I looked towards the direction and found Shell.

Standing elegantly at the door, smiling at us like a queen in her queendom.

“What happened to her body?”

One of the models whispered.

I tried to blend in and act surprised too.

“There’s no way! that lady is Beauty”.

Another said.

Shell walked to us, with a princess wave.

“Hy everyone, yeah it’s me Beauty, stop with the faces already”she chuckled.

Wow she pulled that off , she isn’t even nervous they might notice , she only acting to be Beauty.

One might suspect her new confidence but seeing her new body, well you will have to believe the confidence to be as a result of her new beauty standard body.

Those that are genuinely happy, excitedly hugged her. I never expected that much love for Beauty(if it was actually her not Shell), I guess everyone actually adores her.

Kathy was the most disturbed of all , she doesn’t seem really happy for Beauty’s return to the company, it was obviously written on her face.

She now got a competition I guess, Shell is a competitor she sure gonna lose to.

“Wait Beauty what’s with the new body?”

“What are you talking about kathy?”I replied, I actually said that so I can call her by the name for Shell to know her name.

Kathy ignored me and went on shaming talking to Shell.

“Am I the only one who finds this weird, this is ridiculous your chubby body suit you better, you should be proud of yourself, than going plastic”Kathy snapped.

“Wow same you who called me fathy, you look tensed and scared about something, oh I know….(giggles)well for your information, my body is perfect in any way, plastic or natural , stop the hypocrisy katherine, this is not plastic like you”Shell snapped back then gave her a smile.

kathy went silent out of embarrassment.

“Wow Beauty , never snap back at anyone, I love this new Beauty”.

One of the models whispered to me.

Katherine was about to finally lose it when other models started gushing over Beauty’s appearance.

“You look stunning Beauty!”

“I have always known you are a beautiful lady”.

“Do you know you have a striking resemblance with the superstar B. Shell, even when you are chubby but now it’s very certain, just that’s you’re blonde , she’s not”.

Clara pointed out , not knowing she is actually talking to the real B. Shell.

Others nodded in agreement , Shell and I exchanged glances.

Shell laughed nervously at that statement.

“Well I guess, people do look alike, I did some touch ups too”.

“Do you know about this?”Kathy whispered to me.

I shrugged .

“I am as surprised as everyone else in this room”I lied.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I vote Beauty to be pur new face of F&F, with her as the face and brain of our company we are gonna top the fashion chart”.

A male colleague by name Williams suggested.

“Well we don’t need a new face, we are already at the top”one of Kathy’s friends pointed out.

“Having only one Visual is not smart, I go with Williams suggestion, Beauty will the a perfect visual”Peaches cuts in.

Kathy was more than furious but tried to keep her calm, she walked out of the place angrily.

I stared at Shell as she communicates easily with our colleagues. I wonder how she’ll was able to know everyone, and even remember moments with them.

“What’s with kathy?”

Someone asked.

“Imst obvious, she got a competition, so she’s jealous”.

Another replied mockingly.



I got home from work late and found Drew and Bruno jr playing with his toys.

I stood tiredly by the door and smiled at them.

“I am the bad guy you can’t do anything”Drew said holding out a mafia toy infront of Bruno.

Drew’s English improved alot, my Thai is not that good, but I tried my best.

Junior laughed out and brought out his police car, he stuffed tiny police figures into it.

“It is a crime case, a car chase!”he shouted and started chasing after Drew’s mafia toy.

I cleared my throat, they noticed me.

“Mom’s back”.

Drew told Bruno, who ran with his little legs towards me, he higher my knees, I carried him and kissed him.

“Thanks for taking care of him Drew”.

“It’s a pleasure, a busy day at work today I guess”he said putting on his shirt.

I nodded.

He stood up with his hands thrust in his pocket, walking slowly towards me.

Drew is one of those men that you can say are just too handsome to be real, he is also very kind to me, super kind like he is secretly confessions.

His smile reminds me of Bruno’s.

“They allowed you to get him from school?”i asked, and put Bruno jr gently down to his feet.

“It was a tough one but thankfully junior recognized me so they let me take him”.

“Thank goddess”i said in relief.

“Also I made some cereals for him, suprisely he loved it, I thought I would be awful at it”.

He chuckled, I laughed with him.

“You are a God sent Drew, I really appreciate.

We have been friends this two years, he was like a family to me, he listens and helps in anyway he can , and still I wasn’t able to feel anytime for him, but his case was different, he never stop confessing to me.

“I made you something too”

He said going back to the kitchen folding his shirt sleeves up to his arms , his biceps were huge and attractive.

“You came back from work, got Bruno from school , took care of him and prepared something for me? You shouldn’t have, it’s stressful”.

I complained.

He laughed alittle.

“Well I enjoy doing this things for you, and am not complaining am I?”

He said tartly.

I carried Bruno to where his toys are, he grabbed one and focused on it. I pulled off my jacket and walked to the room to change.

After I came back to help in the kitchen, but he was done already.

He came out with a tray of food, put it down on the table.

“It’s my favorite traditional Thai food, taste and tell me what you think”he asked excitedly.

I gazed at bowl of food on the table, staring at it, my mouth watery.

He came and sat on the chair next to mine, I struggled to eat it.

“Here let me feed you”he said softly, at first hesitated then allowed him.

“Oops sorry”I said shamefully , after I spilled the soup.

“It’s nothing to apologize for”.

He cleaned it up then to my lips, I could tell from his stare what he was thinking, he leaned forward and I stopped him immediately.

I felt sad about it, Drew is a good person, he doesn’t deserve such treatment , and most importantly not from me, but I just can’t .

“I am sorry Drew..”

He smiled back with a deep sigh.

“You still love him this much Bea , then you got to tell him”.

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