His Mate, His Girlfriend

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

A Date?


“So like a date?” Luis asked, putting a mug of hot chocolate in my hands. Ellis asked me to have dinner with him, and Vee took over and accepted the dinner invitation.

“| don’t know if it’s a date,”


Love, you need to make it clear where you stand about your relationship or else he'll take it as a yes, and continue to pursue you,”

Well, | don’t know where we stand!”

“Do you want to get back with him?”

“I'm not sure how | feel about that yet, but Vee has already made up her mind. She wants our ex back,” | told him, frowning. He exhaled, and we sat in silence for a moment until | remembered something.

Luis, can you help me find dirt on Charlotte? | feel she’s hiding something,” He looked at me with interest.

Charlotte Casa? Sure,” he said without asking my reason.

I lay in bed that evening, but sleep was unable to come to me. | turned and tossed. To make matters worse, Vee continued placing Ellis’ unwanted pictures in my head. Erotic images. Moments of when we stood close to each other | have played in my head. | let myself enjoy. the moments as flashes of our past ran in my head. We were happy

and in love.

‘Yes, we were happy. He f ucked up, but we also reacted too hastily in hurt,’ Vee said.

| growled in frustration. | was scared to be with Ellis, what If the


second time didn’t work out? I'd be forced to see him because of the twins. And there was a promise | made to David.

‘| understand your fears and they are valid, but what if we give it a try and it works out?’ Vee said.

‘And David?’

‘He knew from the beginning you were in love with Ellis. He used your hurt to glide into your life,’ she snarled.

| grabbed my phone to call David and this time he answered.

David! How are you?” | asked, sitting upright. He was silent for a


“Ashamed,” he answered. ” Regretful for how | behaved with you and the accusation | made,” he said.

David, we need to talk,” | said, and he let out a sigh.

“The words no man wants to hear,”

I'll see you tomorrow. Good night,” | said and ended the phone call.

| would come clean to David about the confusing feeling | had for


The following morning, | woke up early and went to the gym as | always do. An hour after the gym, | got the twins ready for school.

| did the drop-off before going to work. | could feel people steal glances at me as | walked through the office space, but they were not hostile. What happened?

Jamie came to my side. He was enthusiastic.

What's going on around here, everyone seems normal after what happened yesterday,”


Well, Mr Krayton spoke to the staff about what happened. He was



intimidating,” he said. Hmm. That’s why they are not gossiping. | entered my office, and to my surprise, | found David there, carrying a bouquet of roses. | smiled as | took them from him.

They are lovely, thank you,” | said, smelling them before giving them to Jamie. David grabbed my waist and pulled me for a tender kiss. | pulled away from him.

“| heard about what Charlotte Casa did. I’m sorry | wasn’t there for you,” he said with sadness.


| put her in her place,” | grinned, thinking back at what happened in the lobby. It was satisfying.

David had a faraway look in his eyes, and | nudged him gently. He plastered a smile on his lips. A smile that was too rehea rsed. Of course, you did, babe,”

‘What is that look,’ Vee mumbled.

“| should leave now. | have a meeting with Carter,” he said, and | nodded, deciding we’d talk later. He walked to the door but halted to glance back at me.

“You owe me a date. We should go tomorrow,”

Without letting me speak, he walked out of my office. | fall on the seat in thought.

‘You're treading on dangerous grounds, Love,’ My lycan, Vee, sang.

Shut up,’


“What are you doing here?” | groaned as | locked eyes with the beautiful honey-eyed Zeyneb. | must admit, she looked gorgeous in her low-neck silk dress. Her hair is in an upto that exposes her delicate neck.


‘| want to sink my teeth in her neck, Loki growled. He acted like a love -sick puppy around Zeyneb Chasia.

“Shut up,”

“Luis,” Zeyneb purred, smiling at me as she stepped closer. | took a

step back. How could she be so bold to make it obvious that she desired me?

Witch, are you stalking me now?” | asked, keeping my gaze and voice absent of emotions.

“No. | was in Victoria’s Secret when | smelt your scent, and | followed it. Is that stalking?” she pouted her delectable lips. | exhaled and grabbed my coffee before going past her. She followed me.

Are you avoiding me?”

“Is it that obvious?” | rolled my eyes

Sarcastic rolling off my tongue. Zeyneb followed me up to my car, asking to go out with me, but | wasn’t entertaining that idea. | was about to open my car door when she slammed her tiny hand on it.

“| like you, Luis. Very much, and if you agree to go out with me and give me your valid reasons for rejecting me, | might consider backing away from you,” She said. | thought it over but shook my head, no.

‘Maybe you enjoy being chased by her,’ Loki sounded amused.

‘No, this is too dangerous for her,’ | argued. Before | knew it, she rushed to the other side of my door, opening it, and sitting comfortably.

got into the car. Her co conut scent filled the car, and it swirled around my brain. Her eyes glistened with emotion, and she was so irresistible.


Just one date,”


| pursed my lips, debating whether to answer.


Aren't you bored of that word? I’m getting tired of it,” her voice tinged with irritation.

Why do you insist on being with me? | told you that I’m g ay,” | told her seriously.

Oh, that. | know, but you weren’t g ay when we f ucked, and most certainly weren’t when you fingered me in my wine cellar,” Her eyes sparkled at the thought of our time together. She must be one of those sex-craved women. | was certain of it.

| started to drive towards the school, | was the one to pick up the twins today.


Where are we going?”

I'm picking up the twins from school. | don’t know about you,” | answered.

Do you think of me?” she suddenly asked, her eyes looking o window. | wanted to answer her honestly. | did think about her a She was quite intoxicating.

“No,” my lips twinged. | could picture the frown that overcame he features.

“| think about you every day. You say I’m a witch maybe it’s the other way around,”

She was brave, this one. | couldn’t help a small smile.

“| like your smile, Luis,”

The smile on my lips vanished as soon as she commented on it.

| was at the pick-up, and we both got out of the car. | was standing


against my car as we waited for the children to leave their classes. The temptress stood close to me. | didn’t retreat from her. | enjoyed having her close even though | couldn't tell her.


People at the pick-up stared at us, at her. Their regards were of envy, others lust.

Who wears that at a children’s school,” one woman whispered.

They were whispering around, but Zeyneb ignored the whispers. It was like she didn’t care at all.

Cayden and Solara noticed us as they came through. They ran to Zeyneb happily, and she seemed ecstatic to talk to them. | smiled as | watched their interaction.

Aunty, Zey, are you coming home with us?” Cayden asked. Zeyneb glanced at me.

“| don’t think your uncle Luis would like that so much,” she frowned.

“No. We are having a family pool party on Saturday, and I’m inviting you,” Solara smiled, and Zeyneb kissed her forehead.


Thank you, My baby. | will be there, she beamed. | was already dreading the pool party now. The witch would make it too tempting to be with her.

‘|, for one can’t wait,’ Loki husked.

We got in the car, but the kids insisted they wanted chocolate milk, so | took them to our favorite cafe. Zeyneb was with us the whole time. It was peaceful and beautiful.




Love, Charlotte. Love, Charlotte, for some reason, those two names resounded in my head. | heard from my assistant that Love and Charlotte got in a vicious fight, and it was Ellis, that m other f ucker who intervened. He carried Love on his shoulder even as she pounded against his back. That show off. | was angered just thinking about him.

Now why would he leave his mate embarrassed in front of everyone and get his ex,’ My inner lycan asks. It was so strange how Ellis was still attached to Love even after finding his mate.

It was odd. A mate bond is the most powerful bond in the world. Nothing could compare to it. The sensation and emotions of finding a mate are out of this world. It was filled with joy and excitement, but it wasn’t like that with Ellis.

My Lycan, Den, whimpered when a picture of my mate flashed in my head. | found my mate, Viana Mose, at the early of eighteen. Only a few were blessed to find their mates, and | was one of them. | was

happy when I found her. She was human. It was rare for a Lycan alpha to be mated to a human, but | was one of them. We lived our lives happily and in love. | spoiled her with everything. She never lacked, and | didn’t either.

Ayear into our relationship, we decided to get married. However, Viana didn’t show up to the wedding. She disappeared, only leaving a note that said she couldn’t marry me and that she was sorry. | was heartbroken. | searched for her everywhere, but | didn't find her.

From there onwards, | didn’t take any relationship seriously. | wanted women for my pleasure, and there came Love Chasia. | was drawn to



her instantly. Her blue eyes, beautiful long legs, and her confidence drew me in. | started to feel something profound for her but I ignored my feelings.

Love was so composed, and she just seemed like a lady, a princess. However, she belonged to my nemesis, Ellis. | flirted with her to

aggravate Ellis, but she knew right away and pushed me away.

When she accepted to be an intern at my company | felt hope that she might be mine. Nevertheless, she still pushed me away and rejected my advances.

| was pleased when she accepted to be my girlfriend years later, not because | desired her body against me but because she was rich and | was in a pickle. If we got married, things would work out for me, and | could prove to my parents I’m not a disappointment.

‘And Charlotte?’ Den asked.

‘What about her?”

‘You spend too much time together. | think you are beginning to feel something for her,’ he said as a matter of fact.

‘No. No. Charlotte is just an ally. Love is the goal. She's the full package, and with her comes a huge investment,’ | smiled. | pulled out a velvet box. | bought an engagement ring and planned to propose to her in front of people so she wouldn't say no. The door to my hotel suite opened, and | whipped my head to the door. | frowned at who was standing there.

‘What are you doing here again?” asked Charlotte. She didn’t look good at all. Her face was bruised, and her usually neat hair was tangled.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“| didn’t want to be alone. | feel like sh it,” she sighed, coming closer to me. | help her into a seat and take the one across her. | was


holding in my laughter. She looked her s hit.

“| told you not to approach Love. It was too early, and why did you insult her children?” | facepalmed. | warned her to plan her next move carefully and take her time, but she didn’t listen.

“She wasn’t reacting as | wanted her to. | needed her to insult me and be aggressive so that | should be the victim,” she explained.

“Now, you're the villain. You messed up, and everyone who witnessed your little failed show thinks you're a joke,” | told her, and she snickered. She poured herself a glass of liquor.

“| know, but I’m impatient. Ellis is madly in love with her and is going for her despite knowing she has you!”

Well, that will change after she marries me,” | grinned, showing her the diamond ring | got. An ear-splitting grin came over her features, and she ran towards me.

“Wonderful. Yes!” | cheered. However, her smile vanished quickly.

“It hasn’t even been three months since you’ve been dating. She will reject your proposal,”

“| know it’s a little quick, but we’ve known each other for more than five years. I’m a good man,” | said, and she laughed coldly. Does she know about your little habit?” Charlotte’s eyes were

amused. | had a gambling addiction no one knew about... Well, my parents did, and now Charlotte.

Well, she doesn’t need to find out,”

She will when you owe millions of money to the casino,”

I'll deal with that,” | answered quickly. She sat next to me and crossed her feet, playing with the glass in her hand,

“You're a fine man, an alpha to one of the largest packs around and


you're wealthy. Why did you start gambling?” Charlotte was curious. Why did | start gambling? | didn’t know. | found the games fun, and by the time my parents tried to pull me away from Casinos, it was too late. That was why my father refused to hand me the pack.

“| can stop. But | need to pay off my debts. My father is refusing to help me with the money,” | told her truthfully. | felt a foreign emotion, guilt, and shame. Those emotions bounced in me. Something flashed in her eyes, and she gasped.

“Love!” she yelled.


“Love... That's why you're adamant about being with her. She has money,” | looked away from her filled with disgrace, because she was right. Love was my hope.


Oh my go d. This is a twist!” she beamed.

“| fell for Love Chasia,” | was quick to say. | was falling for her, and | hated it. | couldn’t admit it to myself until | said it out loud for her to


“| won't judge you. We are allies now, and | hope things work out for us,” she sighed, gulping her drink.

After discussing with her. | took her to the clinic where she was treated. My eyes roamed the frail woman sitting on the bed as the nurses treated her. She was an attractive woman, and any man would want her. She could find happiness with another man, so why was she hell-bent on being with a man who didn’t want her? In my mind, | heard my lyean murmur something, but | shut him out.

My assistant, Angus, called me to remind me about the EC-group charity Gala. Every public figure attends, and it’s usually a success and brings more money. However, it was the day my mother was going for her bypas s surgery, and she wanted me by her side so |


doubted i could make it.

Are you attending the charity gala?” | asked Charlotte. She smirked,

“| wouldn't miss it for anything in the world. Reporters will be

swarming the event, and Ellis is the host,”

| dreaded what she was planning this time.

M Sunshine Princess Author.

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