His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 131

The next morning, Dale awoke to find his surroundings different from those he was used to. Then he remembered the day before and shot up in bed to look around.

“No, it wasn’t a dream,” said Candy as she sat on her bed staring at him.

Dale rubbed his eyes and then looked at her again. Her perfect body was something worth waking up to, but Dale tried to keep his cool. He looked again. It was hard not to look.

“Um, Candy, is there something you could wear that’s a little less distracting?” he said eventually.

“Oh, you mean something like this,” she replied.

Suddenly, she was wearing a tiny see-through nightie. Her breasts, along with her hardened nipples, were pushing the front out, and the hem barely reached her hips. She stood up and spun around for him to see. She wore no panties, which left nothing to the imagination. He started to get hard but was determined to stop her from manipulating him.

“I can see more now than I did a minute ago. Is there nothing you can wear that allows a modicum of modesty?” he said, trying his best not to let her tease him.

“Um, let me think. Oh, how about this,” she replied.

He looked again and saw her dressed in a tight leotard. Her breasts were straining the material surrounding them, and the crotch part of the outfit was riding up the slit of her pussy.

“Okay, you’re doing that deliberately, aren’t you?” he said.

“Well, of course, I am. I’m a succubus. I have no desire to dress appropriately. I’m comfortable with who and what I am. You need to accept that and we can then move on,” she replied.

Then she turned into the famous pop star Beyonce and was completely naked.

“Oh my, this one makes you blush. Why’s that?” said Candy as she walked over to his bed.

“Because Beyonce is special to me; she’s someone whom I admire and not a sex object,” replied Dale sternly.

Candy turned back to her natural form and then sat on Dale’s bed.

“From now on, I’ll only change if you want me to. I’m just trying to make you see that being my partner can be a lot of fun,” she said.

“I realize that, but I think I prefer reality as opposed to fantasy. That’s just the way I am.”

“You’re different from those I’ve been involved with in the past. You’re more mature than most, and you have an innocence about you that I find refreshing,” said Candy “Anyway, it’s time for business.”

She then produced two small cubes, which she placed on the table between the two beds. Next, she laid a metal bar over the top of them and held it with the palm of her hand. Suddenly, an image began to materialize from a smoke-like substance appearing between both cubes. It began to form; first, it was a man then it changed into a dog, and finally, a horse.

“Ah, I haven’t seen one of them for a while,” she said as she picked the cubes up again.

“What haven’t you seen for a while?” said Dale.

“That was our next target. It’s a shape-shifter. I haven’t come across one of those for well over a year.”

Dale got dressed, and they both left together. The maid saw the door opening from the hallway but saw no one coming out. She looked inside, but the room was vacant. She shook her head and carried on with her job.

Candy held another object in her hand when they reached the street, and as they approached the main road, she turned to Dale.

“It’s that way,” she said pointing towards town.

She walked slightly in front of Dale, and he couldn’t help staring at her tight and well-formed butt as she walked along.

Oh my god, she’s perfect, he thought.

“I can almost feel your eyes burning into my butt, young man,” she said, teasing him.

Dale felt a flush in his cheeks and wondered why he was like he was. He adored and even lusted after women, but he admired them as well. He admired their form, and he admired the way that they could make him react to it. Perhaps it was just his age, and with time, he would learn to accept embarrassing moments like these. He resigned himself to trying harder, and not allowing Candy’s slutty behavior to faze him.

Soon, they were approaching a huge shopping mall, and Candy’s hand-held gadget was telling them that their objective could be found within.

“Okay, we know our target is in here, but finding him or her will be difficult. How would you like to proceed?” said Candy.

“Well, I could enter each store and watch for anyone looking my way. Sooner or later we will enter the right one,” suggested Dale.

“The trouble with that approach is that our target could be on a break or out back retrieving some stock, and we’d miss them without knowing it,” replied Candy.

“Can’t your gadget pinpoint their location?”

“No, it’s merely for general directions in which the target is located; it can’t tell me which person is using a disguise,” replied Candy.

“In that case, I think our best bet is to wait for the mall to close and use the locator when they go home. At least that way, we’ll know where the individual lives,” said Dale.

Candy just nodded in agreement.

“That leaves us several hours to kill. What would you like to do in the meantime?” she said.

Dale wanted to go home and visit his parents, but he shook that idea off. Then he realized he was hungry.

“How do we eat in public?” he said.

“We can become tangible and visible. Eating in public places is the one time we do. Why do you ask, are you hungry?”

“Yes, I could eat some food right about now,” responded Dale.

Candy led the way to a small diner and just as they reached it, her clothing changed into an acceptable short dress with high heels. She then opened the door and they both entered.

“Good morning,” said the server behind the counter, who was looking directly at Dale.

“Good morning,” he replied.

They sat down in one of the many booths, and each picked up a menu.

“I didn’t even feel the transition from invisible to corporeal,” whispered Dale.

“No, you won’t feel it. It’s natural. However, it’s also the one time that you’re vulnerable, which is why my last master is no longer with us. He preferred to feel the air on his skin, but look where that got him,” replied Candy.

They had a good breakfast and Candy paid for it, leaving a generous tip as they left.

“Where do you keep the things you keep using, like money and the gadgets you use?” said Dale when they were no longer corporeal.

“Money is just an illusion to those we have to pay, whereas the gadgets I use are always with me, just like your sword,” replied Candy.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

They talked a lot more in town, and Dale started to feel comfortable around Candy towards the end of everyone’s work shift. As soon as they saw that the stores were closing, Candy used her locator gadget once more, and this time it was pointing out of town.

“He or she must have left for the day, so let’s follow and see where they lead us,” said Candy.

“Incidentally Candy, why is a shape-shifter considered a monster?”

“For a shape-shifter to take on another form, they have to kill the original and absorb them into their being. So, every time they use a different person or animal, that person or animal is no more,” replied Candy.

“Wow, to think I’ve been surrounded by this type of thing all of my life and had no idea,” said Dale.

“I don’t think humans would want to know that they exist. They believe they’re at the top of the food chain, and if that notion were suddenly dispelled, well, let’s just say that I don’t think they could handle it.”

They walked until they eventually came to the suburbs, and soon located the home where the shape-shifter resided. It was a large house with a beautiful garden and well-kept lawn.

“These monsters try to fit in, don’t they?” said Dale.

“That’s why they’re so successful in fooling you all,” replied Candy.

They knocked on the door but didn’t get an answer, so they went around to the back. A little old lady was pulling up some weeds in the back garden.

“Hello, can I help you?” she said.

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