His Purchased Wife

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

I heard it's your birthday, Zvezda. Allow me to take you for a birthday dinner," Alexandrios said, slowly,


Emily gulped the heaviness in her throat and closed her eyes, sighed deeply and then went around in

the elevator which was occupied by them only. It was a private elevator for Alexandrios. "And why

would I allow you that, Mr Kyshchove? Who are you to me?" She snapped?

Alexandrio chuckled, "I am your admirer, your lover!" He whispered nearer. Emily's gaze met his

intense stare. Alexandrios touched her soft lips with his thumb and Emily left a throaty moan.

Alexandrio smirked, he knew that she was affected by his moves but being the stubborn headed girl

she was, she just didn't want to accept what she felt for him.

"Let me make the day special for both of us. I have prepared a private meal for us at my place where

no one can disturb us…" he whispered, his thumb still stroking her lower lip.

Suddenly, the memories of the past returned with such friction that it turned everything upside down

inside Emily. She recalled how Victor broke up with her after she slept with him on her birthday. She

said the exact same line, no one would disturb us!

It was his plan from the start to ditch her after sleeping with her and he did it with such brutality that

Emily's life became a laughing stock. She would have gone back to her small village but it was Aurora

and Susan who didn't let her. Aurora, especially, made sure that Victor didn't disturb her in any way

again. It was not difficult for her, she was Aurora King, daughter of Ethan King after all.

For Aurora friendship was a lifetime promise and if she asked someone to be her friend it means she

was giving that person a place in her life. That's why she doesn't have many friends, her friend circle

was small but it's all she needed. They were best friends forever.

"Why? So that you can try to take advantage of me…" she accused him and that was the last stroke

Alexandrio could take. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to himself. "Don't you dare accuse

me of something this horrible. If I wanted to take advantage of you, Madame, I would have done it

when you were begging me for it, drunk and horny that night on cruise. It was me who took care of you

and didn't take that so-called advantage you were accusing me of."

He left her hand with a jerk, turned around and raked his hand in his hair. "Fucking hell!"

Emily has heard him cursing for the first time. She clutched the strap of her bag tightly as her emotions

were rioting at this moment. She gulped and waited for the elevator to reach her floor so that she could

get out of it as soon as possible.

She was praying to God when suddenly Alexandrio turned around and grabbed her hand one more

time but this time, his hold on her hand was so tight that she closed her eyes and gasped in pain.

"Why are you giving me this attitude? Who are you? A mere girl who works for me? Hm! Girls like you

roam around me all the time, dying to get a simple smile from me and here I am giving you importance

by asking you to date me and you are giving this so-called attitude of yours!"

Emily's mouth opened in disgust hearing his words. She pushed him with all her strength, he jumbled

back and the next thing knew was her hand struck his cheek and his head jerked back.

Alexandrio was furious. No one ever dared to raise his eyes in front of him and this girl just slapped

him. "I didn't ask you to give any importance to me,I don't want you alright so you can go and do

whatever you want to do with all those girls for all I care but stop harassing me," she said, her voice

shaking in emotions and her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"I am not a toy you can play with. I am a human and I have emotions, don't play with them please!" She

cried, not giving a damn about her tears.

Victor broke her from inside, her confidence as a woman. If it's as not for her friends she didn't know

what's he would have done. Yes, she was funny, jovial but behind her smiling face and jovial nature she

hide a lot of painful scars. Scars she didn't want anyone to see but today their glimpse was in front of


Before he could speak the elevator oingedans she was out of the elevator instantly, running with

shaking legs.

Alexandrio was stunned by her actions but more than that he was shaken by her words. He was a man

of the world and he knew that there was something wrong with her. It was like the girl he met on the

cruise and the girl now were two different personalities. The girl who user to flirt with him seems to be a

completely different girl from the girl now.

What are you Zvezda? What is it that stopping you from dating me? What…

Meanwhile, Emily took a sharp breath to stop herself from crying. Her back touched the wall behind her

while she sat on the floor. All those shady memories returned, she hates celebrating her birthday it was

her friends who always try to erase her bad memories with their efforts but they didn't understand on

can't erase something which became a part of one's soul.

And that day, that memory has became a part of he soul now. She couldn't forget the taunts, the

laughter of people, the smirk of Victor's face still fresh in her mind. She could still hear the words he

called her.

A gold-digging whore, who slept with him to raise her social status.

"Don't let your past affect you, Emily. He was no one. He we no one…" she reminded herself but what

should she just couldn't get that memory out of her mind. It was stuck in her mind and soul. She

gulped, wiped her tears and stood up. Her legs still shaking but she put on a smile on her face. She

couldn't to let her friends see that she cried. No, they invested a lot of their time and efforts to make her

smile again and she would not let them down.

Emily would smile for them even if she had to hide her pain her behind her smile.

On the other hand, Susan glanced at Aurora from the corner of her eye and noticed a small smile

playing on her lips. She could see that Aurora was affected by him. Susan needed to know to which

level she was affected by Liam.

"He is handsome," she started the conversation and Aurora frowned. "Who?"

"Liam Knight, woo. That hot look he has and that man wanted to marry you," she whistled. "I just

imagine how hot he would be in bed."

Aurora raised her brows. "He still wants to marry me which make him off limit from you to know how hot

he would be in bed."

Susan chuckled. "Ooo! Miss King is being possessive for Mr Knight!!" She teased Aurora who rolled

her eyes at Susan. "Stop it!" She said shaking her head.

"And I am not being possessive for Liam. I am just saying it to tease you."

"Aurora King I know you since we were in kindergarten so stop lying to me. I know you have hots for

him… Lucky you that he wants you as his wife, I wonder about his stamina…"

"Okay, stop it now. You and your stamina obsession," she said but recalled his intense kisses. The firey

moments between them on the island, how close she was to lose herself in his strong arms.

Susan could sense the change in her voice. Aurora darling, for the first time in months you are affected

by something or I, would say someone good. Liam Knight is perfect for you. He is the right one for you,

unlike that man who broke your confidence and wanted you to give up on your dreams. He was forcing

his lifestyle on you because he knew he would never be able to give you the same lifestyle you were

born into. But Liam has everything you need and most importantly he would be able to give you what

you deserve. Happiness! The man is mad for you. I will make sure that you see him as your knight in

the shining armour.

Once they reached their home, they both decorated the whole living room with colourful balloons and

sparkling paper. The cake was placed on the dining table in the middle of the living room, gifts on the

sofa and the food, candies everything else on the table beside the cake amd most importantly the

liquor bottles in an ice basket to chill it.

"Shut the lights and hide behind the wall," Susan ordered and Aurora did as she was told to do then

they both waited for the birthday girl.

Emily stepped out of the cab, paid the driver and turned for the door. She knew that her friends had

prepared the whole surprise birthday bash for her. So she slapped her cheek to colour them and

opened the door.

As she expected a loud Happy birthday sounded and she smiled heartedly. "Oh my God!" Her friends

jumped on her and hugged her tightly from behind. A happy birthday song played in the background as

Aurora kissed her head while Susan squeezed her in her arms.

"Why do you always bother so much? A simple happy birthday would have been enough for me girls."

Both Aurora and Emily looked at her with raised brows. "Shut up Em!" They said it at the same time

and they all ended up laughing because Emily said the exact same words every year and her friends

still do the same things every year on her birthday.

Finally, Emily cut the cake and offered it to Aurora first as she was the would of their group. Aurora took

the cake and fed it to Emily. "Happy birthday Em! I love you girl."

Emily had tears in her eyes. She smiled emotionally, tears rolling down her cheek. She found a sister in

Aurora. Then turned and offered the cake to Susan who fed it to her first just like Aurora.

"Happy birthday, Em," Susan said with a warm smile.

"Alright, let's eat our junk food and then let's get wasted tonight!" Aurora interrupted them and they both

looked at her as if she was some experimental organism under the microscope of their eyes.

"No!" They both said at the same time. "Alcohol and you are a bad choice. Wrong things happen when

you get drunk." Susan scolded her.

Aurora pouted. "Well, it's not my fault that my friends didn't take care of me when I got drunk. And let's This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

be serious Susie, Em, did bad things when she got drunk."

"At least I don't bang police officer's car or get lost in the sea!" She retorted teasingly.

"That was a low blow, Em!"

"I have the right to punch low blows today…"

"Alright stop it both of you," Susan said then she turned to Aurora. "You can drink but not more than

you can't handle and once you have your fill of liquor you are going straight for your bed. Deal?" She

asked Aurora in all seriousness.


They sat around the fireplace, dressed in their soft PJ's with liquor bottles and glasses. Susan opened

the bottle and filled their glasses.

"To Emily and her happy life…" she toasted.

Emily shook her head. "To our friendship…" she said and they clung their glasses in a toast and then

gulped the hard liquor down.

Exactly after half an hour, all three friends were completely wasted. "You know he is hot!" Aurora

giggled while Emily nodded,"I know he is hot!"

"Who is hot?" Susan asked.



Both said at the same time and giggled.

"Same pinch!!" They chirped and pinched each other. "Awww!" Aurora cried in pain as she snatched

her hand away and rubbed where Emily pinched her.

"It hurts, Em!" She cried and giggled. "Gurlzzz, we are wasted!" Susan interrupted slurring and then

giggling like a schoolgirl.

"You know he still wants to marry me…"

"And he still wants to date me…"

Again they said at the same time. "And I am still alone!!!" Susan screamed. "No Man for me I think I

want one for myself."

"Hey, who is hotter? Liam or Alexandrios?" Aurora asked. "Your man or mine?"

"He is not mine but if you are asking about the hotter man I think Alexandrios is hotter…" she slurred.

Aurora frowned. "Nope! Liam is. Have you seen his abs?"

"No, but I have seen Alexandrios abs so I know he is hotter than Liam."

Susan was trying to keep her eyes open but couldn't as her eyes dropped and darkness engulfed her

leaving Emily and Aurora awake in a drunkard condition.

"Noooo! Liam is hotter, Em. Wish I could show you his abs!!" Aurora whined. Emily patted her finger to

her chin. "You have his number, ask him to send a picture of his abs."

Aurora giggled. "Yup! I can do that wait, I am calling him," she slurred and picked her phone and speed

dialled Liam Knight!

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