Chapter 52

Celine’s POV

After making sure that Jason is fast asleep, I sneak out of the room and tiptoe towards Bryan’s bedroom. I am curious to know how he is doing and if he is now calm and asleep.

I have been trying to put Jason to bed since but I guess his frequent naps make him sleep late these days.

I had gone to Camilla’s room too but it was locked. Lizzy was out with a puzzled look on her face and when she asked me what happened, I shrugged in ignorance.

We stayed outside for a while with the hope that she would come out but she didn’t.

Out of worry, I went to the drawers where the spare keys are usually kept and I get the keys out with the help of Lizzy. We unlock the room and enter to see Camilla looking into space. She isn’t crying, just staring blankly into space. We rushed to her and asked her what the problem was but she didn’t answer.

Lizzy left her room in anger that her grandmother wasn’t saying anything but I stayed till she was able to confide in me.

She told me what happened and I was able to get a grasp of the whole picture. I understood Bryan’s reason for acting that way, I understand his pain and fear. I understand everything without asking Bryan any questions.

Camilla was guilty for not telling Bryan all about it for 5 years. She thought hiding it away from him was the best but obviously, it wasn’t the best. It has pushed out the cold man in him further out, I only pray he doesn’t push people away from him further.

I am expecting him to push me away but I hope he won’t push others away. If only Camilla isn’t involved in this, I would be rest assured even if he pushes me away at the end of the day, but I know Camilla’s involvement is the reason why he let me help him yesterday.

For the first time, he chooses me over her. As much as I want this to last for a very long time; with Bryan’s sudden calmness towards me, I hope he forgives Camilla eventually so everything can come back to normal again.

The deed was already done a long time ago. I never knew Emily was a bad person. I used to think she was the greatest person ever with the greatest personality but now I have been proven wrong.

I watch Emily’s show with intense interest, trying to figure out why she isn’t in Bryan’s home yet as his wife. Now I know Bryan didn’t want her right from the start and she is the one pushing herself on him.

Now I know what she had done wrong and why Bryan would never give her a chance.

Emily is a bad person and she has betrayed Bryan’s trust. Now Bryan will think everyone is a betrayal and no one deserves to be trusted.

I betrayed him by running away without telling him of my pregnancy, Emily betrayed him by revealing the secret between them to his wife-to-be without letting Bryan know and making him think the secret is safe.

Camilla now is the next traitor to Bryan for not informing him for more than 5 years about Helena’s awareness of his infidelity.

I know how broken he is and I hope he gives life a chance again. He needs to be stronger than ever before. He needs to let go of the past, ask Helena for forgiveness, and forget it all.

Let it go like the wind whirl. Be strong like the mountain. Be happy like the bees. Get back your normal life and be cheerful.

This is what I wish to tell him. This is what I want to tell him but I can’t.

I stop in front of his bedroom door, contemplating whether to go on with my plan of watching him sleep.

What if he is wide awake and unable to sleep? I ask myself but I know it won’t be possible except if Bryan’s system does no longer adjust to medications. The pills he took yesterday will surely make him sleep soundly like a baby.

I suddenly feel glad that he took the pill. If he hasn’t, he would be tossing in bed till daybreak. But he needs to sleep to feel better from the pain he has inflicted on himself physically and also the one people have inflicted on his heart emotionally.

As I open the door quietly and enter, I sigh deeply feeling guilty. I don’t know if what I am thinking of right now is what it seems to be but I know for certain that there is a high probability that it is accurate.

I have always questioned why Bryan is this mad at me for not telling him about Jason and also bent on punishing me for it, now I have found my answers.

The more I keep staying here, the more I am beginning to get answers to the numerous questions I have been asking myself ever since I met with Bryan.

When I was here, four years ago, I got no answers but I guess I am here for a reason, and now is the time to find my answers.

Bryan is mad at me because he feels betrayed by everyone. He asked me to become his secret wife because he trusted me a bit but I betrayed that trust he had in me.

I watch his back, heaving up and down as he sleeps. He is still laying on his side just like I left him a few hours ago. Finding my feet going towards his bed, I look around the scattered room making a mental note to put everything back in shape before tomorrow.

I stop as soon as I am close within reach. I find him curl up and trembling at intervals. I shift my gaze to his comforter laying carelessly on the bed and I move to pick it up. I am going to make sure that one of the men comes to clean the broken glass in here before he wakes up.

Everything needs to be back in shape before he is awake so that when he wakes up, the guilt will lessen since there will be little evidence of his violent acts last night.

I grab the comforter and walk back to his bed to cover him with it. In the act, my hands graze his body and I find out he is extremely hot and feverish.

His temperature is high and he is also cold. I drop the comforter down and rush out to his bathroom to get a bowl of cold water and a towel.

My instinct was right all along. I was damn scared he is unwell, thank Goodness I listened to my instinct and came here.

I grab a bowl and open the tap to fill it with enough water before turning it off. I see the towel on the deck and grab it before turning back into the bedroom.

I look around for the small coffee table and push it close to the bed before sitting on it. I turn Bryan to lay on his back slowly.

Finding out that my hands can’t reach him closely, I sit up, drop the bowl on the coffee table and sit in Bryan’s bed.

I dip the towel in the water, raise it and squeeze out the water a little before placing it on Bryan’s forehead. I leave it there for a while, watching his parted lips and shirtless body.

I tear my gaze off his chest reluctantly and begin to wipe his forehead with the dampened towel. I hope this will reduce his temperature.

At intervals, I drop the towel back in the bowl, squeeze the water out and rub it all over Bryan’s hot face and body.

Within minutes, the temperature has lessened and I continue doing it for another few minutes, happy that the painkillers are working magic and not making him aware of someone’s presence in his room.

Satisfied with his temperature now, I drop the towel in the bowl and watch him. He shivers and it reminds me of the comforter I was supposed to cover him with. The atmosphere is chilly but I know in the next few hours, he will sweat everything out. I hope so.

I stand up slowly and cover him up with the comforter. I am about to start putting the disarranged objects in the room back to their place so I can sit and watch him from the sofa when he mumbles and becomes restless.

Being on alert, only one thing comes to my mind.

Hot chocolate drink.

I can’t believe he is having a nightmare again despite his injury. He becomes calm again within minutes but I feel getting the chocolate drink ready won’t hurt.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

All I need to do is keep it beside him and when he becomes restless again, I will push him up and have him take at least a sip. I have absolute belief in that drink for no reason. Since he loves it, I feel it will calm him down just the way anything chocolate calms Jason down.

I smile to myself and watch his handsome face for a while before turning away to take the exit.

Briskly, I walk out.

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