his cousins, his eyes directly on Lucas. “Prepara le macchine e alcuni dei nostri uomini. Riprenderemo Sophia. Qualsiasi rifiuto da parte sua di tornare qui, verra ucciso all’aeroporto,”

{“Get the cars and some of our men ready. We’re going to get Sophia back. Any refusal to come back here from herma life will be taken in the airport.”}

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