Chapter 33

Celine’s POV

As much as I tried to control the single tear that was threatening to roll down my eyes, I couldn’t.

I was disheartened by Bryan’s actions. All I did was show him concern by waking him up. I know he did this to get back at me for waking him up.

Kindness is a crime in Bryan’s dictionary and I will keep that in mind henceforth. All of these started when the egoistic man I call my son’s father got to know that I hide the existence of his child away from him.

He was so stupid not to have me questioned to know the reason behind it. If he had acted maturely and asked me, maybe this won’t happen and we will still be civil with each other.

He is doing this to spite me, to humiliate me, and to make me give up staying here. He is doing this to take his revenge on me and to frustrate me till I can no longer take it anymore, forcing me to quit this job.

But I am not ready to quit because I am not ready to give my son up. He might treat my son right but I would never be at rest being far away from Jason.

I just wish he can just let us be, he should give me Jason so we can go back to our happy lives before he came to disrupt everything.

I will rather stay here, continue to endure the humiliation, and continue the job of being my son’s nanny till Bryan is ready to let go of Jason. I don’t care how long it will take, I am up to the task.

Camilla helped me to the kitchen. I couldn’t bring myself to look at the faces of the two security guards by the gate. If only Camilla hadn’t told them I was the boss’s ex-wife, I wouldn’t be feeling this ache. This was the reason why I didn’t want any of them to know but now the deed is done.

I wipe the tear away before another one will follow. Camilla helps me to the small stool in the kitchen and I sit in, staring into space. I didn’t fall because I wanted to, I fell out of fear and anxiety about what he wanted to do with my son.

“Celine, cry no more”, Camilla mutters, standing above me. I did not acknowledge her presence as I continue to stare into space. This is a nightmare and I want everything to end.

As much as I don’t want to be hurt, I can’t help it sometimes. Bryan’s harsh words and coldness always pierce into me like a dagger, poking my fragile heart. If it was someone else, I wouldn’t be this hurt.

Anytime he behaves this way towards me, I question myself every single time but I always get no answer.

Why me? Is it just because of Jason? Is this how bad I am? Do I deserve all of these?”

Lizzy comes in and stands by the doorway, posing and taking a picture with her iPhone.

When her gaze lands on me, she gasps and rush to my side. “Hey, what happened?”

“She is fine”, Camilla answers on my behalf.

She looks at her grandmother in disbelief before turning to me. “Are you ok?”

I nod and flash her a smile. My phone rings immediately, making me heave a sigh of relief. I can now escape Lizzy’s questioning gaze.

Without looking at the caller, I bring the phone out and raise the phone to signify that I want to pick up the call. Camilla gives me a go-head nod and I go out, without sparing Lizzy another glance.

Lizzy is inquisitive and she wouldn’t let me be until she gets her answers. I am glad she wasn’t there to see how he humiliated me.

I am sure the respect and admiration she has for me will go down the drain.

I amble out of the kitchen vicinity before checking the caller. It is Paxton and I pick immediately.

“Hey”, I say, trying to hide my sad tone.

“Hi”, he replies softly. “I’m outside the mansion now, I will be waiting for you.”

“Ok”, I only say as he disconnects the call.

I sigh heavily thinking of what to do now that Paxton is here and Bryan is at home. I thought Bryan will be at work by the time he comes but I am wrong.

If Bryan sees me with him, it will be another problem. I can’t possibly tell Paxton to go back home, after giving him the go-ahead to come here. It wouldn’t be fair and Paxton will be pissed off.

Not knowing what exactly to do, I stand in the middle of the dining room, contemplating the best thing to do.

Walking into the living room, I find everywhere silent. I bite my lips and walk out in a haste. I just hope Paxton wouldn’t be mad at me if I tell him I am in a hurry, it will be better than not going out to see him.

The butler opens the door and I am thinking it is because of me but someone comes in and bumps into me.

I stand aside, cursing under my breath. Before I can say a word, I see her face.

She is the spoiled rich girl who ought to be Bryan’s wife. If I am not a good wife to Bryan, I believe she will be.

Her eyes widen in shock and she exclaims loudly in disbelief. “You?!”


Bryan’s POV

“Is everything ok?” I ask Stella, pulling Jason to my lap. He had stopped crying the moment I gave him a box of chocolates.

I wish he can just do without Celine, I wish we can live together without needing her. But it isn’t possible. Jason already recognizes her as his mother and he will always acknowledge her as his mother.

“The auditors came and I directed them to the Chief Financial Officer. He said he was going to take care of it and get back to you”, she explains.

Shit! I totally forgot about the auditors coming in today. If I had remembered about their appointment, I would have gone to work despite the lack of energy.

If I had gone to work and sorted this issue out, the energy would surely come back from wherever it flew to.

“I forgot”, I tell her.

“I thought as much, sir. I didn’t want to call you since you already texted that you will be taking the day off. I have successfully canceled the other appointments.”

“Thank you, Stella”, I appreciate her. I feel relieved that she canceled all the appointments. I didn’t ask her to, I haven’t been in the right frame of mind.

“There is one more thing, sir”, she declares. “Steve was here too.”

“Steve? Why didn’t you direct him to the house?” My voice is a bit raised. Steve is my private investigator and I thought he was going to give me a call.

“I didn’t want to disturb you, sir.” She informs me.

I want to shout at her but the good thing she has done is making me have a rethink.

The solution is to give Steve a call. We need to talk, I conclude.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thank you, see you tomorrow”, I finalize.

“Yes, sir.”

“Make sure you lock my office door properly after finding the file I asked you to work on”, I tell her.

“Alright, sir.” She says and I disconnect the call immediately.

I pick Jason up and stand up to go to the penthouse on the last floor to avoid any interruptions when I hear a knock on the front door.

I want us to play a game, I want to test my son’s intelligence level. This will determine what to do about his homeschooling.

I hear the knock again. Thinking it is Camilla, I stand in the middle of the living room with Jason in my arms as I echo a loud “Come in.”

The door opens and the least expected person comes in. Emily.

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