Celine’s POV

My curiosity is at its peak. As I took care of Jason, I kept thinking about what Paxton said.

He has something to tell me and it’s important. It sounded really urgent and I don’t want to ignore and regret it later on.

I really can’t figure out what it is he wants to talk to me about that he can’t discuss with me over the phone.

I miss him too as much as he misses me but I am making an effort not to let Bryan ever see us together again so I won’t get punished.

I am trying my best to be on his good side now, to help him through his inner crisis, and to gain favor from him.

I want nothing from him but a part of my son’s life. Being my son’s nanny is giving me that chance but I want more.

I want freedom. I want to go back to living my life the way I used to, even though I didn’t have enough to cater for us both but I am going to be more hardworking.

I don’t want Bryan’s money. He can keep it. All I want is my child to be with me in my own house, not this comfortable prison that I am, working as a nanny for my son.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

I can’t possibly live the rest of my life here as a nanny for my own son.

What will Jason think of all these when he is grown up enough to know the wrongs from rights?

Will he take after his father’s dictatorial nature and won’t care less whether his mother works for his father or not?

Will he fight his father because of me?

I don’t even want to think of what will happen again because it scares me. Everything scares me.

Paxton must have something really important to tell me for coming over here this early.

The last time he visited, we couldn’t talk because Bryan saw me with him and I had to leave quickly. Maybe he wanted to tell me that day and I was in a haste to leave.

Suddenly, I feel bad for rejecting his offer to see me. I shouldn’t have come out that way to tell him I can’t see him.

Quilt sips through me.

I lean forward to see the house in view. The house where I have been living for years with my son. The house which bonded Paxton and me together, making other people think he is my son’s father.

The cab halts right in front of the house and I come out immediately after paying the cabman.

I hope he is home. I didn’t tell him I was coming. I just want to make it as quick as possible and to surprise him, which will make up for my earlier silly action.

I need to go back home as fast as possible too before Bryan comes back.

I increase my pace, dropping my phone into my small bag and slinging it back on my shoulder. I am wearing a gown as usual.

It is my favorite. I feel free in it. Sometimes, I hate the idea of dressing up.

For who? Is there anyone who even admires me well enough for me to dress up for?

No man in his right sense will admire a woman who has a child already. Besides, I feel old.

I am close to Paxton’s door, getting my knuckles ready to knock when the door pulls open and I see Paxton coming out.

His face breaks into a smile and surprise crosses his expression.

I smile back.

“What a surprise!” He opens his arms for an embrace and I hug him.

“I’m glad you like the surprise”, I whisper and he laughs before disengaging from the hug and dragging me inside.

“I can’t wait to hear what is so important that can’t wait”, I say quickly, wanting to get done with it stylishly.

“Well, it waited”, he chuckles and pulls me to the couch.

“I’m all ears”, I remind him when he isn’t saying anything but staring at me. It is making me uncomfortable.

“Is that what you are here for?” He questions with a frown touching his lips.

“Well, yes because you said it was urgent so I had to do all I needed to do and rush down here to surprise you, and here we are…”

He pouts like a child. “I thought you came to visit.”

I laugh shortly. “Well, it’s also a visit, isn’t it?”

“Not really. Will you stay here tonight?” His face brightens up.

“Sadly, no”, I reply slowly and he frowns again. “I will make it up to you soon, just tell me what it is before my heart bursts out of my chest in curiosity.”

He sighs and drops his hands with a serious look on his face. My curiosity intensifies.

First, he was all smiling and now he is frowning and looking disturbed. What could be wrong?

“Paxton?” I call him softly and he turns to stare at me.

“I have two things to tell you. First, there is something you need to do for me, I know it’s hard but you should try at least…” he begins and I cut him short in impatience.

“What Is it?” My heart thumps wildly in fear of what is happening or what has happened.

“I want you to deny being Jason’s mother”, he blurts out and it takes a while for it to process in my head.


“Hear me out first, please”, he begs. “Bryan has done a lot of bad things to so many people and they are targeting his child as a way to get back at him…”

“What?!” I grab his shirt as a horrible feeling stirs inside of me.

My child. My child is in danger.

“But I assure you that nothing will happen to him. All you need to do is to deny being his mother so you two can be safe.”

“No!” I shake my head without thinking. “You know I can’t do that, Paxton. He is my life. He is the reason why I am in Bryan’s house at the moment, stooping so low…”

“I know”, he cuts me short and grabs my face in between his palms. “You have to listen to me, Celine. Nobody cares for you the way I do for you both. I am bringing this suggestion for your best interest. Just give it time, think it through.”

My body is shaking. “There is nothing to think about. How can I deny my son?”

“If that is what will keep him alive for you, then I see nothing wrong in that”, he mutters, peering at me, probably surprised that I am not agreeing to his suggestions as fast as I can since it is meant to save my son’s life.

Should I do this? How can I even do that?

I’m about to ask him how I can do that when he says. “Aren’t you going to ask what the second thing is?”

Thinking it has to do with Jason again, I ask sharply. “What is it?”

Silence falls. His looks turn dreamy and his hold on my face becomes firmer.

Instead of replying to me, he inch his face closer till his nostril touches mine and I go still, wondering what is happening and what Paxton is about to do.

I am about to speak up and push him away, get myself together, and ask more questions before leaving but I can’t do anything till he speaks up again.

“I love you, Celine.”

I haven’t gotten over the first case and now he has dropped the second bombshell. It feels as if I am imagining things and it isn’t happening.

But when I blink severally and I can still see his face in front of mine with that dreamy look on his face, I know he is damn serious and it is surreal.

“What?!” I finally exclaim loudly in disbelief, with my brows furrowed in confusion.

Instead of giving me an answer, probably to tell me it is nothing but a joke, the next thing he does shocks me to the bones.

He grabs me roughly and takes my lips.

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