His Identity

Chapter 56

In all of her years of driving, Rita had never drove as recklessly as she did now. When Rita heard the news, she flew out of her office. Even the security men had a hard time tailing her with the way she drove like a banshee.

All of Rita’s mind was focused on getting to Senator Brabra’s house on time. Rodrigo was back, she could hardly believe it. Not until she sees him, she wouldn’t believe it. Rita suddenly slammed on the brakes of her car when she nearly ran over an old lady who was crossing the road.

“You need to have your eyes checked”, the woman hissed before hobbling away.

Rita sighed, apologizing to the woman who flipped the bird. Rita drove away, a bit more cautious than before.

She got to Senator Brabra’s house soon, parking her car haphazardly at the entryway. Rita ran all the way in, halting in her tracks when she saw a group of people in the living room. Senator Brabra and his wife Magdalene were seated and Rita could tell that there was a frigid atmosphere in the air.

Rita walked steadily towards them but stopped when she heard her parent’s voice. They came in through the other area and they were quite surprised to see her there. The last man standing was Rodrigo who had his back to her. She stopped behind a huge table, wondering if perhaps she was seeing an apparition.

Just then, Rodrigo turned to face her. Rita’s legs felt weak as she held onto the table to avoid collapsing to the ground.

“Sugar girl”, he grinned.

Rodrigo was not quite the man she remembered. He had changed, a lot. His face was fuller, his hair sleek and there was an air of importance around him. Rita couldn’t quite place it but she knew that something positive had happened in his life.

Just then, from the main entryway, some policemen walked, escorting Edmundo who was bandaged due to the heavy beating he got from Ramirez. The policemen took him to a corner, standing guard beside him.

Rita was confused on why everyone was here. She knew that something important was about to take place but she couldn’t quite place her hand on what that was.

“What in the world is going on?”, her mother said.

Her expression was one of utter confusion and if Rita looked in the mirror, she was sure that her face would be a replica of her mother’s

“Great, thank you all for coming”, Rodrigo boomed.

Rita stared at him incredulously, she couldn’t believe that he was the one who called for the meeting. She was getting more and more confused by the second and the only way her confusion could be cleared was if all your questions were answered.

“Rodrigo, what is the meaning of this?”, Senator Brabra said.

“In due time, all in due time”, Rodrigo smiled.

Rita made her way towards a large chair, sitting away from most of them. She wanted to be neutral in times like this until she knew what the hell was going on.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“So, I have a revelation to make”, Rodrigo began.

The way he spoke was filled with confidence. Rita was surprised by the way he captivated the audience. They all listened attentively, eager for more.

“First and foremost, I was kidnapped”.

There were collective gasps from everyone as they stared at him with shock in their eyes. Rita wasn’t surprised because she knew this all along.

“And the very person who did this is in this very room”, Rodrigo said.

“Who?”, Senator Brabra said.

“None other person than your son, Edmundo”, Rodrigo said, quietly.

There was dead silence in the living room as every eye turned towards Edmundo. Magdalene, Edmundo’s mother had a sour look on her face.

“What sort of lies are these”, Senator Brabra seethed.

“I knew you’d say that”, Rodrigo smiled.

He waved his hands to some men who stood by the door. The men seemed to understand what he said and soon, they dragged in two battered men.

“Here’s your proof Senator Brabra”, Rodrigo said.

“And how do I believe you?”, he asked, his eyes narrowed.

“This is another proof”, Rita said, bringing out her recorder from her bag.

She was glad that she took the recorder whereever she went and this time, it was really useful. She pressed play and soon, Edmundo’s voice filled the living room. Magdalene’s face was contorted as she listened to her son’s voice.

The recorder soon stopped playing and the living room was immersed in silence.

“Do you now believe me?”, Rodrigo said.

“How could you?”, Senator Brabra screamed.

For the first time since Rita had known him, Edmundo looked remorseful. His bandaged head was downcast as his hands shook from the embarrassment he was currently facing.

“That’s not all, your precious son whom you all fawn over is guilty of rape and attempted kidnap”, Rita seethed.

She was leaving no stone unturned in dealing with Edmundo and everyone associated with him. They deserved to suffer for everything and everyone they hurt. Their crimes were far beyond what anyone could imagine and it was only proper for them to be punished for what they did.

“I don’t believe this”, her father said, looking tired all of a sudden.

“Please take him away”, Rodrigo ordered.

The policemen dragged him away. He didn’t put up a fight as Rita thought he would but simply followed the men who dragged him out.

“Please, help my son”, Magdalene sobbed.

“I’m afraid ma’am, I can’t do that. This case is with the police now and I suggest you let them do their job, don’t implicate yourself in the process”, Rodrigo said, quite sternly.

“But I still don’t understand any of this. How come you’re made and suddenly influential?”, May said.

Rodrigo chuckled, bringing out a small paper from the side of his powerful jacket. Rita stared at him, trying to make out everything that was happening.

“During my “kidnap”, after your son dumped me off in a remote village, I discovered myself. It turned out that I had a lot of inheritance left for me by my father”, he said vaguely.

At that moment, Rita knew he was lieing. He wasn’t being truthful and for the life of her, she couldn’t understand why he had to lie.

“I starved for many days in search of the truth until I met an old nurse who also resided in the village. She helped me a lot, telling me all about my birth and who my parents really are”, he said, looking straight at Senator Brabra.

By now, Magdalene was feeling uncomfortable as her eyes darted all over the place.

“And who are your parents?”, Senator Brabra asked.

“You are, and my mother Camille whom you dumped when she was just a teenager”, Rodrigo said, finally.

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