His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 263


“I assume this bar is new?”

We had finally arrived at Danny’s party and entered someplace I couldn’t remember. “Yes, Panther replied. “They’ve been here for like two years. I heard they’re in charge of the bar at Tiago’s wedding.”

“Times have changed, haven’t they.” I smiled as I walked in further. Four years ago, Tiago was still in high school, and now we were talking about weddings and bars. “Not really. You were just locked up.” Panther chuckled.

“Come on.”

I followed him upstairs to which appeared to be the VIP section, and noticed Danny and his entourage. The expression on my face had changed as I looked at Misty, who was seated on his lap.

It seemed like she did not only got her lips done, but also her boobs and her ass. It was only getting worse and boy had I dodged a bullet.

She let out a surprised gasp the moment our eyes met and pushed Danny away. “M-Marvin!” She called out. I rolled my eyes as she made her way towards me and stepped back. “I-I didn’t—”

“I don’t care.” I smiled. I was not going to let this woman ruin my day. She smirked at my comment and brushed her long jet-black hair to the side while she blinked her eyes. “I don’t know if you’re trying to seduce him, but you’re giving me a bit of an exorcist vibe, so it ain’t working.” Panther came at her.

I had to hold back my laughter while Misty glared at Panther. Those two never got along, and I could finally understand why. I wanted to see how Misty was doing and was curious about what she had been

doing these past years, but nothing had changed. She was still as desperate as before.

“Shut up, you know he wants me-”

“To move,” I told her. “Misty, I want you to move.”

I looked past her, so I could take a look at Danny, who had an amused smile on his face as he observed the situation. He was only two years older than Tiago, but he seemed to have matured a lot. He looked more muscular, bigger, and unlike Tiago, he seemed fearless.

“Musty, move aside and let my friends go through.” Danny finally spoke up. Misty let out an offended scoff and stepped aside, so Panther and I could make our way through.

“It’s Misty!” She stomped her feet, still as immature as ever. I ignored her presence and focused my attention on Danny and a bunch of his friends who I hadn’t seen in a while. “It’s good to have you back. friend.” Danny pulled me into a hug. I could smell the alcohol from up close and knew he was drunk. He couldn’t even stand up straight.

He slammed his arm around my shoulder and forced everyone to give me a warm welcome. “You shouldn’t have done this,” I told him. I was serious. He shouldn’t have done this. What was the point of this ‘party’ if he had only invited his own trash?

“Don’t be crazy,” Danny spoke. “I should’ve gone all out, but your release was so sudden, and I didn’t have

enough time.” NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Oh, don’t you worry, you’ll have more than enough time in prison.

“Come on, sit!” Danny pulled me to the sofa. I sat next to Panther and gave him a look as a group of six women who were barely clothed, made their way in, and stood in a perfect line.

“What is the meaning of this?” I furrowed my eyebrows. I was not new to these types of scum like Danny and the Hernandez and had a bad feeling about this. The girls seemed uncomfortable and scared. They were practically screaming for help.

“They are yours!” Danny spoke as if he had just done something, “I brought one from every continent, especially for you-so go ahead and choose.”

I went down the line to look at the girls and felt the need to save them. I had to protect them. Even though the Castillo’s had no issue with the transportation of drugs, I was not down with this type of business, and it did not fit my list of crimes. These girls did not want to be here.

“Hmm.” Danny smirked. “Since you can’t choose for yourself, how about I pick?” He suggested before he put his fingers between his lips and whistled. “Number two and number three—’

“No, thanks.” I stopped the girls from walking. They seemed frightened and looked at Danny while I shook my head.

“Stop being such a buzzkill,” Danny cackled while he stuck out his hand. “Number two and number thr-

“He said no!” Panther jumped in. He lifted his jacket and placed his hand on his gun as his eyes met Danny’s. “So this is what it’s going to be like?” Danny smirked before he motioned his hand for the girls to walk away.

“Call Clover and tell him he needs to get him, now!” I told Panther. He wasted no time and walked away t fulfill my request. “Where’s your friend going? Did I piss him off?” Danny laughed right before he let out loud burp.

“Danny, I don’t think you should do this in here.”

“Burping?” Danny snorted. Even though I had the urge to beat him up, I tried my best to remain calm. Clover would walk in within no time and deal with this issue.

“No, the girls,” I told Danny. “What you and your family want to do is your problem, but don’t pull that shit in front of me.”

Danny let out an annoyed sigh and raised his hands. “Okay, Mr. Inmate.” He chuckled. “Returns from prison and thinks he has the right to tell me what to do. Guess what? You’re not the boss anymore.”

“Listen, Danny,” I warned him. “I really don’t want any trouble.”

This new attitude of his started to get on my nerves, and I wondered where he got it from. This altercation had once again proved that a lot had changed. People didn’t fear me anymore, and they were starting to feel a bit too comfortable around me. Tiago included.

“Really? Because I think you do.” Danny implied. “I did all of this for you, and you show up and you are ungrateful. You trying to tell the Hernandez how we should run our business-well, let me tell you something!” Danny stood up from the sofa,

I followed his movements and did the same to face him. “What the fuck are you going to do?” I pushed him to his limit. It was time for the Hernandez to know their place. I could hardly believe this was the same guy I had made out to be nice just a while ago.

Danny pulled out his gun and held it against my head while his entourage hurried behind him and did the same. The other females who were present in the VIP booth ran off while they let out high-pitched yells.

I was on my own at the moment, and Panther wasn’t here to protect me, so I had to do it on my own. “Come on, shoot!” I dared Danny. I was pretty convinced he wasn’t going to do anything because he knew it would break out a war.

“Don’t dare me, Castillo.” Danny slurred his words. He was drunk and lost, but I was pretty sure they could fix that in prison. “We both know what will happen if you shoot me-so shoot!”

Danny looked at me through gritted teeth and let out several cuss words before he pulled away I his gun. “Leave.” He demanded. “Since you want to be boring and ungrateful, leave,”

I chuckled at his failed gangster attempt and brushed the dirt off my suit. “I was about to leave anyway, and the party is dry as hell too.”

I turned around and made my way towards the stairs, only to cause paths with Misty. What was she still doing here?


“Leave,” I told her. I still cared for her at least a little bit, to tell her to get out of here while she still had a chance. Things are about to get nasty. Leave

Misty let out a huff and turned around. “You won’t be seeing the last of me. You hear me!” She spoke in her annoying dolphin-like tone before she turned her back to walk away.

“She has some nerve showing her face, doesn’t she?” Panther spoke as he waited for me down the stairs. “She does.” I agreed. “But I think the real issue is Danny.”

“He invited her because he wants to prove a point. He was to show me that he’s the one in charge now- but that’s not going to happen.”

“No, exactly.” Panther chuckled. “I called Clover and told him what’s up. They’re already on their way.”


“Look at you, dragging me into your rat-ish ways.” Panther commented. I had no time for his jokes and made my way to the bar. “H-hi, sir!” A female bartender greeted me. I shot her a smile and looked past her to see if I could find the owner. It would be for the best to give them a heads up.

“Can I speak to your boss?” I asked. The girl gave me an offended look and shrugged her shoulders. “It’s my place, and I’m the boss, so-”

“Oh, I’m sorry….Rona.” I apologized as my eyes moved to her name tag. If I didn’t know any better. I’d say she had just finished college, but that was not the point right now. “The guy in the VIP boot,” I began and watched as the smile on the girl’s face had vanished. She seemed beyond irritated.

“Has he been giving you issues?” She asked. Even though she seemed tough, she made it clear just how intimidated she felt, and it wasn’t hard to figure because I could clearly imagine how Danny probably

came in here, demanding a VIP booth. “That’s what I wanted to ask you.”

“Well.” The girl sighed. “He came in here and demanded a VIP booth, so yes, he did-but it happens often, so it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Listen, seaweed,” Panther interrupted me while his hands moved to a strand of her dark green hair. “Things are about to get dirty, and the feds are on their way, so I need you to turn off those silly lights and

that music.”

The girl let out a surprised gasp and looked at me while I gave her a nod. “I thought I’d give you a heads up, but please keep an eye on him until they get here-can you do that for me?”

“I want to ask questions, but I feel like I shouldn’t, so yes-sure!” The girl spoke. “By the way, do I know you from somewhere?”

I laughed at her question and shook my head. Unless she was in prison for the last four years, there was no way I could’ve met her. “No…I’ve just returned from uh…vacation,” I told her. “But you might know my brother. I heard you’re involved with his wedding-

“Tiago!” The girl spoke, surprised. “I mean, wow, the two of you are like twins. I knew you looked familiar, and he did mention something about a vacation.”

“Well, yes.” I scratched the back of my neck while Panther snickered in my ear. Nothing about this situation was funny. “I have to go, but thank you for the effort.”

“No, thank you for the heads up!” The girl smiled. “So, what are you? A special agent or something?”

Panther let out several giggles while I connected my fist with his shoulder. There was still nothing to laug about. “Yes, something like that.” I winked at the girl before I pulled Panther away.

“You think you’re so funny,” I hissed, annoyed. I was so irritated by Panther that I hadn’t noticed that I bumped into someone until a phone had dropped to the floor. “I’m sorry, my bad.” I apologized, but before I could get to the phone-someone had already snatched it away and stormed off.

I turned around and looked at the girl who had a black hoodie covering the back of her head and wat as she stomped towards the bar. “Rude,” Panther muttered.

“Not that different from you,” I chuckled while the girl disappeared to the back.

Whoever it was, one thing was clear.

She was also having a bad day.

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